HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-26 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, April 26, 1984 at 9:00 a.m., in Conference Room 111 of the City Hall, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Connie Skinner, Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner and L. 0. Ferguson. Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Don Osburn, Don Bunn, Larry Poage, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis. Randy Ripley, Gary Harrell, Bob Robinson and Norman McElroy. The only item to consider was an approval of the Large Scale Development for University Baptist Church on Vandeventer between Maple and Lafayette. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell said that he would like UBC to make the connection to storm drainage system on Lafayette Street a curb drop inlet. He also stated that, on Public Dedication, he would not allow anything smaller than 15 inch inside diameter drainage pipe constructed of reinforced concrete or corregated metal pipe. Powell said that metal pipe used in the public right-of-way must be bituminous coated. The reason for using 15 inch pipe is that experience has shown that anything smaller tends to clog up too easily. He also said that he would like drop inlets at the driveway intersection of Lafayette Street as he does not allow drainage to be emptied out of driveways into the street. But, Powell continued, he would allow drainage directly from the drive into Vandeventer Street. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT Poage was concerned about the bridge between buildings hampering access to internal buildings. Bob Robinson, of Robinson, Wassell and Savage Architects, Little Rock, Arkansas reported that the space under the bridge is about 9.5 feet high and walking access could be gained under- neath. Robinson also reported that the structure is fire sprayed with a five-eighths gypboard curtain above the finished ceiling. Poage advised that a 1-R is all that is needed. He also gave approval to the fire extinguishers being housed in cabinets. Poage was satisfied that the proposed day-care center had ground level entries on both the first and second floor. KENNETH WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS Wagner reported that the existing yard line from the meter on Maple is under blacktop and he thought he could set a meter on either side of the drive on Vandeventer Avenue. After discussion of new gas lines • 81- Plat Review April 27, 1984 - Page 2 and the subsequent capping off of some existing lines, Wagner said he thought everything looked very good and he could show an overall 3000 ft. load. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE After confirming that UBC wished to retain its' existing phone board and add to it as well, Ms. Skinner gave her approval. IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO Faulkner stated that there was no problem with the fire walls. He also said that, in correspondence received from Robinson, Wassell and Savage in January of this year, 122-08 was the amount of voltage agreed upon with SWEPCO. This is not in accordance with the amount of voltage specified in the current plans, which is 122-40 volt, three phase. He stated that he could not furnish UBC with this amount of voltage on an underground at the specified panel. He said that he would have to go to a 122-08 padmount transformer. Also, Faulkner stated that UBC would have to furnish SWEPCO with a pad and conduit schedule 40 -PVC from the pole on over with long metal sweeps (on the dip pole and the transformer). He specified on the plans where he would place the transformer and the pole. One meter is planned for. L. 0. FERGUSON - WARNER AMEX CABLE The architects stated that they would not need a T.V. service. LARRY POAGE - FIRE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) Poage advised that he wants to have two fire doors (closure -type, 1-R fire rating) installed on the existing fellowship hall as well as four others in places specified by Poage on the plans. This plan applies to the transition building if it is, indeed, enclosed. He then addressed the question of wall surface and was informed that the walls in the new building, as well as the transition building, will be of smooth gypboard. DON OSBURN - METER DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT Osburn verified that UBC will tie into the existing water service. He advised that the meters need to be shut off so as to figure out which meter serves which building and also to figure the fixture load. Osburn stated that he may want to run static and operating pressure on both services. To the architects' question, he replied there has not been any problem reported with the water pressure. He said that to change the meter setup would be very costly labor -wise and it might be more economical to tap in to the service on Vandeventer if additional water pressure were desired. Another requirement made by Osburn was that of house numbers on the buildings. He said one of the house 35 Plat Review April 27, 1984 - Page 3 numbers mid -way on the 400 Block of Vandeventer is probably wrong and will need to be renumbered. WALLY BRT - SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT Brt suggested an additional dumpster at this location and that it would be a good idea to build a 12 ft. by 15 ft. pad for the dumpster. DON OSBORN - METER DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT Osburn continued by advising Robinson that there may be a problem in that the service on Maple may be a one-half or three-quarter inch service with a one inch yoke which means that the service would provide more flow than a three-quarter meter would. This would result in a service which does not flow as much as the one inch line can provide. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell continued by stating that there is a City Code provision for off-site improvement on streets that do not meet the current standards. He said he re -checked this issue because Vandeventer Avenue has been a controversy for approximately the last five years. At one time, Powell said, he had recommended that this street be abandoned and the property revert to UBC. At the time of his recommendation, Vandeventer was a one-way street going south; it is currently two-way traffic and is substandard according to today's street standards because it is only 21 feet wide. UBC has since recinded their request to close Vandeventer which makes this street subject to the City Code once again. Powell stated that the Planning Commission will need to make a determination of whether or not the provisions of the code will be reinforced and the street be upgraded to today's current standards or to waive the requirements. Powell also reported that, after re -checking Lafayette Avenue, he found that there is a curb -drop inlet within the radius required and no additions will be required at this site. Powell next explained that to bring Vandeventer up to code it would need to be widened from 24 feet to 31 feet wide back to back of the curbs and storm drainage installed. He added that the cost of improvements would be borne by UBC until after improvements are completed, at which time it would be maintained as a public street at public expense. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR Bobbie Jones stated that the Planning Commission might accept a Bill of Assurance for the needed improvements but that work would need to be completed prior to occupancy. S6 • Plat Review April 26, 1984 - Page 4 Jones reported that the Master Street Plan indicates that a 60 foot right-of-way is required on both Maple and Lafayette Streets and Vandeventer requires a 50 ft. right-of-way. At this time, stated Jones, there is an easement recorded at Book 925, p. 284 for street and utility purposes and in addition to the right-of-way for West Avenue there are 10 feet on the South side of Maple (for widening purposes), there are 5 ft. on the North side of Lafayette (for widening purposes) and 10 ft. off the North 60 ft. of the block on the East side to widen Vandeventer (South of Maple). Jones said that it was her feeling that there was also another right-of-way that has been acquired for this corner but cannot be found at this time. Jones advised that, in 1976 on Page 302 of the Board of Director's minutes, a waiver was granted for additional right-of-way requirement for Vandeventer except for the North 60 feet on the East side. Jones reported that the Master Sidewalk Plan shows sidewalks are required on both sides of Lafayette and Maple and only on the West side of Vandeventer and that if there are no sidewalks bordering this property at this time, a 5 ft. concrete sidewalk along Maple and Lafayette will have to be constructed. If a sidewalk exists which is broken, it will need to be repaired and sidewalk inspections are taking place at this time. As to the Conditional Use for the Nursery School, Jones stated that it had been approved by the Planning Commission June 13, 1983. Proof of notification of property owners to the East has been furnished, stated Jones, and is on file. Jones reported that the parking requirement for a church is one space for every 40 square ft. of church sanctuary or auditorium and for a nursery school it is one space per 1500 square ft. of total building area. She stated that, if the Planning Commission is willing, she will accept the greater of the two requirements for parking as opposed to a combination of the two. Next, Jones stated that the UBC driveway onto Lafayette should be 12 and one-half ft. from the side property line measured from where the curb breaks. She said that if this requirement cannot be met, written request for a waiver will be needed to the Planning Commission. The maximum driveway width is 40 feet and Jones asked Robinson to re -check this measurement as it appeared to be close. If a waiver is needed for driveway width, Jones stated that this would also need to be a written request to the Planning Commission. Jones went on to state that Article 7, Sec. 7 of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance indicates requirements for child care or nursery school. One of the requirements is a lot area of 250 square feet per child, which, Jones reported, looks alright according to the plans. Another requirement is for outdoor play space of 80 square feet per child based on the number of children outside at any one time. In addition, g7 • Plat Review April 26, 1984 - Page 5 • • Jones stated, if the play space is within 50 feet of the East property line, it must be screened. Jones recommended fencing, but said that there is no requirement from the City for it unless it is within 50 feet of the East property line. Jones stated she wants confirmation of parking spaces on the site and that previous waivers for off-site parking will be looked in to. Upon completion of this project, continued Mrs. Jones, one copy of an "as -built" site plan will be necessary showing all utilities, easements, and connections of utility mainlines into the building. She said this document will need to be dated, signed and labeled "as -built". She stated that Certificate of Occupancy will be held up until such document is received. Also, Certificate of Occupancy will be held up for any required work such as sidewalks, streets, paving , striping, etc. Sometimes, she continued, there is an agreement that can be signed between the builder and the City allowing occupancy before completion which constitutes a lien on the property, and in addition, allows the City to pull all utilities if stated work is not completed. This agreement, Jones said, cannot be used for sidewalks. Jones wished to re -state that there is nothing in the code that restricts ownership of property but it does regulate the use of such property. If, for example, UBC should acquire a single-family house and continues to use the property as a single-family house, the City would have no jurisdiction. A family is defined as "...no more than three people unless they are related by blood or marriage". She said that placing three or four students in a house is not in compliance with the code. In addition, Jones stated, any new parking lots should be submitted to the Planning Office for approval. She advised that all parking lots should be paved, striped and have wheel stops installed to keep cars within the parking area because there are setbacks for parking lots in all but Commercial District. She added that there are landscaping requirements to be met as well. Also, if a new parking lot is constructed and the Master Sidewalk Plan shows a sidewalk required at that site, then that sidewalk must be constructed. CLAYTON POWELL - STREET SUPERINTENDENT Powell advised that the most practical and economical method of draining the area labled "second mile parking lot" is across the University Annex to West Avenue. The superintendent of University Facilities will need to take the issue to their Board of Trustees who will not be meeting again until June this year. Jones said that Joe Tarvin, a new appointee of the Planning Commission and a member of one of the church committees, as well as an employee of a local engineering firm, has informed her that he may provide her with a letter to present to the Planning Commission which will explain the situation and assure them that UBC does plan to proceed. 7, Plat Review April 26, 1984 - Page 6 Gary Harrell indicated a parking survey on which he has numbered the parking lots He recorded the high number of cars parked at the peak hour of use as being 82. Jones indicated that if approval has not been given for off-site parking then this will need to be worked out with either the Planning Commission or the Board of Adjustment. She asked Harrell to calculate the sanctuary space and the nursery space to see what the total will amount to. She also said that the atrium would be acceptable as a mingling area and not counted as total area needed towards parking space. Jones reported that the Planning Commission is studying the code and may make an amendment as far as dual use on parking between business' and churches. As for the present, a waiver will be needed. She also stated that UBC has had some temporary variances granted on parking and that she will compare what has been done in the past to what is presently being requested. Harrell was assured that he would receive a copy of the minutes of this meeting. Sq