HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-05 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, May 5, 1983 at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Roy Hawkins, Kenneth Walker, Ivan Faulkner, Ivan Bromley CITY STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan John Durham, Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy The only plat to be reviewed at this meeting was a Site Plan for Lot 5, College Market Addition, located east of North College Avenue and west of Market Avenue; owner and developer, Dr. Ben was present. SITE PLAN LOT 5 - COLLEGE MARKET ADDITION MARKET AVENUE BEN ISRAEL (1) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Israel; Engineer Gary Carnahan Water and sewer are available adjacent to the property. There is a meter located on the east side which may be in their driveway and should be moved to prevent it from falling into the driveway, and located in a green area. Easements are sufficient as shown. (2) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): This lot is part of a larger subdivision previously constructed to current City standards. Market Avenue is constructed to current standards, 31 feet wide, and has storm drainage designed into it. A storm drainage system exists on the north side of the property, though there may be some on-site drainage which may have to be re -directed to clear the path of the building site and still tie into the existing storm drainage system. Bobbie Jones asked if Carnahan was handling the drainage and utility easement okay. Powell said the property was platted and developed before there was a policy to separate utilities and drainage easements, and he thought the fifty feet allowed plenty of room for utilities to be separate from the storm drainage space Bobbie Jones pointed out the proposal is to pave over the easement. Powell said drainage is collected from K -Mart and also that 90% of the drainage from Sheryl Avenue is supposed to collect there, but property owners in the area continue to block the drainage before it can run down their side property lines. Jones asked if the engineer had checked the sizing of his drain pipe with Powell, and Powell stated the drainage was sized on the original development - he said obviously the engineer cannot block the surface drainage that collects into the drop inlets, any modifications made will have to leave it functional to drain to the north and back to the east 33 • • Plat Review Committee May 5, 1983 Page Two (3) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Overhead facilities are already established in the area which SWEPCO will have to maintain unless someone furnishes all recipients of that line with underground facilities. The facilities are on an easement and any change will have to be 100% reimbursed by the property owner if underground service is requested. He told Carnahan the building would be within the minimum distance from their line if it is built as proposed. He said if clearance is not maintained ten feet away from their conductors, and if they have to move, the owner will be billed. He said there is no way SWEPCO can re -furnish the existing services underground at the present voltage being used. He said Hancock's voltage is 122-40 (3-phase). He said, if underground service was provided, there would be a lengthy run from Highway 71, and it would be very costly for lines and equipment. Faulkner said if the owner does not desire to have a different voltage, SWEPCO must, by law, maintain the voltage that Hancock's has. Carnahan said if they cannot go under- ground because of Hancock's special voltage, they will probably rearrange the parking, and relocate the driveway. After discussion about the existing pole, Faulkner said SWEPCO was willing to place a new pole in between the two buildings, at no expense to the owner (unless something special is requested) Carnahan asked about obtaining service from the pole used by Hancock's and going underground from that point. Ivan Faulkner said one amount of voltage will be established for all tenants and if individual service is desired, underground facilities might be provided from the pole to the building and conduit might be provided to each location, as they are rented. (4) Ivan Bromley (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Cable lines are located in the 50 foot easement all the way to Market Avenue He said service can be picked up from any point. He said boxes can be placed against the building, but must be placed before any paving is done and there will be some charge. (5) Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): The Telephone Co. has a main feeder cable in the easement; paving the easement denies the phone company the use of the easement for maintenance; all existing cable within that easement would have to be relocated and additional conduit (4" PVC scheduled 40) installed. He said also there are many special circuits feeding the businesses, that the expense of moving these would be $300 each, at the expense of the owner. He said they will require conduit at each location under the parking for every building. He said if the terminal is inside, they require a room and conduit inside the building. Hawkins said conduit coming to the building should be a minimum of 2" to a central location and 1" conduit should be used to each customer location. Carnahan noted the phone service appears to be on the north side of the easement and suggested the possibility of graveling over their portion of the easement. Hawkins said a four foot strip of grass or gravel would be needed where the lines are located; he said the lines are 24" to 36" deep. 341 Plat Review Committee May 5, 1983 Page Three Bobbie Jones pointed out there is a 5 foot landscaped area shown in front of the building, and 19 foot deep parking spaces; she said some of this space might give him an extra few feet, and also some parking spaces could be designed for compact cars. It was decided that Carnahan would meet with the Telephone Company and other utility representatives to establish exact location of lines. Hawkins asked for three days notice on this. (6) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Gas Company lines are located on the west side of Market and turn back east at the north end of Market. They have no lines within the fifty foot easement. There may be some expense to provide line to Building A. Meter will be required. He prefers the meter be on the extreme south edge of the fifty foot easement and that it be installed before blacktopping. He would like the line to run in line with the sidewalk and have it be deep enough so they can build over it and run the services up to Building A and to work on Building B at a later time Carnahan agreed to let Wagner know whether gas service will be wanted for Building A. Alternative locations for setting the meter were discussed. Carnahan said the intent of the development is for there to be two rentals in Building A and that Building B be divided into about 8 rental spaces of 1,000 square feet each, making ten individually metered tenants, that these would possibly be retail spaces. (7) John Durham (City Fire Department): If any restaurant or establishment needing cooking equipment with a hood should be located in the buildings, the Fire Department requires there be a automatic hood and duct fire extinguisher system. There must be a one-hour fire separation between spaces. Any outside door functioning as ingress and egress should at least swing out. A fire extinguisher is required. A recessed cabinet can be furnished for tenants to install the extinguishers, as it is the obligation of the tenants, and should be located somewhere near an exterior door or exitway. Vehicles are required to be at least ten feet away from exit doors and if there might be a problem, clearly mark doors or curbs so someone does not park up against a door (8) Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): The trash pad shown on the plat should be 12 ft. x 15 ft. Brt said since there is no access to the south, they would have to back up the sanitation truck, but that he sees no problem with this. (9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. The overhang cannot extend across the south property line nor into the 50 foot utility and drainage easement. Jones and Carnahan discussed how this easement was dimensioned. Bobbie Jones expressed confusion over the 50 foot drainage and utility easement as it is depicted on the drawing. This was discussed and it was decided Carnahan would give Jones a calculation on this if there is any change from what is shown. 35 A • • Plat Review Committee May S, 1983 Page Four b. Carnahan said that Building A was the only building covered by the State Board of Health approval. c. Five foot sidewalk is required along Market Avenue. Since there are no other sidewalks nearby on College Avenue, she will accept a Bill of Assurance for a sidewalk to be built there at the call of the City but wants the one on Market built with this development. d. 16 parking spaces are required for Building A. e. Owner's mailing address, phone number and signature must be on the application. f. An as -built site plan is required at completion of Building A and again at completion of Building B. Revisions are due by May 16th or before. g• 36