HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-02 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 2, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dale Cheatham, L.O. Ferguson, Dennis Burrack and Kenneth Wagner Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Connie Edmonston, Sandra Carlisle and Tessi Franzmeier PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT - PARK PLACE PHASE 5 DENNIS MULLENS - HIGHWAY 45 The only item of consideration was a Preliminary Subdivision plat for Park Place Phase 5. Submitted by Dennis Mullens, and represented by Dave Jorgensen of Albright and Associate. Property zoned R-1, Low density Residential District, contains 10.99 acres with 24 proposed lots. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT • Poage requested fire hydrants between lots 10 and 9, and 4 and 3. He also requested the 8" water lines to be extended from Phase 3 to Phase 5. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham requested an additional 12-1/2' utility easement on the south end of Phase 5. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested one road crossing on the south side of Phase 5. He said on every other phase he would be looping the lines together. Wagner said all easements shown on the plat were adequate for service. Wagner said the small plat showed some additional changes as to a tennis court, swimming pool and a road running up to those changes. He said he had not seen a preliminary on those changes. Jorgensen explained when Phase 4 was completed they would close off the cul-de-sac, and open up Phase 4 for access into the recreational area. \3 • • • Plat Review April 2, 1987 Page 2 Wagner requested a copy of the overall concept plan of Park Place. L.O. FERGUSON — WARNER CABLE Ferguson said facilities were available to serve north of and nothing available to serve the south side (Phase asked if Phase 4 was being skipped to start phase 5. Revere Place, 4). Ferguson Jorgensen said Phase 3 and 4 were done together, and were filed at the same time. He said those Phases were final plats and had been recorded at the court house. He said the engineering had been completed which included the water and sewer lines. Jorgensen said the pavement ended at the south side of phase 3. He said they had cleared the property to the east and west where the construction would start. Jorgensen then said phase 4 would start before phase 5. Ferguson requested a copy of the plat for Phase 4, and a copy of the overall concept plan for Park Place. Ferguson said the easements shown on the plat were adequate and asked how soon construction would start. Jorgensen said the developer had hoped to start by the middle of May. Carlisle read the plat review minutes of June 27, 1985. "L.O. Ferguson requested the same crossings as Ivan Faulkner with 2" schedule 40 PVC on Cambridge between phase 3 and 4 as well as on the south side, and on Revere Place between lots 1 and 18. Ferguson then requested a crossing between lots 15 and 16 on the south side of Revere Place, schedule 40 PVC 2". He said at that time he thought all they were doing was Lensfield Place to the south. DENNIS BURRACK — SWEPCO Burrack said facilities were in place between Phases 3 and 4. He said the facilities stopped at Phase 4, and future Phase 4 would be served with an overhead pole at the southeast corner. He said he would extend the overhead line on the east side to the southeast corner of Phase 5, and would start an underground dip at that point going across Phase 5. Burrack said SWEPCO had already requested PVC to be installed across Cambridge between Phase 3 and 4 as indicated on the final plate for phase 3 and 4. Burrack asked for the same type of crossing on the south end of the new development 3" schedule 40. Burrack said wherever there was satisfactory spacing for the street lights he would need an easement from the back lot line to the road in order to serve those street lights. • Plat Review April 2, 1987 Page 3 Burrack also requested a copy of the large overall concept plat. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked if the new street specs had been compiled as yet. Carlisle said it was not in ordinance form and that Larry Wood was working on them. She said the Board of Directors had approved the changes, but they needed to be put in ordinance form and resubmitted for approval by the Board. Jorgensen stated the plans for water, sewer, storm drainage would be complete sometime next week. He said the plan of profile for the road extension would be complete at the same time. Jorgensen said he would send a set to Don Bunn for his review. Jorgensen said Phase 3 and 4 showed sidewalks on both sides of Cambridge. Carlisle said a waiver had been granted at the Planning Commission for no sidewalks on the cul-de-sac, and a sidewalk on both sides of Cambridge. • CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARRS DEPARTMENT • Edmonston requested the acreage required by the green space ordinance would be .3 acres, or in lieu of land a cash contribution of $2,520.00 would be required. She added Phases 1 through 3 the Parks Board requested money in lieu of land, but phase 5 could be something else. She said if the developer was interested in appearing before the Parks Board they would meet on Monday the 6th of April at 5:00 p.m. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle requested a sidewalk along one side of the unnamed street, and around the entire circumference of a vehicular turn around in a cul-de-sac. Carlisle stated the preliminary plat would not go to the Planning Commission until she recieved the signed contract for the temporary road to Highway 265. She also requested a plat reflecting the access road out to Highway 265 from Phase 5. She requested proof of notification from all property owners within 100' by certified mail or signatures on the plat. She requested the street be named before the Subdivision Committee meeting Carlisle also requested that the quarter section corners and subdivision corners be monumented with 4"X4"X3" concrete monuments, and to stake all lots. She said the street lighting would have to be revised to reflect the minimum distance of 300' between street lights. She also requested a new copy of the covenants to reflect Phase 5 of Park Place. She requested 2 sets of As-Builts after completion of Park Place Phase 5. Subdivision Committee meets • • • Plat Review April 2, 1987 Page 4 on April 9, 1987 at 3:30p.m. in room 111. She requested 10 revised plats no later than April 6, 1987, with the Planning Commission meeting on April 13, 1987 at 5:OOp.m. Carlisle also requested a replat of the final plat of Phase 4 reflecting the change on the road at the recreational area.