HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-02 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee of The City of Fayetteville was held on February 2, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. in the Fayetteville Central Fire Station. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Connie Skinner, James Crownover, Kenneth Wagner, & L. 0. Ferguson. Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, & Jeanette Crumpler. Mel Milholland. REVISED PLAT, YORKTOWN SQUARE SUBDIVISION WADE BISHOP --DEVELOPER: The only item to be addressed at the Plat Review meeting was the matter of the revised plat of Yorktown Square Subdivision. 1) Clayton Powell, (City Street Superintendent): Powell stated he had made a field inspection of the Yorktown area yesterday at the request of members of the Street Committee. Powell stated it would be on the City Board Agenda next Tuesday. Powell requested to know if it was still the intent of the developer to ask for a variance based on the original plat. Milholland advised they were continuing to request the variances. Powell stated this was brought up by the Street Committee and Powell was advised to go out to the site and determine the feasibility of extending Nottingham north to Joyce Street by subsequent development. Powell stated it was his finding that this would not be feasible, especially to a developer, as Nottingham stops just short of a very steep bluff with a grade in excess of 20%. At the bottom of the bluff, going north, there is a low flood plain area which Mud Creek intersects; on the north side of Mud Creek, there is more flood plain area. If the City Board or Planning Commission should desire a north/south street connecting between Joyce Street and Stubblefield Road, between Rolling Hills Drive and Old Missouri Road, there is a street right-of-way stub extending south off of Joyce Street which is called Ellenberger Avenue. This would be the most logical place to go north/south between Joyce Street and Stubblefield Road. In addressing the offset, Powell stated that the Street Committee and City Manager were very concerned about the required separation between Loxley and Nottingham Street, maintaining the 150' separation. Powell advised that there is a common area that was platted by the Summerhill PUD association that would block the extension of Millsap Road to the east, coming across a ravine. For future development of the area to the north of this platted subdivision, there will have to be an extension of Millsap Road running east and west. Powell stated that the City does have a bridge program in which they will • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 2, 1984 participate in the cost of bridge construction if the improvements are beneficial to public safety, etc. Powell stated it would be his recommendation that if the property north of the subdivision to the bluff line should develop, the developer be required to negotiate with the Summerhill PUD to get an easement across this common area extending Millsap Road from east to west, with the City participating in the cost of the bridge construction across the ravine. Powell stated the revised plat has eliminated the tandem lot, however, stating that it did meet the requirements which he needed to address as City Street Superintendent. Powell stated there is still the possibility of "mirroring" the subdivision or putting the intersection in the center if the City Board does not wish to grant the variance on Loxley Avenue. Milholland stated that in the prior Plat Review Committee Meeting, Powell had commented that the original plat was practical. Powell advised that was correct, that in the original Plat Review Committee Meeting, he did state he was not opposed to the variance and looked like a very practical layout of the property to be developed, and still feels that way. Milholland wished it to be stated that the realignment not only eliminates two lots, but also leaves Lot 1, Block 2 questionable (possibly eliminating 3 lots). Milholland stated that Powell had previously addressed the fact that there have been variances granted on both, tandem lots and offsets in other areas of the City in the past. Milholland advised if there are any relocations of utilities, etc. in the revised plat, he will submit them to each of the utilities individually marked. 2) James Crownover (Ozark Electric Cooperative): Crownover advised he did not think the new plat would change any of his easement requests. Crownover advised he did not know, however, at this point, where he would relocate the electric poles. Service to Block 1, Lots 8,9, & 10 would be complicated somewhat by the revised plat, and would probably have to bury some extra line coming in from the north. Milholland clarified the 28' which was present from behind the curb to the property line on the east, (on the southeast corner), and advised that the electric line could be placed here. Crownover stated that between Lots 20 and 21, Block 1, there will be two utilities placed in this location, and will need a 15' easement (referencing the original plat), (Lots 22 & 23, Block 1 on the new 27 • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 3 FEBRUARY 2, 1984 plat). 3) Bobbie Jones, (Planning Administrator): a) Jones asked for clarification of the Street name Startford or was it supposed to be Stratford. Milholland stated he would check on this. b) Jones advised she was still not satisfied with the street named Nottingham due to the fact that there is already a street named Notting - hill. c) Jones advised that the 40' on Lot 24, Block 1 should be shown as at least 56' at the right-of-way. She advised the line will have to be moved to do this. d) Jones advised she would need confirmation on Lot 24, Block 1; Lot 15, Block 4; Lot 10, Block 4; that they are at least 70 feet wide at the setback line. e) Jones advised that the Planning Commission did not waive the requirement for the street light at the end of Manchester, however, this street light is not shown on the plat. This will need to be placed on the plat. f) Jones advised that 10 copies of the revised plat would need to be returned to her no later than February 6, 1984 for the Planning Commission meeting of February 13, 1984. 4) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Poage was not present, however, Jones read his comments for the record. Mr. Poage requested a fire hydrant be placed at the corner of Stratford and Nottingham, and Jones advised she thoughtone was already present there. Poage also requested that the developer check with Don Bunn, City Engineer; that this water line may need to be as large as an 8" line. 5) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Wagner advised that on an area this large, Arkansas Western Gas like to have a two way feed because if a line were to be broken, there would be another feed to service the houses. Wagner advised that the way the revised plat is drawn up, it will be impossible to get a two-way feed in this location. Wagner advised that to get into Block 3, Arkansas Western Gas will need to tap the 2" line at the Shuler property and come across the 15' utility easement. Wagner, • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE PAGE 4 FEBRUARY 2, 1984 at that point, changed his request to a 20' utility easement. Wagner advised that to serve Lots 1-8, 9-15, Block 1, Arkansas Western Gas would have to have existing 2" plastic. Wagner stated that from there, without great expense to the developer, there would be no way to get to Phase II without backtracking. After extensive discussion, Wagner advised that he would be able to place his double setting at the southeast corner of the entrance, go straight north, coming back between Lots 1 & 2, Block 2 due to the fact that there was 28' allowed for this. Wagner requested a 20' easement between Lots 22 & 23, Block 1. 6) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable): Ferguson advised that Warner Amex Cable would have no problem as long as they could use the 28' at the southeast corner as well. 7) Connie Skinner, (Southwestern Bell): Skinner advised that all matters seem to be fine for Southwestern Bell. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. R9 J