HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-12 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on January 12, 1984 at 9:00 a.m. at the F.ayetteville'Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Connie Skinner, L. 0. Ferguson, Jim Crownover. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones and Jeanette Crumpler. OTHERS PRESENT: Mel Milholland and Wade Bishop. At this time, Mr. Milholland YORKTOWN SQUARE SUBDIVISION presented his plans for the WADE BISHOP proposal of development for Yorktown Square Subdivision. Milholland stated that this was a 26 acre tract, R-1, Single family residential. On Stubblefield Road, Milholland advised that he thought that an additional 25' from centerline to existing right-of-way would need to be dedicated, thus an additional 5' dedication. This would bring this up to the City Standards. Milholland advised that lots 1-7, Block 1 would face Stubblefield Road. The entrance is approximately 90' between centerlines of Loxley and the subdivision entrance and they are requesting a waiver for that offset of which the ordinance calls for 150'. Milholland advised this is listed in the Waivers Requested. Milholland advised that Wedgewood deadends on the North end into the David Wilson property as required by an agreement between David Wilson and the seller of the property. Powell asked that this statement be reiterated, and Milholland advised that this was an agreement in that there would be a 50' right-of-way into the property. Milholland advised there was no determination as to where this 50' would be located. Milholland advised there was an access left to the east as this is prime property for an R-1 development. Milholland stated there was a high-pressure gas line on the south end and also there is a 50' easement on the east for Ozark Electric. Milholland stated that they would like anwaiver of the street light spacing to that which is shown on the plat. Milholland advised there are aofew lots which are less than 70', same of which are also listed on the plat. Milholland advised that at lots 26 & 27, Block 1, there may be a sewer pum station required. This matter has been discussed with City Engineer, Don Bunn. There would be one tandem lot. Milholland asked if there was a requirement for Green Space. Jones advised that this was currently before the Planning Commission and would go before the Board of Directors. Once the Amendment passes through the Board, it is a requirement, but an opinion would have to be rendered by the City Attorney regarding this development. PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE TWO JANUARY 12, 1984 Milholland advised that the developer intends to develop in phases, Phase I and Phase II, and plans to start immediately. 1) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell advised that the plat book reflects 50' of right-of=way for Stubblefield Road existing, but the old rights-of-way need to have some sort of"instrument for dedicating the 25' north o ff the centerling abutting the Subdivision. Powell advised that when Summerhill was developed, they extended storm drainage on the existing right-of-way across the front (south) of part of the tract. At the intersection of Stubblefield Road and Wedgewood Drive, at the Boulevard entrance reflects drainage going from the west side of the street to the east. Due to the drainage problems in the area and especially to the west, at the curve of Stubblefield Road where it intersects Harold Street, the water needs to drain to the East and this is the reason for the Summerhill Developer draining to the east across the front of the property. Powell advised that was reinforced concrete pipe, Class II to meet the current specifications and can be reused. Powell stated that the street specifications are in the process of being revised and french draining of suspect areas of subterranian drainage, wet weather springs and so forth will be a prime con- sideration because of the premature failure of some streets that have been dedicated less than three years. The City cannot afford to go out and rebuild these streets this frequently. Powell stated that he recommended they conform to the proposed revisions of the street specifications. Powell advised he did not expect any drastic changes in the base material, sub -base preparation or the 2" asphalt, but what the final outcome will be, he could not advise. Another consideration, however, is the developer warranty w ill be strictly enforced hereafter. In the past, Powell advised that a Contractor's warranty has been used for the developer to meet this requirement because of the premature failures. The length of time may be extended from one (1) year to three (3) o r five (5) years. Powell advised that this new program was currently in the plans and expected it would be in effect very shortly. Powell advised that he thought a bond would be required by the developer. Specific offsite improvements: it is necessary for the full length of the subdivision abutting Stubblefield Road to be storm - drained, designed and engineered to drain to the east where there is an outlet. Widen Stubblefield Road from the centerline of the right-of-way, 15.5 feet to the back o f the curb, make that from west property line to east