HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-28 MinutesA MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, March 28, 1985 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, James Crownover, Kenneth Wagner, Tom Mcllroy and L. 0. Ferguson Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis WALNUT GROVE ADDITION BRYCE DAVIS - WEDINGTON WEST OF BY-PASS The first item of consideration today was a subdivision located on Wedington Drive west of the by-pass, Walnut Grove, submitted by Bryce Davis and represented by Davis and Ervan Wimberly, Northwest Engineers. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston noted that Davis has indicated a section of 6+ acres of land to be dedicated as a public park and she said it would be considered at the meeting of April 1 at 4:00 p.m. She said 5.6 acres of land is required or $48,140 in lieu of land. Edmonston indicated that this was an area that the PRAB would like to have another park. Davis advised that he has begun the first phase of development in the center portion of his parcel because he has had interest in single family residences which this portion of the parcel is zoned for. Wimberly added that sewer will come from the north line of this property and water is available at the highway on the south line. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell inquired as to total density of this project and Wimberly said that 500 units have been planned. He said he was concerned about drainage problems because this area is about as flat and contains the same soil consistency as the development on the south side of Highway 16 which has also had problems. Powell advised that, according to Fayetteville Ordinance, deadend streets are limited to 1000 ft. which occurs before entering phase one of this development. He suggested intersecting English Walnut Drive with Black Walnut Loop and then intersecting from there with Butternut Drive completing a second street to Highway 16 E. for adequate • • • Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 2 ingress/egress because of the density and acreage of this project. Davis said that Dr. Harris, property owner to the north, has assured him that he will be able to connect with Mt. Comfort Rd. on the north. Powell said he thought that would need to be in a contract form stating that it would occur before so many units were developed and added that he still thought there should be two exits off Highway 16. Powell noted that there have been considerable drainage complaints in this area. He said a formal engineering study has been conducted here and adopted by the City as an official document constituting the guidelines as far as drainage. Powell said he thought Dowel Street should be a four lane and a second street, as suggested earlier, be residential with 50 ft. of right-of-way because of the high density. He said whether or not the City would participate in the construction of the collector street would be up to the discretion and suggestion of the Planning Commission. Powell said the storm drain drop inlet does not show how the drainage will be taken away from the street, which is the problem existing on Betty Jo. He said the ditches (on Betty Jo) at the right-of-way line are level with the street and water ponds, backing up onto the street. He asked that improved ditches be maintained from the storm drains to the ponds or some other positive drain outlet. Powell said the storm drain drop inlets have always been requested at intersections to prevent water flowing through them. Powell said he thought there should be a standard cul de -sac on Gunwood if the through street as suggested earlier is not built. He noted additional widening on White Walnut which does not meet criteria and is not traffic safe. Wimberley said that the area was planned for additional parking for the proposed park site nearby. Powell said he wants to have the responsible party clarified as to the maintenance for the combination park, drainage area, detention and retention ponds. He said if the detention pond will be part of the park facility, he would like the park to take care of it and if it is to be a drainage area, he wants it improved to the drainage level expected for Street Dept. maintenance He suggested a cul-de-sac on Butternut Drive instead of the additional parking stub -out as shown. Powell said he thought all intersection storm drainage should be designed to collect drainage at those intersections rather than flowing through. He expressed concern regarding the drainage terminating at the property line and noted that there have been many complaints indicating that drainage pattern has been altered in the past. Powell noted that his suggestions are based on ordinance requirements. He advised that street specifications have been under revision for the past year and recommended that the revised street specs be used 29 • • • Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 3 to design these streets for structural quality. He said he did not want any "grandfather clause" carried forth under the old specifications. Powell noted that the intersection at Highway 16 must have a State Highway permit and he added that he thought there should be an underdrain with a curb drop inlet at that site. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the 20 ft. east/west utility easement will be too crowded if it includes sewer as shown. He said he has been requesting 30 ft. without sewer. Wagner said he could accept 25 ft. easement on the rear yards as long as there is no storm drainage included. He noted that there is another street in Fayetteville called Butternut. Crownover advised that close coordination is needed as utility lines need to be spaced appropriately. Davis agreed to 30 ft. easement. Wagner said there is a gas line on the north side of Highway 16 and a 4" high pressure line at the west edge of Point West Addition that will eventually be utilized for this area. Wagner said he will eventually loop his service beginning on the east side lots and crossing over on the lot lines between Gunwood and White Walnut, White Walnut and Butternut, Butternut and Black Walnut, Black Walnut and the southern portion of English Walnut, the south portion and north portion of English Walnut and south side of Gunwood Drive and at Lot 301 in 16 ft. easements. He noted that the easements need to be cleared before the utilities go in and he added that AWG will provide their own street crossings. JANES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover said he is overhead on the east border and needs to remain overhead at this location as well as along the back property line. He said everything except the east side will be underground and he expressed concern that the west side easement would not be wide enough at the shown 20 ft. Crownover and Mcllroy did agree to accept 20ft. Wimberly advised that the sewer that runs along the west side is very deep and requested to install said sewer before utilities. He also explained that no mark on a lot indicates single family, d = duplex; q = quad and m = 6-plex. He added that he hopes to begin by May 1. Crownover said he also needs an easement between Lots 261/262 and between 264/265 and if he is the only utility in there, it could be 15 ft. wide. He advised that for underground service, the developer must provide a 42" trench with fill if necessary, transformer pads and conduit. He requested 2 1/2" galvanized conduit under streets. He counted a total of 11 crossings requiring conduit. 30 Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 4 TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy advised that he needs conduit under the streets including one at the north end for future development. He counted nine which shall be 4" PVC. He said he will stay on the back property line with the main feed on the east line and requested a utility easement between Lots 331 and 368. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said he would like to serve overhead from Ozarks Electric's pole on the east side. He requested nine 2" schedule 40 PVC under all the crossings on the east street including the one for future development as requested by Mcllroy. He said he can go joint -trench with Ozarks and advised Wimberly to notify him when these trenches are opened. Wimberly said some of the easements will be filed by separate instrument or will be shown on the final plat. LARRY POAGE -.FIRE INSPECTOR Poage advised that, because of the density of this project (500 units) he recommend two points of access to Highway 16. He said the traffic could be detrimental to emergency vehicles. Poage recommended more fire hydrants near the entrance and Wimberly said they will be included but are not shown in this phase He said everything else looks fine. Wimberly asked if two access points would be required if this subdivision were opened to Mt. Comfort Road and Poage replied affirmatively. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Jones gave comments as reported by Brt earlier today: He expressed concern that there be adequate turnaround and maneuvering space on all streets. She said there didn't appear to be any problems. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn gave Davis a list of all street names in Fayetteville and advised him that several in this project need to be changed as they are duplicates of some in existence; Dowel Drive and Butternut Drive; he advised that the other street names be shorter because of computerized billings. He also requested splitting the loops and giving them different names. , DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said to make sewer taps in the deep areas even though they will not cross the street. He said he saw no problems. 31 Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 5 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that all property owners within 100 ft. need to be notified and that a waiver request is in order for the length of the dead-end street as well as for streetlights being spaced over 300 ft. apart. Jones noted that there are no streets stubbed to the east and only one to the west. She said the Planning Commission request some. Jones requested a copy of the covenants before this plan goes to the Commission and also an approval block on the plat. She noted the duplications of street names. Jones requested the width of the lots at both the setback line and the right-of-way be noted and advised that collector streets require sidewalks on both sides. She requested streetlights at the end of Gunwood and the north part of Black Walnut. Wimberly said the dedication of right-of-way is being taken care of on Wedington Drive and Jones asked that the dedication be shown formally. She said the Planning Commission will determine when the sidewalks and streetlights are to be installed along Highway 16 and the first portion of Dowel Drive. She said she assumed they will want the right- of-way cleared and these amenities installed at the time of development. Davis requested deleting the sidewalk on one side because the front part of this project is not to be developed at this time and Jones replied that that was a matter to be taken up with the Commission. Jones said the lots appear to meet minimum lot size and noted that 10 copies of revisions of this plat are due in the Planning Office Monday, April 1 for the Planning Commission meeting of April 8. Davis said he will wait to dedicate that easement until necessary. Mcllroy needs one between Lots 331 and 368 as well. SPEE—DEE MART HWY.62 AT RAZORBACK The second item of consideration today was SPEE-DEE MART located on Highway 62 at Razorback Rd. and represented by Ervan Wimberly. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said additional right-of-way is needed on Razorback and Wimberly replied that 10 ft. are shown. Powell said the only improvements normally required on State Highways are the addition of sidewalks and he requested that drainage not be emptied out of the driveway. He said there are existing storm drain drop inlets and Wimberly said it is being storm drained at this time. 32 Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 6 KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner noted that the owner, type project all -electric but the south side of Hwy. 62 in there is existing gas line 550' TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Hoyt Greenwood, generally builds this he requested a 25 ft. easement along case he decides to use gas. He said west of Razorback Road. Mcllroy requested a 25 ft. easement on the east side adjacent to the east road right-of-way, and a 25 ft. easement across the south and north property lines. Jones noted that the setback for the canopy at the north property line is 20 ft. (as shown) and that the easement will need to be reduced or the building moved back 5 ft. The utility companies agreed to reduce the easement. Mcllroy said Bell will serve this project from the north property line down the edge of the paved area and into the building with a 10 ft. access easement that may be either dedicated or by permission. He requested 4" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the driveway. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Wimberly advised Faulkner that the electrical load on this project will be the same as those Mr. Hoyt has developed previously. Faulkner said a new pole will need to be installed for overhead service because the two existing poles have too much on them. He asked to be contacted by the electrician. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson noted that cable is available on the north side of Highway 62 and this project can be served overhead. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said water is available. He said a 2" private force main back to sewer is needed because the location is not high enough to get into it. The line needs to be out of public easements. Bunn noted that there is a large sewer line south of this project that may be accessed at a later date. He said the water line is on the east side in the grass area and that is where the tap will be set. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn advised that the address will be 1417 W. 6th Street. He asked that a site card be displayed before a meter will be set and that permanent numbers be on the building upon completion. He noted that 33 Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 7 the numbers need to be on the building within 30 days of occupancy or the water will be shut off and he said he prefers a redwood board mounted on the brick with the numbers mounted on that board because numbers painted on glass scrap off. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage requested one 10# ABC -type fire extinguisher mounted at the front door to be used in case of fire at the pumps (for both sites). BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said the right-of-way should streets and needs to be indicated. of one drive opening onto Highway that any future developer will have be 40 ft. from the center of both She noted that there was a limit 62 for this parcel of property and to use the same drive. Jones noted that the sidewalk stops at the end of the pavement on the east side which the Planning Commission may wish to address. Jones advised that a separate building permit will be needed for each structure including each tank, canopy, pump island, and the building. Jones requested a vicinity be shown and she said an as -built site plan is required at completion. She said the parking area needs to be striped with curbing or wheel stops to keep the cars in the parking area and she also noted that one handicapped parking space is required. Jones said the adjoining property owner to the south needs to be notified because they have a different zoning classification (I-1, Burlington Northern). Methods of contact are by advertisement in newspaper, signatures on plat or certified letter (return receipt). Jones said the building as shown appears to meet setbacks; the canopy must be 20 ft. from r/w, the pump island 25 ft., and the building 50 ft. from r/w. Jones indicated that the same regulations for revisions apply as stated in the previous development today. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt sent comment via Jones: He would like a dumpster located in the southwest corner of the west parking lot. SPEE—DEE MART HWY. 16 WEST The third item of consideration today was a LSD for SPEE-DEE MART by the same owner and developer. Located at Highway 16 West, represented by Wimberly. The clerk reported that area residents have called expressing concern regarding the drainage problems in this area. sq • • • Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 8 DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn noted that the address for this property is 4026 Wedington Drive. He asked to have the water meter set in the front area in the grass. He advised that the same requests apply as on the previous Spee -Dee Mart with regards to site card and house numbers. Osburn also noted that there will