HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-31 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PIAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, May 31, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Connie Skinner, Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner, L.O. Ferguson and James Crownover CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Sid Norbash, Al Rukgaber, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Connie Edmonston, and Bobbie Jones OTHERS PRESENT: Harry Gray and Al Harris FINAL PIAT - PARK PLACE, PHASE II Bobbie Jones requested to know if the Street Plans had been approved and how far construction on the streets had progressed. Harry Gray, Northwest Engineers, said the streets had been rough cut. Jones next inquired if there were any drainage easements and if there was a utility easement between lots 24 and 25 (shown as 41 and 42 on the preliminary plat). It was determined that the easement between lots 24 and 25 should have been designated as both a drainage and utility easement, and that there was only a storm sewer and a sanitary sewer in that easement. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner said he could bring his utility in between lots 1 and 2 and the easement between lots 24 and 25 could remain as a drainage only easement. He said that sanitation and sewer had already been installed and he needed to have 10 feet between those lines and the electric lines. Faulkner inquired if green space would be required in the center of the cul-de-sac with the 55 foot radius. He advised that if it were, the light presently called for at this place, would need to be moved. Gray responded that he expected this median to be paved, and if it were, the light would be moved. Faulkner continued by reporting that the 25 ft. setback at Lot 6 would need to be a utility easement. He added that he would like to increase the easement all along the the south side to 25 feet for underground utlities. Faulkner said he will need 3" schedule 40 PVC conduit across the road on the south side. He asked that the 25 ft. Building Setback along the west side of Lot 6 (east side of Cambridge Rd.) be a utility easement also for access to the street light proposed at the easement. Jones advised that if street lights were going to be installed as 100 • • • Plat Review May 31, 1984 Page 2 shown that a waiver will have to be gained from the Planning Commission as the spacing is different from that of the preliminary plat. The lights shown on the final plat are shown as more than 300 feet apart. Faulkner indicated he could bring his utility in between Lots 16 & 17 and between Lots 20 and 21 to service the street lights. In answer to Gray's question, Faulkner reported that conduit was required to cross Cambridge on the south side and not the north. Gray reported that these will be single-family homes and that about seven lots have already been sold. Faulkner advised that there will be a a six month wait for transformers. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner advised that the easements were alright with her as requested by Faulkner. She added that Bell will not need to cross Cambridge. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner stated the easements as requested were fine and AWG will not need to cross Cambridge either. He asked to see a final approved plat. SID NORBASH - WATER & SEWER ENGINEERING Norbash inquired as to how far work had progressed with regards to water and sewer and Gray replied that most of the sewer had been installed but as yet there were no manholes. Gray commented that he had to bring in an off-site water source from the adjoining mountain 2400 feet away because the low-pressure water system wasn't sufficient. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX Ferguson reported that he he requested 2" schedule 40 same trench as the electric has buried cable on the north side and that PVC be used, which could be laid in the line across Cambridge on the south side. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARKS & RECREATION Edmonston stated that she had figured the cost of the Green Space required at a multi -family level in error and the correct figures for single-family will be adjusted to read $105 per lot (25 lots in this phase). Jones said that this fee would be due and payable as the lots are sold or at the end of five years, whichever occurs first. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones said that this phase is a part of the 90 acre parcel referred to by J. B. Hays when the request for waiver of the Parks requirement 101 • • Plat Review May 31, 1984 Page 3 came up on Windsor Townehomes. She added that the easement on the south side would have to be a separate recorded instrument. Jones inquired as to whether the median on Cambridge Road ended between Lots 6 & 7 and Gray said that it did. She asked that it be shown where the median ends. Gray indicated that he would like to propose a contract for the site improvements that have yet to be constructed. He also said he would like to apply for a waiver of the 300 foot spacing of street lights for (at least) the east end of this project. Gray stated that he might also add one more light. Faulkner added that if the light were left where it is, he would require 2" conduit at this site. Jones added that a request for a waiver would need to be in writing. Jones advised that the City Board makes had allowed sidewalk waivers on the east -west streets with sidewalks to be on both sides of Cambridge and that there was to be no parking on Cambridge now that the median has been eliminated. Gray stated he would like to go to the Board and let them decide where sidewalks will be. Jones said the request to the Board needs to be in letter form. She added that she could send the letter on to the Board for their meeting which would take place two weeks from now. Jones stated that wherever sidewalks are called for, they will need to be indicated on the plats and installed as the lots are built on or no later than 5 years from the date of plat approval. Jones said that she had spoken to Virginia Burson and explained that she needed a new letter signed by all the lot owners in Phase I on the change of name for the subdivision and the main street, and that as soon as that has been taken care of, she will send it to the Board. Jones asked if the lots on the cul-de-sac having less on the right-of-way have 70 ft. or more in width Gray advised that they do. MOUNT COMFORT ACRES-Se.411/25/6n/ BUD ALLEN - COUNTY PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR than 70 ft. frontage at the setback line. Jones reported on comments from Bud Allen, County Planning Administrator. These comments were received by phone Monday, June 4, 1984 as follows: Allen said that this plat will be reviewed at the County Planning Board which will meet at 3:30 P.M. Monday, June 4, 1984. He asked that the plat show the following three certificates: 1. Certificate of Acceptance to be signed by County Judge. 2. Certificate of Road Approval to be signed by County Road Superintendent. 3. Certificate of Approval to be signed for Cty. Planning Board. 