HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 24, 1985 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVESPRESENT:Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner, Tom Mcllroy and L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: LIFESTYLES 2471 SYCAMORE Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Osburn, Connie Edmonston, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The first item for consideration today was a large scale development for Lifestyles Inc. located at 2471 Sycamore and represented by Carol Hart, Bob Laser and Jack Farmer. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said that there are multiple drainage problems with this parcel, especially on the east side of Porter Road. He said that the off-site requirements for Porter Road include bringing the street up to City standards. He emphasized that the drainage here is critical and said that the cross drain on the NE corner is about one-fourth of the size adequate to control the drainage. He noted that the owner of the property on the north side of Sycamore had rerouted the drainage to flow into Sycamore. Powell stated that when Porter Road is improved storm drainage will be required and he requested on-site drainage be controlled and not allowed to run into the street. Powell noted that dedication of the right-of-way for Sycamore is shown but he added that it has only been used as a private driveway and City policy has been to not recognize unopened street rights-of-way as public so that it needs to be constructed to City standardsunless waived by the Planning Commission or Board. He said the drainage criteria will need to be adhered to on Sycamore too. Powell said Sycamore Street is part of the Highway frontage at this location and he was not sure if additional right-of-way or improvements would be required. He said the driveway is only condusive to traffic that is eastbound. He said the driveway should intersect Sycamore perpendicular because eventually traffic will flow west as well as east. He added that all driveways must be 40 ft. from intersections. 6 Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 2 Laser inquired whether the drive as shown could be left private, without improving Sycamore Street, if permission is given from the Planning Commission or Board of Directors. Jones suggested that they might be considering improving only half of the length of their Sycamore property frontage and leaving the other half for the developer of the north side of Sycamore. Laser indicated that HUD will not allow the cost of the twelve unit complex to be put into the entire property (Tract A & B) so they required that the apartments be placed on the back side (west end) where the cost is lower and because they must have clear title without Bills of Assurance, Lifestyles will have to pay for any improvements themselves. He asked if, under these circumstances, improvements to the east end of Sycamore will still be required and Powell replied that they would. Powell said Sycamore will be accepted for City maintenance when it is brought up to current standards. He said a waiver could be requested from the Planning Commission or Board for this requirement. In answer to Laser's question, Powell replied that he didn't see any problem with establishing the grade on Sycamore at this time but he added that the only thing that will control the drainage is a culvert which will meet the 25 year flood plain criteria. He said there are plans to replace the drainage structure across Porter and Sycamore but it is not in the 1985 budget. He added that the inside diameter of the culvert will need to be 18". Jones advised that because Lifestyles wishes to have a clear title they are requesting a lot split from the Planning Commission and that the Planning Commission may require improvements to Porter as well as those on Sycamore. Powell suggested applying for funding from Community Development or some other sources to assist with off-site improvements. WALLY BHT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Jones said Brt has commented that he will property with the drive as shown because his radius. He also requested the pad under the CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston advised that, according to the is required to donate .12 acres or $85 Advisory Board will meet on February discuss this development. not be able to access this trucks have a large turning dumpster be 12 X 15 ft. Green Space Ordinance, Lifestyles per unit ($1,020) and the Parks 4 at 5:00 P.M. in Room 326 to 7 • • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 3 LARRY POAGE Poage said that the existing 4" water line in Sycamore is inadequate to serve a fire hydrant which is required within 500 ft. of each building. He said the size of line used is reflective on insurance premiums and indicated that another hydrant is needed in addition to that which exists on Sycamore and Porter, 600 ft. from the future commons building. He added that the minimum size line is 6". Poage said that there is a problem accessing the future commons building with the plan as shown. He requested a hard, truck -bearing, clearly visible surface to this building site. He said this could be delayed until the commons building is constructed and said that these requirements are State code. Poage added that there is a monthly charge of from $15-$20 for a hydrant that is within the property lines as it cannot be used for other property. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said that there is an existing gas line through the center of the property (east/west) which is a private yard line to the Porter house. He noted that there is a new 2" gas line shown across the north side of this property. He requested the building setback around the perimeter of the property be made a utility easement as well. He requested a 12.5 ft. easement on the east border of Tract A and 12.5 on the west border of Tract B and that the common area between the future commons building and buildings A & B be noted as a utility easement. Wagner requested a utility easement along the length of the back side of building B to connect with the perimeter easement. Laser requested placing the meters along the east end of building A and Wagner said that could be done with a minimum 15 ft. utility easement the length of that building. Laser decided to extend the easement to connect with the north/south easement between the tracts. He said there would be a charge for relocating the meter. Wagner advised that each apartment unit needs its own meter as well as one for the commons building. He requested a final plat before service is extended. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner agreed to supply underground service with a dip from an overhead transformer with meters on the east end of building A. He advised that service conductors from the pedestal to the building will be at the builders expense. Laser said he will want a meter at the center rear of building B. Faulkner requested that he be notified four to six weeks before work begins. He added that he needs no easement in addition to the perimeter one requested by Wagner and said SWEPCO could assist in outdoor lighting plans. He also requested to see the final plans • • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 4 L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said he could use the easement requested by Wagner. He said he could enter the east end of the building and added that he could wire the buildings if notified before the walls went up. He requested to see the final plans. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy said he could use the same easement as Wagner and will enter building A on the east end. He said there will no charge on the entrances to the building but there would be a charge for pre -wiring. Mcllroy requested a 4" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the driveway on the north side. He asked to be notified before the sheet rock is ready and he requested to see the completed drawings spotting the two outside pre -wire locations as well as notification before construction of the future building which he will serve underground from the utility easement. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT In answer to Osburn's question, Laser replied that he would want only one water meter and added that there would be a bathroom in building B using tank -type stools. Laser said Osburn could place the meter wherever he prefers and Osburn replied that he would put it just off the utility easement at the road and outside of the parking lot. He said he will tap the main, bring line across the road and that it was the plumbers job to connect to the buildings. Osburn asked if separate house numbers would be needed for the buildings. Laser replied that they would and Osburn assigned 2471 Sycamore to Building A, 2495/Building B and 2479 to the future commons building. Jones suggested getting in touch with Larry Trice at the Post Office for further advice on addresses. Osburn advised that when the tap is made and the meter set, a site card will be necessary and when the job is completed he requested permanent house numbers be displayed on the outside of each building or on an outdoor sign (if there is one). He said the pressure is good at this site and advised that consideration be given as to the amount of further development that will take place, perhaps requiring an irrigation meter. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Comments given to the clerk by Bunn were: the existing water line is adequate and there appears to be water and sewer on the lot. He said he saw no problems and required no additional easements. He 9 • • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 5 noted an existing fire hydrant on Porter Road. Farmer asked for clarification on the water line in Sycamore and the fire hydrant situation. The following was found in the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code book: (Division II, 18.201[c]) "All premises where buildings or portions of buildings, other than one or two family dwell- ings, are located more than one hundred fifty (150) feet from a public fire hydrant system shall be provided with approved fire hydrants connected to a water system capable of supplying the fire flow required by the Fire Official. The location and number of such on-site hydrants shall be as designated by the Fire Official with the minimum arrangement being so as to have a hydrant available for distribution of hose to any portion of any building on the premises at distances not exceeding five hundred (500) feet." BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones noted that 18 parking spaces are required but that Lifestyles has appealed to the Board of Adjustment to vary this at their meeting of February 4, 1985. She said that 30 ft. from the centerline of the street is required on both streets bounding this property and she noted that she has forms in the office for this as well as the