HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-02 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 2, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner, Roy Hawkins and L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Connie Edmonston, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis QUAIL CREEK ADDITION - W. BISHOP/M. MILHOLLAND BETWEEN. APPLEBY STREET AND DRAKE'STREET The only item of consideration was a proposed subdivision to be located between Appleby and Drake Streets west of College Ave. submitted by Wade Bishop and represented by Bishop and Milholland. Milholland agreed that the first phase of this development will be bounded on the south at the east side between Lots 17 and 37 of Block One, travel along the back lot lines between Quail Creek and John Wayne Drives and then proceed westward between Lots 29 and 30 of Block One, cross Quail Creek Drive to the west property line. Street Superinten- dent Powell requested a standard barricade between phases. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Jones reported comments given by Brt as follows: Everything looks fine and he asked for ample turn -around space if the project is phased. FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Jones reported comments given by the flood plain must be shown on partly in, or bordering on, the permit for structures built here be certified by an engineer. Wood as follows: The elevation of the final plat. The lots which are flood plain must have a flood plain and the lower level elevations must Bunn added that there is an ordinance pending that will prohibit sewer service to any structure built in the flood plain. He noted that if the area is already developed, this ordinance will not apply. .55 • Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 2 CLAYTON POWELL -'STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell noted that Appleby Street improvements have been constructed by the City to just east of the Appleby Street bridge. He added that Appleby is scheduled for further improvements beginning 375 ft. east of the present terminal point of the State Highway/City improvement project which ends approximately 30ft. inside the perimeter of this development on the east lot line of Lot 11. Powell said the City plat book shows a 40ft. r/w on the 40 acre line extending north and he noted that there is no way of knowing where the existing r/w of Appleby is at this time. He said the City currently has a survey in progress to determine the exact location and he requested that r/w be dedicated along this property's north border which will be adequate to result in 25 ft. to the south of that r/w. Powell said the r/w needs to be clarified before street improvements begin and added that there should be no changes made in the elevation of Appleby because site distance and traffic safety have been taken into consideration in the City's improvement plans. He said that storm draining the width of this property along Appleby will be required. Powell noted that this plat shows the drainage breaking midway along • Quail Creek Drive while the exiting drainage is 102 ft. east. • Powell recommend waiving the requirement of 1000ft. maximum on a dead-end street based on Planning Commission action on another recently approved subdivision at Highway 16 West. He said he felt that Appleby should be brought up to current City standards across the perimeter of this subdivision for 15.5 ft. (from whatever centerline is established to the property line). Powell recommended the shown storm drainage remain, however, he said City street specs call for all intersections be underdrained when possible. He recommended Ripple Creek be underdrained with drop inlets on both sides of the street and stormed north to the drop inlets at the southwest corner of John Wayne Drive. He recommended Whispering Springs be underdrained with drop inlets on both sides of the intersection across Oak Brook Drive to the north corner of Driftwood Drive. He asked for another drop inlet on the south side of Driftwood and storm drain across Quail Creek to the south corner of Joey's Court. Powell said this will slightly exceed the 700 ft. spacing of carrying drainage on a street surface but will eliminate the traffic safety of having freezing precipitation flowing through intersections. He said that any phase of a subdivision that is not completed or in progress at the time the new specifications are presented to the Planning Commission (about one month) should comply with the new specs. Powell said that the island in the "eyebrow" of Joey's Court should be maintained by a Property Owners Association unless it is a dedicated street in which case it should be 31 ft. back to back with 50 r/w. 56 Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 3 He said he prefers it be dedicated. He noted that the median at the entrance on Appleby must be maintained by a POA. Powell advised that Drake Street is currently under construction from Villa North to Lonnie Street with 60 ft. r/w having been acquired to Gregg Street including condemnation of the Nettleship property. Powell said that, if Quail Creek is constructed to the south perimeter prior to the construction of Drake Street, he would request the cul-de-sac be constructed to current standards rather than a temporary gravel turn -around. Powell also recommended that this developer be required to improve Drake Street for 15.5 from centerline. Powell noted that drainage easements may not be maintained in the same space as utility easements. He said the drainage easement that is being dedicated in the existing 70 ft. canal on the northwest end needs to be cleared, grubbed, aligned and improved with rip -rap for a width