HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-18 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, July 18, 1985 at 9:15 in Room 111 of The City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Roy Hawkins, Tom Mcllroy and L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Perry Franklin, Freeman Wood, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis TOWNSHIP ROAD EXTENSION - DISCUSSION CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that this discussion would generally revolve around the possible relocation of various utilities and he added that there are no Federal funds involved. He said the beginning point is Highway 265 on the east, terminating at Old Wire Road on the west and noted that Township will be two lanes (31 ft. wide back-to-back of curb) with the exception of turn lanes at the intersections of Highway 265 and Old Wire Road. Powell advised that Mel Milholland is the City's consulting engineer in charge of design as well as construction, super- vision and inspection. Milholland advised that he has made an effort to meet with each of the utility representatives in the field to identify their particular utility lines. He said that aboveground sites have been located and underground may or may not have been. He added that he wished to make every effort to work the utility companies on having lines in the way of construction relocated. Milholland requested that the burying conduit be considered at this time for those wishing to put lines underground. He indicated that he had highlighted everything that he knew of including power poles, gas lines, water and sewer, etc. that need to be relocated and he requested that he be advised of any that may have omitted. Milholland said he would provide a set of prints for each utility company and requested that those representatives indicate on said prints, all existing service installations and anything that may be needed in the future including a materials list and specs. He acknowledged that plans were subject to change in the field as construction progresses. Jones suggested indicating whether items would be provided by the City or the contractor. '15 • • • Plat Review July 18, 1985 Page 2 IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner advised that SWEPCO will work with the City regarding the relocation of service. He requested that any underground facilities that cross the road be encased in conduit as the road is constructed. He requested a set of plans to review and said that he didn't see any major problems at this time. Faulkner added that there is a power pole that needs relocation which is not indicated on Milholland's plan. Faulkner said SWEPCO will not furnish the 3" Schedule 40 PVC conduit necessary for street crossings and added that everything will need to be checked in the field before any further comments are made. He advised that the conduit for single phase must be buried 40" deep. In discussion with Right -of -Way Agent, Bert Rakes, Faulkner indicated that the power pole behind the Winwood Baptist Church serves a large area that is not apparent and would be extremely expensive to replace. Faulkner agreed to indicate all requirements and locations needed by SWEPCO on a set of plans furnished by Milholland. Faulkner requested the r/w be cleared if his service needs to be relocated and Milholland replied that the City Board has ordered that no trees be removed past five ft. back of curb unless absolutely necessary. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC It was determined that Ozarks Electric will furnish service to a small portion of the north side of Township extension located at the section line (Sec.31 T-17 R-30) near Highway 265 (Cedarwood Addition). Crownover said there is nothing existing there at this time but advised that a church has building plans for this location. Milholland suggested that any necessary conduit be installed at this time. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson advised that his existing service in this area is buried with either SWEPCO or Bell. He requested 2" schedule 40 PVC for crossings. BERT RAKES - RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT Rakes asked if the fence at the intersection of Township and 265 would have to be removed and Jones replied that it should not be in the right-of-way. Rakes advised that he finds it necessary to condemn some additional land for right-of-way where that fence is currently set. Jones noted that the r/w had been dedicated before the fence was constructed. Powell confirmed that the fence must be removed from the r/w and discussion ensued as to possible compensation for said fence. Inspector Wood advised that setback for the fence must be examined on site for visibility. Milholland said he has staked out the r/w and set iron pins for markers. In answer to Hawkins question, Rakes replied that all r/w has not been secured at this time. Hawkins 174 Plat Review July 18, 1985 Page 3 requested that the three uncommitted locations (Winwood Baptist Church, Jerry Sweetser's garage. and Harris on the SW corner of Township and Highway 265) be noted on Milholland's prints. Faulkner requested notification of final r/w being secured. Milholland said he plans to advertise to receive bids in two weeks time, take the bids within 30 days and issue notice to proceed within 45 days. ROY HAWKINS & TOM MCILROY — SOUTHWESTERN BELL Hawkins advised that, if backfill is utilized (as planned by Milholland), Bell will need to relocate pedestals. He said there would be no problem if the grade is not changed and added that he would spot service locations. Hawkins said that it takes a minimum of six weeks from ordering to obtain cable and added that Bell has no underground crossings. Milholland said he would get Hawkins a set of plans as requested and Hawkins agreed to indicate his requirements on the plans and return them by July 26th. Mcllroy noted that he would furnish conduit in recently obtained easement behind Winwood Baptist Church and he advised that a field meeting would be necessary to discuss final arrangements. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that there may be some street crossings necessary with conduit required. He requested that Milholland provide for any relocation of sewer or water that is necessary. PERRY FRANKLIN — TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin advised that he will need two crossings for future signalization in 3" conduit, one at each end of the extension. Faulkner said that SWEPCO will handle the signalization at Crossover Road. He noted that Ozarks Electric could handle the service on the north side of the road at this intersection as the centerline is the boundary line. FREEMAN WOOD — BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood said that construction of the bridge will require a permit and added that once the engineering plans are submitted to him stating that the flood elevation will not be increased, he will submitt them to the Corp of Engineer in Little Rock. Wood said if the Corp cannot inspect the site they will request another engineering firm to confirm Milholland's calculations. He said both sets of calculations will then be sent to Conrad Hatfield at FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) for approval. n7 • • • i flat Keview July 18, 1985 Page 4 DISCUSSION OF FIRST SOUTH, SCHOOL STREET AND MAPLE STREET PROJECTS Powell inquired whether Southwestern Bell's schedule was still the end of August. Hawkins said he would know soon. Powell advised that he must have overlays and slurry seals finished by the end of August for either First South (Dickson at College) or School Street and Hawkins requested that the School Street project be addressed first. Powell announced that Maple Street is finished and the landscaping of the sororities and frat houses is under way. //•%S y..n. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 314-5 p.m. 7f