HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-14 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 14, 1985 at 9:10 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Dennis Burrack, Roy Hawkins and L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: RICHARD'S FURNITURE DRAKE AT N. COLLEGE Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Perry Franklin, Don Osburn and Paula Brandeis The first item of consideration was a large scale development plan for Richard's Furniture located at the northwest intersection of Drake and N. College and represented by Robert Robinson. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said that the existing drainage and off-site improvements are in place and adequate right-of-way has been given. He added, water and sewer are available. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin saw no problems and had no comment. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised that there are two high pressure gas lines on this property and added that the building must be set back a minimum of 25 ft. (from the overhangs) of said easement. He noted that the roof overhang on this proposal is only about 20 ft. from the gas line and that a waiver of this requirement may only be granted by Jimmy Walker, the Vice President of Operations for AWG. Powell noted that the Board of Directors, at their most recent meeting, turned down a request for a variance in the case of a builder who inadvertently built over a utility easement. He said the City Attorney is in the process of drafting an ordinance stating City policy will disallow buildings over easements. Powell advised that a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until this problem is settled. IR • • • Plat Review March 14, 1985 Page 2 DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack noted that there is an existing power pole as shown on this plat. Robinson said his electrical load will probably be 400-600 amp, three-phase. Burrack advised Robinson to contact Ivan Faulkner to work out the service details. Burrack requested that the utility easement be written and filed as a separate document. He noted that there could be a problem with overhanging trees on the north line and said he wanted to be certain that this utility company would have access for trimming. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Hawkins requested that the 12.5 ft. easement shown on the west side be extended to the Drake Street property line and that he would need two 4" PVC schedule 40 conduits under all concrete in order to bury cable to provide service at this time. He noted that if the conduit were crushed during construction, it would be the developer's responsi- bility to replace. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson agreed to run an overhead cable service from SWEPCO's overhead pole at Robinson's request. He said that Warner will wire the building if so desired and will charge time and materials for same. He requested notice as construction begins. He said Warner will not service what the developer wires. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn assigned 2698 N. Drake as this project's address. He advised that the water meter, currently shown on the lot line (between lots 1 & 2), will need to be in the grass area and not in the driveway or parking lot. Robinson said an 8" fire protection is proposed and Osburn noted that there is a flat monthly fee that will be less for a smaller size line. Osburn said that if a construction water meter is desired, a site card is necessary and added that when the building is finished permanent numbers must be displayed on the building. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage said he did not think there was a fire department support proposed for this system because of the 8" line shown. He said if the developer chooses to use a smaller line, it will require a support and the Fire Department will want to input as to placement. Poage advised that any door should not swing out into the area marked "truck berth" but 20 Plat Review March 14, 1985 Page 3 should be in a vestibule. He requested six fire extinguishers which are necessary even with the proposed sprinkler system; three ABC -type and three water. Poage noted that a door swinging out into the parking area could present a problem. Robinson said there will be wheel stops. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn was unable to attend today's meeting but forwarded these comments via the clerk: Water and sewer are available to the property. There is a sewer tap already in place that will have to be located by the developer. He said this tap comes out of the manhole on the south side of Gregg Street. There is a water meter on the property which may have to be moved if it is located in the parking area. PAULA BRANDEIS - PLANNING SECRETARY In Bobbie Jones' absence, Brandeis made the following requests from the Planning Office• Sidewalk is required along College Ave. and a Bill of Assurance at the call of the City may be acceptable. The truck berth meets minimum requirements but the end of the berth needs to be labeled on the plat. Driveway safety zones have been met. There may be a problem with the placement of the dumpster and this developer should contact Wally Brt, Sanitation Superintendent, to work out the details. The parking is adequate, 100 spaces are required and 100 are proposed. Parking spaces need to be striped and wheel stops provided and handicapped and compact parking spaces need to be identified as such. Sidewalks need to be ramped at intersections and driveways. Landscaping is not required. The setback along College may be reduced to 25 ft. with 10% landscaping between street and parking. If this setback is desired, the plants should be 18" high at the time of planting and not over 30" at driveways and intersections; spreading -type plants are suggested. Additional right-of-way is not required. If the developer wishes to appear at the Subdivision Committee of March 22 and the Planning Commission meeting of March 25, he should have 10 copies of revisions as per today's comments in the Planning Office by Monday, March 18. Upon completion, an as -built plan is required showing all utilities including where they enter the building. Powell added that, although sometimes under hardship a Bill of Assurance or contract is accepted for some improvements, it is preferable to install the requested improvements at this time and added that a contract constitutes a lien against the lot with the City being the first mortgage holder. He added that quality construction is expected at driveway/street intersections. 