of 25 ft. for maintenance purposes. He also said he felt the drainage should be controlled on the south end where it intersects Drake Street. Powell asked that sidewalks be ramped at all driveways and intersections. Milholland requested to allow the drainage easement that ends at the south line of Lot 3 to be maintained by the property owners and Powell agreed if this arrangement is in some way annotated on the plat. Milholland also requested placement of a box on the north side of Lot 10 that will empty into the channel and Powell agreed, noting that it must be properly annotated that the rear portion of Lot 10 is not usable. He added that the curb and gutter will need to continue to the west perimeter. Powell inquired about the desired status of the drainage channel and Bishop replied that he would like it to be the responsibility of the property owners with maintenance as such annotated in the covenants. Powell advised that this developer may design the streets and drainage of one phase at a time with the stipulation that, if phase two is not constructed within a reasonable period of time, a cul-de-sac will be installed. Powell noted that any location that has water and sewer or utilities under the pavement should be stubbed out with the curb painted to indicate their placement. He also advised that Drake Street and Appleby have both been surveyed and monumented with 60ft. and 50ft. of r/w respectively. Powell advised that French drain specs are 26" from the top of curb. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised a 'name change for Oak Brook and Quail Creek as there are existing streets with similar names. He said the fire hydrant placement is fine and added that he prefers hydrants placed on street 57 • • • Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 4 corners. Bunn added that fire hydrants need to be separated by 500 ft. or less. IVAN FAULRNER - SWEPCO Faulkner advised that there have been changes in policy and said he would have someone contact the developer to discuss same. He requested that the building setback along the west side of Quail Creek from the entrance on Appleby to Lot 16 Block Two on the north end of John Wayne Drive be designated utility easement. He requested the easement between Lots 16 and 17/18 be increased to 25ft. Faulkner said SWEPCO does not install equipment in the 100 year flood plain and he said he would need to cross, (in 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit under concrete) Ripple Creek, Whispering Springs and Oak Brook between Lots 23/34, 28/29, 38/39, 42/43. He requested same between Lots 51/52, 55/56 and 63/64, 68/69. Faulkner requested a 25ft. easement on the south end of John Wayne between Lots 25/56 and extended through Lots 10/11 to the east perimeter. He noted that 20 ft. would be sufficient if no other utilities were in that easement. Faulkner explained that there were no alternatives to serving Lots 1, 2 and 10 near Appleby because of the drainage channel. It was agreed to designate a 20 ft. utility easement between Lots 4/5 and 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. (East 20ft. = drainage and West 20ft. = utilities). Faulkner also requested a 20ft. easement between Lots 12/13 to serve Lots 11/12. He indicated his service would come from Appleby. Faulkner advised that he needs loft. of easement for each streetlight service and he noted that he would serve Lots 26 and 53 from the front. He said it is necessary to have easements touch the perimeter of each lot and he agreed to take a 15ft. easement across the mid-section of Lot 11 to serve Lot 10. Faulkner noted that he requires 36" of finished cover over the easements. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Hawkins requested the 25 ft. building setback of Lots 1-16 along the west side of Quail and the north end of John Wayne be designated utility easement. He also requested that the building setback on Lot 25, 26, 27 & 28 on Ripple Creek be designated as utility easement. He said he will cross at Lot 42/43 of Whispering Springs with the building setback along Lots 40, 41 & 42 being designated utility easement. He requested the easement between Lots 55/56 be 16 ft. and that Lots 50-55 building setback be designated utility easement. He requested a 15 ft. utility easement between Lots 60/61 and between 60 and 58. ,5 • • • Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 5 ALL OF THE UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT STATED THAT UTILITY EASEMENTS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 20 FT. WIDE IF ELECTRIC, CABLE, PHONE AND GAS WILL BE SHARING THAT EASEMENT AND THAT AN EASEMENT COULD BE 16 FT. WIDE IF GAS WERE ELIMINATED. Bishop requested the utility representatives examine the situation to determine way to eliminate pedestals in front yards. Hawkins requested the building setback in Block Two Lots 33/34, 47/48, and 59/60 be designated utility easement. He also requested a new plan showing all utility easements before it is presented to the Planning Commission. He said he will serve this development from Drake Street and requested the utility easements along Lots 36-42 be staked for identification. Hawkins advised that he requires 4" schedule 40 PVC conduit and 24" of finished cover over all easements spaced two -three feet from all other conduit. L. 0. FERGUSON WARNER -AME% CABLE Ferguson said he could use the north/south easements between Lots 23/24, 28/29, 38/39, 42/43, 50/51, 55/56, 63/64 and 68/69. He advised that he would need a pedestal in front of Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block Two as well as Lots 3 and 4 and between Lots 10/11. He said he would need the easement ,between Lots 12/13 Block 2. He requested 2" schedule 40 PVC for all street crossings as well as a copy of the revised plan showing utilities. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that he will make the water taps where they cross the street after they have been bled and approved. He said the sewer taps need to made as the lines are installed and tested along with the mains. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said he would serve this development from Drake Street. He advised that he will try to use the easements in the area of the flood plain if they are cleared and brought to grade. He noted that all utility easements requested by the other utility companies must be 20ft. as he will use them. Wagner requested a 15 ft. easement across the north border of Lot 11 just south of the drainage easement. He requested, in Block Two between Lots 23/24, 28/29, 38/39, 42/43, 50/51, 55/56, 63/64 and 68/69, a 20 ft. utility easement. Wagner advised that the gas company will install the street crossings upon notification of other utility conduit being installed. He requested to be notified 51 • • • Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 6 before work begins on Appleby in order to install a street crossing on the northeast and northwest corners of the property. He advised that there will be some meters set in the front and that if the developer wished the meter set at the house, he would request private easements and the runs would be at the developer's expense. He said he would cross between Lots 27/28 in a 20 ft. easement and he requested a 20ft. utility easement between Lots 58/60 up to Lot 59. He said he could install the street crossings with a couple of days notice. Milholland advised that he would send two copies of plans showing the revisions requested today to each representative and he asked that they be marked with one copy returned to him. CONNIE EDMONSTON — PARRS AND RECREATION Edmonston said that, as per the Greenspace Ordinance, this developer is required to give .0125 acres of land or $105 per single family dwelling which will amount to $12,180. She advised that this fee may be made as each lot sells with the balance on the unsold lots being paid at the end of five years (for each phase). Edmonston noted that this development will be discussed at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting of May 20 at 4 p.m. at City Hall and that the developer is welcome to attend with advance notice. She advised that the Parks' Board recommendation will be given to the Planning Commission. DON OSBDRN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn inquired whether any buildings along Drake will face Drake and Jones advised that the Planning Commission required that no drives exit onto Drake. Jones also noted that the property line of those lots will be 9 1/2 ft. from the curb on Driftwood and 5 and 1/2 ft. from Drake. Osburn advised that alternative names would be preferable as there are already streets named Oak, Brook and Quail and he added that one -word names are preferable as long names will not fit in the master file of water records. He said he did not think water taps could be made before October. Jones advised that "avenues" run north/south and "streets" run east/west. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones requested a copy of the covenants before this proposal is presented to the Planning Commission and advised that all property owners within 100 ft. need to be notified before the Subdivision Committee meets. She noted that the three methods of notification are; 1. property owners' signature on a copy of the plat; 2. an ad in the newspaper; or, 3. certified letter with return receipt requested and turned in to the Planning Office. Jones advised that the developer allow ten 40 Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 7 days to two weeks for return receipt mail. Milholland requested to present revisions to the Subdivision Committee on May 24 and Jones agreed. Jones advised that a written request for a waiver of the maximum length of a dead-end street is necessary as well as one for street light spacing and she added that the phasing needs to be indicated in some way. She said the utility easements in the building setbacks need to be shown on the plat using a symbol different from setbacks. Jones requested that a fifth note be added to the plat indicating that no drives will open onto Drake Street. She said that Milholland could show the boundary of Phase I with the easement dedication on the plat but out of the first phase, recorded and noted as a separate, off-site easement. Jones noted that Joey's Court is very similar to Joyce and that Milholland might consider another name here too. Milholland said he will request a waiver to end the sidewalk at the east side of Lot 10 and Jones replied that the Planning Commission can waive design standards but cannot eliminate sidewalks completely. She added that a streetlight should be shown at the future Drake Street location if Drake is open at the time of construction of the second phase of this development. Jones requested that sidewalks be shown on one side of each street including around the culs-de-sac and perhaps the "eyebrow". She noted that there are some members of the Planning Commission that would like to see sidewalks installed against the property line instead of against the r/w as presently allowed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12 noon. 41 Plat Review May 2, 1985 Page 8 CORRECTIONS TO MINUTES OF MAY 2, 1985 Faulkner called the Planning Office with the following corrections: Page 4, paragraph 3, should read between Lots 25/26 not 25/56. Page 4, paragraph 4, should read "...36" of finished cover over the conduits." .601