property line and then transition on existing right-of-way back to the Summerhill curbing with gradual transition rather than abrupt right 2 P LAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE THREE JANUARY 12, 1984 angles with the same being done with the existing pavement on the east side. Powell advised that the water is ponding at the intersection of Bertha and to the west of Summerhill Drive and ponds at the curb at Harold Street intersection. There is no outlet there and surface water must be designed to go back to the east. With regard to the street currently proposedhas Cambridge Street, this should either be totally constructed or totally aborted in Phase I. Also, even though there is an agreement between property owners to have a right-of-way dedicated, we should have the cul-de-sac at the east end of that street. It would not have to abut the property line, but dedicate the 50' to the east property line, and if the street is ever extended according to City Code, the excess right-of-way dedicated to construct the cul-de-sac would go back to the abutting property owners of Lot 1 and Lot 8. There are so many short deadend streets currently causing problems for not only public vehicles such as sanitation, but are creating so many problems around town that the cul-de-sacs are needed. Milholland asked if this street could be constructed in Phase II. Powell stated that would leave Lots 1 and 2 of Block 4, without access and if this would be the case, a commitment would be needed that this would be done if Stage II should never be developed, that the developer would come back and finish. Powell then questioned the combined Utility and Drainage easements which are shown. He stated this needs to try to be avoided if at all possible. Powell stated that in the street design, the topography is going to change to meet the drainage requirements, but he would like to point out that the drainage ditch at lots 25, 26, 27 and soforth. There is so much problem with builders going in in a brand new subdivision and changing the topography by about a foot to keep the houses he built from flooding after he built them too low and after the fact, they wanted to dedicate an unimproved drainage easement which is not acceptable. Powell- advised he would like for the drainage easement to go all the way to the rear property line and be taken all the way to the north perimeter of the subdivision in improved d rainage easements such as concrete -lined ditches or storm d rainage. Powell advised that he was recently visited by a representative of a plastic pipe company, which is less expensive than concrete pipe or corregated metal pipe; where there is no weight bearing surfaces, Powell stated that a material of this nature would be acceptable. Powell expressed concern over the sizes of lots 8, 9, 10, and 14, 15, 16, the lot size becomes so narrow, such as Lot 15 only has 35 feet. He suggested, since it would be practically impossible to meet the 12.5 driveway safety zone from property line and the other safety zones, that possibly these lots could have tandem (joint) driveways in order that they 3 • • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE FOUR JANUARY 12, 1984 could meet the driveway safety zone. Jones advised that the drives could be handled in this manner or they could ask the Planning Commission for a waiver in advance and designate the specific location of the driveways on the covenants. Jones explained that the code allows for a joint driveway without waiver, otherwise, a waiver would be required. Powell advised that on a tandem driveway, he would allow up to 40' as if it were a commercial or multi=family dwelling. Powell advised that his last comment about drainage at this time is to be sure that positive outflow is present from Phase I until Phase II is constructed to keep water from ponding, backing up on the street, etc. Powell advised 'he wowld.address the main entrance threshold of Wedgewood and Stubblefield as far as the intersection offset from Loxley Avenue. Powell stated he thought this was the most reasonable alternative on the 150 foot offset unless the entire sub- division were reversed to have the entrance over to the west side instead of the east side. Powell stated he did not believe there would be that much of a traffic problem. Milholland advised that Mr. Bishop would have lost two lots if this subdivision had been reversed. Powell stated he did not see any problem except the formality of granting the variance. Powell stated that the City would need a covenant that the property owners would maintain the median area. Powell advised the median could be concreted or asphalt -cement concrete or landscaped and be maintained to the property owner's specififications. Powell advised that he did not address the matter of maximum length of a deadend street because of the circular patterns of the streets. Wade Bishop asked Mr. Powell to explain the Maintenance bond which is proposed. Bishop asked "If you are covered for the full construction cost, isn't that excessive". Powell stated that up front, that is excessive, he would have to agree, but that is what is required by code, and Powell advised that this was a matter to be taken up with the Planning Commission and Board