102 • • Plat Review May 31, 1984 Page 4 Allen also said that the 30 ft. right-of-way shown from the centerline of the road is what is required by the County. He also said that the County requires a hard surface road for roads within Fayetteville's Planning Area, but he was not sure if this developer should be required to build a hard surface road on his half of the right-of-way or to post a fund in escrow for the County to use for future improvement (presumably when the other side was being developed, or when an additional distance of the road could be improved). Jones and Gray discussed the type of road expected to be constructed and Jones cited Art.3, Sec.A, Appendix C.. She said the Code calls for the road to be brought up to City standards but the Code did allow for exceptions. Where City standards do not apply, County standards must be met. Jones said she has been told that a double -chip sealed street is required. She added that City Code requirements must be met if the road abutts the City limits. Jones asked to have the number of the County Highways added to the plans. AL ROKGABER - ASSISTANT STREET SUPT. Rukgaber stated that he wasn't sure of his role in this plan as it is out of the City limits but he did advise that if the street were installed "double -chip and sealed" that it probably wouldn't last more than one year. Gray reported that the County has asked for the street to be dedicated as a road easement rather than a right-of-way. JAMES CROWNOVER - OZARKS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Crownover asked where the power line crosses the property and said he thought he may have a 2 -phase line in at this area. He asked if Lot 7 reaches the right-of-way of Mt. Comfort Road and Gray answered that the northeast corner does. Crownover said that he will require a 15 ft. easement off the north lot line of Lot 7 as well as a 15 ft. easement off each side of the lot line between Lots 1 and 2, between Lots 3 and 4 and between Lots 5 and 6. He said instead of the 15 ft. easement off the North side of Lot 7, they could give a 15 ft. easement off the South side of Lot 7, but he would then need a 15 ft. easement off the North side of Lots 1 through 6. He added that as this develops, he would relocate the line so as to stay out of the way of the building. Crownover said the line now goes out across the field somewhere and turns at the south side of the road. He stated that if the line is at the back he might change it. Crownover said he could not go at the north -south easement. Gray replied that this would not create a problem and added that there is a stake at the center of each lot. L.O. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX Ferguson reported that Warner Amex Cable is not yet out in this area but will probably serve it sometime in the future. 103 • Plat Review May 31, 1984 Page 5 SID NORBASH - WATER & SEWER ENGINEERING Norbash stated that if there is not already an easement in for the water main, it will be needed. Gray responded that if it existed presently, it would be in the right-of-way or on someone elses property. Norbash indicated that getting water to Lot 7 might be a problem and Gray said he thought it would be about 200 feet to the nearest connection. Norbash said he would discuss this problem with Don Bunn. DON OSBORN - WATER METER SUPT. Osburn indicated he would like the water meters to be at the road -side for ease of reading. He also said a double meter could be installed at the lot line if the neighbors agreed. Gray said he thought it may be a problem getting an easement from the neighbor to extend water to Lot 7. Osburn inquired if septic tanks were going to be used. Jones asked how far this development is to the City limits and Norbash replied that it was about a mile and he would check into whether or not Gray could tap into the City sewer system. Sewer is fairly close, but it would require approval of the City Board of Directors or annexation to connect to City sewer. Gray indicated that he would probably need to get an easement in order to do this. Jones commented that the Planning Commission may want to know how far this subdivision is from the City sewer line. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner advised Gray to be aware of the fact that a high pressure gas main is buried on the west side of Mt. Comfort road (east side of Lot 7). He added that he was at the property and flagged the gas line. Wagner stated that there is an existing gas line that deadends about 200 ft. east of Lot 6 and there is a 2" gas line that comes off the high pressure line. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL Skinner said that there is phone cable installed on Mt. Comfort Road and that she can serve this development from the south side. She also asked to have a copy of the final plat. CONNIE EDNONSTON Edmonston inquired as to how many single-family homes there would be and stated that the Parks fee amounted to $105 per single-family unit (or .0125 X 7 in acreage). She stated that this development was within the Northwest Parks area and because it is already served by the Asbell district, cash would probably be requested. Plat Review May 31, 1984 Page 6 DON OSBURN — WATER METER SUPT. Osburn had no comments for this development. BOBBIE JONES — PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Jones stated there is no zoning on this property because it is outside t he City limits; therefore the note on zoning should be changed. She next asked how close Lot 7 was to Mt. Comfort Rd. and how much space off that lot would be reserved for road easements. Jones stated that when State Board of Health approval was received she would need a copy of the letter for her file and a note on the plat showing who signed the letter and the date of the letter. She also said that she will need proof of notification (in the form of a certified letter or signatures) of surrounding landowners within 100 ft. of this property. Jones reported that the County Road number is 877 and Mt. Comfort is #84. Jones reported that people have been calling in to say that they cannot locate the "lot pins" in some recent subdivisions. She said she was open to suggestions as to how this problem could be handled. Gray stated that he always has the pins set and that occasionally the utility companies move them in the process of installing utilities. Crownover suggested that the pins are still in place but that most people have t rouble finding them. Rukgaber thought that the pins may get covered over by landscaping. Osburn stated that sometimes the pins are removed in the process of installing water meters. Jones asked if it was cheaper for the engineering company which did the original subdivision plat t o check out where the pins are (or were) than it would be for the property owners to hire another surveyor. Gray agreed it should be. Jones said that the Subdivision Committee will have to make a decision as to whether this plat could be considered the final plat and she thought that they may want to address the sewer situation. Jones stated that she wants copies of the covenants and that if there are no covenants that that should be indicated. She said that 10 revised copies of this plat needed to be back to her by Monday for Subdivision Meeting on Friday, June 8. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 A.M. o5