HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-08 Minutes• • • METING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 8, 1986 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Jim Crownover, Dennis Burrack, Kenneth,Tom MnElroy and L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Connie Edmonston, Larry Poage, Mickey Jackson, Sandra Carlisle and Paula Brandeis PARADISE VALLEY ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT JOYCE STREET - LINDSEY, SEXTON & REYNOLDS LUMBER The first item of consideration today was the preliminary plat of Paradise Valley Addition located on Joyce Street west of Highway 265. The 7.35 acre tract is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential and is being developed by J & N Lindsey, G.A. & E.D. Sexton and J.W. Reynolds Lumber Company. Tom Hopper of Crafton, Tull, Spann & Yoe represented. JAMS CROWNOVER - OZARRS ELECTRIC Crownover said underground service exists to adjacent condominiums Hopper said he preferred service to come around the bank side of the lots in the easements shown. Crownover said the 20' easement shown is adequate unless other utilities need to be installed in it. He requested conduit under street crossings. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy advised the easements must be at least 25' wide in order to accomodate phone service and probably gas. He requested 4" PVC from the east line under the street. McElroy said he would like to see the utility easements and drainage ditches separated and Crownover added he would not like paving over his lines. Hopper said he preferred to dedicate a wider easement than separate easements. McElroy requested the easement be 30' with a well defined drainage ditch. Carlisle interjected, advising of the City Board's dissatisfaction with the number of easement vacations recently requested. She suggested easements not be requested unless there is a specific need. McElroy inquired as to number of units and Hopper replied that, although single family units are being planned, the developer would like to remain flexible in this R-2 zoned project. • • • Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 2 KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Hopper requested Wagner proceed with plans for installing gas service at this time. Wagner said he would agree to easements as requested thus far and noted that the gas line must be a minimum of 10' from the sewer line. He advised a total width of 30-35' would be adequate. Hopper noted this situation exists only on the west end. Wagner advised of an existing gas line on the west side that can be extended wherever service is needed. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER -AMEX CABLE Ferguson asked if an easement exists behind the existing pad on the east side and Hopper replied there was. Ferguson said he had no problem with the easements and requested schedule 40 PVC conduit crossing the street. He asked that ditches be designated "utility" instead of "electric" as there has been a recent problem regarding this issue. LARRY POAGE, MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage asked for number of existing fire hydrants and Hopper replied one exists at the entrance to Paradise Valley Condominiums approximately 300' away. Hopper said he would plane one on each entrance to this development. in response to Jackson's question, Hopper replied there is an 8" water line for hydrants through the adjacent golf course and said he will extend that line to the west end of this subdivision. Jackson requested not less than three fire hydrants to serve this project with one being planed approximately in the center (corner of lot 7, west corner of lot 3 and lot 12 at the street). Hopper asked to move one from lot 3 to Joyce Street to which Jackson did not object. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston advised that, aeeording to the Greenspane Ordinance, a total of .26 acres of land or $2,205 cash based on $105 per eaeh single family unit. She noted that Lindsey is in the process of dedicating land for park area on Gregg Street which may be applied to this plan. She said the Parks Board will meet May 19th at 4:00 in Room 326 to discuss final decision on this matter. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Powell inquired into the zoning, which is R-2, and the developers' plan to build single family dwellings. Hopper said there are no covenants at this time and reiterated the intention to build single family homes. All utility representatives agreed this question should be settled before lines are installed as it will affect the most involved. • • • Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 3 Powell said Joyce is designated as an arterial with an 80' r/w which he said is noted on this plat. After discussion with Hopper, it was determined that this developer is dedicating 20.46'; Powell advised that 59.54' may be required of property owners on the north side of Joyce in order to retain a straight street as the venter line of Joyce