of Directors. Milholland stated he had found no standards for construction of the median, and asked if there was any standard that was set. Powell advised there had been a problem with this in the past, and Hyland Park had to go back and take out some of their median to make it safer, and would leave this up to the developer. • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE FIVE JANUARY 12, 1984 2) David McWethy (Assistant City Manager): David McWethy was not present, however, his comments were presented by Bobbie Jones. She advised that McWethy has suggested that all street lights shown be placed, plus three (3) additional street lights. She advised that one should be placed on the property line between lots 17 and 18 of block 4. In addition, he has recommend a street light between the lot lines of 14 and 15, block 3 and between lots 9 and 10 of block 1. Jones advised that the Planning Commission may require one at the end of the east street because there is a 250 foot spacing there. Jones advised Milholland that he may wish to have these street lights redone and send this back through McWethy for his review. Jones advised that after it is approved by McWethy, that it will need to come back to her. 3) Don Bunn, (City Engineer): Don Bunn was not present, but had the following comments: Bunn advised that the size of the water lines needed will have to be clarified. Easements appear to be adequate. 4) Perry Franklin (Traffic Superintendent): Perry Franklin was not present, however, Jones advised that Franklin had commented that there was only one way into these 85 lots, that it would be good if there were some way to tie back into Masonic Drive. 5) Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): Freeman Wood was not present, but Jones advised that Wood had commented that Yorktown Square appeared to be above the flood plain. 6) Jim Crownover (Ozark Electric): Crownover requested additional 15' wide easements between lots 20 and 21, block 1; between lots 12 and 13 of block 4. Crownover advised he would go down the street right-of-way to reach street lights since the street lights are City property. For the location of the lights being between 18 and 19, block 4; between 17 & 18 of block 1 and between 10 and 11 of block 1, there would have to be some easements granted. Crownover advised that the minimum width of these easements would be 15'. Crownover advised there were many places for street crossings, with the crossings having to be in galvanized pipe. Crownover advised that poles will be put at alternate lot lines and the service can be taken underground off of the poles to the houses. All meters will be on the houses. Crownover advised that digging the trench, select backfill, transport • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE SIX JANUARY 12, 1984 pads and wires from the lot lines to the house would be at the expense of the developer, Crownover advised that Ozark Electric will put the transformer in and get the power to the lot. Bishop asked what select fill would be used for. Crownover advised that if the soil were to be rocky, they would have to use sand bedding around the wires. Bishop asked if PVC would be acceptable. Crownover advised it would not. Crownover advised that under the street, the requirement would be 22" galvanized pipe. Crownover advised that service to Lot 15, block 3 would come from the south between lots 1 and 2 and PVC could be used under that driveway. Crownover advised that it was disturbing to him that everyplace he looked, there appeared to be sanitary sewer which he thought was going to lead to problems. Crownover stated there would be no problem with other utilities using the 50' easement along the east side of the property, however, questioned whether or not there was in fact a 50' easement. Jones advised that lot 15, block 3 will need to be approved by the Planning Commission.as a tandem lot, but will have 20' setbacks from all property lines. 7) Connie Skinner, (Southwestern Bell): Skinner stated that she would request 3" PVC across Wedgewood, in the location where the easement goes between lot 24 block 1 and lot 11, block 5, as well as 5' beyond the proposed construction.of the street. Also across the street, between lots 5 & 6, block 2. Skinner stated she was in agreement with the decision about the easements as requested by Kenneth Wagner. 8) Kenneth Wagner, (Arkansas Western Gas): Wagner stated that across the back lot lines in Block 1, South side of Winfield, north side of Stubblefield, he would like to have 30' utility easement there with the sanitary sewer in it. Milholland reiterated that block 3, back side, lots 1-13 would need a 30' easement; as well as back lot lines of lots 1-7 of block 4 out to the street. Wagner stated this was to be carried on up to block 5. All the easements in Block 5 need to be 30' wide. Jones interjected that Milholland may wish to make lots 4 and 5 of block 5 a little bit narrower and make lots 1 & 8 wider. On lots 12 & 13.of block 4, a 20' easement would be requested. Crownover advised that where the gas and electric company are concerned, it is almost imperative to have at least 20' of 6 PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE SEVEN JANUARY 12, 1983 easement is needed. If 