HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-17 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 17, 1986 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dale Cheatham and Dennis Burrack CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Clayton Powell, Sandra Carlisle and Paula Brandeis WEDINGTON POINT CENTER NORTH GARLAND AND WEDINGTON Today's item of consideration was a large scale development plan for Wedington Point Center located just north of Wedington on N. Garland. The plan was submitted by Harry Tolliver for 5.36 acres of C-2 property (Thoroughfare Commercial). Doug Thompson, Harry Tolliver, Carol Fiddler and Attorney Marcia Brinton represented this development. DALE CHEATHAM - SOUTHWESTERN BELL 'Cheatham requested a 25' utility easement around the perimeter of the development with 4" PVC conduit under all driveways and paved surfaces. He said there is a pole lead on Garland and if the drives are in conflict with the lead, the developer will be responsible for the cost of relocating. Tolliver asked if the 25' easement requested could be taken partly from this property and partly from the adjoining property. It was stated by utility representatives that this was not acceptable as the adjoining property owner may not develop their parcel for some time, while this developer may chose to develop right away. Cheatham said the easement will be underground. The developer asked if the power poles along Garland can be relocated and Cheatham replied it would be at the developer's expense. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner also requested a 25' perimeter 'easement. He said the gas line needs to be at least 10' from sewer line. He said he would accept a written document of easement existing on the west property line from the Woodland Hills property. Tolliver said they would dedicate the 25'. Wagner asked that the 50' building setback shown on the east and north sides be designated as "50' building setback and 25' utility easement". He noted an existing gas line on the east side k58 • • • Plat Review April 17, 1986 Page 2 of the property that can be tapped and extended to Building B. He added there is a line on James Street as well as the west side of Mt. Comfort Road which can be tapped and extended to any location. Wagner said he preferred not to locate the gas meters in the driveway as is shown. He said the meters may be set in a green area on the west side or at the building. He requested a 10' easement where each service extends to the building but approved of a manifold situation. Wagner advised of a private telephone line on the west side of Garland belonging to the University of Arkansas. He noted the bank of gas meters may not be set under electrical meters and he requested the meters be permanently marked as to suite number. DENNIS BURRACK - SwEPC0 Burrack noted that only one transformer may be used for a commercial concern if it is not a "through the roof, non -penetrable" fire wall. Thompson said there will be three or four fire walls that do not extend through the roof as the roof will be non-combustible material. Burraek said multiple services to the building can be extended from the single transformer. He said if the fire walls extend through the roof, a transformer could be installed at each separate building. He requested electrical load before service is installed. Burrack said transformers are 40" wide, 50" long and 40" high with adequate area being needed to set them in. He said, by code, the transformer must be 5' away from the building and if there are openings in the building it increases to 10'. Thompson said if two transformers were used, he might set one in the northwest corner and one in the parking area at the extreme south end. Burrack requested a 25' perimeter utility easement except in a small area on the south side which is only 24' wide, to which the other utility companies agreed. He also requested the easement entering into the property on the south side be 15' as it must accomodate both electric and telephone service. Burrack said there is an aerial line on the south side of James which turns the corner on Mt. Comfort and another on the east side of Garland. In addition, he said there is a transformer bank which serves Mellroy Bank on the south side coming from Wedington. He said temporary service for construction purposes will be available from the transformer serving the bank upon an agreement to cross their property as well as secondary single phase service available on James Burrack advised the easements must be cleared and to grade before service is installed and he added conduit may be needed in some areas. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage said it appears each business will have both a front and back door. He said each must have a 5-1011 fire extinguisher, perhaps in aabinets, depending upon the type of business. Poage advised there is a fire hydrant in front of Mellroy Bank and that one is needed 561, • • • Plat Review April 17, 1986 Page 3 on James at the northwest entrance to this project. He also stongly recommended an additional hydrant within the project. Poage said the hydrant water line must be 6". He suggested speaking with insurance representatives for incentive on installing the internal fire hydrant. He advised the maximum distance from hydrant to any building point is 500'. The developer asked if electric and telephone lines could be installed in the same ditch if encased in conduit. Burrack agreed, noting a separation of 12" is required. He advised that SWEPCO, for a single commercial use, will put a pole at the property line and the developer is responsible for installing all conduit to the transformer to SWEPCO's specifications. He added that, if it is a multiple use contract, SWEPCO will install the conduit and charge the developer/owner for any excess of forty cents per foot incurred in installation. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted a tie into the sanitary sewer at Mt. Comfort and James Street which he assumed would be a private service line to Building B. He said a manhole needs to be constructed further west on James Street where a new 6" service is shown. Bunn said there is water service shown at two locations. Master metering was approved by Water Meter Superintendent, Don Osburn. Bunn said if the meter box is over a certain size the developer must construct it. He said there is nothing in the 10" sewer easement shown on the west side and asked it be designated as utility easement so that other utilities may use it. Bunn said if the fire hydrant is set on James Street, the 6" water line must be extended from Mt. Comfort Road and the hydrant must be built to City specifications, drawn up by a registered engineer. He said if it is on private property, it needs to be least 5' from any other utility. Bunn said if the fire hydrant is set in the middle of the development, it will be a private line and charged $22.50/month with the developer responsible for both the hydrant and the line. He said if it is to be the City's responsibility, it must be drawn up by a registered engineer, submitted to his office for approval with a 15' easement dedicated for it. DON OSBURN — WATER NETER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn requested the maximum number of suites in the buildings and the type and number of fixtures expected. He assigned 1215 N. Garland to Building B and 1225 N. Garland to Building A. He advised the suites must be identified with numbers, not letters. Osburn requested a site card be displayed during construction and permanently affixed numbers on the building on completion. He requested the numbers be large enough to see when driving by. Osburn explained a site card is issued by the Inspection Department when a building permit is requested 1La0 • • • Plat Review April 17, 1986 Page 4 L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson was not able to attend today's meeting but sent the following requests via the clerk: Cable exists all around and if service is desired, contact the cable office. He also requested PVC conduit be provided under any paved areas. WALLY BBT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend today's meeting and sent the following comments via Planning Director, Carlisle: He requested a 15 X 12 pad (6 yard dumpster) on the extreme south end near a shown handicapped parking space, a 10 X 10 pad near the south end behind Building A, and on the northwest corner he requested a 12 X 12 pad. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATOR Powell advised there was the possibility of power poles needing to be relocated on James and Mt. Comfort Road because the requirement for off-site improvements relating to this development will result in the streets being widened. Burrack said SWEPCO will re -locate. Powell prefaced his review by noting that some of his comments are per City code, specifically required for large scale developments and subdivisions. He said he would try to make clear other comments that are his recommendations. Powell said the the 101.55' abutting Wedington Drive is an arterial street with 80' of r/w required with 60' currently existing; he said an additional 10' r/w dedication is required. Powell said a sidewalk is required along Wedington and noted that the proposed development to the west has been required to dedicate the same amount of r/w and install sidewalk. He suggested checking with that plat for topography so as not to offset the sidewalks. Powell noted 5' of additional r/w has been reflected on Garland bringing the r/w up to standard. He said the improvements are there up to the point where the property line turns onto Mt. Comfort where 50' of r/w is required for a local street. He said only 40' exists at this time and requested an additional 5'. He cited code supporting his request to improve the street to current City standards a distance of 15.5 from centerline to back of curb on the west side of Mt. Comfort. Powell said this will include extending the reinforced 24" concrete pipe, storm drainage, aurb S gutters. He added the City constructs to a 2.0 structural number. He also advised that 5' wide sidewalk is required along the west side of Mt. Comfort Road to the intersection of James Street. Powell said an additional 5' of r/w is required for this local street. He said the Woodland Hills project was required to construct a private street to the intersection of the west end of James Street and also to improve one half of James Street to City standard to Mt. Comfort Road, tentatively the south side. Powell 1�� • • Plat Review April 17, 1986 Page 5 said Woodland Hills has been in the process for four years and, because he does not anticipate the James Street improvements, he will recommend to the Planning Commission that the south side improvement to James Street be required of this development (as it normally would have been) and then if Woodland Hills does not develop, they can improve the north side of James Street as it is already developed with R-1 housing with no future possibility of being improved. Powell said his recommended improvement would include 15.5 feet from centerline to back of curb with storm drainage and all other improvements. Although the Master Sidewalk Plan does not require a sidewalk on James Street, he recommended one be installed along the south side because of this development and the proposed Woodland Hills being developed. Powell noted a waiver may be requested of the Planning Commission for required improvements. Powell advised the City is involved in a drainage improvement project on Mt. Comfort Road to Addington Street, northwest of this corner. He said it will widen the road and control the drainage. He said internal drainage must not be allowed to run out into the street from curb cuts and suggested it be collected at the intersection of Mt. Comfort and James in an adequately designed junction box which should be tied into the underdrain. He said if this development increases the drainage run-off to the 25 year flood plain requirement and the size of the pipe needs to be increased under James Street, he recommends it be included in this project. Powell said the magnitude of this project and its improvements requires the designs be by a registered engineer. He said the plans may be submitted to the City Engineers office. Powell noted the driveways do meet the required widths and safety zone separations. He added there is a 50' r/w dedication which intersects this property on the west property line that has never been opened. He said he does not recommend any improvements to that street r/w. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised of R -zoned property to the west requiring screening, either vegetation or fencing. She said she has calculated required parking at 264 spaces while the developer is showing 267. It was determined the developer is showing 266 spaces. She said there should be 7 handicapped spaces while only four are shown and a total of 53 compact spaces could be used while only 22 are shown. Carlisle noted the compact spaces must be designated as such and that bumper ears must be provided to prohibit vehicles from protruding out of the parking area. She asked about the canopy overhang and it was shown that it will not extend into the building setback. • Carlisle reiterated Powell's statement of 25' being required between driveway cuts. She said all adjoining property owners must be notified u2 Plat Review April 17, 1986 Page 6 of this development, prior to Subdivision meeting, in one of three ways: 1. certified mail with return cards submitted to the Planning Office; 2. signatures of property owners on a copy of the plat; or 3. an ad in the legal section of the local newspaper with proof of publication. Carlisle requested two sets of "as-builts" upon completion and advised the developer to check with Inspector Pense regarding signs. She said Subdivision Committee will be April 24th at 4:00 P.M. in Room 111 and 10 copies of revised plats are required in the Planning Office by April 21st. She said the Planning Commission meeting addressing this plan will be April 28th in the Board of Directors Room. Carlisle advised that 10% landscaping is required between the area of the parking lot and all street rights-of-way. She noted that an additional foot of building setback is required for each foot of height over 20'. It was explained that a waiver could be requested from the screening requirement with a substitution of landscaping. Powell advised that two copies of engineers plans and profiles (drainage, sidewalks and street improvements) are required before certificates of occupancy are issued. He asked the r/w dedications and driveway widths be annotated on the plans. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M. ‘u5