HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-31 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, July 31, 1986 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Burraek, Jim Crownover and Dale Cheatham CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: GLEN OAKS - PRELIMINARY PLAT Dennis Ledbetter, Perry Franklin, Patti Reid, Sandra Carlisle and Tessi Franzmeier EAST OF OLD MISSOURI AND SOUTH OF SWEETBRIAR - JAMES LINDSEY The first item of eonsideration was the preliminary plat of Glen Oaks Subdivision, submitted by James Lindsey and represented by Gary Carnahan, property located East of Old Missouri and South of Sweetbriar, zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. This Plat was referred back to Plat Review by the Subdivision Committee. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burraok stated he had previously spoke with Carnahan about the needs that we would require for easements and they all appear to be included in this plat. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin stated he did not see any problem with the layout of the streets other than the sight distance around the eorners and the plantings. Franklin stated his first thought was there should be a cul -de -sae on the end of the three streets to allow people to turn around. Franklin asked Carnahan approximately what point in time are they planning phase II of this development and Carnahan stated they could not promise an estimated time. Carnahan stated at the last Plat Review meeting they would give a two year Bill of Assurance to extend the dead end streets or go bask and put in eulde-sacs. Carnahan asked if they eould pave a temporary circle and not put curb and gutter around it, with the 2 year rule. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn was unable to attend this meeting but forwarded these eomments: If Errol street takes another direction it would have to have another • • Plat Review July 31, 1986 Page 2 name for numbering purposes. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell stated Franklin had addressed the traffic matters adequately and mentioned he eheeked again and found the Apple Tree Nursing Home Center not the Mesquite Tree Nursing Center. DENNIS LEDBETTER - FIRE DEPARTMENT Ledbetter stated the four lots that front on the Western part of Errol Street would have one set of addresses and the houses on the Eastern part Errol street would have another set of addresses whieh would make it difficult for the fire department to determine whieh side of Errol Street the fire is at. Ledbetter also stated a Fire Hydrant would be required every 1000'. Carlisle stated the Western part of Errol Street should be renamed. Carnahan stated they would be willing to put a cul -de -sae on part of lot 47 and Lindsey does not want to extend Errol Street through lot 36 and tie in to Glen Oaks Drive. PATTI REID - PARIS DEPARTMENT Reid stated they would request cash in lieu of land for the parks fee whieh would amount to $4,935.00, Reid stated if they donated land it would have to be at 5 acres and they are showing 2-1/2. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham stated Bell saw no problem with this subdivision. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Stated he would like to talk to Carnahan about the sewer situation at some length other than that he had no comments. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle stated the lots would need to be staked, the street light spacing was adequate and the required sidewalks are shown on the plat and She requested 2 sets of As-Builts. Carlisle stated the adjoining property owners had to be notified by certified mail or signatures of the adjoining property owners on the plat and Subdivision meeting would be August 7, 1986 at 1:00 P.m. PARADISE VALLEY TRACT B — PRELIMINARY PLAT SOUTH OF JOYCE AND WEST OF OLD MISSOURI — LINDSEY, SEXTON & REYNOLDS • The second item of consideration today was the preliminary plat of Paradise Valley Traet B, submitted by Lindsey, Sexton & Reynolds and \Se Plat Review July 31, 1986 Page 3 represented by Tom Hopper of Crafton, Tull, Spann & Yoe for property located South of Joyce Street and West of Old Missouri Road. WALLY BRT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting but notified Carlisle of his Comments: Saw no problems. DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn was unable to attend this meeting but notified Carlisle of his Comments: Carlisle stated he wanted to know if they had done away with Paradise Valley Drive and would all 12 lots assess from Joyce Street and Hopper stated that was correct on both questions. TOM ENGLAND — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS No comments. - PERRY FRANKLIN — TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin's only comment was if the ROW fit the Master Street Plan. DALE CBEATHAM — SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham stated the West side of Joyce showed a 40' utility and drainage easement and asked if they would want service at that location and Hopper stated they would prefer the lines run from the South of this sub— division and Cheatham stated that would be acceptable to Bell. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn said he would prefer if the drainage and utility easement could be separate and Hopper said they could divide the easement into a 25' drainage and 15' utility easement. Bunn asked if the sewer, gas, eleetriet and telephone would be located in the South easement and Hopper stated yes. Hopper stated this is zoned R-2, but the proposal if for single family and they would keep the same comments from the previous plat that the developer would keep his options open to develop to the density of R-2. DENNIS LEDBETTER — FIRE DEPARTMENT Ledbetter asked where the fire hydrants would be planed and Hopper stated there was an existing hydrant to the East and they would space them at 1000' intervals and would be placed 150' to 200' off the road. 10 Plat Review July 31, 1986 Page 4 PATTI RNID - PARRS DEPARTMENT Reid stated at the May 19, 1986 meeting the parks board approved to recommend a green space requirement of money in lieu of land for 21 single family units. The replat shows 12 units and the green space fee would be $1,260.00 and if it changes to multi family it would be $85.00 per unit. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell stated the drainage and utility easement on the West side could not be maintained or improved. Powell asked Bunn if any development or drainage improvments were planned for the future and Bunn said he did not know of any but would not object to a designated easement. Hopper stated he would prefer to nut the easement off at the West end of this development and not dedicate anything until someone determines what would be done as far as•future development. Powell stated storm drainage would have to continue on Joyee Street or take an easement South between lot lines of 6 and 7. Clayton said they had 80' of ROW indicated and Hopper said they had an additional 25' on the South of Joyce Street, Clayton stated the City would accept a Bill of Assurance for street improvments to Joyce. JIM CROWNOVER - OZARK ELECTRIC Crownover asked if this development abutted against the condominiums and Hopper stated it does and Crownover asked if there was a continuation of the easement from the condominiums to this development and Hopper stated yes. Crownover stated they have lines on the North side of Joyce Street and underground behind the PUD and periodically we have to tie the underground into the overhead. Crownover stated he would request an easement from lot 1 to the road so they may tie into the overhead. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle stated if there were protective covenants she would like a copy for the file she also requested 2 sets of As-Builts, notification of all adjoining property owners either by signing the plat or by certified letter with return receipts in the planning office before the Planning Commission meeting on August 11, 1986, 10 revised copies of the plat for the Subdivision Committee submitted to the Planning Office no later than August 4, 1986. Subdivision will meet on Thursday August 7, 1986 at 1:OOp.m. • Plat Review July 31, 1986 Page 5 OARRIDGE ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT 1100 E. TOWNSHIP - OAERIDGE LTD. PARTNERSHIP The third item of consideration today was the preliminary plat of Oakridge Addition, submitted by Oakridge LTD. and represented by Ery Wimberly of Northwest Engineers Ina. for property located South of Township and West of Old Wire Road. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin expressed eoneern for a elear sight distanee from the two 25' aceess drives onto Township. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Cheatham stated Bell would require 4" underground PVC on the proposed and existing Hummingbird Lane. Cheatham asked if the Township widening was taken into consideration and Wimberly stated they had dedieated an additional 40' easement on Township. • DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Bunn asked how many water taps they would require and Wimberly stated eight. Wimberly explained they would move the existing fire hydrant back to the South and use a 6" lead and tie into the existing 6" line, they also were going to insert a 2" water main in between lots 10 & 7. Bunn stated he saw no problem with water or sewer eonneetions. DENNIS LEDBETTER•- FIRE DEPARTMENT Ledbetter stated there is an existing fire hydrant above lot 6 and would require a fire hydrant every 1000'. PATTI REID - PARRS DEPARTMENT Reid stated this development is in the Northeast Park District and the land dedication requirement would be .18 acres or money in lieu of land would be $1,470.00. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS Powell stated aceording to City Code requirements are 200' for Arterial or Collector streets and 150' for local streets, the distance between the jog of the Common Drive and the extension of Hummingbird Lane measured from the West ROW of Common Drive to East ROW of Hummingbird extension is 75' and from eenter line to tenter line measured 110' and aeeording to Code they would need a varianee. Powell stated this development would not increase drainage onto Township, as for Hummingbird • • • Plat Review July 31, 1986 Page 6 Lane there is an existing storm drain at Cardinal Lane interseetion. Carlisle noted the developer should have eovenants stating the drives for the tandem lots would be maintained by the property owners. Powell required the extension of Hummingbird Lane to be eonstrueted to full City Standards. DENNIS BDRRACR - SWEPCO Burrank stated there are a few poles that need to be relocated. There is an existing overhead line running on Township. Carlisle noted the City would require a street light every 300" and Burraek stated he would locate a pole at lots 6 & 7 and 10 & 11. Burraek said he Would service the bank lots off the Rolling Hills Addtion and the front lots off Township and all the easements are adequate for what they would require. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle stated no parking on the tandem lot drives and that should be in the protective covenants, each tandem lot has a 25' setbaek from all property lines, she also required a 30 X 40 hard surfaee turn -a -round at the end of each private drive or a Masonry garbage can holder with screening on Township for sanitation services. Carlisle requested sidewalks on both sides of Township and one side of Hummingbird, notification of adjoining property owners by certified mail with return receipt turned into the Planning Office prior to the Planning Commission meeting or all property owners signing the plat. Carlisle stated Subdivision Committee will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday the 7th of August and Planning Commission the llth of August at 5:OOp.m. and upon eompletion of the development she requested 2 As-Builts for the Planning office. ck