HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-01 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, August 1, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Tom Mcllroy, Kenneth Wagner, James Crownover and Ivan Faulkner Perry Franklin, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Freeman Wood, Larry Poage, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The three items of consideration today were plans for additions to Happy have been losubmitted igbynHailey$Powers-Froning Architects hwith•ChaPlans rlie Berger representing. ALL SCHOOLS FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood explained the various types of construction and associates with each including either one or four and sprinkler systems. He added that any openings existing construction must have three-hour fire doors. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said he saw no problems with any of the water or sewer lines and added that assistance will be given in locating lines. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson was unable to attend today's meeting but had advised via the secretary that 3/4" conduit from the utility room to all outlets will be necessary if cable is desired in any of the buildings. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn advised that a sprinkler system, if utilized, will be tapped at the main and a flat charge added each month based on the size of the line. He noted that the service to all of the schools appears adequate and Berger agreed to get Osburn a temporary set of plans. the requirements hour fire walls between new and 4q Plat Review August 1, 1985 Page 2 HAPPY HOLLOW - RAY ST. NORTH OF E. HUNTSVILLE RD CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell noted that the extension of Ray Street from Fourth Street to build Happy Hollow School was built below existing standards because, as a public agency, the school was not required to comply with regu- lations. He said an additional 5 ft. of r -o -w from the perimeter of the property on Ray Street is needed. He added that there is an existing sidewalk on Ray as far as the south driveway with bituminous curb and gutter (no sidewalk) from the south driveway to the north driveway. Powell said he thought sidewalk was needed at this location at this time. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover noted that three-phase service is installed near Huntsville Rd. and advised that it would be best to remain single phase for this project. He requested the size of the additional load and the plans for the existing electrical entrance. He requested mechanical and electrical plans as soon as possible. Berger advised that the building was planned originally to provide for this addition and a fire wall will not be necessary between the old and the new. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested the size of the additional gas load as well as the overall load. He requested a 25' utility easement on the east side of Ray Street outside of the 5' additional street r/w to provide for future expansion. Berger said that he hopes to have drawings ready by early September and presented for bids bymid-September. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy requested the same easement extended along the east side of Ray Street. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised that he was in agreement with Wood's earlier comments on fire walls. He requested fire safety be addressed during construction with fire extinguishers kept handy and said he would like to see the fire extinguishers be built into cabinets upon completion. Poage noted that fire hydrants are existing and that he saw no other problems. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin advised that parellel parking was acceptable in this plan as there is a low traffic volume. go • Plat Review August 1, 1985 Page 3 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones agreed with Powell regarding r/w. She noted that the r/w easement should read 25' from the centerline of Ray to the west property line and the utility easement should read (eastward) 25' from the new r/w. She said that the Planning Office can prepare these easements if it is known who will sign the documents. Jones agreed with Powell that sidewalks should be extended on the east side of the street even though the Master Sidewalk Plan calls for it to be on the west side. She inquired about the mobile home on the property noting that the Planning Commission has approved these units for security purposes. She noted that two handicapped parking spaces are required. Jones requested that a plus or minus dimension to the north, east and south property line be added to the property plan section of this site plan. She also advised that the parking spaces need to be striped and noted that an "as -built" site plan is required showing the building, improvements, parking, fencing and all utility connections into the building as well as all easements. • WASHINGTON — BOUNDED BY FORREST, HIGHLAND, LAFAYETTE & MAPLE • CLAYTON POWELL — STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that r -o -w for the four bordering streets are as follows: Highland: 25' from centerline of street to property line (5' additional); Lafayette: 30' from centerline of street to property line (5' additional); Forrest: 25' from centerline of street to property line; and, Maple: 30' from centerline of street to property line. Powell noted that he was not recommending any improvements to Lafayette of Highland but added that a member of the school PTA has been notified by the sidewalk inspector that the sidewalk was deteriorated and in need of repair on the north side of Maple. The inspector also noted that the curb and gutter are deteriorated at this location, there is no sidewalk to the school and the street is only about 20' in width. Powell recommended that all r/w be dedicated as requested and that the entire perimeter of the school should be bounded by sidewalk at the property line extending toward the back of the curb and gutter. He noted that sidewalk is already in place on Highland and Lafayette. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised that some replacement of gas line has been done and that this line may have been included. He said if it has not been replaced and is less than 6', total volume needed should be looked 81 • • • Plat Review August 1, 1985 Page 4 into. Wagner asked for the size of the additional load and noted that the existing line is low pressure. He advised that the gas line is along the south side of Maple behind the curb and requested a 25' utility easement (minimum acceptable will be 20') on the outside of the street r/w to provide for future street widening. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy advised that service is on the east side of Highland Street, the south side of Maple, the east side of Forrest and the south side of Lafayette. He asked for a 20' utility easement for future widening purposes on Highland and Maple and a 20' or preferably 25' easement on Forrest. Mcllroy said he will probably need to relocate the existing entrance facilities and asked to be notified when construction begins. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPGO Faulkner asked to be contacted as soon as the engineers know the amount of the additional load expected as it will take some time to receive a transformer. He said service is currently 3-phase from the west side of the building and added that he saw no problem with the added load unless some change is desired from the existing service. Faulkner requested the same easements as those requested by McIlroy and Wagner. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised that there is a sprinkler system in this building and requested the same in the additions. He said there may need to be some discussion regarding the fire department hook up location. Poage said he strongly recommended that construction not take place during school session and also recommended not constructing both additions simultaneously as exits will be blocked off. He said he would to see fire extinguishers built into wall cabinets and noted that the fire hydrant locations are acceptable for this school. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt asked that the curb be deleted from in front of the dumpster location as shown on this plan to allow for truck pick-up. He advised that a concrete pad, 15' wide by 12' deep must be provided. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said that she interpreted the 20'8" on Forrest to represent the width of the existing street pavement. She repeated Powell's request for 5' additional r/w on Highland and Lafayette and 10' on Maple (30' from centerline). Jones advised that sidewalk is required along all four bordering streets. She noted that setbacks, without parking between the building and the street, should be 30' from the new r/w line; shown is 26'. Jones said that one handicapped parking 82 • • • Plat Review August 1, 1985 Page 5 space is shown but two are required and she added that this plan shows 10 parking spaces encroaching into street r/w. Berger replied that he would work on revising that plan. Jones requested an "as -built" plan submitted upon completion and advised that two copies of plumbing and floor plans must be submitted to the Inspection Department of which one copy will be stamped before being sent to the State Board of Health in Little Rock ASBELL — LAWSON AND SANG LARRY POAGE — FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised that the proposed "central" addition covers 12 exit units and noted that there is a section of code which addresses half of all exit points being located at the front of a building. He said that a four-hour fire wall could easily be utilized at this site and added that an alternative exit plan must be provided if construction takes place while school is in session. Poage said he would like to have a contract stating that the contractors will supply their own fire fighting equipment during construction. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that both Lewis and Sang have adequate r/w and added that, because of the park on the Lewis Street side, he would not request or recommend any improvements to Lewis. He pointed out that the park area playfield has chronic drainage problems due to a disruption on the north side at the time of Washington Plaza Apartment construction. Powell made note that Northwest Engineers were to try to resolve the problem but not much had been accomplished. He said the City has had an extensive drainage study done in this area from Garland Ave. to Porter Rd. and he added that two detention/retention ponds have been recommended on the east side of the Mt. Comfort Rd. and Lewis Street intersection, as well as ditch improvements on the west side of Lewis meandering southwards. Powell noted that the City has Bills of Assurance from other property owners along Sang Street to bring the street up to standards at the call of the City; he recommended the same for this situation. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised that there is an existing gas line on the west side of Sang Avenue with a service running through the near -center of the school with a meter in the front. He requested a 25" utility easement east of the r/w on Sang to provide for future widening. Wagner requested 83 Plat Review August 1, 1985 Page 6 a report on the additional gas load and the total gas load as possible and added that he will go along with any other easements requested. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy advised that his service is on the west requested a 25' utility easement if one does not this location. He agreed with Wagner's request for IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO as soon utility side of Lewis and currently exist at easement on Sang. Faulkner requested a report on the increase in electrical load as soon as possible. He noted that there is 50kw to work with and added that service will need to be carried through the building to the new additions. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones requested that dimensions from property line to the buildings be noted and noted that a sufficient number of parking spaces has been shown except that two spaces must be sized for handicapped parking (12 X 19). She advised that parking areas and driveways must he finished to a "durable and dustless" surface which does not include gravel. She added that all parking spaces must be striped and wheel stops provided. .Tones :Inquired as to where the existing small building will be moved to and what its use will be. Berger said he would check on it. Jones advised that the Master Sidewalk Plan indicates sidewalks along both Sang and Lewis and added that she felt there should definitely be one on Sang because of the park although she thought a Bill of Assurance may be acceptable. She noted that any Bills of Assurance for street work must be approved by the Board of Directors. Jones said that the r/w are sufficient and requested an "as -built" upon completion. Jones advised that 10 copies of revisions are needed by Aug. 5th for presentation to the Planning Commission on Aug. 12th and added that easements can be prepared in the Planning Office. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. gy