utility easements. She said these forms need to be executed and returned to her office before the first building permit can be issued. Jones said a 4 ft. concrete sidewalk is required on both streets. She advised that the building setbacks as shown are satisfactory and that paved, striped parking with wheel stops or curbs are required upon completion of the project. Jones requested one copy of an "as -built" site plan showing the building, parking, signs, any easements on the property and any utility lines leading into the building. Jones said Lifestyles could be scheduled for the February 11 meeting of the Planning Commission if revisions of this plat are received by February 4. She requested 10 copies and advised that proof of notification of adjoining property owners was necessary before the Subdivision Committee meets Feb. 8. Jones added that screening is required between the parking and the R-1 abutting property to the west including 10% landscaping. )0 Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 6 CARPET CABIN 3246 S. SCHOOL The second item of consideration today was the large scale development for Carpet Cabin located at 3246 S. School, represented by M.D. Peoples. CLAYTON POWELL Powell said that the right-of-way for Highway 71B (471) is adequate and no improvements have ever been required by the Planning Commission or Board other than sidewalk (5 ft.) which is reflected on this drawing. He said that Whillock is a substandard street and will need to be brought up to current City standards on the side of this development. Powell advised that the neighbor on the north has had serious drainage problems because of the hillside behind it which drains onto Whillock. He said Whillock requires 15.5 ft. of widening from the centerline to toward the property line including storm drainage, curb and gutter. He said there is a curb -drop inlet at the corner of Whillock and 471 that the storm drainage can be tied into and if sidewalk is required on the south side of Whillock it needs to be 5 ft. Powell requested a construction drawing showing the improvement of the street to City standards and he advised that the construction must take place under the supervision of a registered engineer. He added that Whillock has 40 ft. of right-of-way and additional 5 ft. will be necessary. Powell requested on-site drainage be collected on-site and emptied into the curb -drop inlet mentioned above. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn noted that the address here will be 3246 S. School and he said the building permit or site card needs to be on the job before a meter is set for construction. He said if there is glass over the door, the permanent house number could be painted on or that anchored numbers (minimum 4.5" tall) could be used on the building itself. Osburn said if the Board does not require a sidewalk on Whillock, the meter will be fine where it is currently located but if a sidewalk is installed the meter will need to be moved for safety reasons. Peoples asked if the meter could be set in the pavement if the area were all paved. Jones commented that this developer could not extend the parking into the right-of-way and that if sidewalk were installed it will have to be in the right-of-way except on Hwy. 71 where the Highway Dept. would like it on the property with an easement covering it. She said this usually leaves some space between the curb and the sidewalk or between the sidewalk and the property. Osburn advised that a 3/4" tap is needed for water service. 1) • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 7 KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Peoples advised that he will be using gas for his central heat and air unit and Wagner said there is a 2" gas line on the east side of Hwy. 71. He said there are several gas meters along Hwy. 71 but that if a meter is desired at the building itself, he would request a 15 ft. easement from the road right-of-way to the SW corner of the building. He asked that the 25 ft. building setback on the east side of Hwy. 71 be made a utility easement and Jones indicated that she had forms in her office to cover all utilities. Wagner said that, due to erosion changing the position of the gas line, it may need to be lowered (must have two feet of cover) at the developers expense. He said this line is approximately 6-8 back from the curb and that it may end up being replaced instead of lowered. He requested that the gas company be called before digging so as to locate the line. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner noted that an underground service is shown from a pole on the northeast corner and he said he could take it from that point to wherever it was desired. He requested that the electrician call him before beginning. Faulkner said that he will furnish the meter on the building but the developer will furnish the wire from the pedestal. Jones expressed her concern about having the parking right up to the building and Faulkner suggested setting the meter at a five foot level. Peoples said he will have his central air unit at the same location and will protect all of the meters and the unit with steel post. TOM McILROY - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Mcllroy said he will need 4" schedule 40 PVC conduit run under the drive and he noted that there is a major telephone cable running north and south along Hwy. 71. He requested notification before construction in order to spot the line and suggested calling the 800 number. He said there was a possibility that the line would need to be lowered. For service to the building, Mcllroy suggested placing another (2") pipe in with the power line running to the power room. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage had given comments to the clerk as follows: no parking should obstruct exists. Peoples said he has plans for four doors plus an overhead door with no parking to block these accesses. 12 • • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 8 DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn had given comments to the clerk as follows: water and sewer exist both on Hwy. 71 and Whillock and there are no additional easements required. FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Jones noted that Wood had spoken with Peoples a day or so earlier and advised him of requirements. She said the State Board of Health Notice has been received. WALLY BAT.- SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Jones advised of comments made by Brt to her: he requested placing a container on the southeast corner of the parking area and said it will need to be 15 ft. wide facing Whillock and 12 ft. deep. He suggested placing it on a concrete pad asked to have it shown on the plan. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones noted that the sidewalks on both streets need to be ramped at driveways and intersections. She suggested that Peoples locate the centerline of Whillock and widen the pavement 15.5 from back of curb to back of curb. Jones advised that Powell' will need the engineered drawings submitted before work is begun. Jones says the plat book shows a 40 ft. right-of-way on Whillock but it is not always accurate when applied to areas that have never been subdivided or platted. She said that 25 ft. are needed south of the centerline of the existing right-of-way as a street easement and said that she has the necessary forms in her office. Jones said the building setback is figured from the right-of-way and if there is parking between the building and the street 50 ft. is required which will move the building to the south. She said if an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way is required and the building is shown as 47 ft. from the existing line, then it would move the building 13 ft. south. Based on the survey, Jones said an additional 10 ft. is needed on the north side and so, the building overhang cannot be closer than 60 ft. from what the survey shows as the existing r -o -w line. Jones noted that the building is shown 40 from the existing right-of-way with no parking between building and street; 10% (240 sq.ft.) of the area needs to be in plants a minimum of 18" high and not to exceed 30" high near the drive and she suggested spreading -type landscaping. Jones said the drive would be better located to one side of the building. She noted that if the area were all paved, it would require a setback of 50 ft. and added that the drive must be 40 ft. from the intersection. 13 • • Plat Review January 24, 1985 Page 9 Jones said the minimum setback from the east property line is divided because the property bounds two different zoning districts. The north 100 ft. is R-1 and requires 15 ft. setback and the south borders C-2 requiring zero setback. She added that view -obscuring screening is required on the north 100 ft. which may be ended at 25 ft. back of the curb. Jones advised that if a waiver of this requirement is desired, it must be in written form to the Planning Commission. Jones said that property owners to the east need to be notified in one of three ways: 1. by seeing and signing the plat; 2. by certified letter, return receipt requested (receipts must be turned in to the Planning Office); or 3. by an ad in the newspaper. She added that 10 days must be allowed if the certified letter is used. Jones noted that 20, (9 X 19 ft.) parking spaces are required and when under 25 spaces are used, one must be marked "handicapped" on the plat as well as the ground and be located close to the building with a ramp. She added that parking spaces must be paved, and striped with 24 ft. aisle space for turning vehicles. She said that wheel stops must be provided around the parking area and parking should not be closer than 5 ft. from the east property line (north 100 ft.). Jones said a property line adjustment will be done and she noted that a call which was left out of the legal description has been picked up in the survey. Jones said that upon completion of this project, an "as -built" plan will be required in the Planning Office showing the plat with any changes made and utilities entering the property. She said it must be marked "as -built", signed and dated. Jones said the service area in the rear of the building must be 50 ft. from the residential property but can be waived by the Planning Commission. Jones advised that, within the east 50 ft. of this property, parking needs to be set back from the street right-of-way in way one of two ways; either 25 ft. with 10% landscaping between the street and the parking or; 15 ft. with 20% landscaping between street and parking. Jones said 10 copies of revisions are due in the Planning Office by February 4 to be on the Planning Commission schedule for February 11. She noted that the Subdivision Committee will meet Friday, February 8 at 9:00 A.M. but to check with the office as this time is subject to change. She reminded Peoples that any waiver request must be in writing. • There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M. /N