HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-17 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, October 17th, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Bob Waldren, Tom Mcllroy, L. O. Ferguson and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: HACKNEY BROS. LSD EXTENSION PUMP STATION & ARMSTRONG ROAD Clayton Powell, Dennis Ledbetter, Freeman Wood, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Perry Franklin, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The first item of consideration today was the proposed extension of Hackney Bros. large scale development located at the intersection of Pump Station and Armstrong Roads; Dennis Moore of Structural Systems and Art Piemont, Plant Manager, representing. Piemont demonstrated on the plat where the addition, which connects two existing buildings, will be. Moore pointed out the additional parking spaces drawn on the plat. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy advised that he saw no problems with the proposed addition. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner stated that SWEPCO has sufficient facilities to handle any additional load in the proposed expansion. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner clarified that the additional gas load will be 2300 and added that a larger meter may need to be installed which will not create any problems. Moore indicated that he anticipates the final construction to take place April 1st. os • • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 2 DENNIS LEDBETTER - FIRE DEPARTMENT Ledbetter stated that the recommendations for fire extinguishers would be the same as for the original building. Moore said that the building will be sprinkled and will include a two-hour fire wall between the existing paint rooms. He noted that Building Inspector Wood has visited the premises and commented on requirements. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that Pump Station Rd. east of Armstrong is currently an unpaved Industrial Park street. He said that the policy is to assess a portion of the cost of street improvements against each lot in the Park. Powell said he was unaware of the status of this situation but could see no problems other than pro -rating said improvements. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn was unable to attend this meeting but commented that he had no problems with the proposed addition. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones requested that existing and proposed buildings be labeled as such on the plat. She said that, based on manufacturing as total use, 69 parking spaces are required and 96 are shown. She added that, if office space is included at a different ratio, there is still adequate parking. She advised that parking areas need to be paved, striped and wheel stops provided to contain vehicles within the parking area. Jones noted that four handicap parking spaces are required (12 X 19) unless exempt by the building code. She added that 20% of the total spaces may be compact spaces provided they are marked as such. She said there is a Bill of Assurance for sidewalks on both Armstrong and Pump Station and she requested one copy of an "as -built" plan upon completion of this phase of construction. She said the plan should indicate buildings, parking, utilities - including where they enter the building - and the location of signs. Jones advised that if future expansion is contemplated, the developer may add the proposal to the plat at this time so as to avoid reviewing again at a future date. Piemont replied that he is uncertain as to exact location of the expansion. Jones explained the three conditions under which future development would be exempt from another plat review. Jones requested 10 copies of the revisions of this plat by Monday, October 21st for presentation to the Subdivision Committee on Thursday October 24th. • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 3 NORTHWEST LANDING — MOBILE HOME PARK EASY STREET, N. OF ELM — WEST OF GREGG The second item of consideration today was the preliminary plat of Northwest Landing Mobile Home Park to be located at the north end of Easy Street, north of Elm and west of Gregg; Mrs. Helen Del Pup developer. Jones introduced this development by noting that it is the first mobile home park to be processed since the current mobile home regulation (Chapter 13B) was adopted in 1972. She said it is a Conditional Use in R-2 and R-3 zoning Districts for which request will be heard by the Planning Commission on October 28th. She noted that several recre- ational vehicle spaces are being requested which is a Conditional Use in all zones and will also be heard by the Planning Commission. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell expressed concerns regarding the isolated location of this property. He said there is an existing 30' r/w for Shady Street (at the railroad) and a 20' r/w for Elm Street but the proposed access to the entire property would be from Easy Street which runs up the middle and is sub -standard, improved by Community Development to a width of 16' average and improved for 610' from Poplar Street to this property's south border. Powell said that Poplar Street has been under discussion by the City Board for improvement to three lanes between Leverett and Gregg, but he expressed concern over getting mobile homes in through Easy Street. He said he felt a street improved to full commercial or industrial standards was necessary as access for this dense mobile home park. He also recommended that Elm Street be dedicated and improved as access with Easy left to automotive, as an alternative, that either Shady or Birch be built with 6" of Portland cement concrete or the equivalent of an asphalt street section for ingress/egress for the mobile homes. Powell said he thought the Planning Commission needs to give some consideration to off-site improvements to accomodate this development. He said if Elm Street is not upgraded, it should be abandoned and he noted the lots facing it will be landlocked. He said he felt the principal access should be Shady, but that it would have to be worked out with the railroad in order to occupy part of their r/w. Powell concluded that he felt the plat should be re -submitted showing details of points of access and the vicinity map. He also noted that the streets were not built to support the weight of mobile homes and he estimated the life of said streets at about six months carrying with mobile home traffic. 