HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-27 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, September 27, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES: Dick Shaw, Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner and L.O. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES: LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT SPOT -NOT CAR WASH DANDY OIL AT HWY. 62 & RAZORBACK Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Wally Brt and Bobbie Jones The first plat for consideration today was a large scale development located at the southeast corner of Razorback Road and Highway 62 West represented by Bryan Wimberley of Northwest Engineers and owned by Gary Dandy and Bill Kennedy. Wimberley began by notifying representatives that the western most driveway facing on Highway 62 has been eliminated. • CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell commented that all drives onto State Highways must have a State Highway permit 'which includes both roads fronting this property. He advised that drainage is critical in car washes because if they are left with "sheet flow" drainage, it freezes in the street during the winter: he recommended that each wash bay be storm drained with drainage being carried to either of the existing ditch lines. Powell noted that the ditch line along the south side of this parcel needs to be cleared, grubbed and rip -rapped to facilitate drainage control and he added that, if the bays are not storm drained, the drainage flume on the northeast corner will discharge an excess of water into the existing sanitary sewer and manhole, eroding it away. Powell said property owners are responsible for the green space between the edge of the pavement and the property lines and if the existing space is open between driveways, the property owners will be responsible for maintenance. Wimberley replied that drainage is being provided under each wash bay that will discharge into sanitary sewer. Jones commented that this plat shows a 4 ft. existing concrete sidewalk and Wimberley replied that he thinks it is actually asphalt. Powell said that in addition to this 4 ft. paved asphalt shoulder, Board requires a 5 ft. concrete sidewalk. • 176 • • • 2 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 2 LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage requested that a 1011 ABC type fire extinguisher be installed in the mechanical room. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised that the 2" gas riser shown on the east side of the parcel in the middle is actually a steam riser and he added that the closest gas available is 380 east of the northeast corner of this property (a 2" gas crossing). He requested that a 25 ft. easement be obtained across the lot to the east of this one and that a 25 ft. utility easement be dedicated across the north side of this property for future use across Razorback Road (25 ft. beginning from the highway right-of-way). Wagner agreed to set the meter on the northeast corner of this parcel and he said there would be no problem bringing the gas line up to this property's northeast corner if the requested easement across the neighboring property is obtained. Wagner requested a 15 ft. utility easement along the east property line from the north edge as far as the proposed sand trap and he explained that the expense of bringing the gas line into the property from this point would be at the developers expense. He said he will refer to the car wash owned by the same developer on Township Road for sizing the meter. Wager stated that he will need a separate document for the easements because this development will not require a final plat. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner said he will bring power to this development with pole service by crossing Razorback Road and Wimberley said he needed three phase, 240V, 400amp service; identical to the Township Rd. car wash. Faulkner inquired if this developer would like to utilize underground service immediately following the crossing1 and Dandy replied that he would and asked that the box be placed on the front of the property. DICK SHAW - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Shaw stated that there is existing cable running parellel to this property on Razorback Rd. in the state right-of-way, and he requested 54 ft. of 3" PVC split conduit placed over the cable encased in cement P71 3 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 3 under the driveway. He said that when this opening is made, Southwestern Bell will place another 3" pipe in place for future use. Kennedy said he would like the phone in the proposed mechanical room and Shaw requested 2" PVC from that point directly west to approximately three feet outside the property line (State right-of-way). Shaw also requested that he be contacted before the blacktopping of 62 driveway for ease of installing equipment for future use to adjoining properties. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Wimberley said he would like to cap the existing water main (as shown on the plat) behind the mechanical room and use it as a service line. Poage said he thought this was a 4" unmetered, private fire protection line from a previous hose shed. Wimberley said he could, alternatively, install a new water line from the existing meter on the west side of the property. Bunn requested that storm water be kept out of the sanitary sewer as much as possible. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones stated that the lot split has been approved on this property and she advised that there is an 80 required right-of-way on Razorback Road; this plat only shows 30 ft. for its' half. Wimberley said that a 60 ft. right-of-way had been planned for this road and Jones replied that the Master Street Plan currently shows it to be 80 ft. which can only be waived by the Board of Directors. She stated that, according to the code, she will need to work with an additional 10 ft. to what is shown, but she said setback required from Razorback Road can be reduced to 25 ft. by allowing no parking between the building and the street with 10% of that area is covered in plants. Jones asked if the vacuum bays will be covered and if so, will there be enough room to execute a turn exiting towards the west. Wimberley said that this identical configuration is working fine at the Township location and Jones requested that he double check that location because where there is 90% angle parking, the code calls for 24 ft. for backing and turning and Wimberley is providing only 20 feet. Wimberley indicated that the column for the first bay is set back in, allowing more space. Jones said that with the elimination of the driveway on Highway 62, people will be entering on the east one-third of the property, which will mean much maneuvering to get to the west side exit and she suggested moving the remaining driveway to within the required 120 feet of the intersection (as per a Bill of Assurance). Powell indicated that measuring the 120 ft. from the location of the phone riser to the end of the radius was acceptable to him. 180 • • • 4 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 4 Jones said the plan, as it is, tends to encourage people to enter from Highway 62 and exit on Razorback and Wimberley replied that this was his intention. Jones requested an "as -built" plan upon completion of this project and she advised that the City Board has requested 5 ft. concrete sidewalk (in addition to the paved shoulder). She said there is no requirement to notify abuting property owners as the common boundaries have the same zoning classification. Jones said if a sign is desired, it could be placed on the mechanical building as long as it met the setback. Jones said that she needs revisions of this plat on Monday, October 1st to present to the Planning Commission on October 8th. She advised Wimberley that plumbing plans are to be brought to the inspection office for stamping before going to the State Board of Health. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn reported that the address for this development will be 1369 West Sixth and he asked that a site card be displayed with said number. He advised that the 2" line is big enough to serve this project. JIM BOW ADDITION J.B. HAYS — JIMMIE AVE. The second plat for consideration was the Jim -Bow Addition located on Jimmie Ave. and West View Street. This development is owned by J.B. Hays and represented by Ervan Wimberley. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin was unable to attend this meeting but sent the following comments: He said he did not like the street being askew (creating the "bow" configuration) as it could be a traffic hazard. He added that, when it is for residential purposes and serving only a few lots, it is sometimes justifiable. Franklin requested that as much vegetation as possible be cleared away on the northwest corner (lot 16) so as to allow ample site distance. WALLY BAT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said if container service if desired, the location will need to be at the southwest corner and his truck will be able to exit onto Razorback Road. I2) 5 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 5 CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that this hillside development could potentially present drainage problems. He said the street due east of it has sheet flow which may lead to drainage coming "in the back doors" of lots 1 through 8. Powell said he recommends Jimmie Ave. be extended with a standard right angle intersection with West View Street and after allowing 120 t0 140 ft., the "bow" may be inserted. He said there may be a need for storm drainage at the intersection of Jimmie and West View which he will check on, and he advised that, because of previous problems on Jimmie Ave., he thought the uphill side of subject street will need to be French drained to the northwest end where the storm drainage curb inlet exists. Powell said because of a recent resolution by the Board, he will need to determine whether or not a detention pond is necessary to prevent the flooding residents located below this development. Powell said that he thought Lot 19 ends as it is shown on the plat. He said the ordinance requires that 80% of a lot must be on road frontage and in order to conform, West View would need to be improved for some distance or Lot 19 may need to be eliminated. Wimberley said Brophy, neighboring developer to the southwest, has some plans for that area which might affect what happens to this lot front and that he added that he would like to place the driveway for lot 19 at the eastern edge of the lot to which Powell objected because it would be facing Karyn Ave. directly. Wimberley said he had originally intended to extend Jimmie Ave. in a straight line and then insert the "bow" but he encountered a large rock outcropping and a resident's landscaping at the location where the street should run in a straight line. He requested that this developer be allowed to retain the bow as shown and Powell replied that the decision would rest with the Planning Commission. Wimberley said he did not think it was justifiable to extend West View Street another fifty feet and would like the Planning Commission to consider as shown on especially as the possibility exists that West View will never be extended any further. He said he is currently working on J.B. Hay's land immediately west of this parcel and both Brophy and Hays have considered extending back into Brophy's land to give them better access. Powell replied that the Planning Commission may consider a dedication of right-of-way at this location for 50 ft. and lastly, he requested that the drainage easement between lots 9 & 10 be 25 ft. instead of 15 ft. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage commented that there is a 6" fire hydrant on Lot 14 and Wimberley said he will loop the water line into the R-0 Commercial zone. �$a • • 6 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 6 KENNETH WAGNER — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the closest gas available to this development is approximately the center of the south side of Lot 31 of West Windwood Phase III. He requested that a utility easement be granted from the south center of Lot 31 east to Sherwood Lane. He also requested that the easement be extended across lot 31 and that the 25 ft. building setback across Lots 1, 16, 17, 18 & 19 be extended across the south side of lot 19. Wagner agreed that placing the meters on the street in this development would be a good plan because of the hillside location. He requested that the 25 ft. building setback on both sides of Jimmie Ave. be shown as utility easement. For future use, Wagner asked that the 15 ft. utility easement shown between lots 8 & 9 be enlarged to 25 if other utilities were to be placed there, and 20 ft. if the other utilities go overhead. Wagner requested that the easements requested be cleared and brought as near to grade as possible. IVAN FAULKNER — SWEPCO Faulkner pointed out on the plat where the dividing line between SWEPCO and Ozarks Electric service is. He said he can not serve this project from the east but could come from the south along Karyn Ave. Faulkner said if underground service was desired he will need a 25 ft. utility easement in the south side building setback. He said he could not get into the easement on the south side of Lot lit or serve it from the back. Because of this being on the territory line between the two electric companies, Faulkner requested that Wimberley meet with him again after this meeting to determine how electric power will be brought to Lots lit & 112. He reported that any cost over 40 cents per feet will be charged back to the developer. Faulkner said if underground service is taken along the length of Jimmie Ave., there will need to be conduit installed between every other lot. He said underground service would be very difficult and expensive to install. L. 0. FERGUSON — WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said he will need the same easements as Faulkner including 2" schedule 40 PVC between every other lot line if service is underground. He asked to attend the meeting between Wimberley and Faulkner to determine exactly where service will extend from. CONNIE EDMONSTON — PARKS AND RECREATION • Edmonston advised that the parks fee amounts to $105 per single family unit (or .0125 acres of land) which will be $1,995 for these 19 units 183 7 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 7 (or .24 acres). She said this project will be considered at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on October 9 at 4:00 P.M. in Room 326. Edmonston and Wimberley discussed Park Place development and Edmonston advised that, upon consultation with City Attorney McCord, the recreation area being created here (in lieu of cash or land donation) will have to be completed in one year's time and not in phases that are simultaneous to the building phases of said development in order to qualify for a waiver. Wimberley said he did not agree with the ordinance stating this requirement. DON BUNN — CITY ENGINEER Bunn said one tap will need to cross the street for sewer connection on Lot #7 and will need to be shown. He said taps will be installed before construction and he indicated that the schedule for this work is behind. Bunn also indicated that PVC sleeves have not worked out. He said he may allow the plumber for this development to make the taps but he will reserve the right to approve the contractor. Wimberley said he marks his sleeves above ground with a metal fence post but Bunn said this practice was no longer acceptable. Jones added that all connections must be approved. DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn asked if this development was landlocked at Lots 118 & #9 and Wimberley replied that it was and that no road will be allowed through there. Osburn assigned house numbers and requested that they be kept visible if screening is added. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones inquired if the covenants of West Wind Phase III development prohibit taking part of Lots 31 & 32 and adding them to this development and Wimberley replied that the respective attorneys are working on a solution for this. She asked if there will be any room left for building on Lots 1 & 2 after all easements have been dedicated. Wimberley said there would be and he inquired if the easement needs to be formally vacated to which Jones replied affirmatively (providing that everyone is in agreement that there are no services in it) Wimberley said that there is sewer service to Lots 31 through 34 of West Wind Phase III. Jones asked about the small piece of land to the east of Lot 8 in J. B. Hays' name and Wimberley replied that it is not usable but could be sold and added to Lot 35 West Wind Phase III. /Sy 8 Plat Review September 27, 1984 Page 8 ones requested that the sidewalk shown around the cul-de-sac be continued onto Lot eleven to the end of the curve and said she would check to see on which side of West View the sidewalk is required. Jones requested that the legal description make reference to West Wind Phase III, parts of Lots 31 & 32, and that proof of notification of property owners within 100 ft. be provided before the Subdivision Committee meeting. She suggested Wimberley allow at least ten days for notification by certified mail - return receipts requested. Jones asked for a copy of the covenants and the certificate for the Planning Commission to be applied to the preliminary plat. She said that 10 copies of revisions are due Monday, October 1st to be presented to the Planning Commission on October 8th. Jones added that two copies of the final will be needed at a 1 - 100 scale. She asked if any of the rezoned area has been included in this plat and Wimberley replied that a small portion may have been included but he is not going use Lots 8 & 9 as R-2 and he will address the Planning Commission with regards to the frontage of Lot 19. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M. • 185