HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-07 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, April 7, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. in the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner, L. 0. Ferguson Larry Poage, Don Bunn, Don Osburn, Wally Brt, Suzanne Kennedy Larry Winkler, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Robert Whitfield, Harry Gray The first item of,.business.was. review of the Concurrent Plat for the Oakland Town houses to be located on Oakland Avenue, R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Owner, Robert Whitfield, was present. (1) Clayton Powell (City Street CONCURRENT PLAT OAKLAND TOWNHOUSES OAKLAND AVENUE ROBERT G. WHITFIELD Superintendent): a. Requests five feet of additional right-of-way for Leverett Avenue. b. Street must be widened to 15.5 feet from the re-established center line of right-of-way. c. There must be a minimum of 6" SB2 base and sub -base prepared on the widening as necessary. d. If the Master Sidewalk Plan calls for sidewalks on the east side of the street, the sidewalk must be installed behind the curb, and storm -drained the full width of the lot because of the open bar ditch. e. A construction drawing for this street work is required, which does not have to be a formally stamped engineer's drawing. (Powell stated a precedent has been set one block south of this location, where Calvin Edens has built apartments and the same things were required. Whitfield stated only one of those complexes to the south is in compliance and Powell stated this is either because the units were built at different times or because a variance was granted.) f. Any utility relocation costs must be at the developer's expense or negotiated with utility companies. (2) Larry Poage (City Fire Department): Whitfield said there would be two-bedroom,two-story apartments with fire walls between them and individual utilities, sharing the same roof. 2► • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Two (3) Poage asked for a fire extinguisher to be built-in in a cabinet, centrally located, stating this is a requirement for buildings with over 1S persons in occupance. He said this should be a ten -pound ABC fire extinguisher on an exterior surface. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner asked that there be designated a 25 -foot utility easement and building setback between the building and the road on the east side of Oakland Avenue. He said this is standard procedure, that there is a regular distribution line located there. (4) Larry Winkler (SWEPCO): • (5) • Winkler said there is electric service available from the street, they will set a pole on the northwest corner and will install a couple of pedestals. In answer to SWEPCO representative Ivan Faulkner, Whitfield said each unit will have a front door light and at this time that was all the lighting they considered. Faulkner said lighting can be provided at a later date if requested. Faulkner said the street light shown on the southwest corner of the property is existing. Don Bunn (City Engineer): A water line easement needs to be shown on the plat graphically, in addition to or instead of the Note. The easement must be outside the overhang line, which might make it go into the driveway about three feet. It must be a full ten feet. Bunn said he wanted the sewer in the middle of the green area as was initially agreed upon and it probably would not be centered in the ten -foot easement. The Note should be changed to show its location in the easement. Bunn asked for plans and specifications to be submitted on the construction of the water line, which must be approved by his office and sent to the Health Department for approval. He said he would furnish some sample specifications for Whitfield's use. (6) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable): Ferguson requests 2" PVC under the concrete patio in the rear for the television cable, to extend past the edge of the patio at either side about a foot. He asked that this be done for each slab. Whitfield explained SWEPCO and Telephone will be under the patio as well, that he plans for a 2 -foot open ditch to be dug after the sewer is in place, and that the pads will not be poured until all the lines are tested. Whitfield said his plans were to bring conduit into a box, and back out in a loop. He said the structural problem is whether they will use condenser pedestals or pour and anchor all the PVC's in place at a given point. Whitfield said the architects 22 • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Three (7) have called for the condensers to set on a poured slab - he said the terraces are joined by a slab. Ferguson said, if it will be concrete all the way across, he will require a "sweep L" back to the building and a "sweep L" the same way going back out. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. The plat does not show where the lot lines for Lots 1 and 12 end and the common areas begin. Whitfield explained all the area other than the terraces and the space where the units set, is common area at the ends, the rear and the sides. He said when property is sold, the common area at each end of Lot 1 and Lot 12 is sold with the unit. He said the covenants take care of it with the cross easements, that all common areas are maintained by the Property Owners Association. b. Jones said this is the first concurrent plat on townhouses where lots do not front out on a street; that she will check to see if the Planning Commission needs to waive this. c. 10% planting is required to be shown on the plat between the parking and the street on the southwest corner, both on the plot plan and on the concurrent plat. d. Below the Resolution on the plat, the Certificate is normally to be signed by the Secretary of the Corporation, not by the President. Whitfield said this was an error. e. Show building setback and utility easement and water line easement graphically on the plat and change the wording of the Note on the water line or eliminate the Note. f. Jones asked if the porches were landings or porches with a roof (if they would be patio -types with a step up). Whitfield said it would depend on the floor elevation of each unit whether the porches would step up or be flush with the finished floor elevation. He said there would be a roof over the porches other than the three-foot roof overhang around the building. Jones said that is the roof which must not be over the water line easement. He said they had reduced the size of the porches from a depth of six feet to four feet, which only extends beyond the eave line one foot. g. Ten copies of revisions are due back by April 18, to go to Subdivision Committee on April 22 and Planning Commission on April 25th. h. Jones will have to check with the City Attorney on the parks fee ordinance. 