HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-17 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:40 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 1983 at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. Utility Representatives Present: City Representatives Present: Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner, Dick Shaw, L. 0. Ferguson. Larry Poage, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Freeman Wood, Don Bunn, Dale Frederick, Ede Hogue, Wally Brt, Don Osburn, Bobbie Jones and Jeanette Crumpler. The only item of business was to LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT review a Large Scale Development for DRAKE FIELD expansions of Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Municipal Airport (Drake Field). Due to the fact that the meeting was late in beginning, Mr. Don Bunn asked to go on record as making the following requests: 1. Don Bunn (City Water and Sewer Department): Mr. Bunn requested a 25' easement along the west and south sides of the new access road being constructed as far as the sewer pump station site along Stella Road Mr. Bunn stated that the City would also need a 20' easement from the access road back to the south along the west side of the future flight service station and future air traffic control building, as well as a 20' easement down the west side of the future fixed base operations and T -hanger sites. 2. ,L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Mr. Ferguson requested to go on record as stating that they do not have any- thing closer than Highway 71 which would be approximately 3500 feet. If they want cable, Warner Amex Cable will bear the cost of the first 500' and anything beyond that would be up to whoever wished to have the service. They would simply need to contact Warner Amex Cable to work out the details. They would need conduit into the building from the overhead power line along McCollum and the access road. 3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Mr. Powell stated that every few years, the question of improving McCollum Road is raised. Powell advised that the ruts in the ground for McCollum are approximately 18' wide and there are embankments anywhere from 2-4' high on each side and it is heavily wooded. Mr. Powell requested that the Utility Companies use discretion in the location of their installations. In discussion of McCollum Road, Powell advised that he felt since this was public property with public street for public usage, the right-of-way of McCollum Road should be the required SO' of right-of-way instead of 40' at this time so that the utility companies can determine where to locate their utilities. • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1983 PAGE TWO Powell requested that since the use of the access road where it leaves South School Avenue (Highway 71) is controlled by FAA regulations, he thought that the plat should so state, i.e., "not for general public use". If this note is on the plat, then, you can control the use. Powell advised that he thought it should be mentioned on the plat as to how wide a strip, easement or right-of-way is dedicated or reserved for usage of the access road. Powell wished it to be noted that utilities should locate along McCollum Road where it will not be necessary to relocate in the future. (Reference Chapter 18, Sec. 18-17.1 "Terms and conditions under which public utilities may occupy streets, highways, or other public places"). He wished it to be known that the City does not provide surveying and engineering services to determine the location of the existing right-of-way. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Be11 Telephone Co.): Mr. Shaw stated that the only thing he would request from Southwestern Bell would be a (15' easement) paralleling their property line on Highway 71 for the total length of the airport property. (Arkansas Western Gas later requested this 15' easement be extended to 25'). Regarding the north -south easement along Highway 71, Mr. Shaw requests that these easements be written, dedicated easements and need to contain the standard City of Fayetteville Easement wording which can be obtained from Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator. Mr. Shaw referred to Powell's comment about it being the utility company's responsibility to locate the right-of-way. Shaw stated he felt it was the City's responsibility to advise the utility company of the right-of-way location and if the City does not know, then the utility company should not be held liable at a later date if the City were to go in and widen the road 5) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.) Mr. Wagner advised that there is a high pressure gas • line which would have to be relocated and will need to have an easement shown there. It presently comes in from the northeast and will go directly between Airport Road and the access road under construction. He also requested the 20' easement Don Bunn asked for along the west side of the future fixed base operation and T -hanger site be widened to a 30' utility easement. Wagner requested there be no building within 25' of the high pressure gas line, whereve±.it be located. Wagner requested along the east side of Highway 71 where the gas line was re- located recently, he would like to see a 25' utility easement shown there. For the record, Mr. Wagner advised they would like the easements to be dedicated. ga PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1983 PAGE THREE Ms. Hogue voiced concern about there even being 25' between the parking and the right-of-way, but Wagner then explained that they could overlap. Dick Shaw of Southwestern Bell then explained that Mr. Wagner was requesting an easement to run parallel to the highway right-of-way, 25' regardless of whether the parking lot is there or not. This would give the utilities the right, if they had to get in there, to sawcut the parking lot, put the utility in and come back in and redo the blacktop. 6. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Bobbie Jones read comments from Wally Brt, City Sanitation Superintendent who was not present at the time. With the air freight and fixed base operation relocated to the east side of the airport, they will need container service. This can be provided by way of the access road under construction. However, I would urge them to try to get McCollum Road constructed as soon as possible. McCollum Road would be better for the Sanitation Department because our large trucks would not have to cross the landing path. 7. Don Osburn (Water Meter Superintendent): Osburn advised that it was extremely difficult to find meters at the Airport now because none of the buildings have numbers on them. Osburn requested the new access road be named for location purposes and Mrs. Ede Hogue advised she thought that the Airport Committee would like to consider naming this street. Osburn advised that when the new access road turns east, it will then need a new name, and again when it turns south. Osburn asked about the fencing surrounding the Airport area, and the fact that there would be a gate. He advised there is a real problem with gate cards in the reading of meters late at night, on Sunday or in maintenance problems. If all of the crew members were to have a gate card, this would present a security problem as well. Mrs. Hogue advised there may be restrooms in the building. Mr. Osburn said if the buildings are not heated, the plumbing may freeze and break. This would really be a problem if the gate were locked. Mr. Osburn asked that permanent house numbers be placed on each building. Mrs. Hogue stated tenants with water service would have to have separate meters. 8. Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Mr. Faulkner stated that since the access road is not a public street but does parallel Stella Street, Airport Road and McCollum Road, according to the plat measurements, and if McCollum Road, Airport Road and Stella Street were to be widened, the City would ask for additional right-of-way on both sides which would overlap the access road or abutt it. Mr. Faulkner stated he had .. 83� • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1983 PAGE FOUR planned on building an overhead line down between the two streets, but if the City were to come along and improve the street and the right-of-way does not coincide, then he would have to move the utilities. Mrs. Hogue stated that maybe the utilities could be on the East and North side of McCollum and Airport Road. Mr. Faulkner advised he would be on the west side of McCollum and on the north side of Airport Road. Faulkner stated there would be no problem with what was suggested by Mrs. Hogue except once the City comes in and asks for a wider street, that would put the utilities out in the street that the City would widen because the right-of-way does not now exist. Mr. Faulkner re- quested that the right-of-way be obtained and dedicated now, or he would like to have an easement along the property line and the access road. He stated he would like to have that dedicated to be an easement. Therefore, if they do ask for the utilities to be moved, then it would be reimbursable. Bobbie Jones explained that what Mr. Faulkner was requesting was that the City establish, at this time, the SO' right-of-way so that he can then establish the location for his services. She explained that the right-of-way could either be condemned or purchased. She explained that it is the County's policy not to reserve the rights-of-way, but to let the legal description read into the street, usually to the center. Judge Lineberger has ruled that in rebuilding a street that is in existence, they can only use the road bed, not the ditches, etc. for street purposes. The Master Street Plan calls for all streets to have a minimum of a SO' right-of-way. Ivan Faulkner reiterated several times the need for either the establishment of a right-of-way or an easement for the existing streets. Either way would be fine with him, but he stressed this as his need. Bobbie Jones explained that this would probably need to be looked at by the Street Committee in establishing a right-of-way for McCollum, Airport Road and Stella. Mr, Faulkner then left the meeting. 9. Freeman.Wood (City Building Inspector): Mr. Wood asked if there was a bridge on the new access road crossing. He was advised that there is a bridge. He advised the need for the engineering papers to be filled out for a Flood Plain Permit. Wood also questioned the setbacks between the T -Hangers. The space between the #12 T -Hangers is 40'. The requirement is 60'. These hangers will need to be re -plotted. 10. Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Poage requested the need for the fire hydrants to be marked on the plat maps, being located west of the T -Hangers. Poage also advised that when a lease agreement is made on these buildings, that it should be for storage only. Mrs. Hogue advised that there were provisions for offices in each end of the T -Hanger buildings, however, there was dead �y� • • 1 • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1983 PAGE FIVE space at each corner at each end of the building. He then also advised that there would be need for a fire wall between uses. Poage requested to go on record as saying that The Airport needs Fire Hydrants at each end of runway 16 and 34, as in the event of a crash disaster, there would be need for water on the runway. Mrs. Hogue asked about fire fighting other than water. He advised her that they only had a 90 second fire extinguisher there. Poage requested a fire hydrant be placed on the future fuel farm as well. Poage requested to be sure that fire truck response to the entire site was adequate by making sure that the fire trucks have communication to the towers to get across the runway and there should be close access to the fire station. Mr. Frederick responded that the fire station personnel have to be able to respond to all areas of the airport within three (3) minutes. That is an FAA regulation. Larry Poage left the meeting 11. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): o Mrs. Jones advised that this is a conditional use requiring Planning Commission op approval, and she would try to get it on the November 28, 1983 Planning Commission agenda. It must go to the Subdivision Committee between now and then and the regular meeting date is a Holiday, thus, this will have to be rescheduled. (a). Mrs. Jones advised there is enough right-of-way on Highway 71. As previously discussed, all public streets which are not designated as major streets, require a 50' right-of-way and it would probably be good to work out the street right-of-way while working out the utility easement access on the portion of McCollum and Stella or Airport which borders the property. (b). Mrs. Jones stated she needed a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk on Highway 71 because it is on the Master Sidewalk Plan. (c). Parking, as designated in the Code, is one per 500 square feet of enclosed passenger terminal and additional uses would be as required by Planning Commission. Jones stated that if The Airport were planning to pave the parking areas around the buildings, that would probably be adequate. The code does call for parking, loading and service areas to be paved either with an asphalt, concrete or double chip and oil seal. Jones advised that she thought the apron area surrounding the hangers would suffice. (d). Building setbacks are 35' from any public street right-of-way, 35' from the rear property line, or 20' from side property lines where there is no public street. Parking is also supposed to be setback from street right-of-way either 25' with 10% landscaping between them or 15' with 20% landscaping between parking and public streets. PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1983 • PAGE SIX • (e). Jones requested a note which conveys future building sites on the plat as she would like to go ahead and get this to Planning Commission. (f). Mrs. Jones requested to know the width of the curb break on the new access road. Jones advised that there is a maximum of 40' without a waiver and this appears to be more than 40'. Jones advised that the permit must come from the Arkansas Highway Department, but the Code specifies that the Planning Commission will still need to waive anything greater than 40'. (g). Mrs. Jones advised that the easements need to show on the plans. McClelland will need to write the description of the easements, with the form for the easements being obtainable from the Planning Office. The City Clerk would then record the said easement. (h). Jones advised that the McClelland Engineering is supposed to keep up with all utility lines and even service lines into the buildings during construction and file a copy with the Planning Office. Jones advised that the Code authorizes her to go ahead and issue permits on what is shown unless the Planning Commission stipulates otherwise, and they may want to stipulate, some minor additions in a conditional use. Otherwise, future additional uses and buildings not shown on this plan would have to be reprocessed through the Planning Commission. •