HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-10 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, October 10, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack, Ivan Faulkner and Connie Skinner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dennis Ledbetter, Wally Brt, Don Osburn, Freeman Wood, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis BARGO ENGINEERING - 1755 ARMSTRONG RD.: EXPANSION OF LSD The only item of consideration today was the proposed expansion of the Large Scale Development for Bargo Engineering, Inc. located at 1755 Armstrong Rd. in the Industrial Park, zoned I-2 and represented by Charlie and Bill Goforth, owners and David Jorgensen, engineer. SWEPCO - DENNIS BURRACK & IVAN FAUI.KNER: Burrack said SWEPCO has no objection to vacating the existing 20' easement along the south side with the exception of 130' (more or less) beginning at the east property line and extending into the property. Faulkner advised that SWEPCO will abandon the west easement with the provision that the easement along the north side be extended to the west boundary line of Bargo's newly purchased parcel (immediately adjacent on the west border) and continuing down the west side of the property as it now exists. Jorgensen said he would provide a metes and bounds description of that portion of south side easement that SWEPCO wishes to retain and also a description of the 20' easements along the north and west boundaries if necessary. Faulkner requested total load information. Burrack noted that there appears to be a discrepancy between the calls in this legal description and that of the original final plat for Industrial Park. Jones advised that the original final plat had been presented to the Planning Commission for approval under "other business" without having been placed on the agenda and then taken the following evening to the City Board, again without being on the agenda. She said the plat had never been checked in the Planning Office before it was filed. WARNER AMEX CABLE - L. 0. FERGUSON: Jorgensen advised that he was in possession of a letter from the cable company stating that there is no objection to abandoning the easements in question. The clerk noted that Ferguson had advised her that there is currently no cable service in the area of Industrial Park. Plat Review October 10, 1985 Page 2 ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS - KENNETH WAGNER: Jorgensen read a letter received from Wagner stating that there is no objection to reducing the width of the easement in question. Wagner advised that there was also no problem with abandoning a gas easement that runs through the center of the property. He noted that the gas line ends at the northeast corner of subject property. Charlie Goforth advised that the proposed building will house some light assembly and will require a separate gas meter. Wagner said the easements as stated along the south and west borders are acceptable. SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE - CONNIE SKINNER: Skinner verified that Bell has no objection to vacating the existing 20' utility easement along the south side as requested by Bargo. Skinner advised that if computer service or anything other than straight line was desired, Bargo will need to provide entry into the building to place a terminal. She added that cable will require six weeks notice. WATER & SEWER - SID NORBASH: Jorgensen read Norbash's letter stating that the proposed building will not interfere with any water and sewer line or any future plans. Jones requested that Jorgensen have Norbash clarify which easement this applies to. DENNIS LEDBETTER - FIRE DEPARTMENT: Ledbetter advised that if the building is to be sprinkled, the Building Inspector will need to be consulted. He said that one fire extinguisher per 2,500 sq.ft. is required for this building and added that the fire hydrant is in close proximity. He advised the developer that sufficient exits are required. FREEMAN WOOD — BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood confirmed that the building will need to be sprinkled and advised that a door is acceptable in a fire wall if it is 3 -hour fire rated door with an automatic drop. He said 15,000 sq.ft. are allowed before a fire wall becomes necessary. Goforth inquired about flood plain requirements and Wood replied that the proposed building must be 2' above flood plain elevation because it is in the flood plain. Goforth noted that fill has been added to bring the site 2' above flood plain and Wood requested certification of this by an engineer. Wood advised that there must be 60' between the two buildings or the existing building will need to be sprinkled. Wood requested at least one restroom be provided with handicap facilities. He suggested that Bargo begin with two facilities for the handicap and add more as needed. In answer to Goforth's question, Wood replied that concrete block walls in the restroom pose no problem. • • Plat Review October 10, 1985 Page 3 DON OSBORN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn advised that there is a flat monthly charge for unmetered fire protection and that domestic and fire water will be kept separate. He noted that the owner will be responsible for maintaining the 8" fire line from the tap on the main into the building. He advised that the meter will be set just south of the driveway and that the house number will be 1771 S. Armstrong Road. Osburn explained that the house number should be displayed during construction if water is needed and that a permanent number, visible from the street, is required either on the building or on the sign upon completion. He advised that sewer is available, although the exact location is unknown at this time. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said there is no problem with using one dumpster for the two buildings and asked to have said dumpster set for convenient pick-up and that a concrete pad be placed under the dumpster. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones noted that the developers will request a variance in the south side setback from the Board of Adjustment on October 21st, explaining that the Board addresses hardships peculiar to an individual site. Jones noted that only one free-standing sign is allowed per property and advised checking with the sign inspector before ordering any signs. She also advised that the property adjacent on the south is in the flood plain and added that this developer has previously tried to purchase 25' of it from the City and were denied. She noted that more than the required parking spaces have been shown and added that a total of 95 spaces will be needed if another 38,000 sq.ft. building is built on this property, as contemplated. 2O% of those spaces may be striped for compact cars if they are marked as such. She said that one space in 25 must be designated for handicapped (and indicated on the plat) and that all parking spaces must be paved with a minimum of double chip and oil, striped, and wheel stops provided. Jorgensen said he intends to reduce the number of parking spaces shown as there is an excess. Jones requested the number of spaces and type of surface of the existing parking to be shown on the plat. • Jones explained minimum building setbacks and noted that there is no maximum buildable area requirement in I-2 zoning district. Jones requested the developer to check with the Fire Inspector for specifics on the space required between buildings. She requested that Jorgensen add the distance between the building and the west property line to the plat. Jones advised adding the proposed "future" building at this �0� • • Plat Review October 10, 1985 Page 4 time so that the LSD process will not need to be repeated. She requested an "as -built" site plan upon completion, showing all improvements including the location of utility entries to the building and be signed and dated. Jones said that splitting of this property in the future must be handled through the Planning Office and that the setbacks for each building, on each parcel, as well as parking, will be examined at that time. Jones noted that there were no comments from Street Superintendent, Clayton Powell, and added that sidewalk is not required. She requested that 10 copies of this plat with revisions be in the Planning Office by Tuesday morning, October 22nd for presentation to the Planning Commission on October 28th. She asked that the legal description be added to the plat and said she thought the City could work out the discrepancies in the legal as the parcel was purchased from the City originally. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m. 01