10' can be arranged off the other property, this would be fine. Wagner advised that when the road is made tc grade, the Gas Company would like a road crossing in between lots 5 and 6, block 2 to the west across Wedgewood Drive. Wagner advised that a 30' easement would be required at this location. Wagner advised that all easements would have to be to grade with a final plat before they would lay the gas pipe. Wagner stressed the problem with the developers grading the property after the gas pipes, electric, etc. have been placed. Mr. Crownover advised that they were having the same problem, and may have to require that the trenching be made deeper in order to keep the final coverage. Bishop advised he had not had any problems in the past, and is highly in favor of standardizing the depth of all utility lines. Bishop advised that when he begins digging, he will call the utility companies out to locate the lines. Wagner advised that Arkansas Western Gas has an existing gas line up the west side of the property which goes up and turns back west on the north side of Masonic Drive and on the south side of the racquet club. He advised that the gas company will tie into the existing corner. Jones advised that the 8' common area on the east side of Summerhill belongs to Summerhill and is part of a 25' utility easement given by Summerhill. Wagner wanted to know what lots 24-29, block 1, Phase II would show as an easement. Milholland advised he was going to show a 20' rear yard easement, but Milholland advised there is the 8' common area plus another easement along the backside of Summerhill. Wagner was questioning the fact of whether or not that was an easement. Wagner advised that the existing gas line is turned back west at Just about the northwest corner of lot 25. 9) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable): Ferguson wished to know if they were going to be able to serve these lots in block 1 from the Summerhill Utilities. Ferguson advised there were pedestals in the back yards, but the yards are mowed. If this can be used, .there is no problem. They will not need the other 20'. Otherwise, they will need it to put the line in. Ferguson wished to know if there was anywhere that concrete drainage ditches would be present such as are present at Rolling Meadows where lot crossing will be necessary. Milholland advised he did not have intention to put concrete in. Ferguson advised that he would request 2" schedule 40 PVC across Wedgewood Drive between lots 1 and 2 of block 2, approximately 70'-; between lots 5 and 6; and block 4 along Castlewood Drive, between lots 12 and 13, Ferguson stated he would need a crossing there as well. Ferguson then requested a copy of the final plat in order to get their plans drawn up. Jones suggested that after Planning Commission approval is obtained, give the utility companies a revised preliminary and they can get their plans together from that. • • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE EIGHT. January 12, 1983 Milholland advised that this would be fine. At the time that Planning Commission approval has been obtained, he will send a rough draft of this plat to the utility companies. Ferguson advised it would be 2-3 months before he could get the materials for this job. Wagner advised that if he were to receive a rough draft of the final plat, they would be able to put the service in at anytime. Wagner advised that the reason they needed a final plat is that they are required to map where each service is; they must have the exact distance behind each and every lot. Wagner also advised that the gas company liked to put their services right on the lot line. Crownover advised he would submit his needs to the developer later. Wagner advised that in order to serve the east side of the subdivision with gas, they will tap the high pressure gas main. The three utility companies requested 2-3 months in order to get final approval, particularly in the case of Warner Amex Cable, then the material has to be ordered. They do not ship it when it is approved, it must be ordered. Milholland stated this would be no problem because the first thing he plans on doing is locating the lot lines on paper before the sewer locations are ever begun. Milholland stated it would take him some time to do the design, draw it up, plus bid it, etc. Therefore, several months would be available anyway. He will bid phase one in a matter of 45 days. Wagner asked if the entire Phase I project would be completed as quickly as possible, or would five or so houses be built at a time; because if all of Phase I will be built at the same time, Arkansas Western Gas will provide a contract which will need to be signed; however, if block 2 will be the beginning location, and you will build 5 or 6 houses through there and want the gas line extended as it is bid, then this is a different procedure. Bishop advised that since, if you do not develop a lot in five (5) years, you lose your money, in all probability, all of the Phase I will be constructed. However, he could not give a concrete answer. Milholland advised that they would try to work closely on the trenching because they did not want to pay twice for the trenching, and want time for all to be able to accomplish their