HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-26 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May 26, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. in the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: James Crownover, Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, Floyd Hornaday, Millard Goff CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Larry Poage, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy OTHERS PRESENT: Randy Dodd, J. E. McClelland The first item of business was to review a Large Scale Development plan for Chicken Country Restaurant, to be located at 1889 North College Avenue, submitted by Randy Dodd. Mr. Dodd was present. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT CHICKEN.COUNTRY RESTAURANT 1899 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE RANDY DODD (a) Powell said the survey describes the property as encompassing all of Green Acres Road. There is 40 feet of existing right-of-way but the Master Street Plan calls for fifty feet. Because of this, the City requires the property owner give half of the extra feet needed. In this case, where the deed includes all of the street, the City will ask for half of the right-of-way to be taken off the deed (25 feet from the center line to the property line) to sever the street from the lot. (b) Off-site improvements: The additional five feet of property must be dedicated for Green Acres Road. There is also a requirement to widen the street, 15 feet, 6 inches, from the center line of the right-of-way to the back of the curb by installing concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage and whatever sub -base, base preparation and grading is needed. Powell said he does not object if the contractor wishes to do the work monolithically. He said the existing street pavement measures about 21 feet wide, which will necessitate widening about 5 feet, 6 inches in order to match the existing storm drainage and driveway culverts on Green Acres Road. This will require full width along the lot (storm drainage with 24" reinforced concrete pipe). The Master Sidewalk Plan does not reflect a sidewalk on Green Acres Road. Improvements must be completed before the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Randy Dodd said the property owner (Elwanda Billingsley) is leasing to a Savings and Loan next door and they had planned to complete improvements for both projects at the same time. Powell said he is willing to accept a performance bond for this type of • • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Two construction, but would rather have it all done at one time than piecemeal, with a time limit to be placed on the bond. (c) Powell asked for a construction drawing on the street work before starting and said it is not necessary to hire an engineering firm to do the drawing. (d) Bobbie Jones said there is a sidewalk requirement on College Avenue, but she will accept a Bill of Assurance on it, with approval of the Board of Directors. If there is other development on the block, the Board may call for the construction of a sidewalk at that time. She said the street deed for right-of-way for Green Acres Road must be signed by the onwer of the property. 2. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Hornaday said SWEPCO has service on the west side of Green Acres and on Highway 71; he said they will work with the contractor when he knows what the needs are. Randy Dodd said the contractor, Kenneth Wilkins, will be in contact with SWEPCO. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): Shaw said the phone company has service all around the property. They require a ten foot easement along the property line on College Avenue. If no other utilities use this,easement, it should be a telephone company easement exclusively. He said, if other utilities use the easement, it must be wider. Before the slab is poured, they ask for conduit from the building to the property line, under the blacktop. The easement must be signed by the owner of the property. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): The Gas Company has a line on the west side of Green Acres Road and on the west side of Highway 71, but it stops where the old car wash used to be. Wagner said the best access for gas service is from Green Acres Road. Clayton Powell cautioned that all utility connections should be gotten before doing street work. Wagner requires an easement along the east side of the property line, if it is going to be further developed there. Wagner asked that the easement requested by the Phone Company be increased to 25 feet and be designated a standard utility easement. 5. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Not‘.present,-but submitted the following comments prior to the meeting: If cable service is desired, conduit must be furnished in the same location as telephone company conduit. 5, • • Plat ReviewcMinutes May 26, 1983 Page Three 6. Larry Poage (City Fire Department): Poage said fireplugs are located along the property and fire hydrants are available. No other comments. 7. Don Bunn (City Water and Sewer Department): Not present, but submitted the following comments: Water and sewer are available from Green Acres Road 8. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): (a) A building permit was issued on the basis of no additional driveways other than what was existing. Because he now asks for an additional driveway, this large scale development must be processed. (b) Additional rights-of-way must be dedicated and utility easements signed by the owner. The additional right-of-way is required regardless of whether a new driveway is added. (c) Provide a drawing- of everything existing on Mrs. Billingsley's property. (d) A plot plan must be submitted showing utility lines and mains, marked "as built", signed, and dated, in order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy. (e) Show on the drawing that 10% of the area between building and each street must be in plants at least 18 inches high and no higher than 30" (unless you can see below the lower limbs of trees). The parking along the north and south sides may be closer than 25 feet from the street, but there cannot be parking between the building and the street. (f) (g) Jones said there ban be a drive around the building, but it must be designated "no parking". Driveway permits must be obtained from the District Engineer's Office of the AHTD in Fort Smith. It was confirmed that the drawing does not show any driveways off Green Acres Road, and that there will not be a driveway planned off Green Acres Road. Show the trash service location on the drawing. Randy Dodd said this would be in the southwest corner of the lot in the front of the building in the back. Bobbie Jones said the concrete pad for the trash container must be 15 feet wide and 12 feet deep, 6" of reinforced concrete. Clayton Powell said the property owner must give a written release for damage to the property by sanitation vehicles. (h) Parking must be paved, and show on the drawing the type of surfacing to be used. Show the drive behind the building on the drawing. Each parking space must be striped off and there must be wheel stops or curbs to keep the cars within the designated area. There must be curbing to keep cars out of no parking areas. • • • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Four (i) Ten copies of revisions are required by June 6 for the Subdivision Committee meeting held on June 10 and the Planning Commission meeting of June 13. ()) A legal description must be submitted. (k) The requirements for the sidewalk along College and the street paving and curbing along Green Acres are both required regardless of whether a new driveway is put in. 9. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Brt stated he would prefer to have access to the site from Green Acres Road. He said if there is a driveway off Green Acres Road, he would like the dumpster pad located on the northwest corner of the site. If the only driveway will be off College Avenue, he asks that the pad be located on the southwest corner of the site. The second item to be reviewed was a site location map for a Large Scale Development plan submitted by the Andrew Corporation, to be located east of City Lake Road SITE PLAN LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ANDREW CORPORATION CITY LAKE ROAD and.south of Burlington Northern Railroad in the Industrial Park area. J. E. McClelland was present to represent McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. Mr. McClelland submitted some revised plats, showing a change in building location. Suzanne Kennedy told Mr. McClelland that the Planning Commission, on May 23, 1983, had approved a lot split with the provision that, if the 27 -acre parcel to the east is left landlocked, then the Industrial Corporation must submit a subdivision plat and build a street. Bobbie Jones said there have been some streets in the Industrial Park which have not followed the ordinance procedures for platting and approval and this has created some problems. She said the ordinance requires that any new public street should have a plat accompanying it for approval that shows the use of the land abutting it. She said this process is not necessary if the 27 acre parcel is combined with the land abutting City Lake Road, and as long as the property was a parcel in June, 1970 and is not split off a larger parcel. She asked for an original legal description for June of 1970. 1. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): (a) Powell said City Lake Road is State Highway 156, that the State would accept a sixty foot right-of-way, but said the City does not usually accept anything less than eighty feet in the Industrial Park McClelland said it was his understanding the Master Street Plan shows a sixty foot right-of-way requirement but the State Highway Department has said the right-of-way line will not be where the stakes show it to be. Bobbie Jones confirmed that the City can only require sixty feet of right-of-way for this on the basis of the Master Street Plan but thought the State required eighty feet. Powell said he felt there 53 • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Five should be uniform standards for the Industrial Park. Powell said City. Lake Road is presently substandard but the Manager's office has designated this as a top priority to be upgraded. He recommends dedicating 40 feet from the center line now rather