HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-22 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, May 22, 1986 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Tom McElroy, Dennis Burraek and L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESETNATIVES PRESENT: AMERICAN RED CROSS 1147 MILSAP - KIM FUGITT Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Sid Norbash, Sandra Carlisle and Paula Brandeis Today's item of discussion was the large scale development plan for the American Red Cross office building located at 1147 E. Milsap submitted by Kim Fugitt. The property consists of 1 acre and is zoned R-0, Residential Office. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage suggested the two required 101E ABC dry chemical fire extinguishers by housed in cabinets. He noted that code requires a fire hydrant every 500' while the nearest one to this building is 800' away at Highway 471. He said there is a 2 and one-quarter ineh water line in Milsap Road. In response to Fugitt's question, Poage advised an additional hydrant would be the developer's responsibility. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said there is a north/south gas line located further west than shown and one in Milsap Rd. He requested a 20' utility easement extending from the northeast corner of the building to the Milsap right-of-way. He offered, as an alternative, a 20' easement along the west border which the developer did not wish because of many large old trees. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy said he would use the same easment as Wagner and needed no conduit. Plat Review May 22, 1986 Page 2 L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER -ANE% CABLE Ferguson said Gable was available and 2" PVC would be required from the SWEPCO pole to the building if service is needed. He said he Gould wire the outlets during construction. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burraek advised the electrieian has been in contact with him and a work order has been issued for power from the pole at the northeast corner. He said blacktop is shown to the pole and guards may be required around the pedestal. He added that no easements are required as service will be underground from the pole. WALLY BRT - SANITATION Brt was unable to attend but advised the Planning Director that, although trash cans are alright for pick-up, they need to be relocated to the south end of the property instead of the north end as shown. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SDPERINTENDENT Osburn was unable to attend but forwarded comments via the clerk: The address will be 1147 E. Milsap and a site Bard is required before temporary water meter is set. He advised permanent house numbers are required, on completion, which clan be seen from Milsap. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised that screening is required between the parking and adjacent R-1 zoned property. She said if a variance of this is granted, 10% landsnaping will be required in lieu of screening. She advised that parking must be setback 25' from the street r/w or may be reduced to 15' with 20% of the area between parking and the r/w in landscaping. Carlisle added that the number of parking spaces shown are adequate and that they must be paved, striped and wheel stops provided to prohibit vehicles from extending beyond the parking area. She advised that adjoining property owners with a different zoning classification must be notified either by certified mail (return receipts to the Planning Offiee), an ad in the newspaper or signatures on the plat. Carlisle requested 10 copies of the revised plat in the Planning Office by Monday June 2nd for presentation to the Subdivision Committee June 5th. She requested proof of a pen test and advised the developer to see the sign inspector for his requirements on signs. 115 • • • Plat Review May 22,.1986 Page 3 Carlisle noted there is a discrepeney between the current survey and the warranty deed submitted at the time this property was rezoned in 1985. She advised this matter needs to be settled. SID NORBASH - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Norbash said there is no sewer near this location. He said the water line is 2 and one-half inch east iron that may be replaced with a 6" line some time in the future. He advised the nearest fire hydrant is about 800' from this proposed building. CLAYTON POWELL - CONTRACT MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATOR Powell advised that Milsap Road at this location is a sub -standard street and was first improved to its current size when the Christian Life Center signed a bill of assurance that they would chip seal and maintain it from the improved section to their property. He said he felt it was time to call the bill of assurance and request the American Red Cross to pay their proportionate share of bringing the street up to standard to their east property line. Powell noted the survey shows the existing 40' r/w dedication as well as the ship seal which has shifted the centerline. He said 5' of additional r/w dedication is required to bring the street up to the Master Street Plan requirement. He said, although the Master Sidewalk Plan does not tall for a sidewalk, he felt the way the area is developing requires a sidewalk for pedestrian traffic the Red Cross and the Church will be generating. Powell said he thought the Planning Commission should consider a sidewalk at this location. He said the drainage going into the street will be a problem, especially if widened with curbs and gutter. He recommended scupper drains or curb drop inlets at the drive as there is a critical drainage point between this property and the Christian Life Center where the drainage must cross the street and go north. Powell noted the street improvements are required by code and the Planning Commission may accept a bill of assurance or the City Board may waive the requirements. In response to Fugitt's question, Powell advised that the developer is responsible for hiring an engineer, designing the street to City specifications and submitting the plans to the City Engineer's office for review and approval. He also explained the bid process. Powell noted there is a procedure for an unpaved street, if the City Board approves a reduced standard, where the City Street Department will provide the labor and the developer provides the materials. He said he didn't feel those standards should apply in this case because of the institutional useage. He added that, because of the re -organization, the maintenance Brew has been reduced to a point where there would be a long waiting list to take on another project. Powell advised that monuments and property pins are being checked. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10 a.m. 1��