23 • • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Four (8) Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Whitfield said meters were to be in either a grass or a permanently planted bed. Osburn said he would work out the house numbering, but suspected there will need to be one address, with separately numbered apartments, as there probably are not enough even numbers between existing numbers. He said, in order to get meters set, there needs to be a site card on the job with an address number on it, for temporary service. He said before there can be permanent service, they must have a number on the building and on each unit. Whitfield said 1376 was the number on the house which they have demolished, and asked if he could use the existing taps which had serviced the house. Bunn and Osburn stated they thought the water tap is probably not big enough and the sewer tap is probably not in the right place, but that the old tap would probably be used for temporary service only (for construction purposes). (9) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Brt said, the way the parking area is designed, the sanitation truck cannot turn around, and it is too dangerous to back out onto Oakland Avenue. There was discussion about changing the curb cut entering the parking lot, and Bobbie Jones warned they must stay ten feet back from the additional street right-of-way with the parking area. It was decided to move the curb (next to the parking) back to the west, to be ten feet east of the additional street right-of-way dedication, and that the area opened up be reserved for the truck to turn around, that it would be marked "no parking, service area, fire lane", and that 10% of the common area still left would have planting. Brt also asked that the concrete pad for trash dumpster shown on the plat be corrected to read 15 feet wide and 12 feet deep. (10) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company) submitted the following comments after the meeting: Roy Hawkins has talked to the developer and is requiring six 3/4" conduits to be located between units 1 and 2, between units 3 and 4, between units 5 and 6, between units 7 and 8, between units 9 and 10 and between units 11 and 12. The second item was review of a Large Scale Develop- ment Plan for a proposed apartment complex on Leverett Avenue between Lawson and Holly Street, owner Leon Edens, zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Harry Gray was present representing Northwest Engineers, Inc. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROPOSED APARTMENT COMPLEX LEVERETT AVENUE LEON EDENS Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Five (1) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Bunn stated water and sewer lines were located on Leverett Avenue and are available for the apartments. He said since the apartments are individually metered, Harry Gray will meet with him later to discuss the location of the water lines, the easements and the sewer. (2) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): The concrete pad must be 15 feet wide and 12 feet deep and the location is fine as shown on the plat. Brt stated there would be a problem with having to back out onto Leverett Avenue because there is no room to turn the sanitation truck around. Bobbie Jones pointed out there is more parking than is required, and Harry Gray said he would eliminate one parking space on the northwest corner of the lot to be reserved for turnaround for the Sanitation truck. (3) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell stated Leverett :Ave. had.been:tbrought up -to .olid standards and.has 26 feetuof pavement with:curb and ..gutter r. but that it is now designated as a collector street which could require four lanes, or 48 feet of pavement. He does not recommend any off-site improvements at this time for the width of the lot, but stated it is the perogative of the Planning Commission and the Board of Directors to require a Bill of Assurance for widening the street if they so desire. He said drainage should go to the east to the creek, that no drainage should empty out onto the street. Harry Gray stated the natural drainage is to the creek. (4) Larry Poage (City Fire Department): (5) Under City Ordinance No. 1537 any structure with over 15 persons in occupance must have a fire extinguisher. Poage requires three 10 - pound ABC extinguishers, one for each building. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): If gas services are required, he requests there be a twenty -foot utility easement on the north and that the 15 or 16 feet south of the existing buildings all the way to the flood plain be designated a utility easement. Along the west side, east of the additional street right-of-way, he requests a 25 -foot utility easement and building setback. He said gas is available along the east side of Leverett Avenue but asked Gray to let him know if gas service will be needed. 25 J • • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Six (6) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): (7) (8) (9) Faulkner said, if underground service is preferred, there is service available on the west side of Leverett Avenue. He said SWEPCO would have to go overhead to the 25 foot easement on the property at which point they can give an underground dip. Harry Gray said they would want to change the existing service to underground also. He said poles would be placed on each end of the property. He said he would work with Gray on a lighting system if one is wanted. Gray said on the north side of the property there is a green duplex and a white frame house behind it; that he plans to move the duplex and tear down the frame house. L.O. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable): Ferguson said he thought there was overhead cable service on the south side of the property, that if underground service is desired, the developer must furnish the ditch. He said the television cable can go in with the electric service, and asked that the Cable Company be notified in advance. Don Osburn (City Water Meter Foreman): Osburn said there are individual meters presently serving the existing buildings, which have individual house numbers. He said if there are enough numbers available to individually number the apartments, they will do so. He said they may have to use one number, as Bobbie Jones pointed out there are 25 units involved, and Osburn said that one number would be posted on either of the buildings, and apartments will be separately numbered. Gray said they plan to run a water line for the new units, but is not sure whether they will leave existing meters or move them. Osburn said it would be better to have all the meters in order and agreed to work that out with Gray at a later point. Osburn said all water meters should be outside the parking area behind the curb, preferably in dirt, not in sidewalk. Osburn said he would get in touch with Bobbie Jones on the address numbers. Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. Street easement for the thirty feet off the description is needed because the description reads to the centerline of Leverett Avenue. b. There is a four foot concrete sidewalk required along Leverett Avenue. c. 10% planting is required in the area between the parking and the street. eu • • • Plat Review Committee Minutes April 7, 1983 Page Seven d. Setbacks from street on parking are at a minimum. Number of spaces is in excess of the minimum requirement. e. A permit is required for the driveway and sidewalk from the City Engineer's office. f. Submit a history of ownership of the property to show it has not been divided since 1970. g• Check with Building Superintendent, Freeman Wood, regarding the flood plain. h. The property may be subject to a parks fee in the future -(even though that ruling has been overturned, it is on appeal.) (City Attorney advised 4-8-83, he plans to file a writ of supercedous If granted, the City will continue to enforce ordinance during appeal process and if the appeal is lost, monies and land would be returned to the developer.) j The parking area must be 62 feet wide. Ten copies of revisions are due no later than April 18 to go before Subdivision Committee on April 22 and before Planning Commission on April 25. (10) Connie Skinner (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): The following comments were submitted after the meeting: A 20 foot easement is required on the north and 15 foot easement on the south, as well as a 40 foot easement on the east side of the property. 27