HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-14 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, July 14, 1983 at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Connie Skinner, James Crownover, Kenneth Wagner, L.O. Ferguson CITY STAFF PRESENT: Don Bunn, Larry Poage, Al Rukgaber, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Hopper The only item of business was to review a Large Scale Development for "Paradise Valley Condominiums - Tract A", located south of Joyce Street and west of Highway 265, owner Lindsey, Sexton represent Crafton, Tull, Spann and Yoe. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PARADISE VALLEY CONDOMINIUMS (TRACT A) JOYCE STREET LINDSEY, SEXTON $ REYNOLDS and Reynolds. Tom Hopper was present to Tom Hopper distributed revised plats and explained the purchasers have bought acreage east of the Paradise Valley Golf Course where they propose to relocate two holes of the golf course which run parallel to Joyce Street. Along #3 Fairway (the first fairway to be constructed) they propose to construct 28 condominiums to front on Joyce Street and some more around #4 Fairway, to be essentially the same design as those in Sweetbriar Addition. He said they propose to have gas lines in the same easement as electric, telephone and television cable, along the back of the units. He said they intend to save as many trees as possible. He said there is an existing 8 -inch sewer line on the east side. They propose either to tie to that line or reroute back to the southeast (same for water). He said the developer is willing to sign a Bill of Assurance to obligate himself to contribute his proportionate share for widening of Joyce Street. 1) Al Rukgaber (Street Department): Rukgaber said the developer does not need to be involved in sharing the cost of present paving (to facilitate traffic flow) of Joyce Street, but should sign a Bill of Assurance for their proportionate share of widening the street abutting their property when Joyce Street becomes four -lane (the Street Department does not want this portion of Joyce widened to four lanes at this time). Rukgaber said Clayton Powell questioned the jog in the right-of-way and said he did not want that. Tom Hopper explained that from the point of the jog, going east, right-of-way has been dedicated, that the ownership line falls at the point of the jog, and there will be future dedications made from the point of the jog, going west. Bobbie Jones said, regardless of where the ownership line falls, the City requires 40 feet to be dedicated from the centerline of the existing right-of-way. Hopper said he thinks the dedication should be forty feet off each side of the ownership line, and the ownership line does not fall in the center of the existing right-of-way. Hopper said dedication from the jog point to the east has already been made based on the ownership line. Hopper said the former 5S • • • Plat Review Committee July 14, 1983 Page Two owner had at one time deeded 40 feet to the City and the City had deeded ten feet back to the Clinic, leaving only 30 feet of dedicated right-of-way west of the jog. Tom Hopper said he would try to obtain a complete layout of Joyce Street to clear up the question on the jog and furnish a copy to the Street Department and Planning Office. Tom Hopper said the only other changes to the plat were the addition of easements and curb elevations. 2) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): N Wagner asked about the location of the existing house and Hopper said it was located in front of Units 19-22. Wagner said several years ago he obtained a private easement (15 to 25 feet wide) off the Taylor property (along Joyce Street) and the owner at that time mentioned the width of the street. He said he hoped this easement was back far enough from the street and also that it would be no problem to change this to a 25 foot utility easement. He said he would prefer to have a 25 foot easement along all four sides of the property. He said they do have 2" plastic gas lines across the front of the property (coming from Highway 265) in the neighborhood of the proposed entranceway. crossing themsely to make the • 3) James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Crownover said, if all utilities are to be in the easement along the south of the property, it should be a 25 -foot easement. He also said they request a 25 -foot easement on the east and west sides. He suggested the possibility of the adjoining property owner on the east side giving part of that easement. Crownover said they would set a pole on two corners of the lot for underground service. Hopper said they would prefer not to have poles in the green area, and Crownover said they would be willing to have an underground crossing in the o road, at the owner's ex.ense, Crownover said, if the owner would not hold Ozarks Electric liable for damage to the five feet of paving around the storage area, they might place a pole behind the storage building. Tom Hopper said theywould either work out a wider easement or have a pole at the southeast corner of the storage building, and Crownover agreed to this. 1 if It was agreed by Mr. Crownover and Ms. Skinner of the Telephone Company that the easement on the west could be 20 feet if there is no sewer in that easement. 4) Larry Poage (Fire Department): Larry Poage said, because the units will be 2 -story, they will need to drive 7 -ton trucks behind the units and he asked if the ground could withstand this weight. Tom Hopper said there would be no problem. Poage said their insurance company might suggest an additional fire plug, but that this is not a City requirement. Suggested placement of an additional fire plug would be at the northeast corner of the swimming pool near Units 7 and 8. Don Bunn said there will be a charge for private fire protection because the fire hydrant is located on private property rather than on a public street. 