HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-16 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meetiag of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 16, 1986 in Room 111 of the City Admiaistratioa Building, 113 West Mountaia Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burraek, Tom Mellroy, L.O. Fergusoa, Jim Crowaover CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Don Bunn, Clayton Powell and Saadra Carlisle DOUBLE SPRINGS - PRELIMINARY PLAT SOUTH OF WEDINGTON AND WEST OF DOUBLE SPRINGS RD FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF FAYETTEVILLE - MIKE PRICE The first item of eonsideratioa was the preliminary plat of Double Springs Subdivision contaiaiag 1.97 acres, submitted by Mike Priee and James Crammer, property located south of Wedington and west of Double Spriggs Rd., zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. This parcel of land has existing duplexes. Sandra Carlisle stated the bank had acquired this piece of property through foreelosure aad there was -an existiag home aad duplexes on the property. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn stated this property was included is the proposed sewer improvement district. Bunn said there was an existing water line in the road. He asked if the street was dedieated and Mike Priee said the map showed it to be a eounty road. Carlisle said the plat would have to show the road being dedicated at the time of reeordiag the final plat. Bunn stated this property was inside the City limits and fire proteetion should be provided. The existing water line was 2". Ervaa Wimberly said they would need to put the new sewer oa the South side but the water and gas were already there. Carlisle said Arkansas Westera Gas requested a 10' utility easement on the south side of lots 1, 2 & 3. Bunn said it looked like things would be tight. Wimberly stated he was working oa the sewer improvement district out there and they needed to install the sewer on the south side of the street aad run west of lot 4. Wimberly said possibly they might be able to dome in between lots 4 and 5 and thea go bank toward the road. �O� • • • Plat Review October 16, 1986 Page 2 Bunn requested a 15' easement between lots this property was 300' from the entrance off CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS 4 and 5. Mike Priee said Highway 16 West. Powell said these were going to be sold as individual lots and would reeommead this plat amply partieially with the subdivision regulations. He requested a formal dedication of the road ROW and improve the road to a redueed standard of 6" of SB -2 or more if warranted by a soil test and 2" of asphalt cement hot mix 24' wide. He also requested bar ditches to control drainage. Mike price stated the value of the buildings would not support putting in a paved street to the present owner. Powell said the radius of the cul -de -sae at the west end of the street showed to be 30'. The standard cul -de -sae radius on a publie street was 50' but could be modified with the reduaed street construction standards. Carlisle asked which lot had the house on it and Mike Price replied lot 4. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mnllroy stated they had existing service to the property and would request a joint easement with the gas company. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crowaover said if there was a City street dedieated they would require a easement outside the City street ROW for their line. James Crammer said maybe they could reduee the ROW from 50' to 40'. Clayton Powell said that could be a possibility but the Planning Commission would have to approved that. Crowner over said they could probably live with the same 10' easement requested by the gas eompaay. SANDRA CARLILSE Carlisle said the problem she saw was the setback in an R-2 would be 25' from the street ROW and as she saw it all these houses on this plat were non -conforming beeause they do not have the required 25' setbaek. She said they would have to go to the Board of Adjustment for a variaaee on the required setback. She requested aotifieation of the adjoining property owners before subdivision eommittee meeting on October 23, 1986. She requested 10 copies of the revised plat • • • Plat Review October 16, 1986 Page 3 on or before Monday October 20, 1986. She said the Planning Commission meeting would be on October 27, 1986. She said there would be a parks fee due for any new lots ereated which would be $85.00 per multi -family uait and $105.00 for single family lots. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson said they had existing service at that location. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jaeksoa said the water main was within 300' and felt their normal regulations should apply. Jaeksoa requested a 6" line down to where a hydrant eaa be located within 500' of lot 3. DR. BEN ISRAEL — PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT EAST OF HWY 265, NORTH OF FREDD STARR RD The second item of consideration was the preliminary plat for Dr. Bea Israel submitted by Ervaa Wimberly. This property is located east of Highway 265, north of Fredd Starr Rd. and eoatains 31.7 acres. This is outside the City limits. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was usable to attend this meeting but forwarded his comments: Brt said the sanitation department could service at the street and would need a letter of permission to do so. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell said this would be a tandem lot development for lots 3 and 4 with a private drive to be maintained by the property owner. Powell requested if there were any further subdividing of any lot the streets would be brought up to full City standard. Powell requested a state highway department permit for aeeess of lot 1 and the drive eatraaee off highway 45. He also requested paving 25' north of the cul -de -sae. Powell said there was an 80' ROW annotated for Highway 45 East and since this property was outside the City limits requested the sidewalk Bill of Assurance be omitted. TON: NCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mellroy said as long as they have 4 lots and a private drive aeaess for them to get service in there he really did not need anything else but if a lot split comes about then he would have a problem. Wimberly said the owner would require in the aoaveaants no further subdividing of those lots. • • • Plat Review October 16, 1986 Page 4 JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crowaover requested a 20' utility easement oa the east side of lots 4 and 5 thea split on the line between 4 and 5 and 2 & 3. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER CABLE Ferguson stated they have existing cable on 45 east but the size of the lots and the distanee from their line they would have to work it out oa an individual basis. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said all the water meters would be on the highway and the service lines should tot be in any dedicated easements. Wimberly said they would all have septic tanks. MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE CHIEF Jaeksoa said his only comment was for the owner to put a sign oa each lot that the Goshen Fire Department would sell fire protection to anyone who wants it. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle stated a parks fee of $105.00 per lot for a total of $525.00 would be required. She requested notifieatioa of all adjoiaiag property owners before subdivision committee meeting oa October 23, 1986 and 10 sets of revised plats oa or before Oetober 20, 1986. She said Arkansas Western Gas requested a 15' utility easement parallel to the entrance drive oa lot 5 aad they have existing service oa the south side of Highway 45. HUDGENS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE - PRELIMINARY PLAT SOUTH OF OZARK SMOKEHOUSE, WEST OF HOOT OWL LANE - H.H. HUDGENS The third item of consideration was the preliminary plat of Hudgeas Addition to the City of Fayetteville, submitted by H.H.Hudgeas aad represented by Ervaa Wimberly, property located south of Ozark Smokehouse and west of Hoot Owl Lane. This property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. DENNIS BDRRACK - SWEPCO Burraek said they have 2 existing poles oa the east side Hoot Owl Lane aad an existing line oa the north side of Smoke House Trail and saw no problems as far as service for those lots. • • Plat Review Oetober 16, 1986 Page 5 L.O. FERGUSON — WARNER CABLE Ferguson said they have existing service along Hoot Owl Lane and Smoke House Trail. CLAYTON POWELL — PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell. stated Hoot Owl Lane has been a major problem with maintaining for the eurreat owner. He said it was a 15% grade based on the eurreat topos and would recommend the streets be improved to a redueed standard within the 25' dedication siaee aew additional lots were being created. Powell recommended the streets be paved to a 24' reduced standard since there was a ehronie problem there already. He said adequate drainage was already in with the improvements to Highway 62 West at the iaterseetion. MICKEY JACKSON — FIRE CHIEF Jaekson said he felt the same way Clayton Powell did. He said if there were oeeupied houses up there and were going to be some more then they need some water supply which they do not have. Jaekson asked that a line be brought in off of Highway 62 and a hydrant to be platted at the northeast corner of the property. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn said there was existing domestic water serviee there. SANDRA CARLISLE — PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlilse had comments from Arkansas Western gas. They said they have a utility line on Hoot Owl Lande and eould service all lots at the property line with ao problem. She requested eaas at the end of the driveway for the sanitation pickup. She requested 25' of paving from the intersection on the private drive and notification of all adjoining property owners at the time of the subdivision eommittee meeting. She requested 10 copies of the revised plat on or before October 20, 1986. She said there would be a green space fee due for the 6 lots they were creating.