HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-15 MinutesMINUTES OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee of the City of Fayetteville was held on March 15, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. in the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ivan Faulkner and Connie Skinner. Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones & Jeanette Crumpler. OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Hopper. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT EL CHICO RESTAURANT JOE THOMSON The first and only item to be considered was that of the Large Scale Development of El Chico Restaurant. DON BUNN, CITY ENGINEER: Don Bunn requested to give his comments stating that there is a meter location here which looks satisfactory. Bunn stated that Don Osburn may wish to change this, however. Bunn stated that the sewer line is also existing along Front Street and there will be no problem. BOBBIE JONES, CITY PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR: Jones stated that this development appeared to meet the City's require- ments; that this developer far exceeds the required parking spaces. Jones advised that the developer would need to submit 10 revised copies of the plat to the Planning Office by March 19, 1984. This matter will 'be heard by the Subdivision Committee on March 23, 1984 at 1:30 and by the Planning Commission on March 26, 1984 at 5:00. Jones stated that this developer would be required to furnish an "as built" plat which has been dated and signed. CLAYTON POWELL, CITY STREET SUPERINTENDENT: Powell was not present, but rendered the following comments: 1) Everything appears to be fine with this development. 2) Driveway setbacks from the property line are okay. 3) Widths are okay. 4) On site drainage is graded to drain from the rear of the lot into 68 J PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING PAGE 2 MARCH 15, 1984 the natural drainage ditch and Front Street was a previously dedicated street and has been accepted for public maintenance. KENNETH WAGNER, ARKANSAS WESTERN GAS: Wagner was not present but had the following comment: Wagner stated that gas will be available in the easement on the east side of the two lots. WALLY BRT, CITY SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT: Brt advised that all appeared fine with him as long as the entire trash area is not enclosed. Brt stated that the area may be screened on three sides, however. IVAN FAULKNER, SWEPCO: Faulkner advised that he would need to know what the load is. Faulkner stated there were no plans for the electrical service, i.e., underground or overhead. Hopper stated they would like the service to go underground running from the pole and will probably need three phase service. Faulkner advised there would be several options, but would not be able to determine which of the options to use without knowing the load. Faulkner stated he did not see provisions for pad mount transformers with Hopper advising he did not have the plans as yet, to know exactly what will be done. Hopper suggested that he contact Mr. Faulkner at the time his plans come in with Faulkner advising that this would be okay. Faulkner advised that SWEPCO would need 4" PVC at a depth of 36" under the drives. CONNIE SKINNER, SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY: Skinner questioned if the conduit shown on the plat was for Southwestern Bell's use. Hopper advised that it is for telephone use. Skinner advised that Southwestern Bell would need some way to get into the building and would also need a 2" conduit with some provision to keep that conduit which runs under the drives from becoming crushed. Skinner advised that Southwestern Bell will want to mount a terminal on a plywood board inside the building and would need a place to do this. JOHN DURHAM, FAYETTEVILIE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Durham requested to know the capacity which will be served by this restaurant. Hopper was unable to provide the information at this time. Durham advised that this developer will need two (2) 10 pound size, ABC rated dry chemical fire extinguishers in the public area or dining area. These extinguishers can be mounted in recessed cabinets. 641 • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING PAGE 3 MARCH 15, 1984 Durham advised this developer will need one 10 pound PC rated dry chemical or CO2, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Durham advised that this developer would also need an automatic hood and duct dry chemical fire extinguishing system in the hood and duct work for any frying operations. Durham questioned the doors. Hopper advised there will be two entrances on the front and one on the rear. Durham advised that illuminated exit light fixtures will be required over the doors. Durham stated that if there is a 300 capacity or more, two emergency lighting units of the battery pack, sealed beam units, will be required in addition to the illuminated exit light system. If there will be under 300 total capacity, then the illuminated exit light system will be all that is required. Durham advised that there has been a problem in the past with internal theft problems through kitchens, with a key operated deadbolt being placed on service entrances or employee entrances so it can be locked. Durham requested that a panic alarm hardware device be used on this kitchen exit which will conform to the fire code, but at the same time, alleviate some of this developers problems. Jones requested to know if this developer would need cable in this restaurant with Hopper advising that he did not know at this time. Hopper stated he would contact Warner Amex Cable i needed. Hopper stated that he wished to reiterate the elevation of the 100 year flood on the site is strictly based on that same study. Hopper stated that an analysis may be run on the entire area. Hopper stated he felt as though the study is good based on the rainfall of a few years ago. Hopper statedhe_wished to clear in the City's mind and the owner's mind where the elevation came from. Jones suggested that Mr. Hopper check with the Building Superintendent with regard to his requirements.