HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-12 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 12, 1987 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Tom Mcllroy, Dennis Burrack, Dale Cheatham, and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Sandra Carlisle, Mickey Jackson, Connie Edmonston, Don Bunn and Tessi Franzmeier PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT ARCHER ADDITION - NORTH OF HOTZ AND GARLAND The first item of consideration was the preliminary Subdivision Plat submitted by Dr. Julian P.W. Archer, and represented by Ervan Wimberly. Property located north of Hotz and Garland and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Property consists of approximately 9.5 acres and 17 proposed lots. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson requested the fire hydrant be moved to Hotz Drive. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS DEPARTMENT Edmonstron requested a land dedication of .2125 acres or $1,785.00 in lieu of land. She added the Parks Department would probably not consider the land dedication. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWEST BELL Cheatham requested the front and rear setbacks as utility easements and separate the 50' utility and drainage easement. Cheatham requested 4" PVC under the street, and also requested a 25' utility easement along the south and west sides of the addition as well as around the streets for location of cable. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested the same front and rear setbacks as utility easements, and the additional 25' utility easements along the south and west sides of the addition as well as around the streets. He also requested a 12-1/2' utility easement in between lots 1 and 2. He said there was an existing high pressure gas line by lots 1 and 2 also. He requested road crossings at lots 7-8 and 9-10 and 2 at lot 11. • • • Plat Review March 12, 1987 Page 2 DENNIS BURRAC& - SWEPCO Burrack said he could service from Hotz Drive with a primary. Burrack also requested the drainage easement be separated from the utility easement. He requested the utility easement toward the interior of the development. Wimberly stated Mr. Archer had requested to use an antique looking light fixture for street lighting. Burrack said if Mr. Archer wanted to put a meter on them he could, but swepco would not have anything to do with it. Burrack stated SWEPCO would have to maintain something that was not standard. Burrack advised SWEPCO could supply only the round mushroom type street lighting. DON BONN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn saw no to take the the street. problem with service for water and sewer. He suggested sewers across the road to avoid to service lines across Bunn said if they were serious about exposed aggregate concrete streets, which he did not know if the City would except the maintence on those types of streets. He said that would present some real problems because it would be an extra cost for maintenance. Bunn requested if the road was exposed aggregate the 2" crossings would need to be in casings. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle stated the cul-de-sac would remain Garvin, but the street to the west would have to be a different name. She advised odd numbers would be assigned for lots 1-6 on Garvin, with the exception of lot 1 depending on the direction of the house. She said numbers would not be assigned until later. She said lots 7-17 would be even numbers and again lot 7 & 17 depended on the location of the home. Lots 8-11 would be even numbers and 12-16 would be odd. Sanitation department had no comments. Carlisle requested proof of notification of property owners within 100' by certified mail or signatures on the plat. She requested concrete monuments 4X4X3 at the quarter sections corners of the subdivisions corners, and stake all corners. She asked about the sidewalk, and Wimberly said an aggregate concrete sidewalk would be on one side. • • • Plat Review March 12, 1987 Page 3 Wimberly stated he saw no reason to build a sidewalk on the south side of lot 1 because just east of lot 1 there was a 6' retaining wall which would result in a vertical drop off. Carlisle advised Wimberly to mentioned that to the Planning Commission, and possibly asked for a waiver for the sidewalk on the south side of lot 1. Carlisle requested copies of protective covenants if applicable. She requested the street dedication to be shown on the final plat. Carlisle requested 10 revised plats in the Planning Office on or before Monday March 16, 1987. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT ROBERT WHITFIELD -OAKLAND TERRACES, SYCAMORE & GARLAND The second item of consideration was the preliminary Subdivision Plat submitted by P.R. Green Trust, and represented by Robert Whitfield. Property located at the northeast corner of Garland and Sycamore, and zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy advised cable existed on Bel -Air to the north. He requested the north setback to be an east/west easement. East line 25' utility easement, and the west setback line at Garland 25' utility easement. He requested those easements so they would have access to the back sides of the lots. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested the east and west setbacks as utility easements. He also requested a 12-1/2' utility easement off each side of lots 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 18-19, and lot 20 could be serviced from the north setback line. He said lots 1, 2, & 3 could also be serviced from the north setback line. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crownover requested the building setback lines be dedicated utility easements. He also requested some side lot easements for street lighting purposes, and added Mr. Whitfield could check with him later on that. Crownover advised lots 13 through 20 would be serviced overhead and the remaining lots would go underground. Crownover said he had existing poles on the east and west side. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Jackson requested the location of the proposed hydrant be relocated • • • Plat Review March 12, 1987 Page 4 in between lots 6 & 7, and added he thought the street was too long for a cul-de-sac. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised of an existing 8" water line off Garland and and meter should be set in the front with double taps. He sewer service to come from the north, with no service across Bunn requested drainage plans to be submitted to his office for SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Sycamore, requested Garland. approval. Carlisle requested sidewalks on the north side of Sycamore and the east side of Garland. She advised the ROW for Sycamore was 80', and the ROW for Garland was 60', and added if additional ROW was needed it would have to be dedicated. She requested proof of notification for property owners within 100' either by signatures on the plat or by certified letters with green receipts in the Planning Office before Subdivision. She also requested concrete monumentation 4"X4"X30" at the quarter section corners and subdivision corners, also to stake all corner lots. Carlisle requested a sidewalk on one side of the interior street, and the street to be named. She requested street lights every 300' or less. Carlisle advised a parks fee would be due on the subdivision and the cost would be determined by the parks board. She said if there were going to be protective covenants she would also need a copy for the file. She requested 10 copies of the revised plat no later than March 16, 1987. She advised the Subdivision Committee would meet on March 19, 1987 and the Planning Commission meeting would'be held on March 23, 1987.