1ld • • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 4 TOM MCILROY — SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy requested a 25' utility easement along the south side instead of 12' as shown. He also requested 25' east/west through the center of the development and 25' along the west side of Easy Street running north/south. Powell clarified that these easements were being prefaced on additional r/w (30") being dedicated. He advised that streets within a mobile home park are usually private and do not need to be brought to full City standards. He said he saw no need for a dedicated street to run through the middle of a mobile home park. IVAN FAULKNER — SWEPCO Faulkner advised that easements, as specified by Mcllroy, were adequate but that he would need a 25' perimeter easement including along the west border (road bed) to connect with the center easement. He advised that SWEPCO's new policy is to set pedestals at the easement with the developer setting one just off the easement for each trailer. Faulkner indicated that SWEPCO will work with the developer on area lighting within the park. Jones noted that the code requires adequate public lighting on all streets, walkways, buildings and other facilities subject to night time use. Waldren advised that SWEPCO will not enter a mobile home park with overhead service. He added that cost of pedestals will be reimbursed. Faulkner noted that the developer will be responsible for cost over 40 cents per foot. He requested an additional 5' easement along the west side of Shady if it is to be a private drive. KENNETH WAGNER — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the easements requested by Faulkner will be sufficient and added that AWG needs a minimum of 90 days notice for service. He said the cost of the gas line will be in the usual contract subject to reimbursement for each meter. Wagner said he does not like to go back more than 10' from the easement to the base of the pad while 40' is indicated on this plat. He said the distance needed between trailers is 25' because of the number of utilities in the easement. Wagner advised that the developer will be responsible for the line from the south end to serve all lots. Wagner requested a 15' easement north of the south border street and along the east side of Easy Street to connect with the center easement. He said if the developer blacktops he may need to install a north/south line from the north property to the center easement. 1�� • • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 5 L. 0. FERGUSON — WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson advised that cable is available from Easy Street and requested 2" schedule 40 PVC street crossings under the east side of Easy Street at the first street north of Elm, under Easy Street at the south border of the property and at the easement in the middle of the two rows of trailers. He said the remainder of easements previously requested are acceptable. In reply to Del Pup's proposal to provide space for RVs, Ferguson requested a street crossing under the west end drive near the recreational area. DENNIS LEDBETTER — FIRE DEPARTMENT Ledbetter requested 10# fire extinguishers in the service building and noted that the Fire Marshall has requested a separate hydrant for the park, preferably on the intersections rather than centrally located. He requested house numbers be visible from the street. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn was unable to attend today's meeting but forwarded his comments: He requested water line be extended of sufficient size to provide fire protection to the park in either a 6" loop or single feed of 8". He noted that there are sufficient lines on the east side of Gregg and on Poplar. Bunn also advised that the manhole shown on the south end of Easy Street probably cannot be entered by gravity. He noted that there is an existing sewer line on Gregg and one near Gregg and Township. Bunn advised that each space requires a separate water meter but he would not object to a single meter for the entire park. FREEMAN WOOD — BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood advised that the northwest portion of this park is in the flood area and will require that the finished floor elevation of the mobile homes must be a minimum of 2' above the flood plain elevation. He said the trailer pads must be constructed so that the trailers will meet this criteria when placed on them. Wood noted that the dam for the proposed pond must be out the of flood way area and he requested the engineer for this project contact him to discuss the proposal. WALLY BRT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt suggested setting a trash container at the laundry center and can holders be built for individual trash cans. He requested a letter giving him permission to travel the interior roads with the sanitation trucks. Brt advised that two cans per trailer are required and suggested �►a • • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 6 Del Pup stay in touch Jerry Sweetser makes a pads need to be 12 X 15' with him during construction. He noted that concrete can holder and added that dumpster DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn advised that the house number for the park will be 2120 N. Easy. Street. It was determined that code requires mobile home parks to be single -metered. Osburn advised that the internal streets will need a different name each time they change