HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-26 Minutes• • • MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, July 26, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner, L. 0. Ferguson, Roy Hawkins and Kenneth Wagner CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Don Osburn, Perry Franklin, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Ryel, Everett Balk and Don Giles FIRST SOUTH FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN OFFICE BUILDING COLLEGE AT DICKSON First South Federal Savings and Loan Office Building, located south of Dickson on north College, was the only plat considered today. Represented by Gary Ryel, Everett Balk and Don Giles of Crafton, Tull, Spann & Yoe, Inc., Rogers, AR. DAVID MCWETHY - ASST. CITY MANAGER McWethy said that Dr. Moore, a neighboring property owner, has a concern about the proposed storm drainage for this parcel. McWethy said he has spoken to the engineering firm about this problem and they have agreed to turn the storm sewer southward to take the drainage down Trent Street to Spring, discharging in the area of the Spring Street bridge. PERRY FRANKLIN - TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin complimented the architects on their design for this project and said there were no apparent traffic problems. He said, however, that when Dickson Street is widened to 36 ft., the signal pole will have to be relocated and may involve purchasing another pole and arm as well as new wire. Franklin said the City would provide the labor while the developer will provide the materials. Ryel said the owner is concerned about two directions that won't have a left-hand turn signal, one of which is coming south on College and Franklin replied that the Arkansas State Highway Department will need to address the permits needed for this. lyo • • • Plat Review July 26, 1984 Page 2 CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell asked that the curb drop inlet on the southeast corner of College and Dickson drain over to the inlet on the northeast corner and Ryel replied that there was not enough grade crossing the street to make this possible. Powell stated that this is needed and he suggested that oval-shaped corregated metal pipe or oval shape reinforced concrete pipe may used to achieve this end. Powell said that the outlet for storm drainage along the eastern boundary of the property will need to be carried down the existing alley, cross Conner Street, travel down Trent and empty into the Spring Street right-of-way without going under the fence on the property of George Moore, 308 Spring St. Powell stated that if the on-site retention area was to be a fountain type, he needs to see the computations for it. He said he was satisfied with the street right-of-way dedications for College and Dickson. He added that he has no objection to the encroachment on the 12.5 ft. safety zone requirement from the driveway to the alley and none to the off -set of Washington Street on the north side. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson stated that if First the existing overhead lines but he would request 2" schedule 40 that if an underground bore was to bear the expense. South wants T.V. cable he could use if underground service was desired, P.V.C. with steel sweep 90. He added necessary, the developer would have WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend but passed along the following comments via the clerk: The dumpster location is fine and it requires a 12 X 15 ft. pad; he needs at least 20 ft. clearance in the alley to dump, and the dumpster must remain open on one side. Ryel said they might allow their drive to serve as the trash collection access. ROY HAWKINS - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Hawkins requested two 4" schedule 40 conduit and two 2" schedule 40 lines going into the building as well as two 4" conduits under the driveway between the main building and the motor bank. He also requested utility easements around the property including along the front (west side) that will be within the setback requirements of Highway 71 and also, an eight foot easement at the north side retaining wall . Hawkins said the main problem that will be encountered at this site is that the existing telephone facilities that feed SWEPCO and everything north to Safeway Supermarket will be lost during excavation. He advised Plat Review July 26, 1984 Page 3 that the developer will have to bear the total expense of rearrangement of service on a contract basis. He indicated to Ryel, on the plat, where service will be disrupted and reconnected. Hawkins said the cost will be $300 per line plus cable cost and that there are about 40 lines feeding SWEPCO alone. He said he would obtain a cost estimate for these improvements for First South and he offered the consultation services of Southwestern Bell employees if needed. IVAN FAULKNER — SWEPCO Faulkner said he didn't see any problems as far as SWEPCO was concerned. He requested the total building load and the size of the pad outside the building. He said the developer will need to furnish and install 4" schedule 40 PVC with metal sweeps and 36" of cover. Faulkner indicated that the pole on the northeast corner may need to be set on the opposite side of the alley but that could be worked out at a later date. He advised the developer that it takes quite some time to get transformers. Ryel indicated that the transformer will be located out of sight behind the retaining wall but will not be boxed in. KENNETH WAGNER — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner requested that a utility easement be given where the gas meters are to be set and he requested the total gas load for the building. Wagner advised that there is a 6" low pressure gas line just south of the existing curb which is very shallow because of previous excavation at this location. He said if the line needs to be lowered or replaced it would be at the developer's expense. Wagner said the gas company would come out and uncover the area to check on the depth of the line. He agreed to new service being installed just south of the proposed retaining wall. Faulkner interjected that he might be able to service the electric meter from the (Dickson) street side by reaching over the 8 ft. proposed wall. Don Osburn, Water Meter Superintendent, said he could move the water meter out of this area to facilitate better access. Wagner said he could put the meter against the building and extend a "yard line" fee. He advised that there had been some gas lines on the east property line at one time that are not in service now. DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn inquired if the developer will need a temporary water supply while the proposed building is under construction. He advised that there is an existing tap on Dickson Street, but that it might be disrupted if the street is widened. 