HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-28 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting_of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 28, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. in the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner, PRESENT: Roy Hawkins CITY STAFF PRESENT: Larry Poage, Clayton Powell, Don Bunn, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Pearson, Jr. The only item on the agenda was to review the Site Plan for Keyport Self -Storage, owner C. T. Pearson, Jr., to be located at North College Avenue and Sycamore Street, zoned C-2, Mr. Pearson was present. SITE PLAN KEYPORT SELF -STORAGE C. T. PEARSON, JR. Thoroughfare Commercial. (1) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell said that Sycamore is designated a Collector Street on the Master Street Plan and the City plat maps reflect an existing 40 foot right-of- way (10 feet on the south side of the section line and 30 feet north of it). He said to properly align the street with the right-of-way west of College, thirty feet south of the section line would be needed on the east side of College Avenue. He said, according to the ordinance, the City cannot require this much be dedicated, and can only request it. The City can require the additional ten feet on the south side, as this would be half of the additional twenty needed. He said the policy is to take half of any additional needed right-of-way from each side for possible future improvements. The street pavement is currently 26 feet wide, with curb and gutter on the north side and sidewalk on the south side, even though some water line repair has somewhat disfigured the street and sidewalk. He noted there is no scale or dimension on the plat for driveway access off Sycamore - the requirement is 122 feet from the property line and the driveway opening on the street is measured at the curb line. The driveway may be up to 40 feet wide, the separation between driveways if more than one driveway is desired is 25 feet. He noted there is an existing 52" RCP shown which was not installed when he visited the site. He said the end two joints of the pipe, due to hydraulic pressure of drainage, have separated and fallen, that there is a considerable hole washed out. He recommended a junction box where the drainage tile is tied into the tile on the south side, coming from the Evelyn Hills Shopping Center north of Wards At Sycamore Street, to protect the street structure, a junction box is needed with a standard curb inlet for cleaning .22' Plat Review Committee Minutes April 28, 1983 Page Two purposes and keeping the drain open under the street. He did not make drainage computations, but stated 52" would be adequate. Pearson said an existing 52" pipe was installed at Powell's recommendation some time past. (2) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Pearson said they will need minimal water service to serve one rest- room for the whole development, which would be located in front of Building "A". Ken Wagner (Gas Company) said on January 2, 1927, a blanket easement was given for a gas line, that there was a water line put in around the same time, and both lines were relocated in later years. Pearson said the relocation was done when the 52" drain was installed. Bunn asked for a SO foot easement at the proposed new location for water and gas service. After considerable discussion, it was determined there is not enough room for an easement of that size between the buildings. Bunn said there must be ten feet between any other utility and the sewer line and there must be a minimum of five feet between the gas line and the water line, so that the minimum amount of easement needed would be 35 feet, and the site plan shows only 27 feet available. Bunn said he would not consider moving the sewer line but suggested the possibility of eliminating part of the east end of Building "A". Pearson said Architect Jerry Wilson would contact Bunn regarding this Bunn said he is not certain where the water access would be off Highway 71 and suggested they consider getting water service off other lines. He said the existing water line is 2" diameter, and Mr. Pearson said he thought that line only served the Sonic'Drive-In. Bunn said the cost for sewer taps would be $220.00 and $200.00 for water unless they have to make a tap in College Avenue, which would cost more. Bunn asked Mr. Pearson to consider getting an easement from the owner of Rita's Hair Design for the water line which goes off his property and onto her property at one point. Bunn said the water line needed for a fire hydrant must be 240 feet of 6" line at $8.00 a foot. He said when the fire hydrant goes in it will be considered a private hydrant and there will be a charge of $35 per month. He said the cost of installing the hydrant would come to about $3500, that the hydrant itself costs $800-$1,000. (3) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector): Poage explained where existing fire hydrants are located and said he would recommend (not require) the installation of another hydrant near the southeast corner of Rita's property. He said one existing hydrant is on the corner of Walnut and Sycamore Streets. He said 21 • • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 28, 1983 Page Three they require the buildings to be within 500 to 1,000 feet of a plug. He said this would necessitate a 6" water line, a 411" plug with two caps with 21" outlets. Mr. Pearson said he would have fire walls, that there would be concrete blocks between each rental. Poage recommended a 10 pound ABC fire extinguisher for the office. (4) Roy Hawkins ..(Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Hawkins asked for a 15 foot easement along the east side of the property for future development that might go in to the east, at which time they would require an additional 15 feet from the property owner to the east. He said phone service is available for the office from Highway 71. He said he did not object to having the existing 20 foot building setback on the east side also designated as a utility easement. (5) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Pearson told Faulkner they would want service to the office, and would only need lights for the rental units. Faulkner said he could figure area lighting costs if they wish to have outdoor lighting. He said service was available from Highway 71, that single phase is also available from the north side of Sycamore, but they would have to cross over with a pole to the property. He said either overhead or underground service is available. Larry Poage warned Mr. Pearson about the possibility of tenants running other appliances, etc. from extension cords off the overhead lights in the storage units, that this is a common problem which could affect his electrical load. (6) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner said gas service can come from where the water, sewer and gas lines are designated on the plat, side by side. Wagner asked that the easement be shown on the plat and that the property be as near to finished grade as possible before the lines are located. Relocation of lines will be at the developer's expense. Wagner prefers 90 days notice before lines are relocated. He said when the new easement is given, the owner may wish to secure a release of the old easement. Wagner said there is a double, high-pressure regulator setting located to the east of the driveway off Sycamore. He urged that the driveway be relocated to be a minimum of 25 feet from the setting or that a fence be built that can stop a car. He said the Gas Company will build a heavy guard around it as well. 312 • • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 28, 1983 Page Four (7) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Cable): Cable representative was not present, but Mr. Pearson indicated there was a possibility that at some time television service might be wanted in the office. (8) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. There is a five-foot concrete sidewalk requirement (in addition to curb) for North College which, in some instances,is waived or a Bill of Assurance granted for it to be built in the future at the call of the City. This must be requested in writing of the Board of Directors. If the requirement is not waived, under the Code it must be installed at the time of occupancy, or a cash bond posted for 100% of the cost to insure it will be installed within ninety days If the sidewalk is lined up with the right-of-way, this must be cleared with the Highway Department or there needs to be an easement for it to be located on private property. A five-foot concrete sidewalk is required along Sycamore Street. If the existing four -foot sidewalk can be repaired, Clayton Powell may allow this sidewalk to fulfill the requirement. A sidewalk in good repair is required and a new one must be five feet wide. b. If there are existing driveways, designate them as such on the plat. If driveways are proposed, they must be 121/2 feet from side property lines and 25 feet from the next driveway or a waiver from the Planning Commission must be requested in writing. If an existing driveway is enlarged, it must be closer to the south, not the north property line. c. Jones said the fifteen foot building setback shown on the plat is not a zoning requirement and, if it is not a building code requirement, there is a possibility of moving Building "A" in order to meet the water, sewer and gas easement requirement. She said, under the zoning ordinance in C-2, you can build to a side property line unless there is a different zoning district abutting the property. She said if they get the right rating on a masonry wall, they can build to the property line. d. The fifty foot setback shown from both streets is a minimum where there is parking between the building and the street. If the parking is located elsewhere, the setback can be 25 feet from the street if there is 10% landscaping between the building and the street. e. Easements must be shown on the drawing and copies provided of all recorded easements, prior to theissuance of a building permit. Also provide a copy of the released blanket gas easement. 3) Plat Review Committee Minutes April 28; 1983 Page Five f. Show the 80 foot right-of-way for Highway 71 on the plat. g• Notification about the proposed project must be given to the property owner on the east in one of three ways: 1) By posting a notice in the newspaper; 2) By sending a certified letter; or 3) Taking a copy to the property owner, get his signature and submit this to the Planning Office. She said this is a require- ment of Article 4, Section I, Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances, that the Notice must be posted in the legal section of the paper and must include a statement that plans are on file at the City office. A copy of the notice must be furnished the Planning Office. h. A vicinity map must be added to the plat. The parking space requirement is one space per 1,000 square feet of floor space and spaces should be drawn on the plat. The limits of paving (curbs) must be identified on the plat. Ten copies of revisions are due by May 2nd for consideration by Subdivision Committee on May 6 and Planning Commission on May 9. Someone must be present. k. If this is a lot split, Planning Commission approval is required (if Rita's Hair Design was established before 1970). If there were less than three acres for a first lot split or less than five acres for a second lot split, there must be Planning Commission approval 1. The east property line must be screened by view -obscuring fence or vegetation, or waived by the Planning Commission to allow 10% landscaping in lieu of the requirement. m. An as -built plot plan is required at the time of completion. n. If the cost of the structure is to must have a paragraph on each page seal (Arkansas registered). Check the State Energy Code. be more than $50,000, the plans with an architect or engineer's with the Building Inspector on 3, 4