than waiting for the Highway Department to require this. Bobbie Jones said the sale of this property does not include any deposit for improvements to City Lake Road. Powell said the City may participate 25% (plus cost of utility relocation) in a federal -state aid program for upgrading of the Road. (b) Bobbie Jones said the City Code cannot require any improvements to a state or federally maintained highway, under off-site improvements, other than additional right-of-way and sidewalk, unless required by the AHTD. Jones said she would prepare a Bill of Assurance for the sidewalk to be built at the call of the City, that she thought it should be built when upgrading of the street is completed. Clayton Powell said state policy has been to build the sidewalk on the property line, extended toward the property. (c) Powell said there should be no less than 60 feet of radii on driveways so he recommends the eighty feet shown be approved. The employee drive showing two 20 -foot curb cuts with green space between as a median exceeds the 40 -foot maximum opening. He said the median should be 25 feet wide or a waiver must be obtained from the Planning Commission. 2. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Hornaday said SWEPCO has service from the north and east around Marshalltown Tool, that they plan to extend service to the south and west and utilize the 25 -foot utility easement on the north. Until details are worked out on individual service connections, he had no further comments. McClelland said his firm was not employed to work out these details, but he gave Mr. Hornaday some general specifications which the Andrew Corporation had prepared. Dick Shaw asked Mr. Hornaday what size line they would install and Hornaday stated it would be a large line in the easement. 3. Dick Shaw (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): Mr. Shaw said the 25 foot easement shown is satisfactory. He also requests a 25 -foot utility easement from north to south along City Lake Road in back of the street right-of-way (or 30 feet with sidewalk included). He said this should be written up as a separate instrument. Shaw said he may require a ten -foot easement for access into the site in the future. Shaw said they need to know a location for a distribution point and the load requirements. Shaw said the phone company will only bring a dial tone into a demarcation point, and, from there:on, it is up to the Andrew Corporation as to who they use for interior phone service. Conduits must be provided for interior service between the buildings. Service will be underground. L syr • • • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Six 4. Jim Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): If the sidewalk is included, they ask for a 30 foot easement along City Lake Road. Three phase service will be available at the site. He said underground or overhead service will be no problem. S. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Mr. McClelland said he did not know if any part of the plant will have a 24-hour operation. Wagner said it has been settled that the gas meter will be located on the high pressure line, just east of the northeast corner of the fabricating factory. Wagner said gas line will be needed for space heaters in the factory and the painting and galvanizing building, and Wagner asked if this would be an addition to the projected load of 6,000 MCF per month. McClelland said it was included in the total projected load. McClelland read some gas specifica- tions that will be required for the buildings. Wagner asked that the following information be provided: (a) Hourly peak demand (b) Should the line installed by the plumber from the meter to the building be steel or plastic? (c) Is this to be a 24-hour operation? (d) A regulator will be needed and, depending on the pressure needed, the plumber should install this at the building. (e) Before digging, the gas line is rated in excess of 700 pounds of p.s.i., so call the Gas Company in advance. 6. Larry Poage (City Fire Department): Poage suggested having a private fire hydrant on the property. McClelland said a 6 -inch water line is planned from City Lake Road into the main factory building for fire sprinkler protection, washroom facilities, drinking fountains, etc. Poage suggested the insurance company would want a private plug within 25 feet of that hookup, perhaps close to the dumpster site.. He said there is probably a plug existing near where the trucking entrance is off City Lake Road on the west side, but this would mean having a 800-1,000 foot pull into the site. He asked how soon the "future buildings" would be built and McClelland said he expected those to be built within 3 to 5 years. Poage said a fire hydrant should be located close to those future buildings. Bobbie Jones said, before permits are issued for factories #3 and #4, the owner must work with the fire inspector on fire protection for those buildings. She said the plan can be approved as shown, with additions, if there is no more than 10,000 square feet of new floor space, no more than 25 new parking spaces required, and no new driveways. For any more changes than these, it must go back through the large scale development process again. McClelland said he was not sure about the uses of the new factory buildings and did not know if the presently planned employees' drive would also become a trucking drive in future. 