HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-21 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday June 21, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHER PRESENT: SUNNY LANE JIM HATFIELD OLD MISSOURI AT OLD WIRE RDS. Kenneth Wagner & Ivan Faulkner Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Connie Edmonston, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis David Jorgensen, Jim Hatfield and Tom Hopper The first item of discussion today was the preliminary plat for Sunny Lane Addition located west of Old Missouri and Old Wire Roads. Owner/ Developer, Jim Hatfield; Engineer, Albright & Associates, Representative, David Jorgensen. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said that Old Missouri Road will need to be brought up to City standards on the west side abutting the perimeter of this property as well as any portion of Old Wire Road that may abut it. Powell said that there is monolithic curb sidewalk to the north peremiter of this property which could be extended and he added that there is a curb drop inlet within the 700 ft. distance for carrying surface storm water drainage. He said he would agree to improving the street and tying into the monolithic curb sidewalk all the way around the intersection of Old Missouri and Old Wire Roads. Powell said the 30 ft. uncurbed and unguttered radius on the west side should be 50 ft. due to the sight distance. Powell said that the 10 ft. drainage easement between Lots 7 & 8 would need to be widened to a minimum of 25 ft. which should be a concrete lined ditch or (more preferably) storm culverts. He said at the west property line a problem exists which could be corrected by controlling the storm drainage to a natural drainage ditch or existing storm drainage on an existing street right-of-way. (The closest one is on Oakcliff). JQy J Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 2 Powell said that other than these corrections, the street construction and drainage within the subdivision do meet current City standards. He added that there are several street names similar to Sunny Lane and he recommended changing this one to something else. In answer to Jones' inquiry, Powell said that he left the drainage easement question open on the west side at the north end to try to prevent drainage problems to the residents on Oakcliff and Stagecoach. Jorgensen said he thought the west property line was in the vicinity of a natural drainage ditch. Powell said that it will need to be shown on the plat as to how the drainage will be handled. Powell said the 25 ft. easement between Lots 7 & 8 will dictate the building setback because no building can be constructed over an easement. He also said that there appeared to be adequate room on the cul-de-sac for the 12 and one/half ft. safety zone (from side property lines) for driveways. He added that the drives could be built as "tandem" or joint driveways centered on the lot lines. Hatfield asked for clarification on the necessity of curbing Old Wire Road. Powell said it will require some grading and that this is one of the off-site improvement requirements that pertains to a Subdivision or Large Scale Development. He said that it would be acceptable to build the sidewalk at the present grade level. Powell explained that the sidewalk policy allows for the sidewalk to be immediately in back of the curb with the curb being used as the grade line. He said that, in this case, Hatfield could install the sidewalk back to the property line and extend it towards the back of the curb as long as the grade is established for the builder by Hatfield. Powell said that if the sidewalk is built on private property (within the perimeter of Lot (/1) an additional easement will need to be dedicated. Hatfield inquired if there any plans to reconstruct the intersection to a level grade. Powell said that while it is on the master street plan, he did not expect it to be taken care of within the next 5 years. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner stated that he needs a 25 ft. utility easement on the north, east and south sides of the property. He requested that the drainage easement be outside of the utility easement. Wagner stated that in addition to the 15 ft. easement shown on this plat, there is a 10 ft. easement in the abutting subdivision, Sun Valley. He said there has been a problem with storm water washing out the utilities in the easement here. In answer to Hatfield's question, Wagner said he could serve the area from the street side if Hatfield wanted meters placed at that location. Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 3 He stated that if it would require. a Hatfield inquired required to give. additional 35 ft. Hatfield wished to have the meters along the front 25 ft. easement between Lots 6 & 7 for access. as to exactly how much of an easement he is being It was determined that he would need to show an easement unless the drainage is controlled on the west side to a natural drainage ditch. Wagner explained to Hatfield that separate utility and drainage easements are necessary so that the water doesn't wash out the utility easement. Ivan Faulkner added his explanation, saying that electrical lines need to be at least five feet away from the gas lines. He said that the T.V. cable and telephone lines need to be at least one foot away from the electrical lines. Discussion followed as to some unpleasant situations caused in the past by installing drainage and utility easements in the same space. Wagner said his company will send Hatfield a contract for the entire amount of pipe to be used. He explained that there is a $250 rebate per meter as they are installed. Wagner stated that the development must be cleared and brought to grade before any meters are set. He also said he would need to see a final plat before installing meters. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner stated that if underground electrical was desired, Wagner's requested easements would be acceptable to him. He added that there is a 3-phase major circuit corner at the entrance to the subdivision. Faulkner discussed having a protective barrier around a proposed street light in the cul-de-sac and Hatfield added that there is another street light between Lots 2 & 3. Jones said that if there are any existing street lights at Old Missouri and Old Wire, they need to be shown. Faulkner said he will need to take another five foot easement from either side of Lots 2 & 3 to service the street light. He added that the light in the cul-de-sac will be serviced by accessing between Lots 6 & 7 or between Lots 7 & 8. Powell stated that if a street light were installed in the cul-de-sac, a Street Property Owners Association would have to be formed to maintain it or it could be concreted around and over it. Faulkner said that any digging costs exceeding 40 cents per foot will be billed to the contractor. He added that he needs 36" of covering for his lines. Faulkner inquired as to starting time for this project and mentioned that there is a six month delay for transformers and said, he too, would like to see the final plat. Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 4 CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Brandeis read Skinner's comments brought in to the Planning Office today: Skinner said she would like the 25 ft. building setback to serve as a utility easement. Faulkner commented that he thought Skinner had made this comment assuming that telephone would be served from the street and that once a decision is made to change this plan, it will change her request as well. DON BUNN - CITY ENGINEER Bunn had no comments but inquired as to whether water and sewer plans had been drawn up. Jorgensen replied that they would be ready before the final plat was submitted. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage said the only problem he has with this subdivision is the name of the street which is similar to several others and may create confusion in an emergency situation. He added that the fire hydrants as shown are acceptable. Jorgensen asked if he could reduce the size of the water line to 2" below the fire hydrant and Poage and Bunn okayed this. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn's only comment was that he had the same concern as Poage regarding similar street names. He was told they propose 5 duplexes and the rest single-family construction. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS AND RECREATION Edmonston explained the Parks and Recreation's park fee which amounts to a donation, by the developer, of .0125 acre of land per single- family unit and .01 acre of land per multi -family unit or a donation of cash in lieu of land that amounts to $85 per multi -family unit and $105 per single-family unit. In this subdivision she said it would amount to .2 acres of land or $1690. Edmonston added that this subdivision will be discussed and a decision made at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on June 26 at 4:00 P.M.(opened to the public). She explained that the fee is payable in three installments. Edmonston advised that this development is in a priority area for requesting land but because such a small amount of land would be involved, she thought the P & R Advisory Board would probably recommend cash. Jones added that the final plat cannot be recorded until the land is donated, or if cash were required it would be payable for each unit as the lot is sold or within 5 years from date of the Planning Commission approval of the plat (whichever comes first). She added 127 • Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 5 that this requirement can only be waived by the Board of Directors upon recommendation by the Planning Commission. Jones said that, to qualify for a waiver, the developer would have to prepare and present a plan for the proposed recreational facilities and construct them within one year from date of final plat approval. Hatfield asked if he could develop a private tennis court as his park donation and Edmonston replied that this would not be considered. Jones explained that the City Attorney has determined that the Planning Commission may recommend that the Board of Directors grant a partial waiver, and they might consider a tennis court as a partial donation. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said a list of names of property owners to the west must be obtained as well as mailing addresses of same. She said there is a requirement that all surrounding property owners within 100 ft. of this development be notified by 1)obtaining signatures of these owners on the plat, or by 2)mailing a copy of the plat to these owners with a return receipt requested. She said the return receipts need to be given to her. Jones advised allowing at least 10 days for this process. Jones asked the developer to show platted lot lines and the utility easements on the property existing to the west. She said she also needs the lot dimensions shown on the plat. She advised that for single-family units the minimum lot size is 70 ft. wide and 8000 sq.ft. and two-family units require a minimum of 80 ft. wide and 12000 sq. ft. and that two-family dwellings require a specific conditional -use approval from the Planning Commission. Jones said that for lots in the turning radius of the cul-de-sac, the 70 or 80 ft. width is measured at the setback line. She said she will also need the dimension shown (or a letter or explanation) at the right-of-way line and same for the width at the setback line. Jones explained that no building construction may take place over any easement and in addition, there is a 25 ft. setback from any right- of-way. She said that street light spacing must not exceed 300 feet. If more than 300 feet spacing is shown, a request for a waiver of this requirement will need to be presented to the Planning Commission. (Jones added that any waiver that is requested must be in writing). Jones requested a dimension of the right-of-way for Old Wire Road (40 ft. from centerline). There is a 30 ft. west of Old Missouri Road shown; Jones said she needs proof that these rights-of-way do exist. Powell added that Old Wire Road is an arterial street that requires a forty foot right-of-way from centerline and Jones added that Old Missouri requires 30 feet from centerline. 