HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-02 Minutes• • • MINUTES OP A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, Oetober 2, 1986 in Room 111 of the City Administration Buildiag, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkaasas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burrack, Tom Mellroy and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Sandra Carlisle and Tessi Franzmeier FAYETTEVILLE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - LSD 1600 MISSION BLVD. - ROGER STAUB The only item of consideration was the Large Seale Development Plan for the Fayetteville Christian Fellowship Chureh submitted by Roger Staub and loeated at 1600 Mission Blvd. This property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle explained the building had to be loeated 100' from any property line if it was air conditioned beeause this was a Conditional Use in an R-1 zone. She said the plat showed the proposed building to be 25' from the east property line and would have to be moved another 75' west. She requested a certificate from the highway department for the aew driveway cut on Highway 45. Carlisle also requested all parking must be durable and dust free and there was a requirement for screening between a non-residential use and residential use whieh would require the church to screen along the east and west. Carlisle said she would not require them to sereen along the eemetary. The screening requirement would consist of natural screening or fenelag. Carlisle stated the screening requirement could be waived by the Planning Commission in lieu of 10% landscaping. Mr. Staub stated there was natural screening to the west. Carlisle said the plat showed a 123 parking spaces 8 of whieh were handieapped. She said the auditorium had 4,892 sq. ft. whieh would require them to have 122 spaces 5 of which would be handieapped. She said the adjoining property owners and the school across the street must be notified of the LSD, either by an ad in the legal section of the local newspaper, by certified mail or by having each property owner signing the plat. Carlisle received comments from Wally Brt, Sanitation Superintendent; he said they could use eans until phase II was completed then they IGS • • • Plat Review October 2, 1986 Page 2 would have to use a dumpster. She said the traffic superintendent did not like the one-way drive onto Highway 45. He would prefer every- thing be two-way traffic if that were possible. Carlisle asked if the house is the middle of the plat was the existing home they planned to use for the parsonage. Mr. Staub said they were living in it right now and obviously they could not move the proposed building to far to the west. Mr. Staub asked if there were some type of a waiver they could get for the required 100'. He suggested maybe they could place the proposed building by the cemetery. Carlisle stated they would have to go before the Board of Adjustment and asked for a variance on the required setback. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell stated on the east side of the plat there was a 30' ROW from the center line. He said highway 45 was an arterial street and the required ROW would be 40' from the center line. Powell said on the east driveway it would need to be 12-1/2 from the property line being it was not in the R-1 District. Powell required a 5' wide sidewalk across thefront of the property and would recommend a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McIlroy stated they had a major conduit line running across the front of the property. He said they had an easement across some of that in front of Root School and part of it they did not. He said before they did any digging they needed to contact Southwestern Bell. As far as there service there would be no problem they could service them from the south side of the street and would not require any addi- tional easements. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS He said they have an existing gas line oa the north side of the road. He requested an additional 25' utility easement oa the outside of the 40' ROW. Wagner said as far as gas service they could service the church from any point. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burraek stated they needed to have their electrician contractor contact him at SWEPCO. Burraek said they had a 3-phase line on the opposite side of the road. He said they would probably cross the road in the air and then go underground from that point but all the details could Iqq • • • Plat Review October 2, 1986 Page 3 be worked out with the eontrantor. DOA BUNN — WATER & SEWER SUPERINTENDENT Bunn stated water service was available off of highway 45. He said there was a sewer line that nut across the west side of the property and service would be available from it. He said if they move the building bank he did not know how available a sewer line would be. Bunn said if they did move the building bank they would have to decide where the best place would be. Buna asked if the Fire Chief had any comments and Carlisle stated she had asked Mr. Staub to get in touch with Larry Poage with the Central Fire Station and see what kind of fire protection Mr. Poage would require. Mr. Wagner asked if Carlisle had mentioned a 2nd phase on this a while ago. Carlisle said they originally planned to tura the proposed building into a school. Mr. Staub explained they had talked about that originally and it created quite a bit of disturbance so they pretty much agreed not to do the School. He said it might possibly be a 1st phase building for them and then build a larger sanctuary later. However having been definitive about this requirement he did not know how they would build a bigger anyway. It was decided that Mr. Staub would speak with his architect and work out the location of the building. Mr. Staub said they would ask the Board of Adjustment for a waiver on the setback requirement before they went to the Subdivision Committee.