HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-12 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, May at 9:00 A.M. at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner, L. 0. Ferguson CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Wally Brt, Larry Poage, Clayton Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Richards, Tom Hopper, Ron James Maddox The first item to be considered was site plan for Red Lobster Restaurant, to be located at 3885 North Shiloh Drive, zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, owner General Mills, Inc. Gerald K. Richards, agent for the owner, 12, 1983 Connie Skinner, Powell, Kennedy Powell, SITE PLAN RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT 3885 N. SHILOH DRIVE GERALD K. RICHARDS (GENERAL MILLS) was present. By way of background information, Planning Administrator Bobbie Jones explained that in 1978 adjoining property owner Duane Nelson signed an Agreement to construct curb and gutter along the abutting service road in front of Ramada Inn and the office building at Stearns and Shiloh within thirty days of notification from the City and also that sidewalks had been waived in front of those properties. She said since that time, regulations have changed so that curb and gutter construction is not a requirement on a State maintained highway, and a Master Sidewalk Plan is in effect which requires sidewalks along Shiloh Drive. She said City Manager Don Grimes had told her he does not think this has any bearing on the Red Lobster and thought we should accept a Bill of Assurance on their sidewalk until the City works out the sidewalk arrangements from Stearns to the Mall, and then see if Duane Nelson would be willing to swap his Agreement on curb and gutter to build sidewalks instead 1) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): He said Allen Holmes has said Shiloh Drive from Stearns to the creek was built to State Highway Department design standards, but is not built to City street standards. Powell feels the street should be brought up to current City standards from Stearns to the south side of the Red Lobster property. He also said the Highway Department District Engineer had told him he would appreciate it if the City could require 2" of asphalt hot mix overlay over N. Shiloh Drive. As to the Agreement signed by Duane Nelson, Powell feels the curb and gutter work should be called for by the City, but that it not be at the City's expense. He thinks the drainage shown on the plat is well-designed to carry the water away from the street to the west side and across the Red Lobster lot. He said if this is to be the drainage path to the creek, an Easement should be executed by the owner of that property to secure that drainage goes to the creek. 37 • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Two Jerry Richards pointed out the owners of the Red Lobster property have no say as to the responsibilities of adjoining property owner Duane Nelson to install curb and gutter. He also read from Appendix C, Art. III, Sec. A(4)(D) of the Code, those::conditions under which a subdivider can petition the Planning Commission for waivers of off-site improvements. He also noted that the property south of the Red Lobster lies at the edge of the flood plain and he does not anticipate a lot of heavy usage of that land. He noted also the service road is presently being maintained by the State and said until it is upgraded to higher than State standards, the City is not required to maintain it. He gave Bobbie Jones a copy of a letter he received from the Arkansas Highway Department (AHTD). Bobbie Jones said Clayton Powell had been called on May 2 by the AHTD in Fort Smith who advised him they have issued a permit to Red Lobster to have access to the service road and they required them to increase the size of the reinforced concrete pipe under the driveways to 18". Mr. Richards stated they had to post a bond on this requirement. Jerry Richards said the drainage ditch behind the Red Lobster will not be open but will be piped, so the drainage should not be stopped at that point. 2) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner said the plat shows the drainage crossing a 6 -inch, high-pressure gas line and a 14" high pressure gas line which runs east across the highway. The gas meter is shown to set behind the building and the Gas Company recommends it be set farther to the north in a green area at the north property line. He said they would reduce pressure five pounds at the meter and then the owner could run a line to the back of the building. He said they show a high pressure line running east across the highway close to the south edge of the property, that he thought it was located closer to the middle of the property. He said they can locate that line when they install the drainage ditch which, hopefully, will not interfere with the gas line crossing it. No digging or grading should be done near those lines without the Gas Company first locating them. Wagner said if either of these gas lines need to be lowered it may have to be done at the owner's expense. Jerry Richards said their initial site plan showed construction on top of gas lines and they redesigned the building so it would not interfere with the gas lines. Wagner said the only conflict might be with the drainage and that can be worked out. 3) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Faulkner said the transformer pad location looks fine. He said there is existing three-phase line overhead between Red Lobster property and the Ramada Inn. Standard requirements are for four inch PVC conduit installed from the pole to the pad. They prefer two conduits but will require one with metal sweeps on each end. Anything over 250 feet will be at owner's expense. 3? • • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Three SWEPCO would like the proposed 20 foot water line easement on the north to be designated as a utility easement in light of possible development to the West. Faulkner said SWEPCO is in a ten -foot easement adjacent to the 20 -foot easement. 4) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): Southwestern Bell requests a 2 -inch conduit from the building to the service road. 5) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Jerry Richards said they will have a hood system, not a full sprinkler system system in the building. Poage said they should then have a portable BC fire extinguisher system in the kitchen, as BC chemicals required for deep fat frying are not compatible with ABC chemicals. They should have three 10-1b. units; those in the kitchen could be BC and those outside could be ABC. It is okay to use dry chemicals such as CO2, but ABC and BC chemicals are cheaper. He said the exits as shown are good. They will do routine fire inspections during the year. 6) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Bunn suggested Red Lobster get an easement for the 6 -inch sanitary sewer line but said this is not a requirement as long as the line remains private. He said if Duane Nelson sold his property, an easement would be needed to protect Red Lobster. He suggested that portion of sewer line off-site could be built to City specifications and be owned and maintained by the City rather than Red Lobster, which would require an easement dedicated to the City. Bunn said for a City -maintained 6" sewer main, manholes would have to be installed instead of the cleanouts every 100 feet. A manhole would be needed at the west property line. Also, the sewer line might run down the north property line rather than where it is shown, to be compatible with possible future development west of the property. Plans for a sewer main (public) would have to be submitted to the City Engineer and State Board of Health for approval Tom Hopper (Crafton, Tull, Spann and Yoe, surveyors for Red Lobster) said, unless something is changed, Duane Nelson plans to run the water line to the back of this property as soon as it is approved, and he will be submitting plans on this to the City Engineer. 7) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): If television service is ever anticipated, the Cable Co. would require 2 -inch conduit with sweep elbows from the back of the building to the SWEPCO pole. They would use the same ditch as SWEPCO. 39 • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Four 8) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. The Planning Commission must approve a lot split because the property abuts a controlled highway. b. An as -built plot plan must be submitted at completion showing revisions, marked "as -built", signed and dated. c. Improvements such as paving and striping must be completed prior to occupancy or an agreement signed stating when they will be completed. d. A Bill of Assurance will be accepted for the sidewalk to be built at the call of the City, when other sidewalks nearby are built. The lo- cation of the sidewalk will be determined by the AHTD. Sidewalk must be ramped down where it crosses driveways. The sidewalk is shown on the plan as immediately back of the property line - this will require a five foot easement. Clayton Powell said the AHTD's policy is to locate sidewalks on the right-of-way line and extend them toward the property line. He thinks the location as shown is fine. e. Jones asked that fire hydrants be located away from sidewalks. Mr. Richards said the hydrant will be at the northeast corner of the property. f. Ten copies of revisions are due by Monday, May 16 for Subdivision Committee meeting on May 20th at .: 8:00 A.M. Planning Commission meeting will be held at 5:00 P.M. on May 23rd. g• Jones asked Mr. Richards to meet with Building Inspector Freeman Wood on building plans and with Sign Inspector John Dietzen. h. Planning Commission will make a determination on off-site improvements. i. Landscaping near driveways must be maintained either as trees you can see under or plants no higher than thirty inches. 9) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): The dumpster pad may be enclosed on three sides only and must be left open on the front. Brt noted the pad is shown as 10 x 25 feet and asked that it be 15 ft. wide if possible. Brt said the City is not obligated as far as damage to parking lot surface caused by sanitation trucks and suggested a good sub -grade base be used in the area where sanitation trucks will be traveling. PlatLReview Committee May 12, 1983 Page Five The next item to be considered was the final plat of North Briar Sub- division (formerly named Rolling Meadows Phase III), located north of Rolling Hills Drive and east of Sheryl Avenue, zoned R-1, Low Density Residential; owner, Rogers Co. Tom Hopper and Ron Powell were present representing Engineers and Architects, Crafton, Tull, Spann and Yoe. Mr. Hopper said Lots 126 through 129 will be developed first. He said Elizabeth Street will tie into Briarcliff and extend down toward Rolling Hills Drive. FINAL PLAT NORTH BRIAR SUBDIVISION (FORMERLY ROLLING MEADOWS PHASE III) ROGERS CO. 1) Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problems. 2) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell asked for the present status on phases of development. He stated the present developer must assume the original developer's responsibilities which were left at Phase III. He said he did not see any meaning to comments made by Planning Commission in that this is a policy matter that should be decided by the City Manager. Bobbie Jones explained there is nothing stipulated in the Code which dictates development may or may not be done in phases. Tom Hopper said the first phase to the back of Lot 138 and Eton will be developed in the second Lot 138 means ten feet past the ofcdevelopment will be Elizabeth Street down Street. He said the remainder of the property phase. He explained to Powell that the back of common lot line of Lots 138 and 139. Powell said he does not like combination drainage and utility easements, especially where there are concrete -lined ditches, because individual builders and plumbers do not repair the ditches after making service connections, and he asked that this be controlled. Tom Hopper said electric power will be overhead (which will take one utility out of the easements) and they will install conduits for the other utilities. Powell said he was called out to the site by some property owners who envisioned all drainage coming down to the one flooding 24" RCP. Hopper said he met with the property owners also. Powell said all the drainage from the development goes to the east, eventually to Mud Creek. Bobbie Jones said Building Inspector Freeman Wood received calls from property owners on Sheryl who are concerned water not drain onto their property. Hopper said that water will be taken away from Sheryl. • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Six 3) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner said the Gas Company will not have to cross any street; gas is available from the north, east and west sides. Where there is a drainage ditch (cement or tile) they wish to make a service cross on every other lot line, having a double meter loop feeding two lots. He asks for three weeks notice for services to be in. Wagner said they require 3/4" plastic pipe on every other lot line. Hopper noted there is going to be 24" CMP at Lots 123 and 124, right up against the north side of the easement. Wagner said they do not want to set the gas meter out of that utility easement and prefer to be back on the south side of it, on every other lot line. Wagner said, before the CMP is put in, the plumber should put two 11/2" pipes on every other lot line or some type of conduit where the lines can slide through. Wagner said there may not be a problem because the gas line is required to be a minimum of 12" deep and where the drainage is, they can dig down another 15" and go under the drain with a yard line to the house. Hopper said they would take care of the ditches. Wagner said they can serve Lots 126 through 129 with no problem - the rest of the lots will get service at the developer's expense, on a regular contract 4) Ozarks Electric Cooperative: Bobbie Jones reported they were satisfied with the plat as is. 5) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector). No comments. 6) Don Bunn (City Engineer): No comments. 7) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): No comments. Tom Hopper said they have located the telephone line between Cortland and Briarcliff (behind Lots 166 and 167) but they may want to ask that.line be dug along the side for about'200 feet and moved to the north about five feet in order to make the ditch look better. He said he would contact the phone company on this. The easements shown on the plat contain the telephone line that goes to the west. 8) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Ferguson asked if they would be installing conduit for the phone drops to go under the concrete drainage. Hopper said they will probably install 4" conduit. Ferguson said they plan to run overhead drops for cable service. X12 Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Seven 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. There was some discussion about a lot south of Lot 174 owned by Frank McDonald and Mr. McDonald's role in the building of Elizabeth Street at this stage of the development. Bobbie Jones said she would write a letter to Clayton Powell, Don Grimes and Frank McDonald in regard to the cash bond McDonald had posted for street improvements and which he wants returned. b. Mrs. Crocker was present to represent Rolling Hills Baptist Church and asked whether some pine trees could be saved on the east side of Elizabeth Avenue when sidewalks are built. After some discussion, it was determined that the preliminary plat had shown part of the sidewalk on the west and part on the east of Elizabeth, so Bobbie Jones had required all the sidewalk to run along the east side of Elizabeth Avenue. With no objections from Powell, Jones or -Hopper, it was agreed to eliminate the sidewalk completely on the east side of Elizabeth Avenue in order to save the pine trees. and construct the sidewalk on the west side of Elizabeth from the southernmost point of the development all the way around the bubble where Briarcliff intersects, and to terminate on Briarcliff between Lots 102 and 103. Sidewalk would remain on the south side of Briarcliff to tie in to existing sidewalk