direction if they are made public. He said the mobile home spaces must be numbered and the numbers must also be on the trailers. He said the water line behind the mobile homes is acceptable and he requested an unfenced gravel road behind the trailers for access to the meters if there are no objections from the other utility companies. He said he preferred the water line in the front of the trailers with the meters along their sides. Jones commented that the code was unclear as to the treatment of RVs and Osburn advised that one meter could serve all of the spaces for RVs and the service building. Osburn requested the developer check with the City Engineer as to the final plans for easements and layout of water lines. He explained the charges that will be made for domestic water and said that fire protection is billed separately at $22.50/month. He noted that a site card must be displayed before any meters can be set and added that permanent numbers must be on the homes upon completion of construction. He noted that the park's house number must be displayed on the entry sign. Jones suggested an amendment in the code if Osburn felt that a master meter would work better in this type of situation. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin noted the absence of a vacinity map, adjacent property, and/or street names. He said he felt that there should be two points of ingress/egress and expressed concern regarding radii .and whether or not a mobile home could make it into the park. Del Pup replied that she had checked with a firm that moves mobile homes and they said it would not be any problem. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones advised that a mobile home park is subject to both zoning and subdivision regulations. She said that variances may be presented to the Board of Adjustment but the Planning Commission should be made aware of any requests. Jones advised that a mobile home park is a Conditional Use in R-2 zone and will be addressed by the Planning Commission 10 28 85. She „3 Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 7 said the only code for RVs and motorhomes is listed under "campground" and is a conditional use in all zones. Jones noted that minimums for mobile home parks are: 100' lot width for entire park; 50" width for individual lots; 3 acres entire park area; and, 4,200 sq.ft.,for area of a lot within the park. She said that parking is 1.5 spaces per space, double asphaltic seal coat and added that commercial uses within the park may be solely for convenience of the residents and adhere to the following guidelines: (a) Must be within an enclosed structure; (b) Gross floor area may not exceed 25 sq.ft. per mobile home space; (c) no closer than 100' to any other R zoned property outside the park; and, (d) must be surrounded by the park and not on its outer boundaries. Jones further noted that the homes must be at least 20' from each other, at least 10- from property outside the park and at least 25' from the r/w of any public street. Jones cited the following additional criteria for mobile home parks: minimum recreation area must be 8% of gross park area and screening is required along any common property line with R- zoned property. Tenant storage facilities must equal 90 cubic feet per space within 100' of space it is intended to serve. Community sanitary facilities must include one flush toilet and one lavatory for each sex per 100 mobile homes. Tents and tent -like structures are prohibited and sites must be well drained. A plat showing easements and etc. must be recorded in the Court House. Streets must comply with Major Street Plan and be curbed, guttered and constructed to minimum street standards. Exterior lighting is required as is a building permit to construct the park, separate from the permit to construct the service building. Jones included the following as considerations and/or variances: (1) Waiver for lot size; from 50' to 40' and from 4,200 s.f. to 3,440. (2) Check recreational area (8%) (3) There is an existing 20' street r/w between this property and the properties to the south. Community Development built Birch and Easy Avenues recently to an average width of 16'. Jones advised that a vicinity map is required as is proof of notification of property owners within 100'. She also advised that the Planning Commission can require off-site improvements based on rational nexus. She said that if they decide some improvements should be done at a later date, they may request a cash bond or recommend a Bill of Assurance or the posting of a performance bond. Jones noted that a waiver from necessary improvements may be requested. She said that PUDs are allowed to have private streets but must have a width to accomodate two-way traffic and would not be restricted to a setback from the street as is required with public streets. She noted that adequate interior lighting is required and if requirements for street lights are followed, they would be placed at each intersection and a minimum of 300' apart. She asked that locations of these lights be added to the plat. • • • Plat Review Committee October 17, 1985 Page 8 Jones advised that Elm Street has been vacated from this location to Chestnut. She noted that Connie Edmonston, Parks and Recreation, has advised there will be no Greenspace fee as mobile homes are not specifically mentioned in the ordinance (as per City Attorney). Jones requested an "as -built" plan, upon completion, showing buildings, parking and utilities including where they enter any buildings. She noted that the property needs a lot split and that the dedication of existing utility easements, public r/w and railroad r/w need to be shown on the plat. Jones suggested that the developer add the rights-of-way, easements, vicinity map and fire hydrant to the plat for presentation to the Planning Commission and, if additional r/w is required, the plat may pass through the review process again. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.