HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-06 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, December 6, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, L.O. Ferguson and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Dennis Ledbetter, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Perry Franklin, Connie Edmonston, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis MINI WAREHOUSES 996 S. BEECHWOOD The first item of consideration today was the preliminary plat for mini -warehouses by Howard Scott located on Beechwood, south of Hwy. 62. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Both of these utility companies requested a 25 ft. utility easement along the property line on Beechwood. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell indicated that Beechwood is a local street with adequate right-of- way. He requested this street be brought up to City standards; widened to 15.5 ft. from the centerline with curb, gutter and sidewalk. He asked that this developer cooperate by installing wheel chair ramps at driveway and sidewalk intersection. Powell said it is undesireable to allow drainage to flow into the street from a private parking lot. He requested a construction drawing for the improvements of the street showing grades and elevations. In answer to Scott's question, Powell replied that a performance bond or Bill of Assurance is sometimes accepted for constructing the required improvements at a future date. Powell noted that Goldkist (to the south) has elected to maintain a drainage ditch in the rear of the street right -of -ray to carry the drainage across their property. He said if it is necessary to carry storm drainage across the frontage an earthen ditch (on private property) with an easement is acceptable and must be noted on the plat that it will be privately maintained. 113 Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 2 Powell commented that gravel drives and parking areas, as shown on this plat, are not acceptable. He added that the code requires a durable and dust -free parking lot and same for the drive up to the right-of-way line. He explained that this would be approximately 5.5 ft. in back of the sidewalk and added that he would prefer a 2" asphalt hot mix cement surface rather than chip/seal. Powell suggested alligning the improvements with Goldkist's improvements. He advised that the driveway width should be no less than 16 ft. or more than 40 ft. and that drives should be setback 12.5 ft. from the property line measured from the end of the radius. Scott reported that there will be steel doors on both ends and 40 ft. setbacks on each side. Powell explained that if the City criteria, it will not be eligible Grants. He said the State Highway the radius of a driveway not extend does not comply with State Highway for Federal Highway Administration Department has a requirement that beyond your property line. DENNIS LEDBETTER - ASST. FIRE INSPECTOR Ledbetter said the existing fire hydrant at the railroad tracks was too far away to be of service. After checking the aerial maps, he advised that there is another hydrant just to the south of this property and north of Goldkist which is about 300 ft. away. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn said he saw no problems with this project now, or if sewer and water were needed in the future. DON OSBORN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn assigned 996 South Beechwood as this property's address. He added that if the property were ever divided, the numbers on either side would be 986 and 1006. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that the sidewalk width requirement is 5 ft. in commercial zones and that Scott would need a permit from the City Engineers office for the sidewalk and curb cuts before beginning these improvements. She said Scott should be sure that the Street Department has the profiles before work is begun. iq9 • • • Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 3 Jones reported that all setbacks appear to be "ok" and that one parking space is required per each 1000 sq. ft. of floor space, or 12 spaces. Scott replied that there will be no employees and Jones said that if the Planning Commission was willing to accept fewer spaces she would go along with that decision. She said she felt the parking lot needed to be double chip and seal, with parking spaces marked and wheel stops in place. Jones advised that there needs to be adequate room for turning and she thought this plan looked somewhat narrow. She suggested 12 ft. instead of the 10 as shown. Jones advised that a separate permit will be necessary if a sign is desired as well as a separate permit for each separate structure. Jones requested the easements be dedicated and shown on the drawings and she advised that one small and 10 large copies with revisions are necessary before the next Planning Commission meeting which will be January 14, 1985. She added that an as -built plan is required. DICK SHAW-- SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Shaw's comments were received by the Planning Office December 7 as follows: He is in agreeance with the 25 ft. setback/utility easement as requested by the other utility companies. THE LAW QUAD APARTMENTS SYCAMORE NEAR LEVERElT JEREMY HESS & RAPHAEL GUZMAN The second item for consideration was the preliminary plat of the Law Quad apartments by Jeremy Hess and Raphael Guzman located on the south side of Sycamore near Leverett. Hess explained that he will be having a survey taken and that, because of the close proximity to the flood plain, he is maintaining the option of shifting the property lines. Jones replied that Building Inspector, Wood, has said that it appears that the flood plain extends 100 ft. east of the edge of the stream. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn elected to withhold a house number until it is certain where the exact location of this project will be. He said he will use separate meters with one house number and separate apartment numbers. Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 4 CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that a 60 ft. right-of-way is required on Sycamore for which he does not have an instrument for. He said he thought a sidewalk already exists across the entire property. Powell requested wheel chair ramps at driveway and sidewalk intersections and asked that no drainage be allowed to exit onto Sycamore. He said drainage could be directed to Skull Creek. Powell said that the curb needs to be 2" high including at the wheel chair ramps. He said if a formal dedication of Sycamore Street is not on file, it will be needed. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner reported that he currently has service on Sycamore. He requested a 20 ft. utility easement around the entire perimeter (to be shown on the plat) and advised that the developer will need to supply service to the buildings. He inquired if outside lighting was needed to which Hess replied affirmatively. Faulkner said a lighting proposal was available from SWEPCO. Faulkner asked Hess to find out what was in the present 10 ft. utility easement at the rear and that if it contained water or sewer, it would need to be enlarged to 25 ft. He requested that Hess's electrician contact him and that some time be allowed to get the equipment. Hess said he planned to begin in 4-6 weeks and complete by July 1985. Faulkner requested the easement be brought to grade before work begins. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said that he too has service along Sycamore. He asked if there will be fire walls and Hess said there would not. Ferguson advised that he might need to serve this from two locations and would try to use the same trench as SWEPCO. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner acknowledged that this development will be all -electric. He advised that there is a 6" high pressure gas line at an unknown depth along the south side of Sycamore. He requested that no building be placed any closer than 25 ft. and he asked to be called in order to locate that line before any digging or building takes place. Wagner requested Hess to lable the 25 ft. building setback on the south side of Sycamore as a utility easement. 201 Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 5 DENNIS LEDBETTER - ASSISTANT FIRE INSPECTOR Ledbetter advised that the closest hydrant appeared to be 585 ft. away at Leverett and Sycamore and he said he would talk to the Fire Inspector to see what he has in mind for hydrant placement. (See Fire Inspector's comments at the end of this discussion). DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn advised that there is an 8' stub -out at the northeast corner which appears to be the best way to serve this project and he suggested adding another hydrant. He added that the radii may need to be reduced to allow a fire or sanitation truck to pass through. Bunn said the manhole is near this location as well, and the sewer should be located at that site. Hess indicated the units would be on separate meters. Bunn advised that there is a force main that runs somewhere along the west property line which needs to be located. He said the depth of the manhole would need to be checked to see if it were deep enough to serve the entire project. Hess said he thought it was not adequate with 1/4" fall. Hess advised that Tom Tucker has "okeyed" an 1/8" fall. He said he was not intending to extend the public sewer. Bunn requested engineering plans and specifications for the water line and if a hydrant is desired in the center, 8" line is needed to be run back to the hydrant. He said 2" was fine for service lines. Bunn said if no fire hydrant was needed, the entire project could be served with 2" plastic line. He added that the plans would need to be approved by the City Engineer before building is begun on the water lines. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARRS AND RECREATION Edmonston explained the Green Space Ordinance and said that this devel- opment was located in the northwest park district which does not require land dedication at this time. She said the amount of money in lieu of land will be $85 X 84 units or $7,140. Jones commented that, due to a recent determination by City Attorney McCord, this land which had been platted previous to the Green Space Ordinance, may be exempt from the park fee. She said, however, that it may be subject to a lot split which would require the fee. Edmonston, after checking with McCord, said it is exempt. Edmonston advised that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will meet Tuesday, December 11, at 4:00 P.M. to discuss this development. 02 Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 6 WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt advised that the dumpsters would have to be angled in order to make pick up. He said the cement pad needs to be 12 ft. wide by 15 ft. deep. He asked that the radius be modified on the east and west sides to allow enought space for the sanitation trucks. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that the water meter superintendent will assign a house number to this development. She stated that a 5 ft. sidewalk is required on Sycamore. She said she would check on the required right-of-way and that if it were 60 ft., 30 ft. is required from the centerline of the street. Jones said the setbacks as shown were adequate and some were more than ample. Jones noted that 144 paved parking spaces are required and this developer is showing 150; 28 could be designated "compact". She added that parking must be set back 5 ft. from south, east and west property lines. Jones and Powell agreed that individual bumper stops would allow drainage to flow to the creek on that side of the parking lot. Jones said parking must be 10 ft. from right-of-way with 10% of the area between parking and right-of-way landscaped. She requested a note be added to the plat to this effect. Jones advised that necessary depending said if the number be acceptable. a property line adjustment or a lot split may be on the original description of this property. She of lots was not increased a p.l. adjustment would Jones asked if all easements have been dedicated and she noted that an old 20 ft. easement down the center goint north -south may have to be vacated as it may fall under one of the proposed buildings. Jones requested an as=built plan which utilities enter the buildings. she will not require an as -built as as another permit is in effect. showing (including) the point at She said if it is done in phases, each building is finished as long Jones requested that adjoining property owners on the west property line be notified of this development before this plat reaches the Subdivision Committee. She advised that the three methods of notification are 1. certified mail, return receipt requested; 2. signature on the plat; or 3. advertisement in the newspaper. Jones said separate permits will be necessary for each building, the pool and the pavillion. State Board of Health approval is necessary for the pool. 203 • Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 7 Jones asked that 10 copies of the revised plat showing the easements, a note of the setback on the east side, the landscaping, and the change in the radius, plus the survey be in the Planning Office a week before the next applicable Planning Commission meeting (January 7). LARRY POAGE — FIRE INSPECTOR Poage's comments arrived at the Planning Office December 7 as follows: One fire hydrant is required to be installed at the SW corner of the complex on the inside of the driveway lane because of the distance to the nearest fire hydrant on Sycamore. He requested four signs to be erected on the drive along the South side of the complex between the parking lots (2 for each direction of travel) designating "NO PARKING — FIRE ZONE". BLACK 9 A & W SUBDIVISION FRONT AND JOYCE STREET JIM LINDSEY, C.A. SEXTON The third item of consideration was that of Block 9 of the A & W Sub— division being developed by Jim Lindsey and C. A. Sexton and represented today by Gary Carnahan. Carnahan opened by indicating that he would like to add a driveway to this proposal on Front Street directly into the south parking area. CLAYTON POWELL — STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell expressed his concern regarding the proposed drive on Joyce Street. He advised of a letter from City Manager Grimes to the State Highway Dept. asking that they consider correcting this traffic hazard type situation and the configuration of the existing intersections of Joyce, Front, the State Highway Dept. interchange and Stearns Road. Powell said he felt that any ingress/egress on the north side of this proposed building would be a critical traffic hazard. He pointed out that any traffic traveling west would need to cross four lanes of traffic. He suggested strong consideration be given to having all access from Front Street. Powell said sidewalk was necessary around the perimeter of this lot; 5 ft. wide on all but Front Street which may be 4 ft. He said he was concerned about the handling of on—site drainage, indicating an open ditch on the right—of-way line back to Mud Creek to the south and west. Carnahan said he would take most of the drainage to the west. • • • Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 8 Powell said there was adequate right-of-way for this property unless the State Highway Dept. requires some in addition. He said he thought the building may need to be moved to the south to allow for the fourlane of Hwy. 471. He said the planter on the radii was crucial because of the street configuration in that area and ground cover may be more appropriate. In answer to Carnahans inquiry, Powell said a trivial amount of on-site drainage on the northeast corner would not be strongly objected to. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin left a message that he did not object to the proposed driveway on Joyce Street but that he would like to see one on Front Street as well. Discussion ensued between Jones, Powell and Carnahan as to the danger potential seen at this intersection. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner reported that he has overhead lines along the west side of the proposed building. He said he could give an underground dip from the pole to the building as requested by Carnahan, providing the load is not too heavy. Faulkner said he believed this development was entirely in SWEPCO territory but there is a small question as to whether Ozark Electric crosses one part of the building. He said SWEPCO and Ozark would work out the details. In answer to Faulkner's question, Carnahan reported that this would be an office -retail space not to exceed 200 amps per space. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson requested 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit with a sweep elbow for the portion of line to be run underground in the vicinity of the power meters and coming out in the area of the planter on the west side of the building. Carnahan said he would build a utility closet for these lines as well as telephone lines. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS GAS Wagner recommended extending the 50 ft. utility easement on the west side to the building. He said the existing high pressure gas line is about 6-8 ft. from the fence. Wagner said there is 4" plastic along Joyce Street. Carnahan said Don Honnicut is working on getting a bore under Front Street to serve the east side of the road. 205 • • • Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 9 DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Carnahan said that Osburn has told him the address for this project could be 1061 Joyce which was acceptable to him. DENNIS LEDBETTER — ASSISTANT FIRE INSPECTOR Ledbetter commented that the drive on Front Street was important for fire truck access. Larry Poage, Fire Inspector reported on December 7, that "With the sidewalks around the building allowing people to travel 2 ways once they exit the building, I do not feel that it is definitely required that the exit doors be marked for "Fire Exit"; however, I would like a chance to llok at the situation again when the project is almost finished. It may be that I will feel some of the doors should be marked "Fire Exit" at that time. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Carnahan reported that Bunn has told him that there is an 8" water line behind the building and a 16" line in front; he will tap the 8" line on the west side of the building. Carnahan said the only available sewer is on the east side of Front Street. WALLY BRT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said the location of the dumpster is fine and Jones added that the pad must be 12 ft. wide by 15 ft. deep. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that the boundaries may need to be clarified for the subdivision and for Block 9. She said 5 ft. wide sidewalk is required along both Joyce and Front Street. Jones said that there is a verbal agreement with the gas company that sidewalk would be installed when this tract was developed and she requested that this reach at least to the access for the building. Jones asked Carnahan to note on the plat where the four lane changes into two lanes. She also requested a vacinity map and an application. She noted that 52 parking spaces are shown and only 41 are required, of which 10 may be compact. She expressed concern regarding vehicles rounding the corner within the northeast parking area. Jones said she would request the Subdivision Committee to meet before Christmas and she noted that the next Planning Commission meeting is January 14. • Plat Review December 6, 1984 Page 10 CONCEPT PIAT OF PARK PLACE — PUD AREA The fourth item of consideration today was comments regarding the concept plat for Park Place PUD development, located south of Highway 45 and west of Highway 265. Representatives of SWEPCO, Arkansas Western Gas and Warner Amex Cable all felt that there were some serious problems with this proposed development. Faulkner commented that the only way for the developer to continue with this plan is to bring two phases along the east side of the recreation area (overhead) to Revere Place and possibly (overhead) to the split between the multi -family and the single family dwellings. He said there is no feasible way of having underground service to feed Phases 5 & 6 from the present location. Faulkner said he may need to request utility easements across the multi -family section before it is subdivided in order to serve Phases 3, 4, 5 & 6. Wagner said that he will request utility easements as Phases 3, 4, 5 & 6 are developed. He said he has an 8" high pressure line in the PUD area and there is still a 25 ft. setback requirement from it. Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent, phoned in the following comments regarding this plat on Wednesday, December 5: Revere Place intersection at Highway 265 does not meet the 200 ft. "jog" requirement because Lover's Lane is directly across the highway within 50 ft. He strongly urged the 200 ft. safety requirement for a jog be adhered to. He said all other streets on the east side of Cambridge Road appear to be private drives, based on the parking configuration which is similar to Windsor Townehomes. He said this needs to be clarified and if they are private drives, they need to be stated as such on the plat. He requested that it be noted on the plat that the 50 ft. green belt will be maintained by the Property Owners Association. He also noted that if Revere Place from Cambridge Place to Highway 265 is a private street, there will not be two points of ingress/egress. There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 A.M. 'o7