HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-27 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 27, 1986 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Tom McElroy, Dennis Burrack, L. 0. Ferguson and Kenneth Rader CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY COMPANY LSD SAIN STREET AT FRONT STREET Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Sandra Carlisle and Paula Brandeis This first item of consideration was the large scale development for Southwestern Energy Company to be located adjacent to the Arkansas Western Gas building at Sain and Front Streets. Property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and I-1, Light Industrial. There has been a property line adjustment extending Lot 1 into a portion of Lot 2 of AW Realty Addition; architect Gary Reil representing. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage inquired into square footage and Reil said the building was under the amount required to be sprinkled. He added that 50% of the office space will be open area. Poage requested fire extinguishers built into cabinets. He asked if the existing gas tank will be relocated and Reil replied it would. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack inquired into the existing transformer and suggested utilizing one transformer and two meter stations, one for each building. He asked the load size and was informed that the existing building has not had any computers while the new building will. Burrack said he will work out the details when the electrical schedule is completed. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMU CABLE Ferguson said cable is existing on Front Street and can be installed on a time and material basis. X115 • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 2 TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy advised that one terminal may be used if the buildings are under single ownership . Stan Green, Representative of Southwestern Energy, stated the buildings will probably be owned by two separate entities. He said the company is not certain, at this time, if a single system is desired. McElroy said if a single system is used, the extensions to the new building will be the developers responsibility. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said he saw a problem in this plan regarding the unloading of gasoline at the tank. He said there is no way for the type of truck used to make it up the hill to unload. He said a loop driveway has been suggested. Wagner noted a gas line needing to be relocated. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS Powell expressed concern regarding the on-site drainage expected in the new south side parking lot. He said he would like drainage collected and taken east to a ditch with the rest of the storm drainage. Reil said the site is broken mid -way with the parking lot being taken to the east and only the driveway drainage not included. Powell noted that Sain Street has been abandoned to the north and east and Carlisle verified this statement citing Ordinance 2883, dated December 21, 1982. She added that it was determined at that date, that no sidewalk would be required along Sain. Powell said if there is any dedicated r/w allowed for public usage to serve the lots on the north side, he would recommend the street be constructed to its conclusion with a cul-de-sac. Powell recommended some provision be made to carry the drainage on the east side under the street if it will intersect the street. He noted the hillside drainage ditch goes across field property that could be developed. Green asked why a cul-de-sac was being requested and Powell replied that historically, traditionally and otherwise, the City has had problems with dead-end streets allowing no place except private property for cars to turn around. Green said he didn't think it would be a problem' with people turning around in the gas company parking lot. He added that the gas company owns the land to the east and has no plans for development. He said he would not like to spend money on a cul-de-sac that may need to be torn out some day. Powell said the cul-de-sac is required by code and the Planning Commission has the authority to waive said requirement. • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 3 SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised the property line adjustment has been completed as requested. She requested the developer see the Sign Inspector regarding signs and noted two copies of "as-builts" are due upon completion of the project. Carlisle noted this project abuts residential property with screening required to the south and a small portion on the east border. She said the screening may be natural vegetation or fencing. She cited portions of code reflecting this requirement. She added that an additional foot of building setback is required for each foot of height over twenty feet. Carlisle advised that compact parking spaces are 7.5 X.15 and that 20% of the total spaces may be designated as such. She said for 214 spaces, as shown, 9 handicapped spaces are required. (She later approved of 7 handicapped spaces, as shown, per the Southern Standard Building Code). Carlisle noted the easement vacation requested will be presented to the City Board on Tuesday, April 1 and suggested a representative by present. She noted the vacation is approved by the utility companies. She said 10 copies of plat revisions are due in the Planning Office by April 7th for presentation to the Subdivision Committee on April 10th and Planning Commission April 14th. Carlisle suggested checking with the Sanitation Superintendent to see whether an additional container will be necessary. (Brt later reported that the dumpster location as shown is acceptable). VALLEY ADDITION — SUBDIVISION BUD TOMLINSON — OLD WIRE RD. The second item of consideration was the subdivision plan of Valley Addition submitted by Bud Tomlinson. The property is located on Old Wire Road south of Elmwood and is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston advised that, according to the Greenspace Ordinance, a total of .2875 acres of land or $2,415 cash ($105 X 23 lots) will be required of this developer. She explained that the parcel is in the Northeast District and that if less than five acres can be donated, the Parks Department usually requests cash in lieu of land. Edmonston advised the Parks Board will discuss this proposed development at their meeting, which is open to the public, of April 7, 1986. • Tomlinson asked for further explanation and Edmonston stated that the Parks Department does not need another park in this particular • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 4 area but advised that Tomlinson could speak to the Parks Board regarding this matter. Tomlinson said he felt the area to the immediate east of his property would serve well as a park, but Edmonston explained that land contribution must consist of the developer's own property. Tomlinson said he preferred to pay the cash in lieu of land. Fire Marshall Poage inquired how the Parks Department would feel about combining a fire station and park at this location and Edmonston invited Poage to attend the above mentioned meeting for further discussion. Tomlinson said he preferred the fire station be somewhere else. Poage stated there was a need to consider a new fire station in this area. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said there is an existing gas line on the east side of Old Wire Road and on the north side of the private lane on the north border of this parcel. He said he could serve all lots on the north side of Amber Drive and that lots 14 & 15 would need a contract subject to reimbursement. Wagner requested the 25' building setback along the south side of lot 4 be designated utility easement as well. He also requested the west side of lots 1-4 be utility easement. He said the alternative is to tie to the existing 2" line near the northeast boundary which would involve a large expense. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy said he could serve the north lots from the existing lines but would have the same problem getting to lots 5-14 that the gas company had. He said he could serve from the east if an easement is dedicated across lot 14 or across the easement requested by Wagner from Amber. He said he could not cross the sewer easement at the south east corner without permission. Both McElroy and Wagner said they would not use the drainage easement on the east border of lots 1-4. Tomlinson said he could give permission to cross it. McElroy advised the easement needs to be dedicated as utility easement. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said the easements as requested thus far were acceptable to him. He said cable exists along the private land on the north. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack asked if the drainage easement shown on the east side of lots 1-4 could be widened to include the utilities. Tomlinson said the drainage ditch was very shallow and narrow and never has any water in it. He said he thought the utilities would be safe in it. Burrack said he had a problem occupying the same easement as the drainage. He suggested the option of overhead service from the west with a transformer in the front of the subdivision although he said that, normally, he • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 5 loops a cable around the entire perimeter of a subdivision in order to extend service from two directions. Burrack said if an agreement can be made to occupy the drainage easement, he would request it on the east side of lot 14. (City Engineer, Bunn, interjected that he did not object to the sewer easement at the southeast corner being re -designated as utility easement). Burrack inquired as to the drainage along Mathias' private drive and Tomlinson replied the power pole at that location (lot 17-18) is about six feet higher than the subdivision. Burrack requested an easement between lots 17 & 18 in order to continue east to lot 16. He said if the ditch is lined behind lots 1-4, he could, and would prefer, to serve from that location. He concluded that he would work with Tomlinson on streetlights if desired. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS Powell recommended a covenant stating that lot 4 will have access from Amber Drive because of the limited frontage on Old Wire after considering the driveway safety zone. Powell noted that Old Wire is a collector street and has 60' of existing r/w. He recommended off-site improvements on a rational nexus basis include street improvements beginning at the centerline of the existing r/w and extend 15.5' towards the property (back of curb) to City standards including a sidewalk. Powell said he followed the drainage ditch shown on the east side of lots 1-4 (west side of lot 5) which goes back around toward Root School and carries drainage from Highway 45 East. He said the culvert in the drainage ditch is 24", goes under the private drive and is 36" at Elmwood. Powell said he felt the drainage from this area will overload the 24" culvert. He said all drainage easements between lot lines are required to be improved to a minimum of concrete lined ditch or storm drained. He said he would prefer it be underground storm drained with surface grate mid -way between the perimeters of the subdivision north/south. Powell explained that if it is storm drained the utilities can be safely installed with no fear of erosion and exposure of electric lines. Powell said if curb drop inlets are to be as shown on the plat, an easement is required along the lot lines, they should be improved and picked up at the south and north perimeters (between lots 16 & 17 on the north, between lots 10 & 11 and 8 & 11). He explained that the drainage from Mathias' private drive is now carried west to the culvert underdraining the drive at the lot line of lots 1 & 23. He said the headwall there is native rock with no footing and is already eroding and not far from falling in. Powell recommended a permanent headwall on that pipe if it is of adequate size to drain what is being diverted to it from this development. He said a line needs to be shaped and rip -rapped along the private drive on the north border and that Mathias should be informed of the drainage situation. • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 6 Regarding the dedication of r/w at the east perimeter, Powell recommended aligning it to terminate in a cul-de-sac at the property line. Tomlinson said the drainage area does not go to Root School. He noted the total acreage is under 20 acres and that the run-off factor will be .07. He said if all the roofs drain onto the drives and then onto the street, this development will increase the drainage less than two acres. Tomlinson advised the water is currently being carried in a tiny ditch which has not eroded in the past four years. Powell offered to examine the site with Tomlinson but added he thought the ditches were silt -full and ragged. He noted his requests are as per the Fayetteville Subdivision Regulations. He reiterated that drainage ditches between lots 1-4, and the west side of lots 5 & 23, need to be improved to a drainage structure, either concrete lined or storm drained. Powell requested the same improvements on the east end at the second set of drop inlets. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage recommended two fire hydrants within the development noting they should be placed a maximum of 500' apart. He suggested placing them at lot 5 or 23 and one in or near the cul-de-sac. He requested, if only one hydrant is used, that it be moved about 85' west of the location indicated on the plat. Poage said the water line to the hydrant must be 6". SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle noted the streetlight placement is acceptable. She requested all adjacent property owners be notified of this proposal by certified letter, return receipts presented to the Planning Office. (Tomlinson noted this has been done). Carlisle requested two sets of "as-builts" upon completion of the project and noted that the subdivision corners must be monumented and the lots staked. She cited April 7th as the deadline for revisions of this plat for presentation to the Subdivision Committee on April 10, 1986. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn noted the developer is coming a long way for sewer but otherwise had no comments. He requested the water line be brought around the cul-de-sac instead of through the middle. ASO • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 7 WINERY — LSD PRELIMINARY PLAT COTNER — STATE HIGHWAY 112 The third item of consideration today was the Cotner Winery located on State Highway 112 (3481 N. Highway 112) just north of the Highway 71 by-pass; Dave Jorgenson representing. CLAYTON POWELL - PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS Powell advised that no off-site improvements are required as this site fronts a State Highway. He noted 40' of dedicated r/w is required by separate instrument, measured from the centerline of the Highway towards the property. Powell requested a covenant stating the private drive will be maintained by the owner. He said if the City maintains it, it should be brought to City standards. Powell noted a sidewalk on Highway 112 is required but because it is so remote from any other development, he did not think it was warranted at this time with a Bill of Assurance being a possibility. Powell expressed his support of the proposed development, saying it is an ideal location. KENNETH RADER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Rader said there is power to the existing barn with a meter pole to serve both the house and the barn. Jorgensen said Cotner has made reference to three-phase service and Rader said there is no problem. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised both water and gas meters are located on the north side of Highway 112 with existing gas line on the east side of 112. He requested a 25' utility easement adjacent to (on the west side) of and parallel to Highway 112 r/w and adjacent to (on the south side) of Highway 112 r/w in order to extend service to the development. He said service has been provided of sufficient size for expansion of this project in the future. TOM MCELROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL McElroy said service has been set up for both the barn and the house. He requested, because this is a separate development, the line extending to this location be designated a 25' utility easement. Rader said he thought there may already be an existing easement here. This is to be checked and if no easement exists, one needs to be dedicated. LARRY POAGE — FIRE DEPARTMENT DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Poage requested a fire hydrant on a 6" water line within the development. He asked if the silo will be implemented into the business and Jorgensen explained there are plans for a spiral stairway to a proposed structure • • • Plat Review March 27, 1986 Page 8 on the top. Poage said if the public is allowed in the silo it must have two exits and no spiral staircase. Poage said a fixed hood fire extinguisher system is required in the kitchen. He noted the building inspector is aware of this code. He advised there are specifications for fermentation tanks. Poage said the water line should be a 6" loop. (Bunn said a 2" is existing at the highway). Poage requested 2011 fire extinguishers placed near the fermentation tanks with the fire hydrant close by. Bunn suggested a private yard hydrant for the sprinkler system and Poage agreed but noted a fire hydrant is also required whether the building is sprinkled or not. SANDRA CARLISLE - PLANNING DIRECTOR Carlisle advised that any off-site parking is subject to approval by the Planning Commission. She added that parking near the house may not be applied to this development. She noted parking spaces must be 9 X 19 and finished to a "durable and dustless surface". Based on the following anticipated square footage, the total number of spaces required is 40, two of which must be for the handicapped and 20% of which may be designated "compact": Office Space - 916 Manufacturing - 3,898 Retail - 1,748 Restaurant/lounge - 4,324 required = 4 required = 3 required = 9 required = 24 Carlisle advised that the parking space shown south of the proposed addition is too small. She advised the dumpster is shown in the middle of the driveway. (Brt later said he did not object). Carlisle noted that any building exceeding 20' in height requires an additional setback of one foot per each foot in excess of 20'. She said the 50' required building setback may be reduced to 25' (plus the additional for height regulation) if 10% of the area between the building and the property line is landscaped. She noted setbacks are measured from the overhangs and not the building wall. She suggested Jorgensen see the sign inspector regarding signs and advised that 10 copies of plat revisions are due in the Planning Office by April 7th for presentation to the Subdivision Committee on April 10th and the Planning Commission on April 14, 1986. She noted that response has been favorable for this proposed winery. Carlisle later reported that the above setbacks had been calculated on the position of the private drive as the property does not have public road frontage. She pointed out that it may be possible to consider the development as having four side property lines. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. 1J