HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-14 Minutes• A MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday June 14, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: PRELIMINARY PLAT - ZION ACRES OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson and James Crownover Clayton Powell, Larry Poage, Don Osburn, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis David Jorgensen The only item for review was the preliminary plat of Zion Acres containing seven lots located in the Growth Area in Sec. 19, T -16-N, R -30-W where Zion Road makes a 90 degree turn and changes direction from North to East. David Jorgensen of Albright & Associates was present to represent the owner, Zamberletti and the developer, Lindsey & Associates. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER -AIM CABLE Ferguson said Warner -Amex does not service this area at this time. He said that Warner's closest lines are on Highway 265 and there are no plans at this time for extending them. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner said there is a 3" high pressure gas line on the south side of Zion Road. He also said that, as there are presently no other utilities here, he was requesting a 25 ft. utility easement outside of the road right-of-way all the way up the west side and around the cul-de-sac across the front of Lot 6. Wagner said he could come straight across the road and then go to the west side, avoiding the neighboring Parker's property. He said the other alternative was to come up the east side with an easement from Lindsey and Dilday. Wagner also requested a 25 ft. easement across the south side of the lot owned by Lindsey (which is not part of this plat) and on the west side of the road to be outside of the road right-of-way across Lots 1-6 and around the cul-de-sac. He said he would prefer to go across Lindsey's property on the east side of the road because the expense would be less. Wagner said the gas lines would be run at the usual Net J • • Plat Review June 14, 1984 Page 2 extention contract. He added that he wants to see a final plat before gas lines are run and the easements must be cleared and brought to grade. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC Crownover said that the easements as stated thus far will be fine as far as he is concerned. He requested additional 25 ft. minimum easements centered on the lot lines between Lots 1 & 2, 3 & 4, and 5 & 6. Crownover said that if the road shown is extended on through between Lots 5 and 6, that it would have to be re -platted and easements shifted. DON OSBURN - WATER METER SUPERINTENDENT Osburn inquired if this area was zoned R-1 and was informed that it was outside of City zoning regulations but was proposed for single- family use. He said he would like to know the County Road number and if it will have a name he said to try and not duplicate any other previously used name. LARRY POAGE - FIRE INSPECTOR Poage said that for areas outside of the City limits there are fire contracts available for a single person or a group of at least three people. He said the cost of this contract is approximately $242 per year for an individual contract and half of that cost for group rate. Poage stated if the Fire Department was actually called to scene of the fire there would be an additional charge of $250 (for equipment and manpower) for the first hour and $100 each additional hour. He added that he could still serve this area without a fire hydrant. Poage said that with a fire contract, this development would be classified for insurance as Class 4 and without a contract it would be Class 10. He also indicated the contract states that if the fire trucks are at work in town they will not be able to come out to a fire at this location. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner was unable to attend today's meeting but telephoned the following comments to the Planning Office: She said she had no problem with this plat and was willing to go along with requests by the other utilities. SID NORBASH - ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER Jones reported comments given to her by Sid Norbash who was unable to attend this meeting. Ido • Plat Review June 14, 1984 Page 3 Norbash said there is a 12" water line on the east and south side of Zion Road and he will need a 25 ft. easement to get from that point to either the east or west side of the new road and then follow the road up. He recommends that a minimum 6" line be extended from that line and if it deadends blow off the assembly at the end of it. Norbash stated that fire hydrants are not installed outside of the City limits but a 6" line with a loop would allow for installation in the future. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt was unable to attend this meeting but he has requested a 50 ft. radius on the end of the cul-de-sac. BUD ALLEN - COUNTY PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Allen was unable to attend the meeting but he gave the following comments: He said that the County regulations require that the radius be 50 ft. feet on the cul-de-sac for right-of-way and that there be a 30 ft. radius on the pavement. He added that it would require a hard surface road; chip and seal or hot mix overlay. Allen also requested the property lines to read at least to the center of the right-of-way and to show it as a right-of-way or a street easement. The width of the right-of-way easement must be shown and the dimensions of the lot both to the edge of the easement as well as out into the easement. Because of the unusual configuration at the access point, Allen said that a comparison is needed between the east right-of-way of the new street and the east right-of-way of Zion Road to the south