HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-11 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, October 11, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 west Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: FINAL PLAT POINT WEST ADDITION Ivan Faulkner, James Crownover, Connie Skinner, Kenneth Wagner and L. 0. Ferguson Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis The first plat for consideration today was that of the final for Point West Addition; Mel Milholland representing. JAMES CROWNOVER - IVAN FAULKNER James Crownover of Ozarks Electric and Ivan Faulkner of SWEPCO discussed at length where the territory line divides and came to the decision that Ozarks Electric would service Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block "B" and Lots 11 S 12 of Block "A" with SWEPCO servicing the remainder. The easements were not changed from the specifications of the preliminary plat. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Jones advised Powell that service roads have been added to the Master Street Plan appearing as collector streets, and the ordinance that governs these require 60 ft. right-of-way. Powell said he didn't think it fair to request 60 ft. to be dedicated at this point, but Jones said if it was not addressed now, it would effect every building permit that was applied for in this addition. Powell commented that all other frontage roads have been dedicated with 50 ft. rights-of-way and he felt it was untimely to change the requirement for this development. Powell said he felt the Board of Directors may want to address the acceptance of this final plat as soon as possible to avoid dealing with additional right-of-way requirement as each building permit comes in and Jones agreed. Powell stated that he has received the "as -built" plans and engineering certifications for Phase I and said that the certification does not 186 Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 2 state that there are no liens against any of the public improvements installed in the subdivision (which may be submitted as a separate certification if the developer desires). He requested that NOTE "A" on the plat be rephrased to read "drainage easements across private property are not eligible for public maintenance because they were not improved to City standards". Powell stated that City policy was to avoid combination drainage/utility easements but because the City is not going to be responsible for these drainage easements he said it would be up to the utility companies to decide if the dual easement was satisfactory He requested that plats in the future not be submitted with said combination easements. Milholland said that he planned it this way because the sewer was already existing at subject location. Powell requested Milholland enter the Book and Page number on NOTE "C" on the plat. He added that he has performed the final inspection with the City engineer and the only deficiency found was that, core samples taken to ensure the density and thickness of the asphalt and cement treated base had not been repaired. He requested that this be taken care of and acknowledged in writing. Powell said he has had some problems with the Arkansas State Highway Department regarding the right-of-way crossing on Porter Road and subsequently the street was widened in excess of the standard 31 ft. width in order to incorporate the required 50 intersection radii. He said a revision may be necessary to show the additional right-of-way and he said the verbal agreement was to secure an easement for sidewalk to be installed on private property. Powell said the intersection turnout of the future Lofton Court has not been constructed and he asked that this turnout be deleted in the revision and note made that no access to any lots will be permitted to Lofton Court until it is constructed by the developer (Including Lots 3 through 11). Powell asked for the name of the party responsible for constructing the sidewalk between Lot 11 Block "A" and Lot 3 Block "A" Phase II on Shiloh Drive and he suggested this be noted in the covenants. He asked that care be taken to observe the 40 driveway maximum from the end of the radius of lot 11 as well as lot 3. Powell addressed the temporary cul-de-sacs at Point West Street and the south end of Shiloh Drive. He advised that there was an agreement made to permanently construct the (presently) temporary cul-de-sacs at Point West and the south end of Shiloh Drive within one year after the completion of Phase I if Phase II was not begun. Powell requested a Performance Bond or a Bill of Assurance for this construction. I8% • Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 3 Powell noted that there are several more lots along Shiloh from the north end of Lot 1 Future Phase II, out to the intersection of Porter Road that may need to be dealt with as lot splits in the future. Milholland requested to add a topsheet to the plat which indicates the Book and Page number of the recorded offsite utility easements and Jones replied that that would be sufficient. Jones repeated that Shiloh is indicated as a collector street on the Master Street Plan and will effect the building setbacks as well as each building permit as they are applied for (by 5 ft.). Faulkner advised that any utility easement parelleling the road will be effected too, and will need to be adjusted. Milholland stated that he remembers the ordinance making Shiloh a collector street, but he said it was after this plat had been approved and he felt it should be continued as approved. Jones advised that the only recourse, presently, was to ask for a waiver of this requirement from the City Board. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Bunn stated that he did not have any problem with this plat. • Jones stated that an "as -built" is needed as well as a cost certification and proof that no liens exist. She said if they were received before the plat is registered, a performance bond would not be necessary. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner had no comments in additional to those made on the preliminary plat. She said she would extend service from Sycamore (from the south). IRAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner explained again where the territory line divides and said he will serve from Sycamore Street using the off-site utility easement as a route to Phase I. He said the additional right-of-way being requested on Shiloh will effect this off-site utility easement and his route into the development. Faulkner said the metes and bounds given in the easement dedicated would cause SWEPCO to be in the right- of-way instead of in the easement. He asked to extend the off-site utility easement another 5 ft. back (and into the on-site utility easement as well). Faulkner explained that he needs a 20 ft. lead on a guy wire which is being utilized because of the angle around the corner. Faulkner inquired about streetlights and Milholland replied that they are in the same positions as originally indicated. Faulkner said the lights could be installed on the overhead poles if these are used. 118 • Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 4 KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said that all lots have been served and a high pressure gasline exists along the north boundary including across future Phase II. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said Warner does not currently serve it is available several hundred feet away on if service is desired here it would be through and there would be a charge for everything over BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR this addition although Porter Road. He said SWEPCO's overhead lines 500 feet. Jones said she had not received a letter requesting a waiver of driveway width. Jones noted that Powell had originally requested a 60 ft. right- of-way width on Shiloh. She said she was certain that if this plat was recorded with a 50 right-of-way, it would effect every building permit as it is applied for unless this requirement is waived by the City Board. Milholland said he would advise his client of this action. Jones said the Planning Commission approval of this plat, with a 50 ft. right-of-way occurred on September 12, 1983. Jones said there were some waivers granted on the maximum length of a dead-end street and on streetlight spacing. She added that if these waivers effect this phase of the plat, the date of the approvals should be noted on the plat. Jones commented that sidewalks need to be installed by individual lot owners and she requested a copy of the covenants for the files before the Planning Commission meeting takes place. She made note that the Bill of Assurance restrictions and the off-site easements have been noted on the plat. She asked if the right-of-way onto Porter Road has been dedicated and Milholland replied that it is included in the description. Powell advised that there has been a revision to the intersection design because the right-of-way needed to be widened in order to include the turn radii. Jones advised Milholland to have the right-of-way discrepancy resolved as soon as possible by submitting a waiver request in writing to the Planning Office. She said she would direct the letter to the proper place. Jones referred to Ordinance #2943, Sept. 12, 1983, which also effected the right-of-way situation and may effect this plat. Jones advised that two prints, at the same scale as this plat, will be necessary if any changes are made. 181 • • Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 5 Jones requested a note be added to the plat regarding the easement being dedicated consisting of 5 ft. outside of the right-of-way for sidewalk across the first section. She said this easement needs to be recorded and she advised that it may change the legal description. Jones asked who the responsible party be for the sidewalk between Lots 3 and 11 will be, and Powell replied that he felt the developer should be responsible at this time so as to assure its construction. Jones suggested that the party responsible for constructing the sidewalk around the radius of these lots (future Phase II) be noted in the covenants. Powell added that the developer of Lot 4 should be responsible for intersecting with the proposed sidewalk (around the radius) when the street is constructed there. Jones agreed with this and she said that the alternative would be to add a note that the developer of Lot 3 would build the sidewalk to the center of Lofton Court right-of-way and the developer of Lot 11 would do the same. She added that she would prefer the developer to take full responsibility at this time. Jones requested that 10 copies of the revisions of this plat, a copy of the covenants and any letters that are needed be in the Planning Office by Monday, October 15 in order to be presented at the Planning Commission meeting of October 22. She expressed her concern that this plat may not be able to be addressed until the right-of-way width is resolved. STARR — GMAC BUILDING LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION FRONTAGE & ZION RDS. The second item of consideration today was that of GMAC Building at Frontage and Zion Rds., represented by Gary Carnahan. Carnahan introduced an associate, Marty Tuttleton. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell reported that Frontage Rd. has been brought up to City standards curbs and drainage having been installed. Carnahan said there is a drop inlet at the intersection of Zion and Frontage which handles on-site drainage, but there is no evident storm drainage on Frontage. Powell said drainage is collected and released into a ditch on Zion. Carnahan discussed the placement of the northern -most drive in relation to the Zion Road intersection and Powell stated that it was within the proper limits. Jones advised that there was a 45 ft. break in the curb between the radius and Powell approved. PIO • • • Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 6 CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner requested 2" schedule 40 PVC under the drive with a sweep bend going into the utility room and mounted on a piece of 4 X 6 plywood. She said she would service the building from the east side and she advised that Roy Hawkins would discuss this development in her absence. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said there is an existing 2 and 1/2" gas line on the south side of Zion Road that extends westward across Frontage Road as well as a 2" line extending south in the easement at the east of this building. He said service could be extended at any point along this line. Wagner advised Carnahan to dedicate 15 ft. easements from the existing east side easement to the building in two places along its length in order to set the meters on the building. L. O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said his service exists along the east side easement and he requested 2" schedule 40 PVC under the parking area to this easement. Carnahan requested individual meters on the outside of the building and Ferguson replied that he will need 2" PVC turned up at the outside of the building at the rear. From that point, he requested it extend into the equipment room with another length of PVC. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover stated that he has overhead 3 phase service on Zion Road as well as on Frontage Road and added that he could serve this development from either side. Carnahan said he would like to set approximately nine meters on the back of the building and Crownover responded that Carnahan could run conduit under the building, at his option. Carnahan said he expected to have an office type load (200 amp for each service) and Crownover said he didn't expect any problem with this although special provision may need to be made around the transformer. Carnahan asked if he could run one large main service and divide it in the building and Crownover said he thought that would be neater and he added that it would be more convenient for everyone if the lines could be paired. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn was unable to attend today's meeting and Jones read comments made by him regarding this project: He said the house numbers run north -south for the nine offices and some gaps have been left in the spacing of numbers in order to provide for further splits within the offices. Osburn requested a site card with house numbers displayed before construction meters are set and permanent numbers must be displayed 19� • • • Plat Review October 11, 1984 Page 7 before permanent meters are set. He said water meters will be in the same order as the house numbers and landscaping needs to be set back far enough from the meters so that they do not become overgrown. Finish grade needs to be given to the water department crew for them to make the water taps and set the meters. WALLY BET - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said there was no problem serving this development with containers. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones gave Carnahan a copy of Ordinance (/2951 which states that all service roads shall be designated collector streets requiring a 60 ft. right-of-way (including Frontage Street). Jones advised Carnahan that he could support any request by Milholland to clarify the existing platted streets having 50 ft. rights-of-way. She added that, if this issue is not clarified, it will require an additional 5 ft. taken from each building permit. Jones said the additional 20 ft. right-of-way needed to meet the 60 ft. requirement, was dedicated by Perimeter Plaza when that plat was finaled. Jones requested that the 15 ft. utility easement along the east side be designated on the plat. Based on office space parking requirements, Jones said 3600 sq. ft. would need to be occupied as such and Carnahan replied that GMAC is an office which accounts for 2400 sq. ft.; he expected to meet the requirement. Jones advised that there is a 5 ft. sidewalk requirement along both streets on both sides of the street. She said sidewalk should be placed behind the existing curb. Jones requested that Carnahan check with the sign inspector, Jay Pense, to be sure that the sign meets size requirements and she advised that this development is limited to one ground sign. Carnahan indicated that he will ask for a waiver of the driveway width and Jones suggested demonstrating on the plat that the southern -most driveway meets the 12 and 1/2 ft. safety zone. Jones requested an "as -built" plan and she asked to have the setbacks from the southeast and northwest corners shown on the plat as well. Carnahan reported that he will probably construct only the north end of the building at this time but that he will install all utilities. Jones requested 10 copies with revisions be submitted by Monday Oct. 15 for presentation to the Planning Commission on Monday, Oct. 22. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. /92 • • CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF THE PLAT REVIEW MEETING HELD OCTOBER 11, 1984 *As per telephone call from Jim Crownover on October 19, 1984 the minutes of the Plat Review meeting held October 11, 1984 are corrected as follows: Page 1, second paragraph; the division of territory for Ozarks Electric and SWEPCO should read "...north side of Lot 14 Block A, between lots 12 $ 13 Block A, between Lots 3 $ 4 of Block B with Ozarks' Electric all of that property north of the line and SWEPCO serving all of that property on the south side of the line. *COPY SENT TO SWEPCO, OZARKS ELECTRIC AND MILHOLLAND COMPANY 1q3