55 • • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Seven McClelland said the retention pond will be used to pump water into an under- ground sprinkler system for lawn watering that will be in the area of the office and parking lots. Poage asked McClelland to contact him when the location of the fire department's hookup for support of the sprinkler system is known. Poage said if there is a fire plug centrally located it ought to be close to that hookup. Poage said Building Inspector Freeman Wood will cover the special requirements for the galvanizing and painting factory, and storage building. Poage said portable fire extinguishers are required (one unit per every 1,250 square feet in the galvanizing building and one per every 2500 square feet in the manufacturing buildings and office). The units should be ten -pound ABC dry chemical, and can be stored in cabinets in the office area. 7. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): A 6" concrete (or 4" reinforced concrete) pad is required for the trash dumpster, to be 12 feet deep and 15 feet wide. Brt said there appeared to be no access problems. The front side of the 15 ft. wide dumpster must be kept open (no fence or gate across it). 8. L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable): Not present but stated prior to the meeting that he had no comments. 9. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): (a) Right-of-way dedication and utility easements must be executed before building permit is issued and she asks for copies of each of these. She also asked for a copy of the release of the blanket gas easement. (b) McClelland confirmed that the owner has complied with the requirement to notify property owners. Bobbie Jones asked for receipts on the certified mail notification. She said only property owner Leonard Kelly was required by Code to be notified, but she would provide agenda notification to the others. (c) Article 7, Section 15 of the City ordinance calls for landscaping of the front ten feet of the property (back of a street) but does not specify type. This should be shown on the plans. (d) The entire site shall be maintained in a dust -free condition, but some gravel is permitted. (e) A request must be made in writing for a waiver from the maximum of 40 feet for a curb cut (or if the employees drives are closer than 25 feet to each other), and state in the request what the Highway Department agrees with. 56 • Plat Review Minutes May 26, 1983 Page Eight (f) (g) Plans must be submitted to the State Board of Health Plumbing Division and Food and Drug Division and a letter submitted to the Planning Office before the building permit can be issued. Energy certifications are required on any portion of the building which is heated or cooled to meet the State Energy Code prior to the issuance of the building permit. For further information on this, check with Freeman Wood, Building Inspector. (h) Each page of the construction plans must have a paragraph certifying compliance with the Building Code and a seal and signature of an Arkansas registered engineer or architect. (i) There must be view -obscuring screening around any ground storage, so the storage area cannot be seen from the highway (this can be fence or vegetation or a combination of both) and it should be extended along the south property line as well. (j) Parking requirement is one space per 1200 square feet for manufacturing, and one space per 300 square feet for office. She said the requirement for the immediate construction is a total of 126 spaces (including five handicap spaces); 20% of the 126 spaces can be sized for compact cars (711' x 15'). All compact car and handicap spaces must be marked as such. Parking requirement for future constructionmust be one space per 300 square feet for office and one space per 1200 square feet for factory uses, a total requirement of about another 117 spaces. Some future expansion has not been dimensioned on the drawing and will affect the total number ofspaces required. (k) Contact John Dietzen in the Inspection Office on signs. (1) There must be a separate building permit for each structure. (m) Ten copies of revisions are due by June 6, 1983. (n) An as -built plot plan, signed, dated, marked "as -built" must be filed with the Planning Office at the end of each construction phase. (o) We will accept a Bill of Assurance on the five foot sidewalk required along City Lake Road. 10. Don Bunn (City Water and Sewer Dept.): Not present, but submitted the following comments following/the meeting: There is an eight -inch water line on City Lake Road. There will be a 6" fire service line and a 2" domestic service line. Sewer is being extended from a point north of this property and will be taken to somewhere on the north property line. Bunn requests information from the owners on the expected quantity and quality of waste water discharge, whether they expect to have any pre-treatment facilities for waste water on the site, and whether this project is regulated by Environmental Protection Agency standards. 57