HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-15 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, August 15, 1985 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Roy Hawkins, Dennis Burrack, Terry England,Jim Crownover,L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: WALNUT GROVE ADDITION - FINAL PLAT WEDINGTON DRIVE, W. OF 71 BYPASS Perry Franklin, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Dennis Mullins, Bobbie Jones, Sandra Carlisle and Paula Brandeis The first item of consideration today, was the final plat of Walnut Grove Addition, submitted by Bryce Davis and located on the north side of Wedington Drive west of Highway 71 Bypass. All Harris and Mike O'Neal representing. Harris advised that Davis wishes to add one lot by reducing the size of Lots 116 through 120 to 75' and another between 121 and 124. Jones advised that it is difficult to build a duplex on a lot of that size and still include the required parking. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT In answer to Jones question, Powell replied that street and drainage plans have been submitted only for Phase I, including the off-site improvements from Highway 16 (Wedington) to access Phase I. Powell noted that there is a considerable amount of drainage that needs to be dealt with between the area of "future development", which borders on Highway 16, and Phase I. Powell expressed concerns over developers sometimes not completing subsequent phases. He advised that he and Wimberly, of Northwest Engineers, have discussed the addition of another street at approximately Station 640 at which point there would be curb drop inlets, underdrain for Salem Road and a private drainage easement off the street r/w to be maintained by the developer around to Station 10+90 where the large culvert comes under which drains the overflow from the pond on the east side in the "future development" phase. He said if no temporary drainage easement is provided and the phase south of Phase I is not developed, it would create problems. He said, for the City's protection, he thought the answer was to have a temporary drainage easement on private property 85 • • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 2 with a time limit of three years until the improvements are finalized. Powell stated that drainage cannot be maintained in the same easement as other utilities, especially an easement less than 25'. He noted that this revised plat shows a water line, drainage and utilities all in the same 16' easement. Harris indicated that the service connections and water lines will be under the storm drainage. Powell requested the easement between Buckeye and Harvard Streets to be labeled "water & drainage easement". Harris noted that the lots will be served water from the front of each lot with no crossings. Powell advised that, in reading the minutes regarding this project, he did not find anything clear and concise pertaining to a bridge that needs to be constructed between this phase and the proposed Michelle Addition to the north. He said he was under the impression that the approval of this Phase I would be contingent upon the bridge construction. He asked for clarification as to the responsibility for bridge construction as well as a time projection. Harris replied that there are plans to construct the bridge at a later date based on the adjoining property owner and Powell noted that later phases sometimes do not ever take place. JAMS CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover agreed that utilities He requested that this plan being made in the placement of are not acceptable in a drainage easement. be re -designed because of the changes the lots on Harvard Street. Jones asked Crownover to submit a letter addressing the relocation of utility easements unless the entire plat goes back through the Plat Review process again. Crownover noted that the electric easements are inadequate as it is. He said his entire layout was re -designed by the addition of the extra lots and a new plan will be necessary. Crownover known, it would be advantageous to put them in at this time. said that if the future development crossing locations are ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Hawkins asked that the proposed changes be labeled "duplex" or "four-plex" on the plat as they were in the preliminary. Harris advised that water crossings for the duplex will only be able to carry a duplex, making identification easier. Jones interjected that when this property was re -zoned to R-2 District, there was a Bill of Assurance due from the developer stating that 86 Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 3 a portion of the property would be developed with a limitation of 12 units per acre. She stated that the Bill of Assurance has never been submitted and until it is, the property is not legally rezoned. Hawkins indicated that he will take care of installing the required conduit at the crossings as noted in the preliminary. He said the crossing between the streets through the middle will not affect him. He added that, because it is being developed a section at a time, he will only install conduit at the crossing at the north and south sides of Buckeye Street and the crossing at the south side of Harvard Street. Hawkins said that the crossings must be in 3" conduit placed by the contractor under the main road. He emphasized that he needs the areas surveyed and staked for proper installation. Hawkins agreed to sign off on the plat when he okays the final, new layout and he requested a copy of the new plans. L. 0. FERGUSON — WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson requested a copy of the revised final plat and agreed to sign off when the new plan is finalized. He noted that his service will go down the back of the lots on the south side of Harvard and between the lots between Harvard and Buckeye (east/west) and along the north side of the lots on the north side of Buckeye. Ferguson repeated that 2" schedule 40 PVC is required in all street crossings and added that he will be overhead with Ozarks Electric on the east. TERRY ENGLAND — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS England said he had no problem with the easements as he will be servicing at the rear of all the lots. He requested that the lot lines be staked at the time of installation as it is tight quarters. England said he is currently installing crossings on Salem Road in this area and added that there will be a contract, which is refundable, to extend gas line from Highway 16 to the addition. He said the change in the lots will not affect AWG. He asked that all lots be staked as there is the necessity for many meters on some of the lots. DENNIS MULLINS — ASST. FIRE INSPECTOR Mullins said he could see no problems with this plat. PERRY FRANKLIN — TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin requested that any plantings as well as the proposed sign, be less than three feet high if they are within 25' of the intersection. He also asked that the Traffic Department be contacted when the earth work is completed at the intersection so they may proceed with stop signs and street markers. 