HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-19 MinutesMINUTES OF THE PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee of The City of Fayetteville was held on Thursday, April 19, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 111 of the City Hall, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Connie Skinner, Ivan Faulkner, Ivan Bromley, Phillip Terry, and Terry England. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Durham, Al Rukgaber, Connie Edmonston, Bobbie Jones and Paula Brandeis. OTHERS PRESENT: Dewitt Smith and Delvin Nation. WINDSOR TOWNEHOMES CAMBRIDGE PLACE - LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT: The only item on the agenda to be discussed at this meeting was the Large Scale Development for Windsor Townehomes, Cambridge Place. Bobbie Jones advised committee members of some comments from Wally Brt who was unable to attend today's meeting. Jones said that Brt had stated (on the 17th of April) that since there will be private drives and not public streets, he wants a letter from the owners autho- rizing him to take his sanitation trucks onto their private drives. He had been operating under the assumption that they would have containers for trash and they could have to screen those on three sides but they must be left open on the front. He cannot turn either of his trucks around in the 30 ft. radius and so he has asked that they increase the radius to 50 ft. or provide him with a 30 ft. by 50 ft. T-type turn -around. He also said that he prefers that the container sites be angled so that he can have better approach to them and he suggested setting the container on the other side of the mailboxes in the radius itself. Bobbie continued by saying that on April 18th Brt had called her again and said that he had been talking to Dewitt Smith and found that Smith would rather use cans instead of containers. Mr. Brt said that this would be fine. He also said that they would have to make him either a one-way entrance or an exit back onto Cambridge Drive on the end of the cul de sac private drive on the West side and that the owners will still need to furnish him with a letter authorizing him to take his trucks onto their private drives. Smith said that he had eliminated the cul de sac. 7q Plat Review April 19, 1984 - Page 2 IVAN FAULKNER - SWEPCO: Faulkner stated that SWEPCO already has power lines underground on the East, West and South sides of this complex. He said that on the site East of the public street he would like to have an easement running between the two center buildings, Units B, to the center of the island, so as to bring a transformer in between the two buildings to serve them both. He stated that he would require conduit for instal- lation; 2" schedule 40 PVC. He also said that there is heavy rock in this area and he will need a signed contract that anything that exceeds normal usage of equipment will be billed back to the owners. Dewitt Smith stated the names of the owners are J. B. Hayes, and Brittany Development Corp., P.O. Box 1174, Fayetteville, AR. 72701. He said that he would like to pull the two buildings apart and that would allow additional footage for the required easement. CONNIE SKINNER - SOUTHWESTERN BELL: Ms. Skinner stated that the easement required by Faulkner would be adequate for the phone company as well and that she would like to request conduit, too. Bobbie Jones asked for comments on the requested name change for this subdivision. She said that the owners would like to change Cambridge Place to Park Place and Cambridge Road to Park Place Drive and that this would have to go before the Board of Directors for approval. Jones also reminded the Committee that Fayetteville already has some streets with names similar to Park Place. Kenneth Wagner of Arkansas Western Gas said he thought that this would create problems. Faulkner said he didn't have any objections to the name change and Wagner said he would get back with Planning Department in reference to name change. KEN WAGNER - ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS• Mr. wagner stated that he would need an easement all the way around the site and asked that the easement requested by Swepco be continued through to the North property line. He said that he also would like to compensate with an additional easement around the proposed pump station and the pump station may need to be moved. Wagner also stated that they will run the lines at no cost unless exceptionally heavy rock is found, for which there will be an additional charge. Smith advised that the brick wall on the North property line is a suspended wall which is open between the piers. • • Plat Review April 19, 1984 - Page 3 Wagner introduced Mr. Terry England, saying that England would be coming to meetings and will eventually take Mr. Wagner's place at Plat Review meetings. IVAN BROMLEY - WARNER CABLE: Bromley stated that he would need 2" PVC under paved areas and repeated the same requirements as the other utilities concerning heavy rock. Smith commented on the sewer lines in the easement on the