21 • • Plat Review March 14, 1985 Page 4 FIRST SOUTH - DICKSON AND COLLEGE: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The second item of discussion today was update information given by Powell. He said that, the widening of Dickson Street, as well as other off-site improvements that originally had been requested of the developer of this project, are at this time are being considered a City project as per City Manager, Don Grimes. Powell said he would like to cooperate and make things as convenient as possible for everyone concerned. Powell said the City will widen the street, install the drop inlet and run it across to the north side of Dickson. He said there are no plans to alter the surface on the north side of the widening unless absolutely necessary. He said he wants to begin on May 1. Hawkins noted for the record that he has advised Grimes, Grafton -Tull - Span -Yoe and First South that all construction costs for this project will be billed to First South and the City will be reimbursed by same. Burrack and Wagner said that that is SWEPCO's and AWG's intention as well. Powell said that it is his understanding that the City is doing this by forced account that First South will reimburse the City for its actual cost with no utility relocation expense. Hawkins said Bell Telephone will be coming across from Dickson Street under N. College to this property and the existing phone service is coming up the back alley, turning directly west and will be again in a position that it can remain there without any construction on the street. He noted that this service is very important as it holds all the control circuits for SWEPCO, transmission lines for power stations throughout the Arkansas region, and feeds all the homes and businesses along N. College Hawkins said the rearrangement on this cost is approximately $14,000 and he has agreed to keep the price at a bare minimum if the City would agree to do the cutting on the streets and furnish the required conduit. Hawkins said that Crafton-Tull-Spann & Yoe have guaranteed him that First South Region will not widen the street if they had to pay for any utility relocation. Until the day before yesterday, there had been no rearrangements or jobs submitted to take care of any part of the project. Hawkins said First South has waited eight to ten months with all intentions of forcing the utilities to move without any reimbursement. He added that Powell's time request for May was impossible and that he could not get to it until late August. Burrack said it will be a great problem if any cable is cut at this location as it is an important service location. He said any relocation of SWEPCO's facilities will have to be reimbursed by First South. He added that the conduits and the pads belong to First South and have been installed by them. Powell advised that if they are in the way, he will request their engineer to move them. 22 • • • Plat Review March 14, 1985 Page 5 Franklin said that Everett Balk of Crafton-Tull-Spann and Yoe had indicated he would send a letter explaining the agreement over the traffic light on the northwest corner, but he has not as yet received said letter. Franklin said the Traffic Department's cost on the new traffic signal at this location will be 8-10 thousand dollars. Hawkins stated that, during his contact with Crafton-Tull-Spann and Yoe, he was told that Southwestern Bell should bill the City directly to which Hawkins refused saying that it was not Southwestern's policy. He said he will bill to Crafton-Tull-Spann and Yoe. Hawkins said he will request that the City or Crafton-Tull shoot a positive grade on all drainage structures (new box) and the drain going back towards the east (private property and outside of street right-of-way). Wagner requested a copy of the same grade shot. He said there is a 6" steel line and he added that the gas company "T's" off of the existing power pole and goes north up the alley behind SWEPCO's-office. He said the line may have to be lowered all the way across and6added that costs will be billed directly to the developer. Franklin commented that the developer has been told that they would have to participate rather heavily in these improvements and he noted that they have made no attempt to make contact regarding same. Ferguson asked if there is any indication that the pole line on the east side of the property will be removed. Powell said the drainage will be taken down that alley to Connor Street then east on Spring Street to Town Branch bridge which is what precipitated the relocation of that pole. Powell added that there will be storm drainage. OTHER BUSINESS Powell noted that School Street will be reconstructed (with storm drainage and French drains on the east side, French drains on the west side)between Mountain and Prairie if the budget is approved at the Board of Director's meeting Tuesday March 19. He requested that the all of the wires on the east side be swung over to the west side and that it would be appreciated if any poles could be eliminated. Burrack requested a set of plans as SWEPCO is in the process of a large project at this location too. Powell said the grade will remain the same and, if necessary, he will try to provide the plans. Powell asked for assistance in bracing a particular pole around which he will have to work if the pole remains. Powell advised that he is .also rebuilding Maple Street and Township. Hawkins advised that there is a very large cable on Maple starting at the manhole on Highland and going directly to Gregg. Both Hawkins and Burrack requested a tour with Powell to examine the areas in question. -23 • • • Plat Review March 14, 1985 Page 6 Franklin advised that during the latter part of the week sof March 18, the Traffic Department will install poles at Milsap on the southeast and northwest corners for flashing beacon light. He noted that there are flagged stakes at the location. Hawkins said there is a major 16 -weight conduit run on right-of-way and a 900 pair of buried cable on the right-of-way as well. He advised Franklin to call the one -call system and advise what is to be marked as soon as possible. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. 2'/