HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE • A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, December 29, • 1983 at 9:00 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson, Connie Skinner, Ivan Faulkner. CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: John Durham, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, and Jeanette Crumpler. OTHERS PRESENT: Lenwyn K. G Kathy Edens Soap J -Suds• LSD Sycamore. Mrs. Bobbie Jones opened the meeting by reading the comments of those not present. 1) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Mr. Brt was not present, but wished to go on record as follows: The location of the pad for trash container is okay as shown. They will need a good base under the drive areas--Brt suggested concrete. The pad must be 1S' wide and 12' deep. The front must be kept open if they wish to fence or screen it. A 21' overhead clearance is required to empty the container. An alternate pad location might be the triangle on the northwest side of the parking area south of the building. 2) Don Bunn (City Water and Sewer Department): Don Bunn, City Engineer was not present, but wished to go on record as follows: Both water and sewer are available to this location off Chestnut; and no requirement from the Water Department for any additional easements. 3) Freeman Wood (Building Inspector): Mr. Freeman Wood, Building Inspector,_had.no comment. Mrs. Jones then requested that Mr. Edens explain what is proposed in the plans. Mr. Edens explained that the entire building is a laundry and restaurant. He stated the gas company would be concerned as there will be 22 gas dryers and his plumber advised that based on the BTU's required for the gas dryers, they will make a loop on one side, go overhead, and make a loop on the other side. The gas will come in at the northwest corner of the laundry. He ad- vised that the electric would be the same, also entering on the northwest corner of the laundry, which is the location of a laundry utility room. R2 Plat Review Committee Page two December 29, 1983 4) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas): Kenneth Wagner asked about the boilers which would be located in the laundry. Edens advised there were two 98 -gallon hot water heaters, but no boilers. Edens further stated there would be gas heat and four (4) 150,000 BTU furnace systems. Kenneth Wagner asked the BTU output of the dryers. Edens advised he would have to get back with Mr. Wagner on this, that he did have the information, but did not bring it with him. Mr. Wagner advised there is a 2" line on the north side of Sycamore running east and west. Wagner stated if Edens could designate the 25' building set- back on the east side of Chestnut as a setback and utility easement, they would run a line north up to the north end of the building. Edens advised there would be no gas in the restaurant. Jones advised there had been some interest in trying to get Chestnut vacated. She advised. that Clayton Powell was not in favor of this, and stated she did not know if any of the utility companies had been approached. She stated that Powell feels this road needs to be opened to provide an alternate way out of Ash and Birch. That was supposed to have been the second phase of construction when Ash was constructed. Jones advised, however, that there was nothing in writing. Jones advised that she located a 20' water and sewer easement off the south side of the lot which was obtained at the time Sycamore,:.Street:was built. The 10' of right-of-way needed for Sycamore has been dedicated and the 20' water arid sewer easement has already been dedicated. (10' of the water and sewer easement probably overlaps the 10' street easement.). Jones asked if there would be a canopy overhang between the building and the right-of- way of Chestnut. Edens advised there would be no canopy. 5) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Mr. Ivan Faulkner requested to know the load which this laundry/restaurant would use. Edens advised that the electrician was figuring this up. Faulkner requested that the electrician give him a call and advise him of the load capacity which will be used. Faulkner advised there was single phase along the south side of Sycamore. Edens advised that the electrician was planning on using overhead electrical lines. Faulkner ended by requesting the 25' easement which would coincide with the setback as well as the request of Arkansas Western Gas, be a utility easement. Edens advised he would like to have one meter to serve both the restaurant and laundry. 6) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell): Skinner advised that Southwestern Bell would like to come down Sycamore, up Chestnut, and cross through the easement to service the building. She stated that Southwestern Bell would like to put a terminal on the outside of the building right in the center if that would be O.K. Edens advised that the location proposed by Southwestern Bell was a firewall and the terminal would need to be set on one side of the other. Edens advised that gas, electric, water, etc. will all come in to this one location, as there is a huge utility pole which goes all the way down the side. Edens discussed the q3 -d • • • Plat Review Committee Page three December 29, 1983 . possibility of the terminal being put with everything else along the northwest corner: 7) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell advised that there have been a large number of investors, etc. speculating on this particular lot in this "industrial park", since Edmiston Prewitt Company asked permission to develop the dedicated street right-of-way and rezoned this property to industrial. Powell stated that everyone that he.has talked to over the past 7-8 years has been fore- warned that the developer, when the matter was brought before Plat Review Committee, should have completed the construction of Chestnut to the current City Street Standards for the 31' wide street. Powell stated that the City was promised in that Plat Review Committee Meeting by Ervan Wimberly, who was then with McClelland Engineering Firm and has since gone out on his own, that the developer intended to finish the construction of development of Chestnut Avenue in Phase II and it has taken all these years for them to get to Phase II. Powell stated that in his judgment, if they were going to sell lots abutting the unimproved part of Chestnut Avenue in this Industrial Park, then this would constitute Phase II. Powell asked if Mr. Edens had discussed this matter with him and if he was aware of the problem with the development of Chestnut Avenue. Powell asked what agreements had been made with the de- veloper to see that this is done. Edens discussed the matter of a Bill of Assurance and offered same; that whatever is done on Chestnut, he will provide his 2S%. Powell advised that he could only recommend, due to the turmoil that had been created by the unimproved Chestnut Avenue right-of-way from the skating rink and other industries and established businesses in that area that no building or development be allowed until Chestnut Avenue is built from its existing terminal point at Ash Street all the way to Sycamore Street. Powell later stated that the 30' dedicated right-of-way on