HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-16 MinutesMINUTES OF PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee of The City of Fayetteville was held on February 16, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. at the Central Fire Station. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: L. 0., Ferguson, Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner, Connie Skinner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Don Osburn, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones, & Jeanette C r u m p l e r. OTHERS PRESENT: Steve DeNoon, Carl Russell & David Johnson. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT MULEY'S RESTAURANT COLT SQUARE DRIVE Carl Russell and David Johnson were present to represent this Large Scale Development. Bobbie Jones opened the meeting by reading the comments of those not present. 1) Wally Brt, City Sanitation Superintendent: Jones stated that Wally Brt had made the following comments: There is no problem with the container location. Mr. Brt recommended use of a 6 cu. yd. container. The pad must be 15 ft. wide and 12 ft. deep. They may screen the North, South and East sides; but they must leave the front (West) side open. Mr. Brt remarked that the paving as shown would last about 3 years with his trucks traveling on it; he recommended they use concrete, at least for the drives through the parking lot. Jones requested that Mr. Carl Russell give a brief history on the proposed Large Scale Development of Muley's Restaurant. Russell advised that there are four lots in the proposed Large Scale Development with Muley's being located on the two middle lots, with the drive going completely around the restaurant area. 2) Freeman Wood, City Building Superintendent: Freeman Wood was not present and had no comment. 41 PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 2 3) Clayton Powell, City Street Superintendent: Powell stated that the Colt Square Subdivision is an existing subdivision with Colt Square being a dedicated street. Powell stated that the topography does disturb him to some degree because t he drainage appears to be emptying to the front, going out the driveways under the street. Powell stated that this could n ot occur, that the on site drainage for the four lots should have the drainage collected on site with drop inlets, catch basins, etc. and be piped to the nearest drop inlet on the street. P owell advised that this is a new street and there are drop inlets every 700 ft. in that area, specifically within 700 ft. of e ither side of the property line, inside and outside of the square. Powell stated if there was any problem of going beyond the lot limits on this parcel, there is space behind the curb and gutter. Powell advised that if this is placed on the street right-of-way, the minimum size pipe is 15" inside diameter or t he equivalent in oval shaped corregated metal pipe. Powell advised that the 25 year flood plain design should be used to calculate the on site drainage for these four lots. Powell advised that the on site asphalt curbing would be fine as far as the Street Department would be concerned. Six inches of SB 2 and 2" of asphalt parking lot paving meets the durable and dust -free parking lot surface requirements. However, with the sanitation trucks using this parking lot in picking up refuse, t his probably should be built stronger. Russell advised that this probably would be a concrete parking lot. 4) John Durham, City Fire Department: a) Durham advised that his requirements would be extremely basic, those being extinguishers, emergency lighting and exit lighting. b) Durham advised that if there would be any frying in this restaurant, there would need to be a dry chemical fire extinguishing system. Durham advised that the Fayetteville Fire Department likes to meet with management and employees to speak regarding Fire Safety and things which can be done to help the Fire Department. The Fire Department will give a fire extinguisher demonstration, e tc., and this can be extremely helpful. Durham stated this was not something that they were required to do, but it would be extremely helpful. c) Durham advised that when further expansion is considered, property -wise and building -wise, ingress/egress should always • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 3 be considered. d ) Durham requested to know how many people the restaurant would accommodate. Russell advised it would accommodate 180 people. Durham requested to know if the restaurant had the required doors. Russell advised that there were doors on each side of the restraurant as well as two service doors. 5) Don Bunn, City Engineer: Bunn advised that regarding the water and sewer, he would have no comment except the size meter shown. Bunn requested to know what the water use would be. Russell advised this had been computed, but he did not have the figures with him. Bunn advised if there would be as much water used as Red Lobster, then there would probably be a 2" line required. If it is more like Wendy's then a 1" line would suffice. Russell advised that he had 2" called for, and that in considering the usage and the distance involved, Russell felt that the 2" would be needed. However, h e did state he would recheck that item. Bunn advised that if Muley's wanted a 2", they would put it in, but may be an extra expense. 