aligns with the quarter -quarter section line on that portion from Highway 471 to Old Wire Road. Powell said Joyce was 4-laned with participation of property owners from Old Missouri to 471 and it had been the city's intent to eontinue to the east to 265 with 4 -lane. He said it was paved to a reduced standard of 22' wide which has been serving adequately. Powell said he felt the developer should enter into a b/a to participate with the city at the mall of the city to upgrade Joyce to arterial standard (31' paving back-to-back of curb) and added that CTSSY engineered this stretch of Joyce when they improved that from Old Wire west. He said Paradise Valley Drive should be constructed to local current proposed City standards. He said there is a long standing poliey that all drainage between lot lines within a subdivision shall have improved drainage structures either concrete lined or storm culvert (which he said he preferred as property owners do not tend to fill them with brush and block them). Powell said the drainage ditch on the west was a problem in that it has grown up blocking drainage on the north side of Joyce Street. He said he anticipates development all along Joyce and recommended the ditch on the west side be increased to 25' for drainage improved to the 25' flood plain criteria. He said, because it is on the perimeter, the minimum improved he would recommend is fabric lining to control erosion and vegetation with rip -rap of limestone boulder or a concrete lined ditch. Powell concluded that sidewalk is required along Joyne Street and that the street bill of assurance would be for 31' of paving back to bank of curb. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn asked about sewer and Hopper said it will be across the back and along the north side of Paradise Lane. Bunn requested service lines be installed to the easement edge in order to prevent disruption in the future. He stated this is a new polio}, applied when sewer is installed in the same easement as other utilities. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised that the subdivision corners must be monumented and lot lines staked. She requested property owners within 100' be notified of this development either by an ad in the legal section of the newspaper with a tear sheet presented to the Planning Office; the plat signed by said property owners; or, certified mail, return receipts presented in the Planning Office before the Planning Commission review. Carlisle requested a dopy of covenants prior to the Planning Commission meeting and 10 oopies of revisions to this plat in the offioe by May 19th for Subdivision Committee May 22nd, Planning Commission meeting May \ (CS • • • Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 4 27th. She concluded that sidewalk is required on the south side of Joyce Street and the north side of Paradise Valley Drive. WALLY BRT - SANITATION DEPARTMENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting but notified Carlisle that he saw no problem with the development. LAKE ADAIR FISHING POND — LSD RANDY ADAIR — SOUTH COLLEGE NEAR BY—PASS The second item of consideration was the large scale development plan submitted by Randy Adair for a "pay -pond" located on South College near 24th Street. The 2 aures are zoned C-2, Commercial. Adair noted there is no need for gas, cable or telephone. He explained that the new building will be of nonnrete block with bathrooms, a fish °leaning room and a canteen for purchase of packaged chips and drinks. Burraak of SWEPCO advised service is already in plane and City Engineer, Bunn said he saw no problems. LARRY POAGE, MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage and Jackson determined that fire hydrants were adequately located to serve this project and Adair added that he keeps a pump at the pond. Poage requested fire extinguishers installed. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS/WALLY BRT - SANITATION Powell noted a permit is required if the driveway is to Adair said he has already made application for sueh a was not present but had recommended commercial trash mans SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised that adjoining property owners must be notified of this development. She requested two sets of "as -built" plans upon completion. She inquired into the existing landscaping and advised that view -obscuring fencing is required between oommereially zoned property and any residential property. Carlisle said the driveway must be either chip and seal asphalt or concrete and must be striped with wheel stops provided to contain vehicles within the parking area. She asked that the handicapped parking spaces be marked and noted that 39 spaces are required based on 1/1000 square feet of recreational site area. Carlisle requested 10 copies of the revised plat by Monday May 19th for Subdivision review on May 22nd at 4:00 P.M. be modified. permit. Brt on Hwy. 471. Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 5 YORKTOWN SQUARE ADDITION — PRELIMINARY WADE BISHOP — STUBBLEFIELD ROAD Today's third item of consideration was the preliminary plat of Yorktown Square Addition located on the north side of Stubblefield Road and submitted by Wade Bishop. Property consists of 26 acres and is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. Mel Milholland of Milholland Engineering presented a revised copy of the preliminary plat which shows one lot added to Block 1 on the south side. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARRS AND RECREATION Edmonston advised that the Greenspaee 0rdinance requires 1.0375 acres of land or $8,715 cash in lieu of land based on $105 per single family dwelling unit. She said this addition will be discussed at the Park's Board meeting of May 19th. LARRY POAGE, MICKEY JACKSON - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage asked about water lines and Milholland described an 8" line looping though the addition and connecting to a 6" line in Stubblefield. Poage said four hydrants are proposed and requested an additional one placed around lot 10 along Castlewood Lane. Milholland agreed to place hydrants a minimum of 500' as per Fire Code. Jackson said he has expressed a desire for a City Ordinance which would require at least a 6" line for residential subdivisions and if the line is extendable, the minimum would be 8". He said Yorktown Square points out the need for this noting that 1000 gpm are available at the corner of Masonic and Summerhill at 40 psi which is adequate supply for these residential subdivisions. Jaekson noted that the 6" lines are stubbed off for the next addition to tie into and when this is perpetuated, it becomes a borderline situation as to protection. He said the line in this addition is looped with no intention of making it deadend but added that the line on Stubblefield which the internal lines connect to, is just a 6" pipe in the ground without a feed. Jackson said there is a 6" line south of this location at Loxley and Harold. He suggested future development in this area be examined in regards to connecting adequate water lines noting that the 6" line in Stubblefield should be connected to the one in Harold before any further development. Don Bunn, City Engineer, said there are no definite plans immediately but agreed it was a logical plan. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover said the easements look adequate except for Block 3 which has no access. He requested an easement between lots 22 and 23 of Block 1 to align with the back sides of Block 3. He also requested an easement between lots 4 & 5 of Block 2. Crownover asked that the I1� • • • Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 6 developer alear up any potential controversy regarding adjoining property owners as it appears some of this development has been used for some time. Bishop assured Crownover that there is a signed document whieh denies claim to any of this project. Crownover said the line along the east side will remain overhead but the developer aould have an underground secondary from that line. He said he may need an additional easement between lot 1 & 2 Block 4 so that Bloak 5 is not on a radial by itself. He noted that additional easements requested may be 15-16' wide if eleatrie service is the only utility to use them. Crownover requested 3" PVC conduit under all four street crossings. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy asked for an additional easement between lots 4 & 5 Bloak 2 whish he noted should be widened to 20' and requested a 16' easement between lots 21 & 22 Block 1 to aeeess Block 3. He said all other easements are fine and requested 4" PVC under street crossings KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the easements between lots 21 & 22 and that between 22 & 23 will be adequate and that his preference would be 22/23. He said there is an existing 2" gas line on the west side of this property up to the 25' easement on the north side of Masonic Drive. He said there is also an existing 3" high pressure line on the north side of Stubblefield and he requested the developer CALL BEFORE DIGGING. Wagner noted that buildings must be set back a minimum 25' from high pressure lines. He advised there is a street Balled Edgewood Drive whieh may eonfliat with the developer's ehoime of Wedgewood in this addition. He requested all easements be cleared and to grade and added he could serve Phase I from the west line with no problem. He requested the easements as described by the other utilities. Wagner said AWG will install pipe under the street when notified. All utility representatives agreed to reduce the easement along the west side of this development to 10'. L. 0. FBRGUSON - WARNER -AMEX CABLE Ferguson asked that ditches be designated as utility rather than elestrie. He requested 2" PVC eonduit under the street arossing on Notingham between lots 4/5 to lot 13, between 22/23 on Stratford and between lots 10/11 on Castlewood to lots 4/5 and between lots 1/2 on Winfield. Ferguson said he will serve overhead on the east side and dip underground into the addition. