HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-05 MinutesA MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, July 5, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Connie Skinner, Dennis Burrack and L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis OTHER PRESENT: Jerry Martin, Gary Carnahan and Steve DeNoon BRONZE TREE VILLAGE BY RALPH BROPHY NORTH OF TOWNSHIP RD , EAST OF COLLEGE JerryMartin, Vice -President of Engineering Services, Springdale Arkansas, stated that his firm has been retained by Mr. Brophy to handle the construction of the improvements in Bronze Tree Village and that his firm was not involved with either the preliminary or the final plat. Martin stated that when his firm surveyed the property, they discovered a six foot east -west error on the north property line. He has since changed the figure to the shown 173.86 ft. and had it certified. Because of this error, Martin said he has had to change some of the dimensions between the property line and the buildings. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said that the 12.5 ft. combination drainage/utility easement on the north end would be a problem. He stated that these combination easements are no longer acceptable. Powell said that when an inspection took place recently, sidewalk was in place on the south side of the property and around the radius, but there is no sidewalk on either side of Brophy Circle. Powell said that if sidewalk has been required (as it has been here) then it must be installed before Certificates of Occupancy can be issued. Martin said that the combination easement had been approved on the final plat. Jones asked if Martin had compared the current drawing with the original to see whether the balance of the north side easement had been included at that time for the property to the north. She said the old plat shows a total of 25ft. for combination improved utility/drainage easement. Martin said the improvements for this easement are complete. /Pt • • • • Plat Review July 5, 1984 Page 2 Jones said the 4 ft. concrete sidewalk along the west side of Brophy Circle does need to be shown on the plat and installed before further construction takes place. Powell said the policy for sidewalks is to have them built uniformly throughout the entire subdivision immediately behind the curb or on the property line extending towards the back of the curb and that the rip -rap needs to be installed on the north end as requested. Don Bunn said that originally the utilities were to be closer to the roadway and in the right-of-way which may conflict with the sidewalk. It was determined that all of the utility companies had requested conduit on the north property side because of drainage being adjacent. Jones asked Martin if Brophy has plans to continue with the remainder of this project and Martin replied that he did. Martin said that in this part of the project, buildings 1 & 2 and 9 & 10 are already built and there are plans to construct buildings 3 through 8. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX Ferguson said that Warner does not currently serve this development and if they do begin service here they will need the requested conduit. Martin asked if the final plat of this project had been approved and Mrs. Jones said it had been. Jones said that Brophy needed to be told of the conduit requirement requested for the north side buildings. Jones read from the Plat Review minutes regarding the final plat of Bronze Tree Village (7-3-80). She said that Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO representative) had asked for the 25 ft. setback on the west side of Brophy to be a utility easement; a 20 ft. utility easement between Blocks 5C & 5D and to use the existing easement between Blocks 5A & 5B. She said Ferguson had asked that the setback along Township Rd. be an easement and he had requested that the developer install 2" PVC casting in this area with sweep elbows..into the easement on the west side...also request the developer install 2" PVC schedule 40 between Blocks A & B...and under the driveway. She said Dick Shaw had agreed to the easements requested by the other utilities includ- ing ....150 ft. of 4" pipe in the easement on the south side setback ....utility easement of 4" conduit between Blocks 5A & 5B a major terminal on the southwest corner of the south side easement. Jones said that by her interpretation, these requests by the utility companies will stand if they are to serve this development. )3S Plat Review July 5, 1984 Page 3 CONNIE SKINNER — SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Skinner said she could serve buildings 1 & 2 from Township Rd. but would need conduit on the north side to serve buildings 3 thru 8. KENNETH WAGNER — ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS The clerk read comments from Wagner who was unable to attend today's meeting: "The easements are acceptable as shown, gas is available, & easements need to be cleared & brought to grade before installation." L.O. FERGUSON — WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said he could serve Lots 1 & 2 with overhead cable but Lots 3 & 4 would be a problem and will need underground conduit for service. DON OSBURN — CITY ENGINEER The clerk read comments from Don Osburn who, also, was unable to attend today's meeting: "There is a problem with the name being South Brophy Circle because the 'south' indicates that it may be in the south part of town. He requested this be changed." WALLY BBT — SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said he needs a letter giving him permission to drive his sanitation trucks on this private street and added that there was no problem with using a dumpster. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said the sidewalk will need to be installed and if one-half of this development is already completed, the sidewalk needs to be in now. She advised Martin that if 10 copies of the plat with required revisions could be in her office by Monday, July 9, this project could be presented at the July 23, 1984 meeting of the Planning Commission. Martin asked if the installation of the sidewalk would be a provision of approval of the final plat and Jones replied that it probably would and that it needs to be shown on the plat. Powell advised that the sidewalk does need to extend all the way to the north perimeter of Phase I, Block 5A. Martin asked about the conduit installation on the north side and was advised that it was required. Jones said that the adjoining property owners will need to sign this plat and a sign needs to be posted identifying "Bronze Tree" as a private street. /36 Plat Review July 5, 1984 Page 4 WILSON COMMERCIAL AND RETAIL CENTER LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION VANTAGE SQUARE SUBDIVISION — FRONT ST. The second item on the agenda was the discussion of the preliminary plat for a Commercial and Retail Center in Vantage Square Subdivision located on Front Street, by Lindsey Construction Co. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that Front Street, an existing dedicated street, does meet City standards He asked that all on-site drainage be collected in a catch basin or curb drop inlet or carried to the rear property line where there is an existing drainage ditch. Powell indicated that the developer could tap into the existing inlet on Front Street between the drives but Carnahan, representative for Lindsey Const. said the culvert at that point is silted full. Powell said he wants, stated on the plat, that the property owner will maintain the unimproved drainage ditch on the east side of the property. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said that the size of the dumpster pad should be 12 X 30 and the fronts of the trash container(s) should remain open. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Comments from Wagner reported by the clerk included the request for a 25 ft. utility easement on the east side of the building. DON OSBORN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Requests from Osburn as reported by the clerk included an inquiry as to whether the buildings will be divided and if so, he asked if the buildings will have separate street numbers or a single address with suite numbers for the individual spaces. Carnahan said he would meet with Osburn about this issue but indicated that he has a separate plat showing the divisions within the complex and agreed to give Jones at least two copies of said plat as she requested. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE Skinner stated she will serve this development from the Colony Shop box with 2" conduit running underneath both drives as shown. She said she will put exterior terminals on the buildings and on either /3q • • Plat Review July 5, 1984 Page 5 side of the fire walls and internal wiring will begin in the attics. DENNIS BURRACK - SWEPCO Burrack said conduit will need to be provided under Front Street up to the north end of the building in order to be served from the west side. He informed Carnahan that there was an overage charge for primary lines of 250 ft. with the developer installing the conduit and the transformer pad to SWEPCO's specifications. DeNoon stated that he may use 3-phase service. He said they could connect with a service pole at the south corner of the building and travel along the south side of the building to the east side of the property. Burrack said if he were to serve both this project and El Chico's to the north, he would need to know the power load expected and El Chico's need to be notified that this would be their point of service. Carnahan told Burrack that five streetlights are installed and that he would like to install some interior lights with SWEPCO's assistance. Burrack specified that single-phase service required 2" schedule 40 PVC and 3-phase required 4" schedule 40 PVC with the elbows being rigid, long, steel sweeps. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE Ferguson said if T.V. service is desired, the developer must furnish him with 2" conduit under Front Street and he will direct bury it from that point He added that he would like to install his cable at the same time as the electric lines are installed. Ferguson said he could run cable under the blacktop between El Chico's and this project to serve them both if El Chico's wished to include T.V. service. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage recommended building the fire extinguishers into cabinets and he requested to know if there would be any back doors on any of the units. Carnahan said that only the corner unit would have a back door and that there was a possibility of the detached building housing a fast -food -restaurant. Poage asked that the fire hydrants be shown on the plat. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER • Bunn said he would like the water meters fairly close to the building. He expressed his concern about available truck access to read the 13f 1 • Plat Review July 5, 1984 Page 6 meters around the back of the buildings and Jones said that Osburn will want a number on the unit with a back door. Carnahan indicated that they will use a separate meter for the sprinkler system in the planter boxes and that they would like a 2" meter. Bunn said it would be better to place the meters on the street side and he requested the builder to be careful not to place the slab for the trash container over the water line planned on the the southwest corner. Carnahan said the sewer line would be 6" services and Bunn reminded him to be sure the back area (east side) is well enough drained to support a truck for meter reading. Carnahan said he would eliminate a parking space near the trash container to help facilitate the meter -reading truck route. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones asked for the lot numbers and was told they are #5, I/6 & I/7. She reported that there is an existing 25 ft. dedicated utility easement on both the east and west sides of the property and she inquired if the developer will be adding a 10 ft. utility easement on the north and south sides to which Carnahan answered they would. Jones advised that she was concerned about traffic exiting the southern- most drive having clear unimpeded vision and that the developers must be certain that the screening shrubbery leaves a clear vision area. Carnahan said about 68 feet existed between the end of the screening on the west side of the dumpster to the beginning of the drive and Jones said that would be enough for safety purposes. Carnahan volunteered to square up the dumpster configuration and move it back from the street allowing even more visual space for traffic. Jones replied that this would create a problem only if the property owner to the south of this desired a driveway in close proximity. Jones said she needed any requests for waivers in letter form and that an she needed an "as -built" before the final plat was approved. She added that paving and striping were necessary in the parking areas as well as some type of wheel stops around the outside of the property. Jones said that visibility will need to be checked wherever "green spaces" were planted. She said a 5 ft. sidewalk (in addition to the curb) is required and it could be set against the curb. She concluded that there are 75 parking spaces and four of these will need to be designated as "handicapped". There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45. ►39