6) Don Osburn, City Meter Superintendent: Don Osburn advised that if a 2" line is not needed at the present time, they may reduce inside the loop with a smaller meter, and in the future, without interruption of service, go back t o a larger meter. Osburn advised they would need some type of an idea on the demand to determine these matters. Osburn ✓ equested to know if a flushometer-type system would be used. Russell advised that was correct. Osburn requested to know if the future development would come off the same meter, or if they would have meters of their own. Russell advised they w ould probably use their own meters. Osburn advised that a number had been assigned to this restaurant, but due to the fact there is a question about the dividing line, he was not certain whether or not this would need changing at a future t ime. Osburn advised that the number is 1 Colt Square currently. Osburn advised that whatever number is assigned, when construction is begun, after a tap has been made and a water meter needs t o be set, the general contractor MUST have the site card up on the job. When the building is completed, the building numbers MUST either be on the sign or on the building. 7) L. 0. Ferguson, Warner Amex Cable: Ferguson requested to know if T. V. cable was anticipated in 4f3 4 by J • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 4 the restaurant building. Russell advised they probably would want cable in the restaurant. Ferguson advised that the closest cable is at the corner of Lot 19, being overhead at that point. Ferguson requested a 2" PVC turned up in a sweep elbow, located at the pole of Lot 19, running in the easement to the west, .to the back of the building. Russell advised there is a 2" PVC exiting a utility room in the building and running under the parking lot into the dirt area of the easement behind the paving line. Ferguson advised that he would like the 2" PVC at the southeast corner running back to the east. Ferguson advised he would require 2" PVC across the blacktop area, turning at the vicinity of the pad mounted transformer and turning up at the far side of Lot 19 so that future development could be serviced. 8) Ivan Faulkner, SWEPCO: Faulkner advised that SWEPCO is overhead at the southeast corner of Lot 19. Faulkner questioned service for the future buildings at Lots 14 and 17, advising that a conduit should be turned out from the secondary side of the pad -mount transformer for those lots. Faulkner requested the load on Lot 14, as well as the load on the restaurant. Russell advised there was a 600 amp three phase service, although there is not quite a full load. Faulkner requested to know if Muley's would want 277/480 or 120/208. Russell advised this would be I20/208three phase. Faulkner advised he would set a pole on the southeast corner of Lot 19 and will request 4" schedule 40 PVC conduit. Faulkner advised that the building to the west would require greater than a secondary load and would suggest a 4" conduit coming out of the primary side of the transformer pad. Faulkner advised that SWEPCO would provide up to 250 feet and anything beyond that would be at the customer's expense. 9) Kenneth Wagner, Arkansas Western Gas: Wagner advised that multiple meter loops were left in the area of Colt Square. Wagner advised that since the area will be paved, he would request the pipe cased up to the distribution line. This could be a 2-3" sleeve with PVC being acceptable. 10) Connie Skinner, Southwestern Bell Telephone: Skinner requested to know if Muley's wanted the telephone pedestal outside of the building instead of being in the utility room. Russell stated that it would be fine for this to be located in PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 5 the utility room. Skinner advised that she would rather place the services in the utility room. Skinner requested a 2" conduit along the north into the utility room. Skinner advised that Southwestern Bell can use the PVC, but has had problems in the past that when the paving was placed, the conduit has gotten crushed, and once this conduit is crushed, then the line cannot be pulled through. Skinner stated she thought this should be mentioned as information. ---------------- 11) Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator: a) Jones stated that the view obscuring fence is a requirement along the south property line. b) The paving is to be pulled in 5' from the south property line as shown and is a requirement. c) Jones advised that 82 parking spaces are shown with the restaurant requiring 28 spaces. With two future buildings of approximately 5400 square feet each, 82 spaces would be required which is shown. Retail spaces and restaurants require one space per 200 square feet of total floor space. Office would require one space per 300 square feet of total floor space. Beauty Shops would require one per 100 square feet of total floor space, but felt that one space per 200 square feet would probably balance out. Jones advised that the correct number of handicapped spaces were included. d) Jones advised that an "as—built" plan would be required upon completion of the restaurant, stating that a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until this has been received. e) Jones stated that the sidewalk must be finished and the parking paved, stripped, storm drainage placed and the screening in before the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Jones advised that due to the fact that no waivers have been requested, the Subdivision Committee could approve this Large Scale Development. f) Jones requested to know the sign setback with Russell stating that he was not certain of the setback distance. Jones advised that the measurement would be taken from the edge of the sign and is limited to one ground sign per property. Ferguson advised there is a 25' utility easement along the front its • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 6 (north side). Jones clarified that this easement would need to be shown, 25' on the north side and 25' on the south side. g) Jones advised that she would need ten (10) revised copies of the plat submitted by February 20, 1984, this will go to Subdivision on February 24, 1984 at 1:30 p.m. and Planning Commission on February 27, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. (h) Jones advised that the property owners south of the proposed subdivision would need to be notified, with proof of notification being submitted by the time of the Planning Commission meeting of February 27, 1984. Russell advised that all of the property owners had already been notified and had actually signed the listing of names. Jones requested a letter to the Planning Office that the signatures on the appearing on the list of adjoining property owners is the actual property owner's signatures. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT CHESTNUT AVENUE APARTMENTS LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION Mr. Steve DeNoon was present to represent this Large Scale Develop- ment. 1) Ivan Faulkner, SWEPCO: Ivan Faulkner stated he did not have enough information to run a plat on this Large Scale Development, but the facilities shown are not adequate. Faulkner advised that SWEPCO will not install their services in any flood plain area. Faulkner advised that SWEPCO will be happy to work with Lindsey Construction on this matter. Faulkner advised that he would try to work within the easements that are shown, but some of them will just not work. Faulkner stated it was impossible for them to terminate in exiting each apartment, but instead must loop in order to go back to the overhead line. NOTE: FAULKNER WISHED TO REITERATE THAT SWEPCO WILL BE HAPPY TO WORK WITH LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION ON THIS MATTER. 2) Kenneth Wagner, Arkansas Western Gas: Wagner stated that it did not appear they would be using gas, but if the did need gas, he would also be happy to work with them on this at a later date. 3) L. 0. Ferguson, Warner Amex Cable: Ferguson stated that Warner Amex Cable would also be unable ab I PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 7 t o place their services in the flood plain. Ferguson also stated that the easements as shown were not satisfactory, stating he would be happy to work with Lindsey Construction on this matter. 4) Connie Skinner, Southwestern Bell Telephone: Skinner stated she was intending to discuss this development with Mr. Carnahan because Southwestern Bell would need conduit in all locations which are paved, running under it. Skinner stated she would like to reserve the right to get back with Lindsey Construction at such a time as SWEPCO and Warner Amex Cable meet with Lindsey Construction to discuss the easements required. Faulkner clarified that electric, telephone and cable would all need conduits. 5) Clayton Powell, City Street Superintendent: Powell advised that the Chestnut Apartments, Phase I was completed and this new development should be referred to as Chestnut Apart- ments, Phase II. Chestnut Street was built to current City Standards to the north perimeter of Chestnut Apartments, Phase I. From Chestnut Apartments' north perimeter to the north driveway ✓ adius of Leverett Gardens II, the west side of Chestnut Street was constructed to current City Standards and it was a compromise between the City and the Leverett Gardens II developer and also discussed with Lindsey and Associates informally that Leverett Gardens II developers would put in the street, curb and gutter on the west side, but the developer of this property which is going to be Chestnut Apartments II would put in the storm drainage, widen the street to 31 feet and put in the curb and gutter. P owell stated he did have a Bond which he has computed for the Leverett Gardens II to pay for their portion of taking the street onto the Ernest Jacks Expressway right-of-way. Powell stated he felt the street should be constructed to and include the E rnest Jacks Expressway right-of-way and terminate in a cul-de-sac across the lot of the existing building which was converted t o a duplex, which was initially a portion of this entire tract. P owell stated it would be necessary to storm drain the full length on the west side as previously agreed to by the City's compromise with all parties involved. 6) Wally Brt, City Sanitation Superintendent: • Jones advised that Brt counted 6 container sites for 240 apart- ments. Brt requested either eight (8) 6 -cubic yard containers or twelve (12) 4 -cubic yard containers. Aft • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 8 The container sites (2) in the 32 parking space area near the two 12 -unit structures should be angled for an approach from the north. There is a container site shown at the north end of one of the north parking areas; and one at the north end of the other north parking area. Add container sites at the east end of the two east parking areas. They could also add one where the drive curves between the 2nd and 3rd 8 -unit structure on the southeast corner of the site. In that southeast corner, and where the drives curve, give as much turning radius as possible so the truck will not break down their curbs. 7) Freeman Wood, City Building Superintendent: Freeman Wood was not present, but had the following comments. Some of the development site is in the flood plain. The floor level of the buildings must be elevated to at least 2 feet above t he 100 -year flood level. For purposes of them obtaining flood insurance in the future, Mr. Wood suggested that Gary Carnahan fill out the flood plain certification papers when they get the permits for the buildings. 9) David McWethy, Assistant City Manager: David McWethy was not present, but wished to know where the street lights were. 10) John Durham, Fayetteville Fire Department: Durham requested to know what type of roofing would be used in this development. DeNoon advised it would be a flat roof, bituminous built up with asphalt shingles. Durham stated that a great problem which is being encountered is that on these large complexes, if the Fire Department gets a call, they are having difficulty locating the building. Durham requested that the buildings be clearly marked. Osburn requested t o know if a house number for each building would be helpful. Durham stated that whatever is used, he would like to ask that the numbers be large enough that they can be seen easily. • Durham advised that fire extinguishers need to be located throughout t he complex, possibly using a recessed cabinet of some type 48 J PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 9 to put the extinguishers in with a break -glass front. 