Sycamore Street was adequate. Edens asked how the development of the lot to the north occurred. Edens stated that decision should be consistent. Powell advised that Sycamore Street did not exist in improved status at the time, therefore, this particular lot was not considered an access of Sycamore Street. Ash Street was developed. Carter wanted to stop east of the intersection of Chestnut, and Powell advised that he had required in Phase I that they go ahead and turn the corner so that drainage and traffic could be controlled on Ash Street at the intersection of Chestnut with the promise that they would develop Chestnut Avenue in Phase II. Powell discussed the fact that the comment had since been made that there is no reason to improve Chestnut since all lots could be accessed from Sycamore and Ash. Powell stated this was how the entire matter evolved. Jones advised that some regulations had been transferred from the Street Codes into the Development Codes since the skating rink developed, and the City Board has given some directions or orders as to how they will be enforced. This happened after the Carters built and before this request came in. Powell further advised that the west driveway on Sycamore Street has a 27.9 foot • • • Plat Review Committee Page four December 29, 1983 safety zone and 40' safety zone is required from street intersections. Powell advised that the setback safety zone requirement is measured from right-of-way, not from back -of -curb or edge of pavement. Powell advised that the driveway widths are okay and he can have a 40' wide driveway. Powell advised that the same thing would apply if Edens ever wished to re -arrange and install a driveway at a later date off of Chestnut Avenue, however, a driveway could not be present off of Chestnut until the Street is improved. 8) John Durham (City Fire Department): Durham asked how many people the restaurant would accommodate. Edens advised it would be less than 100 and would not even have enough tables to accommodate near that. Edens stated he had 60 chairs, (15 tables with four chairs per table). Durham advised there could be one exit out of the res- taurant providing the occupancy does not exceed 100 and the doorway is a double 3-0 door and is less than 50' from any point in the restaurant to the door; otherwise, there would have to be two independent exits out of the restaurant. Durham also advised that being less than 100 occupancy, the firewall would only need to be two-hour fire wall and the doors will only have to be one-hour, and thought there had been some misunderstanding in the past. Edens advised there would be no grill in the restaurant. Durham advised there would be several fire extinguishers which would be needed. He suggested that there be an ABC rated, multi-purpose, dry chemical, minimum 10 -pound size located in the restaurant. In conjunction with that, in the food preparation area, Durham suggested a small CO?, or carbon dioxide extinguisher, basically for small fires as they are good with extinguishing the fires and you will not be left with the chemical debris as you would with dry chemical. In the laundry, Durham suggested an ABC multi-purpose dry chemical there also. In the maintenance area or utility closet where phone, gas and electrical services will be coming in, Durham recommended a Halon extinguisher as these are extremely good on electrical equipment as well as phone equipment which would otherwise be damaged by water or dry chemicals. Durham stated this would more than cover his fire protection needs. 9) Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Jones requested that the minutes reflect that an interpretation on the laundry use was obtained from the Board of Adjustment because an industrial laundry was listed in this zoning district; and in the neighborhood commercial district, we had laundry and coin operated laundry listed. Jones advised that the Board of Adjustment has interpreted that the use as Edens proposes it, would be permitted in this zoning district. Jones advised that the right-of-way dedication is needed for Chestnut Avenue which can be prepared in the Planning Office. Jones advised there was 10' dedicated for Sycamore when the street was built, (Recorded Book 966 Page 221) and there is a 20' water and sewer easement given off the south side of the property, given at the time the street easement for Sycamore was given. (Recorded Book 966, Page 222). Jones advised that this should be added to the drawing, i.e., another easement on the south side which would be 10' on either side of what is shown as the property line. Jones advised there were a few more parking spaces shown than were required. Requirements as listed on the 195 • • • Plat Review Committee Page five December 29, 1983 plat are accurate and there are sufficient handicapped spaces shown. The parking will need to be paved and there will need to be some type of wheel stop to keep the cars within the parking areas as well as having the spaces striped off. This should be done by the time the building is ready for occupancy. If not, Edens will need to contact the Planning Office a few days before occupying the building so that arrangements can be worked out on this matter. Jones advised that the 25' Utility Easement requested by the Utility Companies would need to be provided which can be prepared by the Planning Office. It should also be shown on the plat. Upon completion of the project, 1 copy of an as -built plot plan will need to be delivered to the Planning Office. This will need to show where the individual utility service lines cross the property, enter the building and should be marked "As -built", dated and signed. Jones stated that the Certificate of Occupancy will hot be issued until this is received. Jones asked that ten (10) copies of a revised plat be submitted, showing the easements. This should be submitted to the Planning Office by Tuesday, January 3, 1984, thus allowing this matter to go before the Planning Commission on January 9, 1984. Jones stated that with regard to Mr. Powell's recommendation on the street, this will go to the Subdivision Committee and Planning Commission. If the driveway cannot be adjusted to meet the 40' safety zone, then a written request for a waiver would be needed on that. Jones advised that Health Department building permit will be issued. She be needed for each sign which is put however, can be used. approval would be needed before a advised that a separate permit would up. One application for the signs, 10) L. 0. Ferguson, Warner Amex Cable: Ferguson advised this would not be a problem, but asked to know what had been requested by the other utilities. Jones advised they had requested a 25' easement in back of the right-of-way of Chestnut and are all coming down the Chestnut right-of-way, crossing from the south side of Sycamore and entering at the northwest corner. Mr. Ferguson stated they could go along with the overhead electrical line of SWEPCO. He stated he would ask, however, that a 2" conduit be provided from the vicinity of the power meter out to the pole. Ferguson stated that if Edens would notify the Cable Company, they would come in and put the wiring in place where they wanted it within the building, before the sheetrock was placed 96