needs. Wagner stated that he wished to stress that on the north side of Stubblefield Road, before digging, PLEASE CALL HIM, as there is a high pressure gas line present there, between 150 and 170 pounds. Milholland asked if this gas line comes within the 25' setback, and would the Gas Company accept this as their easement. Wagner advised that they probably would, but would have to go through Arkansas Western Gas operating department. Jones advised that it appeared this was drawn very close to the 25' set - 2 r • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE NINE January 12, 19$4 back line. Will they need to have buildings back another 25' from that line. Milholland advised that this had not been specifically located, but was just taken off the plat book. Wagner advised that structures would have to be 25' from the high pressure gas line. Setback should be shown on the plat with a note that the structures would need to be located 25' from the high pressure gas line. Wagner advised there was a sign on the fence plus a notice right on top of the gas line. 10) Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): 1) Lot 16, Block 3 is a tandem lot and will require conditional use approval from the Planning Commission. There is a $30.00 fee on that. Tandem lot setbacks are 20 feet from any property line. The driveway must be paved to a point at least 25' past the street right-of-way. The builder must also install either a garbage can holder at the street and screen it, or a 20 x 40 foot turnaround with no parking at anytime on the driveway or at the end of the driveway. Jones stated she would add a note if the Planning Commission approves this, with the conditions • of the approval to be put on the final plat. 2) Jones advised that sidewalks need to be shown. A 4' concrete sidewalk is required on one side of each street, and all the way around the cul-de-sacs. Jones advised to look carefully at any grade problems or drainage structure problems which might affect the building of one. Jones advised that the master sidewalk plan requires a sidewalk on the south side of Stubblefield Road, so it would not be required of this developer. 3) Because of some recent court rulings, any portion of this original property description which lies in Stubblefield Road must be shown as a dedication. If what Bishop purchased left some area that was not previously shown as a street dedication, The City may need a 5' or so Quit Claim from the heirs of the Hemingway Estate to get the confirmation of right-of-way. Stubblefield Road is to be upgraded as stated by Clayton Powell. 4) On the street names, Cambridge cannot be used because we already have a Cambridge, and on the one mentioned as Winfield and Castlewood, this would need to be broken down into more names to comply with Don Osburn's requirements. Jones advised she would have to check with Don Osburn, but it appeared that it would be feasible to run Castlewood from the corner of Winfield up to the southeast corner of Lot 4, block 5. • 5) Street light placing, as submitted, varies up to 470' and after the Engineer and Mr. Crownover get together, get back with David MoWethy for his comments and then furnish the information Q to the Planning Office. 6) Addressing waivers requested, #3, Jones advised that the zoning ordinance writes in an automatic provision for a waiver with two proviso's. On the turning radius of a cul-de-sac, as long as the lot dimension is 70' at the setback line, it is acceptable. Jones advised she would need a note of some kind that tells what the lot widths are at the 25' setback lines. Jones advised that one of the lots was not at the turning radius of a cul-de-sac, that being lot 22, block 1, and in addition to the 70' at the setback line, it further states that on that lot, and on lot 2, block 4, you must have 80% of the required frontage at the street right-of-way line. Therefore, lot 22, block 1 would need a 56' frontage there. Jones advised that any other waiver given would have to go to the Board of Adjustment. On waivers requested, #1T, Jones advised that if this applies to the east end of both blocks 1 and block 5, then this would be left up to the Subdivision Committee and the Planning Commission, but she did not see any problem with it. 7) Jones advised that she did like to have the developer and the owner shown on the plat, other than just in the title block, that.being, owner, developer and engineer. Also, where there is land usage survey description, Jones advised that she liked acreage shown, and the acreage highlighted there. She advised she would like this set forth as follows: Acreage: 26.09 acres; Zoning: R-1, Low Density Residential; Proposed use: Single Family Residential. Jones advised that the covenants would need to be submitted by the time this goes to the Planning Commission. Jones advised that Bishop would also need to submit proof to her that all property owners within 100 feet of the boundary of the sub- division have been notified by the time it goes to the Planning Commission, but actually, this should be by the time it goes to the Subdivision Committee. Jones advised she would check with the City Attorney to see whether the Greenspace will apply if these both go before the Planning Commission at the same meeting. Jones stated that the City Attorney had provided her with an amend- ment to the Greenspace Ordinance and this has been advertised for the next Planning Commission Meeting; however, a second ordinance amendment was presented yesterday which has not been advertised, and Jones advised she would need to check with the City Attorney on this. Jones advised that this second amend- ment may delay the first one until the end of February which may allow this subdivision to be approved beforehand. 