in the Rolling Meadows Subdivision. c. A note should be added to the plat that streetlight spacing was waived by the Planning Commission and the date of the waiver. d. "Low Density Residential" should be added after the R-1 designated on the plat. e. Scale should be: noted on the plat. f. Mrs. Jones recommended building permit applications with site plans attached should be submitted as soon as possible, in light of the pending sewer ban of May 27. g. Ten copies of revisions are due by May 16 for May 20th Subdivision Committee meeting scheduled for 8:00 A.M. Planning Commission meeting will be May 23 at 5:00 P.M. h. Jones asked for a copy of Covenants, if any, by Monday, May 16. She suggested something could be written into the covenants to address the problem of individual builders who disturb drainage. The next item for review was final plat of Vantage Square, located east of Front Street and north of Sain Street, zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial; owner, A.W. Realty. Present to represent Crafton, Tull, Spann and Yoe were Tom Hopper and Ron Powell. FINAL PLAT VANTAGE SQUARE FRONT STREET A.W. REALTY Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Eight 1) Clayton Powell ( City Street Superintendent): There was some discussion about private maintanance of the drainage easement and it was decided that Tom Hopper understood there would be private maintenance but Clayton Powell does ask for a note to this effect to be shown on the plat. Powell suggested wording such as "drainage easement shall be maintained by the abutting property owners or a Property Owners Association and shall not be subject to public maintenance since there have been no improvements to the natural drainage existing." Powell talked about the congested intersection of Joyce Street and Stearns Street and the future extension of Joyce Street as a four lane all the way to Old Missouri Road. He and Hopper talked about how some property will be needed off adjoining Block 9 to straighten out the street intersection. Hopper noted Block 9 is not a part of the legal description of this plat but is an adjoining property owner (although same owner as Vantage Square). Hopper said he thought something could be worked out with the owner but did not think it should be tied to this plat. Powell said he had discussed this with the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission and their comments were that possibly this could be required of the developer as an off-site improvement. Hopper asked Powell if he had planned to contact the AHTD on doing the actual work. Powell said he planned on working through the Regional Planning Commission instead because he did not think the AHTD would do it without requiring formal engineering plans and profiles, requesting permits and doing inspections. Powell asked what the plan is for construction of the new cul de sac for Sain Street. Hopper said, when the final dispositionnof Tract 3 is determined, the cul de sac will be constructed and there will be a contract for this construction. 2) Don Bunn (City Engineer): No comments 3) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): The high pressure gas line in front of Red Lobster also crosses the highway to the west side of Block 9 up to Joyce Street. At that point there is a regulator setting and 4" plastic behind the south curb line of Joyce Street where it needs to be widened. He said he thinks the line is about five or six feet behind the curb. It crosses the north side of Lot 1 and stops at the drainage ditch. Coming off the 4" plastic is a 2" line running down the 25 ft easement off the east side of the lots, across Lot 4, ending at the south edge of Lot 4. Wagner said getting additional right-of-way from Block 9 will have to be worked out with the Gas Company (owners of Block 9). 4) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Since this is a commercial subdivision, there will have to be a standard commercial development policy - each lot, as it develops, will be subject to overhead or underground distribution from existing facilities, on an individual basis. There are overhead facilities existing on the west side of Front Street • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Nine in front of Lots 3 through 8. There are underground facilities existing at the northeast corner of Tract 4 which will be available to Lots 1 and 2. Bobbie Jones read comments from Assistant City Manager David McWethy: Street lights required on Joyce are to be 250 watt high pressure sodium and if there is a difference in price between these and the mercury vapor fixtures, the City will pay that difference. Faulkner said SWEPCO's territory line runs close to Ozarks Electric in this subdivision. Faulkner said streetlights were required at either end of Tract 4 because of its separating the lots in the subdivision. He said the reason for so much conduit being required for the lights in front of Lots 6 and 8 is because there are no driveways established, that this will make the costs go up for the developer. Hopper said he has a 40 ft. easement for the existing sewer line crossing Lot 8 and 25 feet along the front of the lots. He asked if this was satisfactory to get power to the streetlights. Faulkner said the 40 ft. easement will not help because power is on the west side of Front Street. Faulkner said they will run power along the east side of Front Street to the two lights. After further discussion on location of streetlights, Bobbie Jones said streetlight locations are chosen on the basis of which side of street is being developed and if they wish to have streetlights on the west side they must work this out with David McWethy. 5) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Poage and Hopper did not know locations of existing fireplugs within the subdivision, but Poage asked that, if there are existing fireplugs, these be noted on the plat. 6) Connie Skinner(Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): No comments. Hopper said he has not heard back from the Telephone Co. on some relocation of pedestals 7) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Ferguson said the Cable Co. has an existing overhead line on the west side of Front Street. He said if services are requested and they need to cross the street, an overhead drop will be used. 8) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): No comments until the needs of the lots are determined. l/5 • • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Ten 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. Jones asked that the scale be noted on the title block. b. The waiver given on streetlight spacing must be noted on the plat. c. Hopper said Stearns Street is only built about half -way down Tract 1. Jones said, when Tract 1 is developed, the owner may have to extend Stearns Street to the east line of the tract. d. The additional right-of-way given for Stearns Street should be dimensioned on the plat as well as the full right-of-way. e. Sidewalk on Joyce Street should be shown all the way up to where Stearns Street intersects. f. Jones asked that the Joyce Street tie to Old Missouri Road be shown on the vicinity map as a dashed (proposed) line. g• Designate "thoroughfare commercial" next to the C-2 designation on the plat. h. Hopper said he would prefer to put the lien on Lot 8 for the contract to build the cul de sac. Bobbie Jones said she would check with Clayton Powell on this question. She questioned if this would be acceptable since almost all of Lot 8 is in flood plain. i. Hopper said the FEMA floodway is shown on the plat as on the FEMA map for the City of Fayetteville and the minimum floor elevations are 100 -year flood elevations of Mud Creek as determined by the FEMA study. Anything over and above that minimum floor elevation required by FEMA would be controlled by City ordinance. Hopper said all this is shown in a note on the plat. Hopper said there has been a conditional letter of map amendment filed and approved for the area between the floodway and the 100 -year flood line and when that area is filled to the 100 - year flood elevation, they will release that from any 100 -year flood designations so that the only minimum floor elevation required by FEMA is that shown (1197.6)._. He said if 'the City should require anything over that,».it would be enforced by ordinance, not by FEMA. He said since the gradient of Mud Creek varies across the Tracts, he did not try to set an elevation for the Tracts The last item to be considered was a preliminary plat for a Large Scale Development submitted by Abundant Life Tabernacle, forcTract 6, 1855 Porter Road, zoned A-1, Agricultural. Dr James Maddox was present to represent the church. PRELIMINARY PLAT LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ABUNDANT LIFE TABERNACLE 1855 PORTER ROAD DR. JAMES MADDOX y6 • • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Eleven 1) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Brt requires a 4 -yard trash container to be mounted on a 15 x 12 ft. concrete pad on the north side of Phase 1 where the driveway makes the turn. He asks for a letter of permission for sanitation trucks to travel on private drives. He suggested using a heavy sub -base under the drive and that the trash container be left open on one side, if an enclosure is being used. 2) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner said he thought an existing gas meter is located at the southeast corner of Tract 6 at the dead end of Dearne Street on the west side. He said the Gas Company may increase the pressure and meter size as needed, as the church continues to grow. He asked that, along the west side of Porter Road, outside the thirty foot right-of-way, there be a 25 -ft. utility easement. He said this could be combined with the existing building setback there. 3) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Faulkner said since there is projected growth in phases, he assumes there will be a load growth. SWEPCO asks for a 25 -ft. utility easement along the north side of the property and he thought this could be in a grass area. He said only single-phase facilities are available from Porter Road north. He said along Porter Road south of Deane Street there may be three-phase facilities available. Single phase is available along Sycamore Street which coincides with Tract 1 on the 15 -ft. utility easement that runs through Tract 1. He said as the church further develops, three-phase may be necessary and it would be to the church's advantage to arrange now for what will be needed later. He said if outdoor lighting is ever needed for the future soccer field, single- phase facilities are available part way down Sycamore Street, but it may be necessary to ask for utility easements on the east edge of the triangle at a future time. 4) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Poage cautioned that kindergarden and first grades not be located on an above- ground floor of the building. Poage said he would like to see a drawing of the building plan. Maddox said the school will be located on the lower level of the building. Poage said they prefer to have a building within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant. He recommended they be within 500 feet of the hydrant but this is not required. He said if they install a hydrant, they will need a 6" water line and the plug itself costs around $800. 5) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): Ms. Skinner submitted the following comments after the meeting: The Telephone Company requires conduit under the parking lots from Phase 3 back to Phases 1 and 2. 147 • • Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Twelve 6) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): The Cable Co. will use the 25 -ft. easement requested on the north and overhead or underground facilities will be available. If several outlets are anticipated for the first phase, Ferguson asked that the Cable Company be contacted before they put the finished walls up. The owner must furnish conduit where outlets will be wanted. 7) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Bunn submitted the following comments after the meeting: Water and sewer are available off Porter Road on the east end of the property. 8) Larry Wood (Planning Consultant): Not present, but submitted the following comments after the meeting: Wood recommends the driveway be moved to the very south end of the property. There is a crest of a hill just to the north of where the driveway is shown and the driveway should be located as far south from that crest as is possible, as this area is very dangerous. 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. The Master Street Plan shows a 60 -foot right-of-way on Porter Road. An instrument is needed dedicating 30 feet from the center line. Bbbbie Jones said the survey on file also shows a 20 foot utility easement adjacent to this right-of-way that may be existing. The MSP also calls for a 50 foot right-of-way on Sycamore and there must be 25 feet required from the center line. b. Sidewalks are required on both Porter and Sycamore. She will accept a Bill of Assurance for these to be built at the call of the City, when others are built nearby. c. Parking must be five feet away from the south property line. There must be curbs or wheel stops for cars to insure they stay five feet away from the line. d. Driveway permit must be obtained from the City Engineer and construction approved by the Street Department. e. Appendix C, Article IV, Sec. J of the Code calls for off-site improvements when development abuts a City street not meeting full City standards, based on rational nexus. This can include the widening of pavement, installation of curb and gutter and sidewalks and can even include drainage. Clayton Powell will make these recommendations. The Code allows the Planning Commission to require the owner post an assurance guaranteeing these improvements be completed at the call of the City. f. Building plans must have State Board of Health approval and, for a kitchen, approval must be given by both the Food and Drug and the Plumbing Divisions. 49 • i Plat Review Committee May 12, 1983 Page Thirteen g. Each page of the plans must have a paragraph and Arkansas Registered Engineer or Architect's seal and signature. h. The plans must be certified to meet the State Energy Code. i. Check with the Building Inspector, Freeman Wood, for special building code requirements for public assemblies and exits. Check with Sign Inspector John Dietzen �. Planning Commission needs to consider a waiver from the setback requirement for a gym on Phase 3. 10) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Though not present, he submitted the following comments after the meeting: The north end of the lot abuts both Porter Road and Mt. Comfort Road. That portion on the west abuts Mr. Comfort totally where there is additional right-of-way of 60 feet for a collector street. The southeastern corner which is approximately 80 feet abuts Porter Road where 20 feet of additional right-of- way is needed to keep the street aligned with both Porter Road and Mt. Comfort Road He also requests five feet of additional right-of-way on that portion of the southeast end of the lot that abuts Sycamore Street. As far as off-site improvements, he recommends that Porter Road and Mt. Comfort Road abutting the north end of this lot be brought up to standards at this time, which is 15.5 ft. width from the centerlline to the back of the curb, which will require storm drainage the full width of the lot with 18" RCP or aluminized or corrugated metal pipe and headwalls at each end of the drainage pipe. Five feet of sidewalk in back of the curb is required under the Master Sidewalk Plan. This will entail widening the existing street approximately three feet from the edge of the asphalt to the back of the curb. Powell recommends a Bill of Assurance for improvements to Sycamore Street which is now used as a driveway to the Porter property, to beat the call of the City, t� improve their portion to current City standards. However, the Master Street Plan designates this portion of Sycamore Street as part of the Bypass frontage road system which intersects Futrall Drive on the east side of the Bypass. Powell stated he has met with Dr. Maddox and discussed the above requirements, along with Perry Franklin, on May 16, and Dr. Maddox was receptive to all recommendations. 111