14, Plat Review July 26, 1984 Page 4 Osburn said the minimum size for a water main is 6". He said if the line used for domestic service is less than 2" then the meter will need to have two taps; one for domestic and one for fire service. If the domestic line is 2" or more, Osburn said it could be separated by a valve installed in the fire line between where it "tees" off for domestic and before entering the building so that in case of a leak in the fire line, the domestic line could remain operable. Osburn stated that he needs the demand figures to size the meter. He said that if it is larger than 2" it will be the developer's responsibility to build a meter setting. He asked that the builder consult with the City Engineering Department as to the proper fittings to use on the water meters because they differ from the usual domestic water pipe fittings and he said he would like to see the meter set before it is covered up as well as when the work is completed. Osburn said that if they build a 3" meter setting stub that the meter pit may have to be put between the building and the wall. He said if the setting is 2" or less it can be brought closer to the building. Ryel said they will be pumping both fire and domestic water and Osburn reported that the PSI taken yesterday was between 50 & 60. Ryel said the fifth floor will be about 48 feet above grade level. Osburn said that before the water is turned on, all permits need to be taken out and a site card displayed with the house number on it. He added that when the construction is finished, a permanent house number on the building itself or on a sign should be evident. Ryel said there will be an entrance on College although the main entrance will be accessed from the parking deck. Osburn said it was acceptable to have a N. College Ave. address and he assigned the number 280. Osburn asked if there was any necessity for water at the proposed motor bank and Ryel said he would like water at that site (a yard hydrant) for maintaining the landscaping although water service was not necessary in the building itself. Osburn replied that if there were a separate water meter for the motor bank, the address would be 177 E. Dickson and that if the motor bank was on the same tap it would not need a separate address. Osburn advised that the depth for domestic lines is 30" which will put the meter itself at a 24" depth. Everett Balk agreed to provide adequate coverage for the meter and lines so as to prevent freezing. FREEMAN WOOD — BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT Wood was not able to attend today's meeting but contributed comments: He requested the parking deck be constructed of Type I building materials or, as an alternative, the parking deck would need to have an overhead sprinkler system built in. Ryel said construction would be Type I. /1/3 Plat Review July 26, 1984 Page 5 BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones reported that there is a section of code that requires a substantial solidly constructed fence be erected where the distance between the building and the street or alley is less than half the height of the building. She suggested checking with Wood concerning this requirement. (Chapter 6, Sec.6-82, Code of Ordinances). Mrs. Jones said she thought this requirement for fencing might apply during demolition of the existing building as well. Jones inquired as to the plans for the historical marker presently located at the corner of Dickson and College and Ryel responded that he has been keeping a list of possible contacts and has made at least 20 phone calls trying to find direction for the relocation of the marker. In answer to Jones question, Ryel said that the County Historical Society has claimed no responsibility. Jones suggested contacting Thelma Manske with the Washington -Willow Historic District. Ryel said his plans are to pack the marker in a crate and relocate it in a prominent position on the proposed plaza of the new bank. Jones advised that Ryel would need to notify property owners with a common boundary and a different zoning classification. She added that she would like the names and addresses of additional surrounding property owners for the benefit of mailing them information concerning this development. Jones commented that a variance has been requested for parking spaces from the 263 required to 169 provided. It was determined that the 169 spaces includes some on-site spaces that are not in the parking garage. Ryel said there are 125 public spaces available within a three to four minute walk of this location but he said this included some spaces designated as church parking (which are not public). Jones suggested contacting the neighboring churches and try to arrange a reciprocal agreement for sharing parking spaces before presenting the request for variance to the Board of Adjustment. Ryel reported that the planned size of the parking spaces is 9 X 20ft. which Jones said is some above the requirement and might be mentioned to the Board of Adjustment when requesting the parking variance. She added that 6 handicap parking spaces are required for this size project. Jones advised that the developer would need to request a waiver of the driveway safety zone (from side property line) giving the distance to the next driveway. Jones said that permits are needed from the Arkansas State Highway Department for the driveway and sidewalk along N. College. She added that the permits for the two drives and the sidewalk along Dickson Street would need to obtained from the City Engineer's office and she added that Ryel must get these inspected by the City Street Department. Plat Review July 26, 1984 Page 6 Jones asked how the level of the plaza compares with the ground level around it and Ryel replied that it would slope down to sidewalk level. Jones requested that there be nothing constructed within 25 ft. of the proposed right-of-way line that is over 30" high. Jones asked Ryel to be sure that the trees and shrubbery being planted near all of the driveways and intersections are not view obscuring. In answer to Jones inquiry, Ryel said the cooling tower sits on the lower level and will be 3' 6" and require a hand rail around it. Jones said that it appears from the plat that the motor bank is in the easement and eight feet from the proposed right-of-way, Ryel affirmed that this is the area he is requesting a variance of setback for. Jones said that one utility company has suggested routing the easement around the motor bank instead of placing the bank within the easement. Jones asked that all easements and rights-of-way be in her possession prior to issuing any permits. She reminded the developers that an easement has been requested by the telephone company on College Ave. Ryel said the main building is planned to be constructed 30 feet from the proposed right-of-way and Jones advised that the setback requirement is 50 feet if there is parking between building and street and if no parking is planned and plants cover 10% of the area between building and street, then the setback requirement is 25 feet from the proposed right-of-way. She added that the plants need to be 18" high. Jones said the same applies to the College Ave. side. Ryel said he wasn't sure the developer could provide the improvements for a 36 ft. wide street as planned because of the request for additional drainage treatment; the relocation of the telephone service; possible relocation of the gas line and; a new traffic pole and arm. Jones suggested that Ryel might request in writing that the street only be improved to a width of 31 feet instead of the original 36 that First South has offered. She said she needed 10 copies of the revisions by August 6, 1984 in order to place this development on the agenda for the Subdivision meeting of August 10. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30. /HS