HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-30 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday August 30, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: James Crownover, Connie Skinner, L.O. Ferguson, Kenneth Wagner and Ivan Faulkner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis OTHERS PRESENT: Neal Albright, Ervan Wimberley and Al Harris ADDITION TO THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS — ZION ROAD (COUNTY) ALBRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES The first item of consideration today was a preliminary plat of an addition to the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints located at 1225 Zion Road; represented by architect Neal Albright of Fayetteville. FREEMAN WOOD - BUILDING INSPECTOR Wood was unable to attend today's meeting but he had the following inquiries and comments sent via the clerk: 1. What is the area of the existing building? 2. What type construction is the existing building? 3. Does Type III apply to all of the new building or only a portion? 4. Is the existing building one-hour fire protected? 5. The interior finish must comply with Page 704.2 and Table 704.3 of the Arkansas Fire Code (1982 Building Code). LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage stated that the access looks good and that it would be preferable to house the fire extinguishers in wall cabinets. )56 • • • Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 2 CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said the City code for off-site improvements will require that additional right-of-way be dedicated to bring Zion Road up to current City standards which, as a collector street, will be 10 ft. (in addition to the existing 40 ft.). He said that, because the deed is old, it probably has been measured from the centerline of the existing street and, therefore, an estimate will be needed to dedicate the entire 30 ft. on the south side of the centerline. Powell said that the street will need to be widened to 31 ft. back-to-back of curb unless a waiver is granted by the Planning Commission. Powell stated that the end of the radius at the new intersection right- of-way must be twelve and one half feet from the property line. He explained that this measurement is taken from the radius at the point of intercept of right-of-way. Powell said the area from the junction box to the tile at the west property line will need to be storm drained completely with either a headwall with wing walls at the west end or a flared terminal point. He added that there is no need for storm drainage east of the junction box because the break point is only about 200 feet away. Powell requested a separate construction drawing for with supervision by registered professional engineers the nature of the improvements, he requested a sidewalk will He said current policy for sidewalks is that either they the back of the curb using the top of the curb line as be set back of the property line extended towards the curb. Powell added that the width of sidewalk is 5 ft. zones. the streets, and, due to be installed. abut against the grade or back of the in Commercial Powell indicated that the existing street at this location is in good condition and it would be acceptable to continue it by using the elevation or grade at the centerline, with a parabolic crown on the widened section at one-quarter inch per foot fall to the gutter line. Powell requested wheelchair ramps at all street and all driveway inter- sections and he asked that any on-site drainage be taken to the drop inlet at the west side driveway. Powell asked to have the curb and gutter lined up as much as possible with that on Lynch's (adjoining) property. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson stated that he has a buried line on the north side of this property which he will locate if necessary. He added that he thought there was existing underground line in the area of the Southwestern Bell terminal on the west side. Ferguson said if cable is desired, 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit will be necessary with steel sweep elbows. /57 • • • Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 3 CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner said no terminal presently exists inside the church. She said the church is being serviced with drops and if more lines are desired, conduit (2" schedule 40 PVC) will be needed inside the building. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said there is an existing gas line on the west side. He said if an easement does not exist at this site at present, one will need to be designated as such; (east of the new road right-of-way). Wagner said he thought the gas line runs under the existing building to the meter. He said if any building is planned over an existing gas line, that line will have to be relocated at the developers expense and he requested a separate document showing a minimum 15 ft. utility easement for the relocation of said line from the tie -on point back. Wagner said the meter will have to be changed if the gas load is to be increased. He expressed his concern regarding the easement allowing only 15 ft. (next to the road) He requested that this easement be 25 ft. Wagner asked Albright when construction would begin and suggested that the meters be changed before that time. JAMES CROWNOVER Crownover said it appears that there may be an increase in capacity and that he would like to see the electrical and mechanical plans particularly pertaining to the air conditioning load and other large electrical uses that are planned. Crownover said if the secondary is buried to the new panel, it will be at the owner's expense with Ozarks Electric providing conduit only down the pole. He added that if the street widening would eliminate any existing poles, replacement will be at the owner's expense and he also requested the same easement requirements as Wagner. WALLY BRT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT 1 Brt said if can pick-up is desired, as in the past, that is acceptable, as is dumpster pick-up. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones stated that proof of notification is required from property owners to both the east and west because they have a different zoning classification than that of this development. She advised that if certified mail if used for notification, at least 10 days is required and she advised that the alternative methods of notification would be to obtain the property owners signature on the plat or to publish a notice in the newspaper. Is 8 Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 4 Jones said 10 copies of the plat with revisions are due in the Planning Office by September 4th to be placed on the agenda for the September 10th meeting of the Planning Commission. Jones advised Albright to keep up with all utilities as they are installed and to submit an "as -built" plot plan to her upon completion as it will be required for final Planning Department approval. She added that wheel stops and parking lot paving needs to be completed before final approval and that street work and sidewalks need to be completed before the building can be occupied. Jones inquired about 17 ft. on the southeast corner of the parking lot which indicates "no curb and gutter" and Albright indicated that the area is access to another parcel of land owned by the church. Jones said if this area is striped, it could be left open. She commented that parking is adequate based on the formula of one space per 40 sq.ft. of auditorium space. PARR PLACE PHASE III S IV DEVELOPER — J. 8. HAYS The second item of consideration today was an amended plat for Park Place Phase III & IV located south of Highway 45 just west of Highway 265, represented today by Ervan Wimberley and Al Harris of Northwest Engineers. Wimberley explained that the northeastern lots, which were previously residential building lots, have been designated as recreation area including tennis courts, swimming pool, clubhouse and game areas and he added that a road will eventually be taken eastward to connect with Highway 265 (probably by summer of 1985). Wimberley said the excess drainage for the entire subdivision will be channeled into a five acre lake presently being developed. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that an open earthen drainage ditch between lot lines is not acceptable unless it is designated as an easement that will be maintained by the Property Owners Association. Powell expressed his concern regarding storm drainage for Phase III and Phase IV of this project. He requested that the Planning Commission be advised that he is monitoring the street situation closely. Powell advised that any utility easements that cross the drainage ditch will need to be installed two feet beneath the bed of that ditch and the utilities encased in conduit. 159 Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 5 Powell indicated that drainage on the uphill side of the cul-de-sacs need to be controlled by French drains running around the cul-de-sac and tied into the ditch between the streets. Powell requested that responsibility for maintenance be noted on the plat. Wimberley said it will be a private park and the maintenance is covered in the subdivision covenants. Wimberley said the open ditch shown between the lots was not intended to extend west of Cambridge Road and that as construction designs progress, the ditch will be eliminated in favor of a culvert that will run along the southerly cul-de-sac and then connect with the lake. He indicated that there will be a crossing of utility and drainage easements between Phase III and IV. Powell requested wheelchair ramps be constructed on the sidewalks at each driveway and street intersection and he said he he felt approval of this plat should be contingent upon final plans of multiple ingress/ egress points for the entire development. Powell explained that the driveway should begin at the curb line with the twenty-five ft. safety zone between driveways being measured from the radius and not the throats of the drives. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner said if the storm drainage ditch between the streets is eliminated there will be no problem with the utility easement being at that location. He said, however, that this easement will need to be 25 ft. and not 20 ft. as shown. Faulkner said the easements shown around the perimeter of the project are fine as they are. Faulkner advised that the easements on the south and east sides of the recreation area, including the crossing between the road and the subdivision will require a 25 ft., width and he requested the 25 ft. building setback along the east side of Cambridge Road be designated as a utility easement. Faulkner said he will work out the solutions for overhead/underground service with Wimberley and that if underground is requested, anything over 40 cents per foot will be charged to the developer. He added that SWEPCO does use their own contractor. Faulkner requested 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit under the three street crossings on Cambridge Rd. with 36" of cover between the conduit and the street. He requested the same for the two crossings at the recreation area (Revere Drive) and he indicated that twelve and one half feet on either side of the lot line would be acceptable. Faulkner said he will use two poles with drops to serve the recreation area. 110 • • • Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 6 L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson requested 2" schedule 40 PVC conduit for installing service under the street crossings; three locations on Cambridge, two on Revere Drive and one at the south end across the temporary cul-de-sac. Ferguson requested the same easements as Faulkner and he said if the concrete ditch remains, he would like conduit run under it. Ferguson indicated that service in this area is currently provided by an overhead line at the east side of Phase II and if underground service is desired, removing the overhead service will be the expense of the developer. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner said the easements as requested by the other utility companies are acceptable and she requested 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit on Revere Drive at the two. street crossings as well as on the north and south crossings into the recreation area. She also requested conduit under the drainage ditch if it is to be of concrete. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the gas lines in this area are run in a loop fashion that reaches to the last lot before the street between Phase 2 & 3 and crosses the street between Phases 3 & 4. He said he needs three to four days notice to install the crossing. Wagner advised that there is a 150 ft. line between Phase II and the Broadview addition which will be a crosstie with a three-way feed. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage requested the street name be the same around the bend in the road but Jones said that the water meter foreman, Osburn, may request two different names. Poage advised that the fire hydrants be indicated on the final plat and he requested the hydrants be placed on the street corners if possible. (Code requires the placement every thousand feet). Wimberley said a concrete block clubhouse and dressing room is planned in the recreation area with an access road leading to it. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston was unable to attend this meeting and the clerk read comments presented for this plat: Edmonston advised that .0125 acre of land or $105 per single-family home is required. She added that this project is in the Northeast growth area where more park space is needed and this development will be discussed at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday, September 11 at 4:00 P.M. /6/ • • • Plat Review August 30, 1984 Page 7 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones advised that driveway safety zone waivers on the cul-de-sac lots will need to be requested and she suggested that they be applied for as a group. Jones stated that she will need proof of notification from adjoining property owners within 100 ft. and that this may be by certified mail (return receipts requested and in the Planning Office by the Planning Commission meeting of September 10) or by obtaining signatures on the plat. She advised allowing ten days for return receipts. Jones reported that a request for a waiver of the streetlight spacing will be needed because it appears that one light is about 10 ft. over the required footage on Revere Place. Jones said she thought the Board of Directors may want to examine the sidewalk question. She said a waiver had been granted at one time based upon a divided median with no parking on the main street. Wimberley said the recreation area consists of 4.8 acres and Jones advised him to be prepared to demonstrate the facilities that are planned for the area. She cited part of an ordinance which allows the Planning Commission (after consultation with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board) to grant a partial credit if the planned recreation area meets specific requirements. Jones said the facilities would need to be completed within twelve months or a contract may be signed with a lien against the property to insure said improvements. (The ordinances being referenced are 112992, /12998 and #3013). Jones discussed the proper point at which to install the sewer connections from the end of one of the cul-de-sacs. She suggested that if sewer is not installed by the City, a Sewer Improvement Association may be formed by the residents for this purpose. Jones advised that an easement location for the future sewer should be chosen before development begins. It was determined that the maximum street grades in this area was not over 10%. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:45. Id?