HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 18, 1985 at 9:00 am. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, L.O. Ferguson, Tom Mcllroy and Roy Hawkins CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CHANGES FOR WOODLAND BILIS WEDINCTON DRIVE WEST OF—GARLAND Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Bob Jones, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The only item of consideration today was proposed changes in number of units for the large scale development of Woodland Hills, located at 1200 Wedington Drive west of Garland and represented by Ed Rawls and Ralph Gray. Rawls explained that the proposed changes are in density resulting from economic necessity. He said that every research performed has indicated that a selling price of $90 per sq.ft. is about $30 too high and that the main cost will be in land development. Rawls said that he is proposing each structure with 6 units instead of the original four and that the units will all be two-story. (162 units instead of 100). He added that the "footprints" will remain the same with the exception,of change in position of two buildings and that no more trees than absolutely necessary will be lost. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell noted that the entrance%on Wedington Drive has been previously discussed and, since nothing else has changed, he had no further questions or comments. He added that, of the three layout alternatives presented, this was the one he preferred and he said density was no problem. Administrator Jones commented that plans for improvements to James Street are to be submitted to Powell before construction begins. Rawls noted that 10 acres just to the northwest of this project is being considered for development and he asked about the possibility of joint street construction between that developer and himself. Powell replied that he has informed that prospective developer of the off-site improvement requirements and added that it would be best if all the improvements there could be done at the same time. N3 • • • Plat Review April 18, 1985 Page 2 Powell said that this developer may construct paving along with curbs and gutters on one side and the Street Department will then overlay said street and leave the remainder of improvements to the next developer. Gray inquired as to adjacent property owner's (Vernon Wilson) involvement in street improvements and Powell replied that, although Wilson would not be required to reimburse this developer, he would be required to contribute to street improvements if they are still uncompleted. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage said he had no problems with the structures being two-story or with the total density. He asked that measures be taken to prohibit parking along the easements at the northeast and northwest boundaries as a clear path to James Street needs to be maintained. Rawls said he would post signs to that affect in the beginning. Poage noted that a large amount of vehicles, as he anticipates here, can be a hindrance for fire trucks. Rawls volunteered to soften the radii at the northeast corner and at the inside northwest corner to allow an easier access for fire and trash trucks. Poage said he likes to see the fire hydrants at the corners if possible and he advised that an 8" line would be preferable. He asked about the median at the entrance on Wedington and Rawls replied that it has been eliminated. Rawls also said that he would have his engineer get in touch with the City Engineer for placement of fire hydrants. Poage noted that his trucks will begin by accessing from Wedington Drive and added that he would like to see at least four fire hydrants. Ms. Jones suggested checking with the Building Inspector on specs for spacing between structures. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt's comments via the Planning Administrator were: a vehicular turn- around at the completion of each phase of development is requested; 60 X 60ft. or 75 ft. radius if it is circular. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner said that, because this project will be total electric, there will be no problem with the existing utility easements. He advised that if the area were cleared and brought to grade, he could arrange to be flexible in winding inbetween trees instead of cutting them. Faulkner requested 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the concrete of the drives and easement on the east side (because the easement will be covered with concrete)with a manhole about mid -way up the north/south easement on the east boundary. Faulkner said he needed a connection to James Street and said he would work with Rawls to avoid additional conduit at this location. Rawls noted that there is probably about 7 & 1/2 to 8 ft. of grass area on the east boundary and Faulkner said • • • Plat Review April 18, 1985 Page 3 he could use that area without conduit being necessary. He said if he could service at least 24 units at one time he could remain within SWEPCO's policy. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER -AMEX CABLE Ferguson requested 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the paving to cross from the east easement to the northeast structure and he requested a separate manhole at the same location requested by Faulkner. He requested 2" PVC schedule under the drives on Wedington and James. Ferguson requested an easement on an angle from the northern section of the east side easement to the structure adjacent to the northern exit. He noted that, if the sewer were deep enough in the easement, he could place his lines in that easement above said sewer line. Faulkner noted that the conduit on the west side would need to be a 3 -way with a "T" from a manhole extending down the center (east/west) easement. Ferguson requested that conduit as well, but did not require another manhole. Faulkner asked to have the electrician contact him to work out the details and noted that he needed some notice. Ferguson said he could pre -wire to each apartment. TOM MCILROY/ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy said that the easement on the west boundary line is fine. He requested 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit to get to the paved area at the northeast corner and added that he would also need conduit on an angle from the east side easement to the first structure -west of the northern exit. Mcllroy requested a 10 ft. square easement on the southeast corner to set his equipment in and noted that Southwestern Bell will provide the developer's choice of screening of the equipment. Gray noted that he would prefer greenery to fencing. Rawls requested the equipment be set below grade line and Mcllroy agreed. Hawkins noted that fencing would require a 20 X 20 ft. easement to allow room to work on the equipment. Ms. Jones advised that any easements in addition to those previously requested will need to be executed. Mcllroy said that he could be flexible in placing the cables without the necessity of scraping the easement or removifig trees. Rawls advised that he plans to begin construction by July 1 this year. Hawkins requested a "typical" for buildings showing the entrance point for utilities and said that Bell would pre -wire to one (nearest)receptacle in each apartment. He added that Bell could handle all of the pre -wire upon notification or the developer may install it himself. Jones agreed to furnish this developer with addresses of utility companies so they might be provided with a copy of a "typical". //6 • • • Plat Review April 18, 1985 Page 4 Hawkins said that he could not cross lot lines to provide service unless the outside walls were held in common. Rawls agreed that the outside walls would be kept common. BOB JONES - POLICE CHIEF Gray invited Jones' comments on the proposed layout of this development and asked what will be provided, security -wise. Jones said that it was his opinion that the entrance on Wedington creates a problem because of the grade and curves. He inquired as to when James Street was expected to be improved. Gray replied that he is trying to avoid any excess costs on James street until required, but also wish to adhere to Jones' recommendation. Gray said he would probably build 25-30 units at one time and Jones noted that, according to Bobbie, James Street must be improved by completion 40 units or one year. Jones asked what rental market Gray was aiming at and Gray replied that his main target was med-tech people from Washington Regional Medical Center and that he also expected some graduate students or young marrieds with no children. Jones advised that students may make as many as four trips per day to and from classes alone. Gray said he thought that the price may be too high for young single students but would be more affordable to married students. Jones expressed his concern regarding this development having only one point of ingress/egress, particularly if a major tie-up should occur during the first phase of construction. He said he thought that the point at which the City could enforce the improvements to James Street was a legal question for the City attorney. Jones said he would prefer that there be a second point of egress at James but recognized that the developer would probably not wish to install those improvements at this time because of cost. He said he would be satisfied if James Street improvements were constructed at the forty unit maximum although he did need to express his concerns regarding this matter. Rawls explained that he would not want construction traffic to conflict with residential traffic after the first 40 units and will gladly install James Street improvements at that time. Jones asked if this developer would consider those improvements sooner if the developer of the acreage to the northwest of this were ready to begin before the 40 units were completed. Gray said he prefers to install those improvements in conjunction with another developer. 1!6 • • • Plat Review April 18, 1985 Page 5 DON BIINN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that the sewer on James Street was hard pressed to serve the original 100 units that were planned for this development and that he would need to re -calculate to see what the status would be for the additional 62 units. He said he could set the water meter at the southeast corner in the utility easement. Bunn advised that the developer's contractor will be responsible for all work in connection with the meter box and added that he has standard details on various size meter boxes available but that the City will furnish the meter at no charge. Bunn stated that the service lines to the buildings need to be kept out of the utility easements as those easements are reserved for public utilities. Bunn advised that an 8" water line to the fire hydrants was necessary. He said if the line is looped, 6" would be acceptable. He noted that these fire lines can be owned privately or placed within the easements for maintenance by the City but added that, if the lines are privately maintained, the hydrants must still conform to City standards. Bunn said that he preferred the lines be City owned and maintained. He said that the fire line must "T" off the common meter and noted that the fire protection charge on each City maintained hydrant is $22.50 per month with no additional charge for actual fire fighting. He said if "8 line is used, it is acceptable to dead-end rather than loop as is necessary with 6" line. Bunn requested the street be noted as a 15ft. utility easement if the water lines are to be public. It was determined that sewer line within the development will be private. - Bunn requested a set of plans noting the differences between this and the previous Woodland Hills plan. Osburn said he would prefer to master meter this project at the road but there may be a problem getting a big enough meter to handle fire protection unless two separate lines are provided. If it is master -metered there will not be a monthly charge for the plugs. Jones asked if this would be a City main or a private water line and Osburn said a single -metered would be a City main because the City would maintain it to the meter. Gray said his preference was to master meter. • BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones requested an updated "as -built" plan submitted at the end of each phase of development unless a permit for the next phase has been taken out. She also requested an "as -built" at the end of the entire project. She noted that no structure may be placed in the setback which is 25 ft. from the front and rear property lines and 8ft. at each side (the easements on the sides are wider than the setbacks i/7 Plat Review April 18, 1985 Page 6 and no structure may be placed over an easement). Jones advised that, if the structure exceeds the height of 20 ft., the setbacks are increased one foot for each foot of height over 20 ft. Jones said that the legal -description on this plat indicated there are 7.33 acres and according to calculations, condos under the Horizontal Property Regime may include 24 units per acre. She said that proof of the Horizontal Property Regime must be provided in order to allow the proposed density. Jones advised that Rawls and Gray check on re—newing permits and whether or not the internal plumbing plans need to be re—submitted to the State Board of Health because of the increased density. Jones said she felt the consideration of the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Committee would lie with the increased density. She noted that one of the reasons they may refuse approval of a plan is that said development would create or compound a dangerous traffic condition. She noted that they could amend what has been previously requested for James Street. DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPERIATEkDBNT • Osburn assigned 1200 W. Wedington Drive as the address for Woodland Hills and suggested that the number on the units within each structure begin with the low number on the right and circle counter—clockwise ending with the high number on the left. Osburn said he would tap the water main and bring it across the street (if necessary) and that the contractor will need to build the service from that point on (including a meter pit) to City specs. He noted that the specs on meters have been changed and advised Gray to meet with him to discuss this. Osburn advised that he would like to build the meter when the setting is put together and noted that the meter will not be turned on until all permits and inspections have been taken care of. He requested a construction sign with the address posted and an address sign at the front of the development (but out of the landscaping) upon completion. Osburn suggested placing a valve on the outside of each building with a cover box and knowledge of how to turn the valves off. Osburn suggested a 4" meter setting and if it sizes out smaller he can adapt down. He also suggested signs on each building with the numbers of the units on them. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. /16