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn requested serviae lines from the sewer to the edge of the easement where utilities are installed with sewer (as per a new policy). He n Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 7 said he would like to see the sewer line in the street. Bunn said he thought the 6" water line in Stubblefield should be tied into the one at Loxley and Harold. He asked for as much notice as possible for sewer tap as a tight schedule is anticipated. He requested the 4" service shown on the north border of Block 4 be privately maintained as the City does not maintain those less lines less than 6". CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS Powell noted a critical access problem for lots 26 & 27 Block 1 because in terms of driveway safety zone. Powell advised any agreement modifying setbacks on these lots be noted in the covenants and added that no waiver of the safety zone is recommended. He nontinued, noting that 50' of r/w is required on Stubblefield to the west line of lot 2 Block 2 where there is a jog reducing the r/w to 45'. He said there is a high pressure gas line at this location. He recommended this developer bring Stubblefield up to current residential standards including storm drainage. Powell inquired into the name of both the entrance boulevard and the first east/west street. Bishop suggested the entrance be a continuation of Loxley. Powell said there has been a policy for boulevard type entrances to be a total of 70' in order to provide for sidewalk, curbs and street signs. He recommended the drainage provision between lots 1 & 2 Block 2 be backed up to the subdivision entranee and that additional storm drainage be provided in Phase I beginning at Manchester Drive towards the south. He expressed concern regarding the density and aeeess of the area to the east. Milholland explained that area will be an el -shaped subdivision with acoess to Stubblefield and Manchester. He said the storm drainage on Manehester will travel eastward and be parried out to Stubblefield. Powell mentioned that, at one time, there was a thought expressed by the Planning Commission and/or the Board of Directors about the possibility of Masonic extending eastward and Ellenberg extending south to within the vicinity of this addition. He said he has no further recommendations on this matter. Powell said the natural ravine at the end of the drainage ditch at lot 30 Block 1 should not be filled with rubbish or debris and recommended the auls-de-sac be permanently constructed at both Notingham Platte and Manchester. Milholland said he would like to install concrete tire stops in place of a barrier at the west end of Wedgewood to which Powell agreed. Powell suggested extending the line of Phase I to the north side of Lot 7 Bloek 2, adding another lot in that Phase. Milholland and Powell discussed internal drainage and Powell recommended boxes at the corners of Lots 10 and 13 (along Notingham) and at lot 19 on the north side of Manchester where there is the possibility of installing a concrete swale. He suggested culverts on both south corners of lot 12 Block 1 (along Notingham). Milholland asked if the entry way could be widened only to the east creating a slight jog for Loxley. Carlisle said there was no problem. I� 2 • • • Plat Review May 8, 1986 Page 8 WALLY BBT - SANITATION DEPARTMENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting but notified Carlisle that he saw no problems and that all radii are sufficient. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle requested sidewalks be shown on the revised plat. She advised that only the Board of Directors may waive the sidewalk requirement and questioned whether or not the entry way needs a name. She requested adjoining property owners be notified before Subdivision review either by certified mail, return receipts received in the Planning Office or an ad in the legal section of the newspaper with a tear sheet provided as proof. Carlisle noted that subdivision corners must be monumented and all lots must be staked. She advised that waivers, as requested on this plat, must be presented in writing to the Planning Commission. She reiterated the need for a change in name for Wedgewood. Carlisle said 10 copies of the revisions of this plat are required to be in the Planning Office by May 19th for Subdivision review on May 22nd and Planning Commission presentation May 27th. She also noted that if covenants are written, they must be presented before the Planning Commission meets. She requested two sets of as-builts on completion and noted a resolution should be reached regarding the Greenspace requirement before Subdivision Planning Commission review. Milholland requested permission to show the easement on the north side of Block 3 and that on the north side of lot 20 as part of Phase I on the plat as future lots instead of as a separate description. Carlisle agreed. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M. 0'