be an outside water rate and an inside sewer rate because this property because it is in the growth area. TOM MCILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Mcllroy noted that a utility pole is shown in the north driveway and he said there will be a charge to relocate it. He requested 4" PVC under the driveways on the east side and an access easement that can be "by permission". JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover said there will be no charge for moving the pole if it belongs to O.E. He said the service will be in the back. Wimberly said he is dedicating additional 30 ft. of right-of-way of the east side and re -dedicating 40 ft. r/w on the south border. Crownover asked to have the east easement (20 ft.) be dedicated as utility. Powell noted that the growth plan for Rupple Road calls for an arterial street with 40 ft. of r/w from centerline unless waived. Jones said the map in the Planning Office shows 60 ft. but there has been an amendment requiring 80 ft. Crownover noted at this time that there is a serious drainage problem in this area which also effects the property that Ozarks Electric is on. He expressed disappointment that many of the new developments in the area are obtaining sewer when O.E. has been at their location for 14 years without being able to obtain sewer. Wimberly advised that this developer is supplying 2300 ft. of sewer main himself. Crownover replied that 0.E. has tried the same plan with no success. Crownover noted that the natural drainage on this property is to the south and east although a ditch has been cut altering the drainage to flow to the west. Wimberly advised that Mr. Hoyt will get together with Powell to address the drainage situation. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested a 20 ft. utility easement on the east side. He said there is a gas line 2-3 ft. inside the r/w on Highway 16. He also said that this 2" high pressure gas line may be replaced with a 4" line at the edge of the r/w. Wagner said the water main is about 35 • • Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 9 4 ft. north of the gas line. He requested to be notified before any digging is begun and he added that he believes the existing line is in a private easement which he will check on. He requested a 15 ft. utility easement along the south border. Wagner requested any problems be directed through the "one -call" system. DON BUNK - CITY ENGINEER Bunn had no comments, no problems CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell noted that he too, has received calls from neighboring residents regarding the drainage in the area. He said that there has been a formal study made in the area by McClelland Engineers and specific recommendations have been made as to drainage patterns, drainage structure size, etc. He said this study was adopted as an official document and will prevail unless the City Board and Planning Commission determine that the assertions by some of the property owners and other residents in the area are true that the natural drainage was changed and they decide to correct it to its original direction. Powell said he was uncertain whether an underdrain exists at the Rupple Road and Wedington intersection. He said he expects opposition to this development at the Planning Commission meeting as he has received some stern threats regarding the drainage. Powell advised that Rupple Road, on the revision to the Master Street Plan in the Highway 16 West growth area is designated as an arterial street, 40 ft. of r/w required from centerline. He noted that the Highway is under State jurisdiction and normally no improvements are required except for sidewalks and additional r/w dedication, if needed. Powell said that Rupple Road is in City limits northward for a distance of 600 ft. and he recommended that improvements to Rupple Road (to the north perimeter of this property) be brought up to local street standard on the side abutting this property. Powell said the area drop inlets are great and he recommended grading the street so that drainage will go to the driveway and then to the drainage inlets. He said the drive should be 40 ft. r/w of the Rupple Rd. and Highway 16 intersections but added that the north drive on Rupple posed no problem. He advised that a waiver will be needed as the driveway safety zone is not met. Powell requested a headwall at the point where the pipe terminates. WALLY BBT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt commented via Jones: He wants the trash container at the northeast • corner of the property. 34 Plat Review March 28, 1985 Page 10 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones stated that one handicapped parking space is required and that all parking must be striped by occupancy. She noted that the setbacks required are the same as on the previously discussed Spee -Dee Mart and that separate permits are needed for each structure. Jones said a vicinity map is needed and advised that abutting property owners need to be notified because of a difference in zoning districts. She said she thought sidewalk should be necessary on both streets even though the Master Sidewalk Plan does not reflect it. Jones noted the requirement for screening on property that abuts R -zoned property. She said that a lot split is necessary for this piece of property (if it has never been done) and added that the 50 ft. r/w from along the north property line needs to be tied down and shown on this plat. Jones stated that an "as -built" plan is needed upon completion and added that the deadlines for Planning Commission presentation are the same as mentioned previously today. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. 37