HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-11 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, April 11, 1985 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Connie Skinner and Chrylene Noblin CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, tarry Poage, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis DENNIS HOME FURNISHINGS 3525:Solas COLLEGE The only item of consideration today was an expansion of Dennis Home Furnishings located at 3525 S. College and represented by Kenneth Dennis and Dennis Becker. Jones noted that there had been a rezoning of this property in 1972 (the east 500 ft.) with a written letter agreement by Don Thronebery which restricts the parcel from having additional driveways onto Highway 71 and constructing a service road instead. Jones said the access road was imposed by the Board of Directors which only they can waive. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT In answer to Powell's question, Dennis advised that his property goes as far as Sunrise Mountain Rd. but that the proposed development will only about 100 ft. north of the existing buildings and the parking lot will tie into the existing lot. Powell asked if the two properties have been split and Dennis replied that they have not. Powell said that the 100 ft. will not interfere with the proposed improvements for the remainder of the tract that extends to Sunrise Mt. but he advised that it shoud be kept in mind as the tract develops. Powell said the r/w on 471 has been widened to 4 -lanes and he advised that the only problem he saw was the extension of a drainage culvert. He noted that Dennis should contact the State Highway Department engineer in Ft. Smith (Allen Holmes) to get a permit to connect to the highway underdrain. Powell recommended a surface grate for the surface drainage which flows north around the north end of the building. He said everything else looks fine. He advised having the engineer design the concrete box to an H-20 loading factor for the support of the building. 38 • • • Plat Review April 11, 1985 Page 2 LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage requested a fire department hook-up place in front or on the side of the building in order to assist the water pressure in case more than four sprinkler heads activate at once. He said it must not be placed at the rear of the building. Dennis advised that he has a hard surface drive to access the rear of the building. Poage requested panic bars on the emergency exit doors (labeled) and he requested five 10# ABC -type fire extinguishers as well as three 2 and 1/2 gallon water -type extinguishers in the warehouses. He noted that the standard is 1 per 2500 sq.ft. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO% Faulkner advised that the present service is located on the south side of the existing building. He suggested underground service from a point on the east property line with service located between the buildings. He requested a utility easement along the front (east border) of the property. Faulkner said he would like to relocate his facility at the north end of the property and provide a dip at that point with Dennis installing a meter pedestal to take service to the new buildings underground. Faulkner said there is a problem with lighting on the north side of the existing building, but that he would work with Dennis to relocate these lights. He advised installing conduit under the concrete. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner said that Bell's terminal is on the wall that will be torn down. She said it could be relocated with no problem. Skinner requested 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the concrete along the area between the proposed buildings and noted that conduit will be needed under the loading apron concrete. DON OSBURN -WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn sent the following notation with the clerk: He said the present address is incorrect and would it to be changed to 3525 S. School. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner was unable to attend and sent the following comments via the clerk: He said there is a gas line on the west side of the highway just west of the curb line which is currently in a private easement and he requested it be designated a utility easement. Wagner indicated that a larger meter may be needed, depending upon the gas load in the new buildings. 39 • • Plat Review April 11, 1985 Page 3 FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood was unable to attend but Jones advised that requirements for approval of the sprinkler system have been given to this developer by Inspector Tucker. She also advised that a list of other requirements was available on the permit application which Dennis could pick up in the Planning Office. WALLY BRT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt relayed comments via Jones: He advised that this developer presently pays the minimum sanitation charge and although the trash is being disposed of in another manner, Brt suggested a container to keep things clean and if one is desired, he requested to know the location. Jones noted that the charge on a dumpster is "per pick-up" and that the dumpster pad should be 12 X 15 ft. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that, although this tract is 18 acres, only the east 500 feet is zoned C-2.:. She requested that the zoning boundary line be indicated. Jones inquired whether the new structure will be on septic tank as is the existing buildings. Dennis replied that sewer is not available except some distance away. Dennis indicated that he would like to extend his women's lounge and restroom including one additional stool and lavatory. He said he would like to utilize the existing septic tank system and Jones replied that it would be up to the State Health Department. She also said that if the City Engineer feels that the sewer is accessible, the Planning Commission could turn down this project if the developer does connect. Becker said that any plumbing changes could be eliminated if it became a problem or that the lot could be split. Jones said she thought that if the impact were greater than that which is anticipated, the Planning Commission would probably require connection to sewer, but because it appears to be a low additional usage, she felt they may consider the continuance of septic tank. Dennis inquired whether he could construct his proposed addition without any plumbing changes and continue to use the septic system as is and Jones replied that that was probable a legal question that she could not answer. Jones advised that the parking spaces must be paved and striped with wheel stops provided to keep vehicles within the parking area. She said a furniture store requires one space per 300 sq.ft. of floor Plat Review April 11, 1985 Page 4 area although this developer has been a requested the Planning Commission to amend that requirement. Jones said there was no possibility of the approval of such an amendment in a time frame to help this developer. She said the Planning Commission will address code parking requirements as a whole, rather than for furniture stores alone and she noted that Consultant Wood was in possession of information recommending a parking ratio of one per 500 sq.ft. Jones said that at least one member and perhaps others commented that they would prefer Dennis request a variance for parking space from the Board of Adjustment. She noted that warehousing was a conditional use in this zone, but if that is approved by the Planning Commission, the parking requirement could be reduced to one per 1000 sq.ft. on the warehouse portion of this LSD. Becker asked if the Planning staff could assist in explaining to the Board of Adjustment, the direction that the requirement may be going. He noted that, although 94 parking spaces would be required, that many people could never be accomodated in the store as floor space is primarily used for furniture display and storage. Jones agreed that the requirement was too high and she added that she could obtain a copy of the information from Larry Wood regarding parking requirements. She said she thought adequate parking needs to be provided for both staff and customers. Jones advised that the loading area needs to be surfaced and that she would take a sidewalk Bill of Assurance for the area from the north line of development to the south property line of the existing development. She noted that the City does not regard an asphalt shoulder as sidewalk; 5 ft. wide concrete is required. Jones advised that perhaps another Bill of Assurance would be requested for the remainder of the new tract when development takes place there. Jones noted that Powell had not mentioned any improvement plans on Sunrise Mt. Rd. She said the Planning Commission may find that this development is not impacting the road and may consider it a requirement unnecessary until the remainder of the 18 acres develops. Becker said that the abstract does not mention Sunrise and Jones said that 25 ft. from the center of the road r/w is required unless it is waived by the Board. Jones outside storage of furniture of any kind should be screened. Becker advised that the paved area will extend to the north face of the warehouse. Jones noted that there are two signs on the building and only one is allowed unless the requirement is waived. She requested confirmation of the legal description before June 1970 and she requested the easements and bill of assurance in hand before a permit is issued and added that a separate permit is needed for each building. She requested an as -built site plan upon completion showing any changes in routing of utilities. HI • • • Plat Review April 11, 1985 Page 5 Jones listed that additions to this plat as; the dumpster placement, the easement across the front, the loading area to be paved, the zoning boundary line and added that 10 copies of revisions are due in the Planning Office Monday, April 15 for the Subdivision meeting of April 19 and Planning Commission meeting of April 22. She said that any waiver requests must be presented to the entire Planning Commission and the waiver of r/w on Sunrise Mt. would go on to the Board. Jones commented that, if a sink was planned for the lounge, the Health Department must be advised and she noted that a request has been made for a fifth traffic lane in this area of S. College. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.