and the same is required on the west rights-of-way. Jones commented that the "jog" in the road at the access point was an issue the Planning Commission may have to approve. Allen stated that the certificates included at this time are not worded as he would like to have them and he sent along County regulations with the proper wording included. Jones said Allen has sent a letter of agreement to be signed by the developer with regards to roadway regulations. Allen had also commented that the type on the plat is difficult to read and he would like to have a clearer copy. Jones added that there are some errors in dimensions and in the legal description that need to be changed as follows: • 1. On the north side of the property it reads West 1320.00' and should read East 1320.00'. I21 • Plat Review June 14, 1984 Page 4 2. On the east side of the property it reads South 1320.00' and should read South 970.00'. 3. Both the vicinity map and the plat map need to show the proximity of the development to the quarter -section line (City limits). Discussion ensued between Powell and Jones as to the differences in County and City regulations for street standards. It was determined that if a development abutts City limits, streets should be brought to City standards which Mrs. Jones read from the City code book unless a waiver is granted. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell was concerned that there was some ambiguity as to whether or not this development abutts the City limits. He said that if it does, the streets within the subdivision (including drainage, etc.) must (by City code) meet current City standards. Powell requested the Planning Commission to address the issue of whether City standards or County will apply in this case. Powell said City standards stipulate a maximum length (1500 feet) for cul-de-sac or dead-end streets. He said if this street is extended, as previously discussed, it must be connected to another street that is not a dead-end street. Powell advised that the intersection at a 90 degree curve was a concern and he said he thought the City Traffic Superintendent should address this problem. He added that there are regulations regarding minimum off -set requirements and safety zones at intersections and driveways. Powell said that a very serious traffic hazard would exist at this intersection if the proposed configuration in the curve is utilized. Powell stated that if it is determined that City standards will be adhered to in this development, he would like to have the engineering plans and profiles for review and approval. Jorgensen inquired as to when his revisions needed to be submitted and Jones replied that if 10 copies were brought in by Monday, June 18, that they would be reviewed at the Planning Commission meeting on June 25, 1984. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said that the lot deminsions and the acreage per lot should be shown. She also said that proof needs to provided that all property owners within 100 feet of the boundary of the development have been notified (before the Planning Commission meeting). Jones advised 122 • Plat Review June 14, 1984 Page 5 that one of two methods may be used to accomplish this; a copy of the plat may be presented to the property owner and returned with their signature on the plat; or a copy of the plat may be mailed to property owners (with a letter advising them that the plat has been submitted to the City for approval). The letter must be sent certified with "return receipt requested ". Jones suggested allowing ten days time for the letter transaction and she added that first method mentioned indicates that the property owner is aware of the proposal and does not indicate their approval. She said if certified mail is used, the return receipts must be returned to the Planning Office. Jones stated that she needs the names and mailing addresses of the subdivider and developer on the plat as well as the same for adjoining property owners on a separate piece of paper. Jones also requested Jorgensen to show "Acreage: the same as he has shown and proposed use. She repeated that the errors in the legal description must be corrected and the street must be named. Jones clarified that there currently are no existing utility lines within the property. She requested those utility lines cited today t o be drawn on the plat. Jones said that if 10 copies of the plat with revisions are presented by the specified date (above) that this development could go on to Subdivision Meeting on June 22, 1984 at 1:30 P.M. Jorgensen asked for direction in regards to whether the streets will need to be brought to City or County standards. Jones advised him t o speak with Bud Allen for County regulations. Powell advised him to wait for a decision by the Planning Commission. Jones explained some of the regulations required for annexation which she said might be a consideration for this development. This involved a difference in minimum lot width and area and the possibility of having fire hydrants. PERRY FRANKLIN — TRAFFIC SUPERINTENDENT Franklin was unable to attend today's meeting but he contributed the f ollowing comments: He said he was concerned about the access point creating a serious traffic hazard because of vision being impeded by an existing house located on the southeast side of the curve of Zion Road just south of a property owned by Lindsey. Franklin suggested that the access as shown be changed to a dead-end street on the south end where it meets Zion Rd. and that access be gained by a road crossing Zamberletti's other piece of property to the south and east of this proposed project and then intersect with the road that is shown. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 A.M. 1,93