87 • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 4 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said that water and sewer are underway and there do not appear to be any problems. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones requested that a copy of the revisions to this plat either be brought back through Plat Review or presented to each utility company, including Powell, for approval via their signature.' Jones asked if the east side street stub shown will be constructed at this time. O'Neal said that it would not and Jones asked for a note advising that it will be only rough graded and that the property owner to the east will be responsible for construction if that is the plan. Powell advised that the Planning Commission had requested that this r/w be cut to rough grade but not improved by this development. He said that there may be no drives off the rough -cut stub -out. Jones explained that the reason for this (new) Commission policy is that people often buy lots without seeing a plat and do not understand that there are easements attached to their property. She asked that a note be added to the plat advising the status of the stub -out. Jones noted that if the sign is in dedicated street r/w, it must be moved and advised checking with the Inspection Department for sign regulations She also noted that the zoning description on the plat should read "R-1, Low Density Residential and R-2, Medium Residential with a Bill of Assurance limiting density". Jones requested a copy of the finalized covenants before this plat goes to the Planning Commission. She asked for indication by note of the areas zoned R-1 and R-2 in reference to the plat as it is drawn. She reiterated that the plat cannot be approved until the Bill of Assurance is signed and recorded. Jones said that, because the improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, streetlights, water and sewer, have not been installed, a subdivider's contract is needed which will allow the issuance of building permits as soon as the street is cut into sub -grade for curb and gutter. She added that no unit or lot can be occupied by a structure until the contract is released, the request for which must be submitted in writing. She advised the developer to allow at least two weeks for the request of release to travel through channels. • Jones advised that the Parks and Recreation Department has requested an area of land to be dedicated as a park. She noted that the dedication 8Y • • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 5 should be executed by the time the plat is finaled. She added that, if for some reason cash is requested, it should be included in the contract noted above. Jones noted that a Public Hearing will be held August 26 to add Salem Road to the Master Street Plan as a collector street between Mt. Comfort Rd. and Highway 16. She requested that a note to that affect be added to this plat. She suggested adding "from centerline" to the note at the bottom of Page 1 indicating 40' of r/w. Jones advised that lines around the lot pins are exceptionally heavy, especially along the west perimeter and along the east side of Salem Rd. (Sheet 2) Jones noted that drainage easements should be dimensioned and annotated separately from utility easements. She requested legal descriptions and certificates to be added to both pages. She commented that some of the dimensions are blurred and difficult to read, she asked that these be cleared up. Jones advised that Lots 127 and 150 must be made clear as to which street they are on. She requested that the easement between Lots 127 and 150 be dimensioned and advised that the street name "Yale" needs to be checked for duplication. Jones advised that there is one location on Harvard where the streetlight spacing is beyond the maximum and noted that it may have been waived by the Planning Commission, and if so, it needs to be noted on the plat. She asked that the extension of the easement along the north side of Page 2 be dimensioned. She suggested adding dimensions to the space between Lot 101 and the north line of the subdivision and between Lot 152 and the easement to the east. She also suggested the area not shown as lots are indicated "for future development". Jones said that 10 copies of the revised plat are due one week prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which it will be reviewed. She noted that this plat must comply with the approved preliminary plat of 4-8-85. Powell advised that the temporary drainage easement should be 25' because of the volume that it will be carry, including that from the pond to the east. He said that a separate instrument would be acceptable. He added that he felt satisfied with the patterns that have been worked out, even though they do not follow the norm. NOTE: Powell advised that Drake Street nearly finished and added that School will (4 -lanes to Sunny Lane) is be next for re -surfacing. 81 • • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 6 JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - ADDITION SOUTH COLLEGE BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH The second item of consideration was the proposed addition to Jefferson Elementary School submitted by Hailey-Powers-Froning Architects; Charlie Berger representing this plat as well as that of Bates and Leverett. FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood advised that the additions on Jefferson, Bates and Leverett all must have either fire walls or sprinkler systems installed. He requested the developer contact him for exact specifications. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin expressed concern regarding the driveway on S. College which is in a low elevation in comparison with that of Sixth and Seventh. He noted that the contractor should be alert as to what is planted in this area so as to allow the best chance at visibility on exiting. He added that it is not a major problem as the speeds are low here. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that the proposed building is water line that needs to be provided for. overhead electric line is shown connecting water line on 7th Street. shown over a private 4" He also noted that the from the building to a CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that S. College is a collector street with 60' required and 40 existing resulting in an additional 10' required from this project. He said 30' exists on 7th Street while 50' is required. Berger advised that he was aware of the r/w and added that if they are dedicated, the buildings will be in violation of setbacks. Powell continued; 80' required on 6th Street with 24 existing, additional 28 required. He said that based on rational nexus, he would require no off-site improvements. He noted that 7th was improved by Community Development including curb, gutter and sidewalk on the north side (abutting school property); S. College has curb, gutter and sidewalk on both sides from 6th to 7th and sidewalk on the east side from 6th Street north to Archibald Yell. Jones noted that only the Board can waive r/w requirements. Powell indicated that the widening on 6th Street has been discussed as recently as 18 months ago. He noted that he will recommend that on major projects such as this, r/w acquisition and utility relocation be secured in the first year with construction to follow. q0 • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 7 DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack noted that, if a fire wall is used in this addition, it will probably require a separate electrical service. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Hawkins advised that he has had considerable conversation with the developers as the plans were being drawn up concerning the location of the utilities and what re -arrangements will need to be made. He requested a full set of plans for all schools for a review and added that all relocation of telephone service will be at the expense of the developer. He said these arrangements must be made at the earliest possible date. Hawkins said he saw no problem with closing the alley at Jefferson but advised that it takes about thirty days from the time the written request reaches him. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said Warner furnishes their service to schools at no charge. He requested a full set of plans and 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit furnished from the utility room to each room requiring service. He advised that service on the west side of Leverett will need to be relocated and he had no objection to the alley closing at Jefferson. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS England requested the existing gas load and the proposed gas load for the addition. He also requested a set of mechanical plans. England requested a 10' utility easement designated on S. College for future replacement of lines off the street r/w. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said he saw no problem with any of the proposals. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones repeated Powell's request for additional rights-of-way. She advised that the alley referred to in the description for Jefferson appears to run through the building and advised having the Board of Directors vacate it. Powell noted that the alley referred to has been designated as 10' drainage easement. Burrack requested to see the usual letter of request for vacating the alley. Berger asked if parking was allowed in the easement and Jones replied that the ordinance specifies that it is not and she strongly suggested formally vacating the alley. • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 8 Jones noted that the parking shown is adequate and requested that the two existing buildings as well as the existing drives, be labeled as such. She added that a permit is required for any new curb cuts. Jones advised that the existing drive on College does not meet the driveway safety zone (distance from the intersection). She said she would point out the off -set of the drive on 6th Street to the Subdivision Committee. Jones advised that sidewalk is required along 6th Street and she requested that it be on the property side of the unloading zone. Berger said it will be continued on to the east property line as requested. Jones indicated that all street, sidewalk and curb & gutter work must be inspected by the Street Department. She also noted that the Subdivision Committee has the authority to refuse an LSD plan because of a traffic hazard. She said she felt there may be a conflict between the unloading zone and the driveway on 6th Street. Jones advised that only the Board of Directors can waive the additional 10 ft. of r/w required on 7th Street. She indicated that a variance from the Board of Adjustment in the building setback could be applied for instead. Jones requested 10 copies of revised prints in the Planning Office one week before presentation to the Planning Commission. She added that 8 copies of the plat are necessary if a variance is requested. LEVERETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - ADDITION GARLAND BETWEEN CLEVELAND & EAGLE CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that Garland needs 80' of r/w and only 50' exist requiring 15' additional from this property. He said that if Garland were widened, as has been considered, the non -conforming "pull -off" would encroach into the (new) lane. Berger noted that the pull -off has been drawn incorrectly and does not extend as far as it appears. Powell noted that it is a non -conforming traffic hazard although he did not remember any accidents occurring at this location. He said he didn't think a drop-off point and a four -lane should be in the same location. Powell said Cleveland requires 60' r/w and 50' exists; 5 additional required from this property. He added that there is no curb and gutter immediately in front of the school but he did not request any off-site improvements other than the additional r/w. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT • Brt said he saw no problems with this proposal. • • • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 9 DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack said he received the information on the load expected and will install a 300KVA Transformer. He noted that a transformer is in storage for this school and that a pad will be needed. He said that conduit will be needed (DS1427) from the pole. Burrack said the conduit must be inspected before it is covered. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS England said there is an existing meter at this location but noted that it is a residential type and not for the school. He requested both the existing and the proposed gas load and a 15' utility easement along the north side of Cleveland. He also requested a set of plans. FREEMAN WOOD -BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood said there must be fire walls or a sprinkler system in this addition. BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones advised that one in every 25 parking spaces must be labeled handicapped and no more than 8 compacts are allowed. Berger replied that only 6 are planned. Jones requested the setbacks dimensioned from the Cleveland St. r/w, the north property line and the west property line as well as a label of use for the property between between the building and the west property line. Jones said there is a requirement for screening, which must be maintained, along the west property line. She said sidewalk is required along both streets although there is some conflict in the code as to how wide it will be. Berger said a sidewalk exists and Jones said it needs to be kept in good repair. Jones advised that Art.7, Sec.14 requires non-residential uses when in a residential zone and abutting residential property to have a 200' setback without full air conditioning and 200' setback if fully air conditioned. She said she could consider a school in the same light as a church (without spectator facilities) and require only a 50' setback with full air or 100' without. She added that the outdoor activities area requires a setback of 75' from a residential zone. She noted that these requirements can be waived by the Planning Commission Jones suggested giving consideration to closing Eagle Street to the north of this property and noted that the property on the north side of Eagle will be required to join in on that closing. Jones expressed her concern regarding the Garland Avenue driveway being in the existing r/w. She commented on the drive's configuration constituting a possible safety hazard, as well as not conforming to code. Berger noted that he attempted to keep the parking away from the r/w. Jones stated that if the City widens the street (40' from q3 • • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 10 centerline) by easement, by street Ltd, it may noted that the existing it can be used for parking but if it is obtained not be used as access to the street. She also drive is in the street r/w. BATES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- ADDITION W. 6TH ST. BETWEEN GARLAND 6 BUCHANAN The fourth item of consideration today was the proposed addition to Bates Elementary School located on W. 6th Street between Garland and Buchanan. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that Buchanan is a local street requiring 50' r/w while 60' currently exists. He noted that the Street Department has done extensive widening and storm drainage on Buchanan, consequently he requested no off-site improvements. He said W. 6th Street is an arterial with 80' r/w needed; plat book reflects 70' and he requested an additional 5' from this property. Powell noted that Garland has 60' of existing r/w with no additional required, although the street is only 26' wide at this location with open bar ditches for drainage and no existing sidewalk. He said if Bates' property abuts Stone Street, Stone will require 5' additional r/w from Delaware east to Buchanan. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said he saw no problem with the plan for this school. TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS England commented that the property line and r/w have not been shown on W. 6th Street and Berger replied that it was unclear as to where they were. Jones suggested contacting right-of-way Agent, Ed Connell to check on whether the Highway Department has taken some r/w at this location. England said his only question was where to the property line on W. 6th Street. r/w along 6th Street behind the r/w and He requested the existing gas load as well DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack said he was not aware of the fire wall requirement and asked Berger to call if this created a problem. He noted that the existing service comes from the north side. the gas line is in relation He requested 20' additional suggested 25' if possible. as the proposed. • • Plat Review August 15, 1985 Page 11 BOBBIE JONES - CODES TECHNICIAN Jones advised that sidewalks are required on all streets except Buchanan. She said if the Highway has not yet been widened on 6th Street, she would take a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk and would get the Planning Commission's feelings on a Bill for sidewalk on Garland. She said 5' additional r/w is required on Stone and at least an 80' r/w is required on W. 6th (needs to be checked in to). Jones said the drive on W. 6th Street appears to exceed the maximum width but Powell noted that it was acceptable to him because of the size of the school buses. Jones said that the setback without parking between parking and street would be 30' from the r/w to the overhangs. Jones advised that upon completion of each project, an "as -built" is required showing where each utility enters the building, parking, drives, setbacks, easements and rights-of-way, etc. She said ten copies of revised plans are necessary in the Planning Office one week prior to presentation to the Planning Commission. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. 95