10 J . PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE TEN January 12, 1984 • • • PLAT REVIEW MEETING PAGE ELEVEN January 12, 1984 8) Jones advised she would need ten (1) copies of the revised plat, showing street names, easements, everything asked for. Jones advised that if she gets these, this would go before the Subdivision Committee probably the 20th and Planning Commission on the 23rd. 10) Jones highlighted the waivers requested, that being, waiver of the jog from the intersection of Loxley and Wedgewood from 150 feet to 90 feet, centerline to centerline. 11) On lot 10, block 4 is going to require a special design of building there due to the fact that there is such a short building area along the north side. Jones advised that there may be difficulty on 25 & 26, block 1 also. Milholland asked if he brought the Phase I boundary and showed future Phase II and showed the easements across the boundary line of Phase I over into future Phase II, along the back of the lots in block 4, would this be adequate. Jones advised that the street right-of-way dedication would have to be shown as well as the utility easement, and where the easement has to cross and get out of Phase I, where it gets into Phase II, you will need to do the off-site easement dedication; reference it on the plat , write it up, dedicate it and file it with Phase I. Where the two (2) streets deadend into other property to the north and east, carry a full 50' street right-of-way to the Subdivision boundary. Also, show a temporary cul-de-sac right-of-way with a 50' radius; the additional right-of-way in the cul-de-sac should be noted to revert to the adjoining lots when the street is extended. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. I I PAGE SUBJECT DATE 1 i12 17 21 26 30 35 41 46 52 60 63 68 71 72 74 76 79 84 90 100 102 106 119 124 130 134 140 140 146 152 156 159 163 169 170 175 178 181 186 190 194 198 200 204 207 Wade Bishop, Yorktown Square Subdivision (Stubblefield Jerry Sweetser (LSD - W. Poplar) Lindsey Construction (Corner of Gregg and George Faucette, Jr (LSD - Deane Street) Wade Bishop, Dev.'/ Yorktown Square Subd. Meadowridge Phase III (Preliminary Plat) Dillard's Expansion (LSD - 4201 N. Shiloh) Muley's Restaurant (LSD - Colt Square Dr.) Lindsey Construction (LSD - Chestnut Ave. Apts.) Butterfield Trail Village (LSD - Joyce St.) Robert Whitfield (Oakland Townhouses - Oakland Earl Ogden, Jr (LSD - Cato Springs Road) Joe Thomson (LSD - El Chico Restaurant) Bill Kennedy (Street Closing - Yeater Ave.) Johnie Bassett (Replat Colt Square) Lenwyn K. or Kathy Edens (LSD - 646 W. Sycamore) Hardees F, Walmart Discount Store (LSD - W. 6th St.) Windsor Townehomes (LSD - Cambridge Place) University Baptist Church (LSD - Vandeventer St.) Woodland Hills (LSD - Wedington near Garland) Park Place (Final Plat - Phase II) Mount Comfort Acres (Subdivision) Intersection of Green Acres Rd. $ Hwy 71 North Zion Acres (Prel. Plat - Outside City Limits) Jim Hatfield (Sunny Lane - Old Missouri at Old Wire Rd.). Crafton, Tull, Span @ Yoe Architects , Union Special (Garland - LSDY Bronze Tree Village by Ralph Brophy (N. of Township Rd., E. of College) Lindsey Construction (Vantage Square Subd. - Front St. - Wilson Center) First South Federal Savings & Loan Office Bldg.(College at Dickson) Fayetteville Industrial Park West (Preliminary Plat) Oakshire Apartments Phase II (Lots 13, 14 E* 15 Blk 2 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (Addition - J.B. Hays, Developer (Park Place Ph. III g IV)' Bib Whitfield (Oakland Townhouses Ph. III - Poplar $ Leverett) L.A. Brush MFG. Co. (LSD - 1501 S. Armstrong - F'ville Ind. Park) Christian Life Center / Red Dixon (1285 Milsap Rd.) - Kim Fugit , Developer (American College - 3448 N. College Spot -Not Car Wash.(LSD - Dandy Oil'at Hwy 62 $ Razorback) J.B. Hays (Jim -Bow Addition - Jimmie Ave.) Point West Addition (Final Plat) Lindsey Construction / Starr - GMAC Bldg. (Frontage Point West Subdivision (LSD - Lots 1 f, 2 Blk "C") Mini Warehouses (996 S. Beechwood - Prel. Plat) Jeremy Hess $ Rephael Gusman/ The Law Quad Apts. (Sycamore near Leverett) Jim Lindsey $ C.A. Sexton (Front & Joyce St. - Blk 9 A.6 W Subdivision) Park Place (PUD Area - Concept Plat) Township) (Revised Road) Plat) Ave.) (RE: Drainage Facility) Kantz Place) Zion Rd. - Albright Ave.) $ Zion Rds.) 01-12-84 01-26-84 01-26-84 01-26-84 02-02-84 02-09-84 02-09-84 02-16-84 02-16-84 03-01-84 03-01-84 03-01-84 03-15-84 03-22-84 03-22-84 03-22-84 03-29-84 04-19-84 04-26-84 05-17-84 05-31-84 05-31-84 06-07-84 06-14-84 06-21-84 06-21-84 07-05-84 07-05-84 07-26-84 08-09-84 08-22-84 En)08-30-84 08-30-84 09-06-84 09-13-84 09-20-84 09-20-84 09-27-84 09-27-84 10-11-84 10-11-84 10-18-84 12-06-84 12-06-84 12-06-84 12-06-84