11) Don Bunn, City Engineer: Bunn stated it would be okay for the sewer to go into the flood plain. However, Bunn stated there is a problem with the water. Bunn requested to know if this would be developed at one time, or if it would be done in phases. DeNoon advised this would be done in phases. Bunn stated he would like to have the water meters placed in front of the buildings rather than placing them in the back. This would be for access in reading of the meters and in maintenance of the lines. Bunn advised there needed to be extensive detail work on the placement of the meters. Bunn advised that Lindsey Construction should consider placement o f additional fire hydrants in this complex. Bunn requested that Lindsey Construction check with John Durham about the require- ments, but thought that a fire hydrant should be placed within 500 feet of each apartment building. D eNoon advised that Lindsey Construction will need to place a lift station for this Large Scale Development. 12) Don Osburn, City Meter Superintendent: Osburn stated he would like to get together with Lindsey Construction ✓ egarding the placement of the meters. Osburn stated he will need to know where the irrigation meters will be located, and w ould like to place them close to the building or close to some of the other meter boxes, use the same address and list on the master file as Chestnut Yard Meter. That way, the City will know about where the meter is located as the yard meter has t he same number as the particular apartment building that it is located near. O sburn advised that there is a fire protection charge for the fire hydrants. D eNoon advised that Lindsey Construction had been placing their meters in planters along the front of the buildings. Osburn advised that would be okay as long as flowers are not close to the meter that can be damaged, or thorn bushes. O sburn requested that the grade be finished before the meter is set; that there have been problems with the placement of meters before the grade is set and the meter will be dug up at the time the grade is set. 4q A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 10 13) Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator: Jones stated that the 5' right-of-way dedication should be noted o n the site plan if it has been dedicated, stating that she would verify this, and must also show the book and page number. If it has not been dedicated, the additional 5' for widening of Chestnut will be required. J ones stated she was not sure that the 40' dedication matches what has been dedicated to the west, stating she thought there had been a 60' dedication and will verify that as well. Dedication of the easement to the north will be required. J ones stated that the developers on the west side of Chestnut were required to enter into a committment for a sidewalk to be placed at the call of the City which can be required on this Large Scale Development. If the previous sidewalk has been placed on the east side, it will need to be continued on the east side. J ones advised that the required parking computed to be 360, with the plat showing 368. Jones advised that the parking spaces w ill be checked and the City would require the number of spaces as shown on the plat. J ones stated that 10% plants within the area between the parking area and the streets would be required, specifically to the n orth and the parking areas adjacent to the two drives on the west. J ones advised there would be an "as -built" plan required upon completion of the Large Scale Development, and that a Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until this is received. Jones advised that the parking spaces must be stripped and there must be some type of wheel -stops, with DeNoon advising that the area would be curbed. Jones suggested that there be breaks placed in the curb so that pooling of water does not occur. Jones stated she had located the street lights on Sheet 412. J ones stated that the first street light is shown as being 440 feet from the intersection of Poplar and Chestnut, with only J wo lights being shown along Chestnut with a 490 foot distance between them which would require Waiver of Spacing by the Planning Commission. Jones stated that the street. light to the north is close to 300 feet from the'intersection of Ernie Jacks Expressway and Chestnut would be. so J • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 16, 1984 Page 11 Jones stated that the Utility Companies would either like the easements to be worked out and return on Thursday, February 23, 1984 at 9:00, or get it worked out and have the Utility Companies sign off on a copy. Jones stated, however, that she felt the Utility Companies were planning to return next Thursday, February 23, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. for review of this plat. Jones stated that the easements must be given by metes and bounds descriptions, or if Lindsey Construction would like to use a copy of the plat or plot plan with the easements on there with those easements being dedicated, the dimensions will be required on the plat. Jones stated the width and length would be required. Jones stated that the property owners within 100' of the property line and with different zoning requirements would need to be notified before the matter will be heard by the Planning Commission. Jones stated this would include property owners to the north and east, as well as University Farms. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. sr J