East side, advising that one line is gravity fed to the pump station at which point the line doubles back with a force main to an existing manhole. Bromley stated that because of the double sewer line he might need a little extra room on the easement. Faulkner reminded Smith that SWEPCO's line is already in and may need to be located before building begins. He pointed out the sewer lift station cannot be built over the underground power line. JOHN DURHAM - FIRE INSPECTOR: Mr. Durham stated he could find no problems except for the proposed name change. He said he felt that, in an emergency, there might be too much confusion as to which street was intended. Mrs. Jones stated that the name change request will be submitted to the Police Department, Traffic Department and the Water Meter Service Department. They, in turn, will get their comments back to the Planning Department. Also, the minutes of this meeting will be presented to the Board. John told the Committee that this meeting would be his last as he has taken employment in Houston. He said he has enjoyed working with everyone and thinks the Committee has accomplished much towards reaching its' objectives. CONNIE EDMONSTON - PARRS DEPARTMENT: Ms. Edmonston explained that the Green Space Ordinance requires a cash payment of $85 per multi -family unit or $4,080 for this development. If land were requested it would equal .01 times total number of units. Edmonston also advised that recreation area within the subdivision is not automatically approved for private use alone. A waiver before the City Board would have to be requested. According to Mrs. Jones, the payment of $4,080 is payable in three installments with the first payment due at the time Smith receives the first building permit The other two equal installments will be due at one year intervals. If part payment is made, and land is then given instead of cash, a refund would have to be requested from the City Board. Plat Review • April 19, 1984 - Page 4 AL RUKGABER - STREET DEPARTMENT: Mr. Rukgaber asked to have a layout drawn up showing the relocation of the median in Cambridge Road and several of the driveways. Jones stated that Smith will also need a waiver on the width of the driveways. Jones advised Smith to request, from the Planning Commission, a waiver of the driveway radius. Rukgaber stated that he would like to have a sketch of the curbs and gutters. He also reported on a comment from Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent: Powell would like to have an improved drainage structure since the present structure is in too close proximity to the right-of-way and he suggested that it be concrete lined. Bobbie cited a resolution recently passed by the City Board instructing the Street Department, the City Engineer's Office, the Planning Office and the Planning Commission to pay more attention to drainage in hillside areas. BOBBIE JONES - PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR: Jones inquired if Smith would like each building to have a separate number. If so, she said that the numbers must be on the building and that Don Osburn, City Water Meter Foreman, will assign those numbers. She said Don Bunn or Don Osburn would tell Smith where the meters were to be placed as well. Jones also said that 4 ft. concrete sidewalks were required along Cambridge Road and all of the public highway and that Smith would have to check with the State Highway Department to confirm the location of said sidewalks. The requirement for occupancy, according to Mrs. Jones, would be installed sidewalk or cash deposit. She said the setbacks as shown are sufficient. She also said that a wooden fence that reaches out over an easement but does not cover the easement would need to be cleared with the utility companies. As far as parking, Jones said that the enclosed spaces do meet the code requirement of one and a half spaces per unit in addition to the visitor parking which is being provided. Jones reported that landscaping will need to comprise 10% of the area between the visitor's parking and the West side of Cambridge Road. And she suggested checking with Bert Rakes, Sign Inspector, as to the two signs being proposed. She also commented that parking must be in and striped and be supplied with wheel stops by the time last occupancy occurs. An As -Built site plan is required that keeps up with all improvements, including all individual utility lines into each structure. Jones stated that if the development were built in stages that she would allow Smith to build additional units with permits • 8� 4 Plat Review April 19, 1984 - Page 5 without requiring an As -Built as long as there are current permits for other units. She also advised Smith that she will allow him to change the water records over for temporary occupancy; but the agreement states that if the City doesn't get everything agreed upon, then all of the utilities may be pulled and that the City will not issue the final certificate of occupancy until the As -Built is turned in. The issues were restated and listed and the meeting closed. 83