5q • • Plat Review Committee July 14, 1983 Page Three Bobbie Jones said there is a request to relocate the caretaker's home which is presently located in the area of Units 19 and 20 to some other location on the golf course property (or to tear it down and rebuild it). Tom Hopper told Poage there would be a driveway to the house which would eventually come off a proposed street between the fairways to serve future units. 5) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): The phone company requested a 20 foot easement on the north, east and west sides. Skinner said telephone service is on the north side of Joyce Street. 6) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Ferguson said there presently is no cable service in the area and asked Hopper when construction would begin. Hopper said ground is to be broken on July 26th and completion should be before Christmas. He said there could be as many as 200 future units having access from Highway 265. L. 0. Ferguson said they have cable along Old Missouri Road and off Zion Road He said they would bring service overhead along Joyce Street and go underground from there. 7) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Tom Hopper told Don Bunn they would only extend water line to the west, that sewer will be forced to go across the golf course. Don Bunn asked that they route the water line to Joyce Street at the quickest point possible rather than keeping it back where it is shown. Bunn said the easements have been covered; he asked for 15 feet for the water line. He said water meters are okay in the grass area, if there are no access problems. Hopper said there is a possibility of a card -gate entrance. Don Osburn and Don Bunn both expressed opposition to the idea of a gated entrance, Osburn stating there are a large number of Water Department employees who need access. Bunn stated the City needs 24-hour a day access by an open drive. Jim Crownover stated Ozarks Electric also needs access as they now have employees to read their meters. Bunn said he had not confirmed yet that the sewer line can serve north of Joyce Street. Tom Hopper said he had checked this out and thought the grade was adequate for that. Bunn said it was possible the City could pay for oversizing. Tom Hopper said they have agreed to a 20 foot easement on the west, a 20 foot easement on the east, angled as shown (unless he adjusts the pole), a 20 foot easement on the north (maybe 25 feet, per Wagner), and a 25 foot easement on the south. Wagner said there may be a gas line easement on the east side, east of the fence row. He has no objections to changing this to a utility easement. Hopper said they would work that out, and Wagner said they may have taken this easement off the west side of the adjoining property. 60 • • PLat Review Committee July 14, 1983 Page Four 8) Don Osburn (Water Meter Superintendent): Osburn asked that the units be numbered from west to east instead of as shown. Osburn asked if front doors would be visible from the street and Hopper said there would be carports between the units and the street. Osburn said he would talk with the owner on the location of numbers. Tom Hopper said they would need a normal sized meter for the swimming pool. 9) Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): Tom Hopper told Wally Brt the sanitation service would be handled in the same way as Sweetbriar Addition (cans). Wally Brt suggested the owners consider a new can structure which is available and Brt and Hopper agreed to take a look at the new structure. 10) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. Requirement of dedication of 40 feet from the centerline of the existing street right-of-way. b. Sidewalk is required along Joyce Street but, because of future street construction, the owner should sign a Bill of Assurance to build the sidewalk at the call of the City so it can be done at the same time as the street work. c. A Bill of Assurance must be signed promising to pay a share of widening the street to 31 feet, with curb and gutter, at the time Joyce Street is widened to four lanes. d. 52 parking spaces are shown on the plat and the requirement is for 42. e. Parking should be ten feet from the right-of-way and the plat shows compliance with this requirement. f. Parking around the storage area must be five feet from the east property line. g• Screening is not required of this developer, nor is landscaping, but there would have been a screening requirement for the physical therapy clinic to the east if it were being built now and with existing zoning. h. A waiver must be requested on the maximum width for a driveway as that shown is in excess of 40 feet. i. Tom Hopper explained the notation on the plat "Proposed Street Lights By Others" means this developer does not propose to install street lights, but the spacing shown meets the Code. J• A waiver must be requested for the setback of the swimming pool • which should be at least 100 feet from other property. 61 0 Plat Review Committee July 14, 1983 Page Five * * * k. Contact the Post Office on mailbox locations, especially if the gated entrance is considered. 1. Contact the Sign Inspector, Bert Rakes, on location of sign and contact Don Osburn on addresses to be on the sign. m. Tom Hopper provided Bobbie Jones with names and addresses of adjoining property owners. n . There is a request for a lot split in conjunction with this. o . Revisions are due on Monday, July 18, for the Subdivision Committee on July 22nd. P• q• An as built site plan is required. If the development is set up under the "horizontal property regime", the Planning Office needs documentation for the files. ✓ . Easements must be executed by the time building permits are issued. s Separate building permits must be obtained for each detached structure (including carports and storage building) t . There must be clearance from the State Board of Health for the swimming pool and for the residences. u . Jones asked for a layout of Joyce Street showing any right-of-way not already dedicated. **Note: Proof of notification to those property owners having a common boundary and a different zoning must be submitted to the Planning Office before Subdivision Committee meeting on Friday, July 22. •