128 • • • Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 6 Jones advised that the sidewalk needs to be shown as continuing around Old Missouri and Old Wire to the south. She said the sidewalk should be 4 ft. wide in addition to the curb. Jones stated that Hatfield will need to get a permit to break the curb and pour the driveway. Powell added that Hatfield could "turn the curb down" if he would accept the responsibility of any alterations that may be necessary if the lot is sold for someone else to build on. Jones said that the drives need to be twelve and one-half feet from the side property line and should not exceed a width of 24 ft. Hatfield requested dimensions for the duplex driveways and Jones replied that they need to be twelve and one-half feet from each side property line and 25 feet apart. Powell said he would consider a 40 ft. width for a duplex lot acceptable. He also said he would not recommend anything less than 15-16 foot width for a driveway. Jones said that cars may be backed into the street if there are no more than two parking places there. She also said there will probably be a restriction against having a driveway entering onto Old Wire and Old Missouri Rds. She said that any driveway to Lot 1 or 13 should not originate any closer than 40 feet to the intersection measured from the right-of-way. Jones said the certificates on the plat are not clear enough and some of the setbacks and lot lines on the final plat will also need to be more legible. Jones said she would give Hatfield a list of Certificate requirements for the final plat. She said that two corrections were needed in the legal description: 1)in the seventh line, "thence" and "south" are run together and; 2)"138.00" should read "138.5 ft.". Jones requested to have added on this plat "Acreage: 4.72 A. " ; "Zoning: R-1, Low Density Residential District "; "Covenants " on the final plat it must say that the covenants are recorded on a specific page of whichever Book it is recorded in. She said she will need a copy of the proposed covenants to present with the revised copy of the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission. Jones requested Hatfield to add the "Proposed Use of Land" as well. She said if a Conditional Use has not been requested, that it will need to be done. Jones said the sidewalk needs to be constructed on each lot as the lot is built on, (by the property owner) or no later than 5 years from date of final plat approval. She asked to have a legend on the final plat to determine sidewalks, streetlights, concrete monuments, pins at lot corners and each lot line curve. She said a legend for easement and setback would be a good idea also. Jones said that she will need two copies of the final plat showing a scale of one inch to one hundred feet. She added that 10 copies of the plat with revisions, the covenants, and any request for waivers Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 7 need to be submitted no later than July 2 to qualify for the July 9 meeting of the Planning Commission. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said he saw no problems with this development but that he does need a fifty foot driving surface on the cul-de-sac radius for his trucks to operate on. Hatfield asked if 46 feet would be acceptable and Brt said he thought it would be. UNION SPECIAL CRAFTON, TULL, SPAN 6 YOE ARCHITECTS GARLAND — JUST SOUTH OF AGRI—PARK The second item of consideration was the plat for Union Special, a Large Scale Development at Garland and an unnamed arterial street by Crafton, Tull, Span & Yoe, represented by Tom Hopper. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt said Hopper has agreed to skew all the trash containers and to place four of the six containers at an angle for easy access. He added that these containers will be enclosed on three sides (inside the perimeter) and the pads for the containers will be 12 X 15 ft. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell stated that there was a 10 ft. alley shown on plat that is shown as 20 ft. in the plat book and he added that the City does not maintain allies for driveways. He said this one has been a problem in the past. Powell said the plat book reflects a 20 ft. alley on the south side of the property, a 20 ft. alley on the east side and on the north side there will be a public street dedication. He added that there is a 54 ft. right-of-way reflected across the north side of the property for street right-of-way. Powell said that after many negotiations with Bobby J. Mayes, property owner to the north side of this project, the City has agreed that the arterial street will swing south of Mayes' property and not take any rightof-way from him. Tom Hopper stated that in correspondance regarding Union Special in 1978 the Preliminary Plat was approved upon the concept of this developer dedicating a 54 ft. right-of-way and constructing a 31 ft. back-to-back street. He added that the new developer has agreed to construct this street and to dedicate this right-of-way and to also dedicate the 10 ft. easement and 10 ft. on the south as part of the development as agreed to in 1978. 130 • • Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 8 Jones said that at the same time (1978) Z. L. Thomas was calling the ten foot alley to the south of this property "Elm Street" but there was some question as to whether this was a street or an alley. Jones said that the Old Evins Farm Plat shows 20 ft. dedications centered on the lot lines of 5 Acre tracts, (ten feet off each side of each tract) but did not identify them as easements, allies or streets. She said they have all been used as easements and some have been developed as streets or alleys. Powell said that because of the City's agreement with Mayes (as mentioned above) acquisition of right-of-way on the north side of this development has been eliminated. Hopper said he was terminating the street construction on the north side just short of the property line because it had previously been agreed that the street would come to the end of the radius of Bryan Road (indicated on the original plat of Union Special)and he has now extended it on past that point. He added that Bryan Road will be obliterated in this new development. Powell replied that he recommends the street construction on the north should extend all the way to the east property line. He said that if the street exceeds 700 ft. it will have to have storm drainage the full length using the 25 year flood criteria. Powell said a separate instrument for the Garland right-of-way was needed as well as a permit from the State Highway Department engineer for new ingress/egress points, new street and new driveways. He added that the storm drainage on the south side appears adequate. Hopper said he intends to use the existing ditch on the south side to carry storm water drainage out to Garland. He agreed to maintain this ditch. Hopper expressed concern regarding some internal drainage problems and Powell explained that after the street is curbed and guttered with storm drainage, it should take care of that problem. Powell said he thought the issue of the north side right-of-way needs to be determined by the Board of Directors. He said that the extension of existing sidewalk to the south along Garland by Community Development has been suggested. He recommended constructing this sidewalk at the time of development. Powell said State Highway Dept. policy is to build sidewalks on the right-of-way or the property line and extend into the property (covered by an easement), not on the right-of-way. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said the gas meters as shown look good. He added that he did not see the existing gas line (on the south side of the property) drawn on the plat. He said this line will be utilized for gas here. Wagner said he would like the 25 ft. around the perimeter to be a 13/ • Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 9 utility easement (including the area in front of the existing duplex). He said the easement should also be included starting just south of the existing duplex going east around the pool area & back to the west. Wagner asked Hopper to put the gas meters on the west side of the most westerly unit "B" on the north side of same building. He added that he would like to have a 25 ft. area designated as a utility easement on the north side of this building "B". Wagner asked to have the gas meter on the south side of the community building moved into the easement there. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage requested to have the south side fire hydrant nearer the southwest corner instead of the southeast corner of this property. (near the intersection of the internal driveways). DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Hopper indicated that water meters shown on the plat in front of the units on the north side will be put behind the units. Osburn said that would be acceptable providing that the proposed street is built and that there will be no fences to deny access. Osburn said that addresses cannot be given individually for each unit. He said he would probably give each building a number with each unit being a part of that building number. He said the house numbers must be displayed on the back as well as the front of each building except on the north side units where the numbers will be on the fronts only. Osburn said the meters must match the house numbers in correct order. He added that this will be verified and if they are not in order, the contractor will be required to correct it. Osburn advised that before meters are set, the site cards need to be displayed, permanent house numbers must be displayed (and apartment numbers) and the ground must be cleared and brought to grade. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner was not present at this meeting but sent comments as follows: 1. Relocation of telephone pedestal will be at customer's expense. 2. 25' shown around perimeter of property recorded as utility easement. 3. Need easement into central area -will agree with other utilities. Need 2" schedule 40 PVC across drives where easement is located. 4. Will place terminals on each building - will need conduit under any sidewalks, porches, etc., across drives -will confirm locations with builder when final plat is approved. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Not present - No comments submitted. 13a Plat Review June 21, 1984 Page 10 BOBBIE JONES'- PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said it would help to label the buildings as to number of storys. She also said that it had been previously decided to continue the sidewalk along Garland in front of the existing duplex. Jones advised that the street to the north of the property be named. She said it has been referred to as "Ernie Jacks Blvd." Hopper waived the right to name the street to the Board of Directors. Jones said a dedication of right-of-way instrument is needed for that street. Jones requested the names of the abutting property owners so that they may be provided with agendas pertaining to this development. They have the same zoning classification so they need not be notified. Hopper was unsure as to whether the 40 ft. right-of-way on Garland had been dedicated. He said if it had not, then it would be made part of the street dedication. Jones indicated that the parking shown is adequate and Hopper added that he is no longer providing for handicapped parking. Jones said the driveway measurements are fine and that streetlights and sidewalks have been indicated. i She inquired if the builder will pay the bill on the street lights. She said if any of the drives exceed the forty foot maximum where they access the public street it will require a waiver. Hopper said the radius of the north side drive is 80 ft. and he would request a waiver for it. Jones explained that the City Attorney has determined that the Planning Commission may grant a partial waiver of the parks fee but she not know if the proposed pool in this development would entitle Hopper to a reduction. Jones said that if the full amount was imposed (in cash) that one-third must be paid before the first building permit is issued and a contract must be signed by property owners saying that the remaining two-thirds will be paid in two annual installments. She said this is based on the total number of units and not exclusively the current number of units being built. She added that if Hopper wished to appeal this issue, he should include it in his letter. Jones advised Hopper to indicate on the plat that the 10 ft. alley shown on the south and east sides are actually the north 10 ft. of the south side alley and the west 10 ft. of the east side alley. Jones said that she would provide the Planning Commission with the information on the Union Special development plans from 1978. She said 10 copies of the revised plat need to be submitted by July 2 for discussion at the July 9 meeting of the Planning Commission. The meeting adjourned at 12 noon. )33