HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee vas held Thursday, October 18, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, Terry England and Roy Hawkins CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis LSD FOR POINT WEST SUBDIVISION LOTS 1 & 2 BLACK "C" The only item of consideration today was a Large Scale Development plat for Lots 1 & 2 of Block "C" in Point West Subdivision located on Shiloh Drive and Point West Street. LARRY POAGE — FIRE INSPECTOR Poage was unable to attend this meeting but commented via the clerk: He requested one fire extinguisher per 2400 sq. ft. which can be a 10# ABC type unless the developer thinks there is cause for an alternative in which can he can discuss the matter with Poage. FREEMAN WOOD — BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood was unable to attend this meeting but sent the following comment: He said if the building is constructed of metal and has a four hour fire wall it is acceptable unless there is to be storing of hazardous substances, in which case, the developer needs to discuss this matter with Wood. CLAYTON POWELL — STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that all public improvements are in and the sidewalks are to be installed on each lot as it is developed. He said the northeast driveway must be set back from the intersection of Point West Street by 40 ft. from the end of the radius. The south driveway must be 12 and 1/2 feet from the property line to allow for the 25 ft. safety zone between driveways. Powell said the driveway widths as shown are fine and could be widened to 44 ft. if so desired. Powell requested sidewalk ramps at all sidewalk/driveway and sidewalk/street intersections to serve the handicapped. Iq4 • • • Plat Review October 18, 1984 Page 2 Powell advised that all streets along the by-pass have been designated as collector streets requiring 60 ft. of right -of --way which can only be waived by the Board of Directors. He said if it is not waived, an additional 5 ft. will need to be dedicated on Shiloh. (Jones said a letter requesting a waiver has been submitted). TERRY ENGLAND - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Hanna said gas service was desired here for the office space as well as the warehousing space which will use two overhead heaters in each building. England said the gas line extends along the west property line and he will stay in touch regarding the placement of the meter and the size requirements of the service. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner asked what the load is expected to be, who the electrician servicing this project will be, and when full service is desired. He said there is no service here presently; it will be built up along the east side of Shiloh. Anders stated he would like to have saw service within 30 days and full service approximately 12 weeks after that. Faulkner advised figuring the load as soon as possible so that it can be computed as part of the permit charges. He said that, from the point of demarcation (at the southeast corner), he could serve overhead or underground. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Hawkins requested two 4" schedule 40 PVC conduits under the entire length of the area labeled "10 additional spaces" on the west property line. Hawkins inquired as to what type and the size service load being requested. Anders said he thinks the developer will want about 15 phones with 10-12 lines. Hawkins said he could enter the building at the southwest corner. He requested conduit leading up to the point of entrance with a sleeve for entering purposes, as well as a 4 X 8 sheet of plywood to mount equipment on. Hawkins said Bell does not presently serve this area and he requested a date to begin service. Anders replied it would probably be January. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt agreed to pickup from a 12 X 15 ft. dumpster pad at the site shown. 115 • • • Plat Review October 18, 1984 Page 3 DON OSBORN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Anders advised Osburn that he would this to be considered as one building with four restrooms and a breakroom with a sink, using one water meter. In answer to Osburn's question, Anders replied that flush tank type commodes will be used. Osburn advised that a 3/4" tap would be cheaper to install but, in order in insure future expansion, he thought Anders might consider a 1" tap with a reducer. Osburn reported that the address of,this building will be 1937 N. Shiloh And he added that he prefers the water meter be set in the green area with no landscaping near enough to obscure it. He also requested a finish grade at the time the meter is set and he asked to have the site card, with the address displayed, at the time the temporary meter is requested. He said permanent 4-5" high numbers, need to be on the building at the time the permanent water meter is set. Anders said a sprinkling system will not be installed. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones requested that the 20 ft. utility easements shown along the west property line, be changed to reflect the 25 ft. that has been requested. She requested that the easements be labeled as such, rather than "utility setback" as shown. Jones said the west property is the boundary between I-1 and R-2 zoning which requires a 50 ft. setback measured from the southwest corner of the proposed building. After much discussion, Anders and Hanna decided that they would eliminate the western 20 feet of the southern most portion of the building and make a ten foot addition along the entire south side in order to maintain approximately the same amount of footage and still meet the building setbacks requirement. By using this configuration, the loading dock will not be over the easement and the manhole can be placed further south. Jones said to check with the City engineer to see if there is any problem with locating the manhole at the southern location and she added that the setback requirement can only be waived by the Board of Adjustment. She also advised Anders to report the change in manhole location to the utility companies. Anders asked how the 60 ft. required right—of-way on Shiloh will effect this project and Jones replied that the additional 5 ft. would not effect it greatly as there is adequate room on the east side (Shiloh Drive) for the parking and aisle drive. She added that it will not effect the size of the building. Jones said she has computed the parking at one per 300 sq.ft. (office spacing) or 11 spaces, and one per 1000 sq.ft. (warehouse spacing) or 26 spaces for a total of 37 spaces for 29,000 gross sq.ft. of area. 196 • Plat Review October 18, 1984 Page 4 She added that two handicapped spaces are necessary (as shown). Anders said he will construct the additional parking spaces that are required at the west property line. He added that there will be about 20 employees (with growth expected) without many outside callers. Jones said screening is required on the west property line consisting of a view obscuring fence or vegetation that will be view obscuring within two years. She advised that a written request for a waiver of this requirement could be presented to the Planning Commission. Jones advised that, either 25 ft. and 10% landscaping between parking and the street or 15 ft. and 20% landscaping is required, because this development is within 50 ft. of an R -District. Jones stated that 10 copies of revisions of this plat are required in the Planning Office by Monday, November 5 for presentation to the Planning Commission on November 13 and she requested an "as -built" site plan before occupancy. She advised that the Street Department is responsible for sidewalk inspections and that Anders check with the sign inspector if a sign is needed. Jones stated that Freeman Wood, Building Inspector, may wish to make • additional requests considering the materials to be used in this building. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M.