HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-06 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PIAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, Sept. 6, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Bromley, Ivan Faulkner, Roy Hawkins and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Don Osburn, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis Kenneth Wagner, Arkansas Western Gas, wished to make the following corrections to the minutes of the August 30 Plat Review meeting in regards to his comments addressed to Neal Albright, engineer for the addition to the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints located on Zion Road: 1. Page 3, second paragraph, first sentence should say "...on the north side.", not "...on the east side." as printed. 2. As there is no line currently place under any building, the line referring to same should be eliminated. OAKLAND TOWNHOUSES PHASE III POPLAR & LEVERETT - BOB WHITFIELD Oakland Townhouses Phase III located at the corner of Poplar and Leverett and developed by Bob Whitfield, was the single plat for consideration at today's meeting. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Hawkins said that in order to serve this development, he will need to have access to set a pedestal in the northeast section. In answer to whitfield's question, Hawkins said he will install enough cable in the area to serve it entirely but the cable will not be run to the individual buildings. He said he could not put a pedestal at the northwest corner of the property but would place one pedestal at the middle -back of each building. Hawkins requested a 15 to 25 ft. easement along the east side, depending on how many utilities will be located there. Whitfield stated that he would consider purchasing some land on the east side of his property to provide for this easement so that he would not need to eliminate some of the proposed units and Jones reported that there is a 10 ft. easement existing on Leverett Gardens to the east. Hawkins asked if the street dedication has been made on Poplar Street and Whitfield replied that it was completed before he purchased the property. Jones requested a copy of this deed and added that the Master Street Plan calls for a 50 ft. dedication on this street. 143 • • • Plat Review Sept. 6, 1984 Page 2 Hawkins requested a 25 ft. utility easement along the north/south line beside the swimming pool and a 15 ft. easement going west from the pool to Leverett and he added that the trees will need to be cleared in order to install the cables. In answer to Whitfield's question, he said he could not run the cable in the bed of the creek. Hawkins said he would run the cables in the 15 ft. easement just as close to the patios as is possible and he requested three-quarter inch conduit to be brought out to the back center of each building and going between each apartment. IVAN FAULKNER - EWE/TO Faulkner asked if Whitfield intended to run electrical lines from poles with dips to pedestals as each phase is constructed. Whitfield said he did and Faulkner said he would not require any easements on the north side. He did request the 25 ft. building setbacks along Poplar and Leverett be designated as utility easements. He said there was not enough room for a padmount transformer as the development is presently arranged. Faulkner suggested setting a pole in the center of the development in the green area to serve Phase IV and Whitfield said he would like to avoid that situation if at all possible. Faulkner said if outdoor lighting was desired, SWEPCO should be informed as soon as possible as some of the materials take quite a while to obtain and he advised that he would need the green area designated as utility easement to bring the lines in for this type of lighting. Whitfield asked if his lighting plan needed to shown on plat. Jones replied that lighting was required in an area of this size and it should be shown on the plat. Whitfield reported that all common areas have been generally dedicated as ingress/egress for easements. Jones commented that this restriction has not been noted on this plat and Whitfield replied that it is mentioned in the covenants. Jones said she will need a copy of those covenants and she advised that no structures are allowed within an easement which will preclude the swimming pool, clubhouse and picnic tables from "common area/easement". Whitfield stated that the easement at the creek bed would remain an open earthen ditch and will not serve as a utility easement. Hawkins interjected that if the wording is changed in regards to the green space area, then he will need an easement south of the pool area. IVAN BROMLEY - WARNER AMEX CABLE Bromley said he will place mini -terminals along the front of each building and he requested the same easements as stated by Hawkins including conduit. • • • Plat Review Sept. 6, 1984 Page 3 KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Whitfield advised Wagner that his units would be all -electric and Wagner replied that gas was available here, if desired, via a line on the east side of Leverett. He said he would flag the line before construction begins and it should not interfere with the parking area. Jones commented that the street dedication on Leverett was originally 40 ft. but is currently 60 ft. because it is a collector street and she said the parking should begin 10 ft. from the right-of-way. Whitfield asked how much smaller he could make his parking spaces and Jones said he was required to keep the current dimensions of 19 ft. long for parking space and 24 for turning. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage inquired as to how long the proposed units will be and whether or not they exit to the rear. Whitfield replied that Phase I contains 12 units; Phase II contains 11 units; Phase III, 14 units and Phase IV, 11 units with an exit from the rear of each unit through a patio door and a gate through the patio fence. Whitfield said he is installing smoke alarms and fire extinguishers in each unit (ABC 1011) of which Poage highly approved. D0N OSBURN - WATER METER FOREMAN Whitfield, in answer to Osburn's inquiry, said he would install single meters and would run the water to the green area next to the sidewalks, double -looping them. Osburn replied that installing water lines to serve Phase III and IV from Poplar and Phase I from Leverett would work, but that there could be problems with serving Phase II. Whitfield said he definitely did not want water meters along the back of the units so as to avoid future fences. Whitfield said he would probably serve only Phase II from the green area and there was adequate room for trucks to maneuver. Osburn said that Phase I could be tapped from Leverett with a line coming in through the green area to serve Phase II. He said that when the question of where the taps are to be made is settled, he would work with Whitfield on where to install meters. Whitfield said he thought the sewer might be better installed at the rear and Osburn replied that City Engineer, Don Bunn would need to be consulted regarding this issue. Osburn asked if the pool would need a separate water service and Whitfield said he would have a POA meter loop for all of the common areas that require water. Osburn suggested designing the system so that a small amount of area could be irrigated at one time so that the meter size could be kept at a minimum and the winter charges would be less. 165 • • • Plat Review Sept. 6, 1984 Page 4 Osburn said the house numbers have been worked out and he explained that he will use a house number on each building in conjunction with individual unit numbers; the unit numbers will be the same as the lot numbers per this plat. He said Phase III will be 750 W. Poplar, Phase IV will be 760 W. Poplar, Phase II will be 780 W. Poplar and Phase I will be 2018 N. Leverett. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend the meeting today, but sent the following via the Planning Administrator: He would like to know if cans or container service is desired. Jones advised that a dumpster site may be difficult to designate because space is very limited and she said she thought Whitfield needed to confer with Brt as soon as possible about sanitation service for this location. CLAYTON POWELL - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Powell was also unable to attend today's meeting, but he sent the following comments via the Planning Clerk: He requested that the drainage ditch on the north property line be cleared, grubbed and aligned and a. if the ditch is improved (concrete lined or piped) the City will accept maintenance with an easement; and b. if the ditch is left earthen, it will remain private property. Powell also asked for an additional dedication of right-of-way for the collector street (Poplar) and a Bill of Assurance for improvements to Poplar which will include widening, curbs and gutters and sidewalks, all to be used in conjunction with bridge widening. He said this applies from the end of the asphalt curb on Leverett to the east property line. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARRS AND RECREATION Edmonston, too, was not comments: She said this and the land dedication or cash in lieu of land that this issue will be will be held September 1 present at this meeting but had the following development was in the Northwest Park District requirement is .48 acres (48 units X .01 acre) will be $4,080 (48 units X $85). She advised discussed at the next Park Board meeting which 1 at 4:00 P.M. in Room 326, City Hall. Jones advised Whitfield that, if he felt he was entitled to a waiver of the Parks fee because of proposed recreational improvements, he would need to present this in letter form to the Parks and Recreation Board, the Planning Commission and the City Board of Directors. Jones requested a copy of the letter to be kept on file in the Planning Office and she advised that partial waivers of the parks fee is a relatively new concept. 166 • • • Plat Review Sept. 6, 1984 Page 5 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said that there has beenan additional 10 ft. dedication north of this property on the western boundary, but there has been no indication that a dedication has been made on this property's western boundary. She said if proof cannot be furnished of the dedication presently existing, there will be a requirement for said dedication because this is a collector street. (This dedication will measure 30 ft. east of the centerline of the existing right-of-way). Jones said sidewalk is required but she asked that Whitfield consult with Powell concerning its width. Jones reported that she will need to check with the Street Department to confirm the pavement width of Leverett Avenue because the scale on the drawing and the notation in the street inventory do not agree. She advised Whitfield that Leverett is due to be widened to a 60 ft. right-of-way collector street which will intersect on its north end with an 80 ft. arterial street. In answer to Whitfield's inquiry, Jones replied that, if the existing sidewalk, curb and gutter along Leverett were close to current City standards, it would not need to be improved. She said the parking on Leverett must be at least 10 ft. from the right-of-way line with 10% plants between the parking area and the street. Jones requested a copy of the dedication of 10 additional ft. on Poplar, which will conform with Powell's comments. She advised that the Street Department is currently making proposals to up -date the transportation improvement program which may account for the discrepancies in the figures being quoted for rights-of-way. Jones said if the improvements on Poplar are to begin immediately, the plans need to be submitted to Powell for approval, but a contract may be signed to allow for the completion by the time the last building is ready for occupancy or at the time the bridge is reconstructed; whichever occurs first. She said the contract will include provisions for the street widening, curbs and gutters and the sidewalk. She asked that the sidewalk on Poplar be shown on the plat. Jones said if a Bill of Assurance is desired, it will have to be by a recommendation by the Planning Commission. Jones said a permit will be needed for the driveway and sidewalk installa- tion and she added that the 10 ft. from right-of-way for parking with 10% plants applies on Poplar as well. She said the building setbacks appear to be adequate provided the patios at the rear of the units are not covered. Jones requested proof of notification of adjoining property owners within 100 ft. and she requested that the legal description on the plat be tied into a quarter -quarter section. She advised that a separate 167 Plat Review Sept. 6, 1984 Page 6 building permit will be required on each separate structure as well as separate permit each for the pool, clubhouse and the picnic table shelter. Jones said the plans for the pool and bathhouse will have to be approved by the State Board of Health prior to issuance of building permits for those structures. She said there are additional setback requirements for non-residential facilities in an R -District which will be 100 ft. for a swimming pool and 50 ft. for a picnic table; these requirements may be waived by the Planning Commission via a written request from the developer. Jones commented that concrete monuments have been shown at three corners and she requested that additional ones be placed at the northwest corner as well as where the north line breaks and turns north, and if these monuments need to be off -set, the amount of that off -set should be shown on the plat. She added that there should be property pins at the corners of each lot but she said she would accept pins at the corners of each structure with information that ties at least one structure to the corner of the subdivision including the dimensions of that structure. She also requested iron pins at the places where the lots form a jog. Jones stated that nothing over 30" high may be constructed within 25 feet inwards from each corner and she requested a copy of the covenants, the POA agreement and a note on the plat designating the common area easements before the Planning Commission meeting. Jones said 10 copies of the revised plat were due in the Planning Office by September 17 to be accepted at the Planning Commission meeting on September 24. Lastly, Jones made note that Oakland Townhouses Phase III is not on Oakland so there may be a request for a change in name for this subdivision. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M. /67