HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-25 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 25, 1985 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner and Tom Mcllroy CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE - RETAIL SPACE SAM MATHIAS - HWY.471 AT MASONIC Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The only item of consideration today was the large scale development plan submitted by Sam Mathias for an office -retail structure located on Hwy. 471 at Masonic and represented by Mathias and David Jorgensen. L.'0. FERGUSON - WARNER -AMEX CABLE • Ferguson was absent but transmitted the following comment: Cable service is available from power poles along Hwy. 471 if the developer will supply conduit from that point, under the blacktop, to the building. Jones advised to check on the type and size of conduit and whether it needs to be elbowed. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn was absent but transmitted the following comment: Water is available on Hwy. 471 and sewer is available on both Hwy. 471 and Masonic. No additional easements are necessary. Jones advised checking with Bunn for size of meter tap. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell inquired into unusual stipulations and Jones advised that this property is zoned R-0 at the location noted as "future building" and the remainder of the property is zoned C-2. She added that the driveway access as shown on the northwest corner is to be shared with American College to the north as per an agreement made by that developer at the time of their LSD presentation. 149 • • Plat Review April 25, 1985 Page 2 Powell advised that the configuration shown on this plat does not meet tandem drive criteria. He noted that, as is, it will present congestion and acute traffic safety hazard. Powell advised that driveway width maximum for commercial zones is 4Oft. and 5Oft. in tandem. He added that, if local criteria is more stringent than State Highway Department, that criteria shall prevail. Powell noted that this property abuts unimproved Masonic Drive and City code requires that the street be brought up to current standards along the full perimeter of the property which, in this case, shall be paving 15.5 ft. from the centerline to back of curb with drainage, sidewalk, curb and gutter. Powell advised that, unless this is waived by the Planning Commission, it is required as per App.I Sec.III, A(1) of Fayetteville Code of Ordinances and Sec.H(1) for Large Scale Develop- ments which contain the same criteria. He said he didn't see the economics of building a service drive when the street could be improved and the property used for commercial purposes. He noted that sidewalk is required on the south side of Masonic as well as on both sides of College and added that the Highway Department likes the sidewalks on the r/w extending into the property. He also requested ramps at sidewalk/drive intersections. Powell said he has handouts on street specifications and suggested accessing this property from Masonic as he felt that area of College was both congested and had site distance problems as well as narrowing of the street and paint -striped medians. Jorgensen reported that it would difficult to use the south portion of the property for parking because of the great amount of fall from Masonic, even if Masonic were improved. He noted that the service drive was included for deliveries and utility -meter -reading. Jones advised that both she and Powell have been reminded not to overlook off-site improvement requirements. She said that the ratio of off-site improvements for this parcel will be considered by the Planning Commission along with those other properties that have the right to use the road and that written waiver requests may be taken as far as the City Board. Powell advised that on-site drainage must not be allowed to run into the street and noted that a drop -inlet should be included with the improvements to Masonic. He also noted that there is an existing storm drain on Hwy. 471. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Jorgensen stated that he expected to begin this project June 1 and that 200 amp on each meter were needed at three locations. • Faulkner advised that service would be underground from power poles located on the east side of Hwy. 471 He requested some advance notice 50 • Plat Review April 25, 1985 Page 3 for service and also requested an extension across this property from the 25 ft. utility easement that runs north/south along 471 in front of American College as well as 25 ft. utility easement along the north side of Masonic in order to serve the future building. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Mathias said there will be 5000sq.ft. of discount store with a 7000 sq.ft. office space at the front and 3000sq.ft. of office at the rear. Wagner agreed with Faulkner regarding the extension of the 25 ft. utility easement from American College across this property's frontage and he requested a 25 ft. utility easement along the north side of Masonic, cleared and brought to grade. Jorgensen requested meters located near the rear of the building close to the easement with a service line to each space. Wagner said he has existing 1 & 1/4" steel line 4 to 5 feet from the cement pad which will be removed from the property into the new easement. • _ ... TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL • Mcllroy advised that there is a Bell manhole on the southwest corner in the street easement but that, in order to serve this development, he would like to use the easement requested by Faulkner. He requested a building detail plan as soon as possible. Mcllroy said he would make one attachment and then extend across the south easement to the future building site. He said there is a major conduit run along College and advised calling before digging. DON OSBURN -WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn advised that this property's address will be 3416 on the front building with suite numbers from one to three west to east. He said the rear building will be 3422 and there will be one water meter for now. He said if necessary, suite numbers can be used on the rear building running north and south. Osburn requested the meter(s) be set out at the street and advised that there is existing water near the drive at the northwest corner. He advised that if four meters are required, an "add-on" was possible at the existing meter along with installation of a double meter. Osburn advised that there is 3/4" service at this location. He said that if the meter loop is going to be in the parking area, arrangements need to be made to have them moved. He also said there is a sewer tap on Masonic which may not be large enough to handle this development. The existing manhole on Hwy. 471 was discussed as a possibility dr7 • • Plat Review April 25, 1985 Page 4 Osburn requested a site card displaying property address before a construction meter is set and noted that permanent house numbers must be attached and displayed on the building before the permanent meter is set. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised that two, 1011 ABC -type dry -chemical fire extinguishers are required for the proposed 5,000 sq.ft. of apparel store as well as one for each office space. He said there was a fire hydrant close enough to serve this project. Poage noted that exit doors may not be blocked by parked vehicles and those doors should be labeled properly. He said if sidewalk bordered the space between the door and parking spaces, it would be acceptable. He requested the door on the south side be marked "no parking" and advised that there is a requirement to keep doors unlocked & unobstructed. RALLY BRT - SANITATION SDPERINTENDENT Brt commented that a 4 sq.yd. dumpster will be necessary and noted that he could enter from Hwy. 471 and exit from Masonic Drive if an exit is required at that location. He requested the drive onto Masonic be a minimum of 25 ft. wide and he requested locating the dumpster at the north line between the proposed building and the site for the future building. Brt said that if this trash location is to be temporary, a pad is not needed at this time but he suggested SB -2 so as to elevate the container and keep it from moisture. Jones noted that the final concrete pad must be 12 X 15 ft. wide and screening may be provided on three sides leaving the front open. She added that a 21ft. overhead clearance is necessary. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones repeated Powell's comments regarding code requirements on property being developed on streets not meeting full City street standards. She advised that the developer must bear their share of upgrading that street. Powell noted that a formal street improvement district composed of property owners along the street is formed to share the costs of improvements. Jones advised that the composition of the street improvement group must derive some benefit from the proposed improvements and she added that the improvement district may not be forced to pay off the cost in less than four years time. • Powell said he will pave an additional 7 1/2 ft. if this developer improves Masonic on his side. 52 Plat Review April 25, 1985 Page 5 Jones advised that the developer's property is split in zoning; the front portion being C-2 and the future building is R-2, having been rezoned. She said the setback of 50 ft. from r/w has been met. Jones said that retail parking must be provided at one per 200 sq.ft. of floor area and office parking is one per 300 sq.ft. She noted that with the ratio shown on this plat, 58 spaces are required for the first building, three designated handicap and a maximum of 20% of total spaces required may be for compacts; both handicap and compact spaces must be marked as such. Jones advised that there must be a 24 ft. aisle for driving and noted that the aisle shown is only 20 ft. on the front. She said wheel stops must be provided to contain the vehicles within the parking area. Jones said that the service drive shown on the south side will need to continue around the building or the developer will need to provide a turn -around. Jones addressed the future building, noting that R-0 is limited to office space or very limited retail uses and the parking at 9,000 sq.ft. will be 30 spaces or a total of 88 for both buildings and this plan shows only 80. Jorgenson said that can be corrected. She advised that the setback in R-0 is 25ft. from a rear property line and 15ft. from the east line, 50 ft. from the r/w on Masonic if there is parking between the street and building but this can be reduced to as little as 25ft. from the r/w with no parking and 10% of the area between the building and street landscaped. She noted that if landscaping is chosen, there is an area in the southeast corner where parking is not allowed (50ft. east/west by [either] 25ft. north/south with 10% plants [or] 15ft. north/south with 15% plants). Jones said that serious thought should be given to additional driveways at this time rather than coming back with changes later. She noted that there must be 25ft. between drives with 12 and 1/2ft. from property lines and 40ft. from intersection. She said that College requires a 5ft. wide concrete sidewalk ramped at drives and intersections. Jones noted that a Bill of Assurance was taken from American College and that the choice at this point is to either take a Bill from this developer or to require immediate installation on this property and call the Bill of Assurance issued to American College. She said she would leave the final decision on this issue to the Planning Commission. Jones requested that "preliminary plat" in the identification block be changed to Large Scale Development. She said she will verify the r/w on Masonic and if it is 50ft. she requested it be noted. She requested the legal description be added to the plat and she noted that screening is required along the north portion of this property that measures 108.90 as well as along the east property line as these areas border a zoning different from the development. She advised that the developer has the right to request a (written) waiver with the substitution of landscaping at 10%. She added that if screening if desired, it must be view obscuring within two years. 53 • • • Plat Review April 25, 1985 Page 6 Jones requested an "as -built" site plan at the end of each phase of construction showing all changes, exact locations of all utilities, building location, setbacks, paved areas, parking and any signs. She advised that only one ground sign will be allowed for the entire project but that each individual space may have a wall sign. She requested all improvements be completed before occupancy and that if there is a problem with that, upon two weeks notice, a contract may be used for everything except sidewalk. Jones advised that the code requires a truck berth or service area 10 X 25ft. but she thought the service drive was acceptable. Jones advised that the developer is required to notify the property owner to the north and east of the R-0 portion (as well as American College) because of common property line and difference in zoning. She said the methods that may be used are: 1. presenting a copy of the plat to the owner for their signature; 2. mailing a copy of the drawing certified with return receipt requested; or 3. or by running an ad in the newspaper. She advised allowing 10 days for return receipts and that she needs a copy of the news ad if it is used. Jones said that 2 copies of revisions to her and Inspector Wood are due in the Inspection Department and two sets of plumbing plans need to be stamped before being sent to Little Rock for Health Department approval. Jones advised that 10 copies of revisions are necessary in the Planning Office no later than May 6 in order to be presented to the Subdivision Committee on May 10 and the Planning Commission meeting of May 13. Jones commented that the City has requested that two northbound lanes and the left-hand turn lane of Hwy. 471 be extended at this location to help ease the traffic situation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:0 a.m. sy