HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, March 24, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. at the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, Ivan Faulkner, L. 0. Ferguson CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jim Napier, Don Bunn, Larry Poage, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Carnahan The only item to be considered at this meeting was Large Scale Development, Oakshire Apartments, Phase 3, Lots 8-12 of Block 2 of Kantz Place, located north of Highway 45 and east of East Oaks Drive Gary Carnahan, engineer, was present. _ LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT OAKSHIRE APARTMENTS -PHASE 3 KANTZ PLACE -BLOCK 2 -LOTS 8-12 EAST OAKS DRIVE P KANTZ DRIVE 1) Larry Poage (City Fire Inspector). He recommended fire extinguishers recessed in the wall with break-out type glass, one on each side of the building, with ten pound ABC dry chemical. He said there did not appear to be an access problem. He said a fire extinguisher is required for 15 or more occupants. 2) Jim Napier (City Street Department): In answer to a question from Bobbie Jones regarding sidewalks being ramped down at street intersections, Napier stated this would not be required in cases where it cannot be done safely because of steep grades, and where it is mostly residential. Gary Carnahan said sidewalks are existing on the east side of East Oaks Drive. Napier said, since side- walks are already there, no wheelchair ramps are required. Napier cautioned not to allow drainage to flow out driveways or onto public streets; that drainage needs to be controlled on the site. Carnahan said there were no culverts and the nearest box is at the intersection of East Oaks and Kantz Drive. Napier said he noticed there was no drainage shown on the plat, but pointed out::that water sheeting across the driveways or streets can create icing problems. Carnahan said the parking lots' natural drainage will be out to the streets. Napier said, with that big a volume of drainage, the Street Department would prefer underground drainage or drainage onto the back side of the lots into a drainage easement. Carnahan said he would try to turn the drainage out before it goes straight down the driveway. 3) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.):4 Wagner -saiu lie would preter that the south 25 feet of the tennis court area be designated as a utility easement to allow the Gas Company access to the balance of Lot 13, but said, since there is a gas line on the north side of Lot 13, they may be able to provide service off that line. He said he would get back to Carnahan on whether the easement will be needed and asked Carnahan to let him know if they will want gas heat. i7 " A • • Plat Review Minutes March 24, 1983 Page Two Wagner said there is an existing gas line along the south side of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 which turns south on the east side of Lots 14, 15 and 16, but said the gas line shown on the plat as coming off Kantz Drive does not exist. Wagner said, in order to have access to the east unit, the Gas Company requests a 25 -foot easement from the southeast corner of Lot 8 up to the 12 -unit apartments. 4) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): *(See footnote on Page Four) Faulkner said sidewalks within the development are shown as going over existing utilities which can create problems when work needs to be done on the utilities. Carnahan said each unit will have a 100 -amp breaker. Faulkner said, to increase the transformer capacity, some lines may have to be re -dug. Faulkner said they may also require the easement south of the tennis court and explained most customers want service from the back of the lot, not the side, so when the footage was cut off Lot 13 for the tennis court, the back lot service area was eliminated and there is no access from the existing easements. He said he would check on whether this easement is needed and will notify Carnahan and Bobbie Jones. Carnahan told Faulkner they wished to have area pole mounted lights but they are not sure on the location. Faulkner said he would work up a proposal on the lighting. Faulkner will require the same easement on the east as requested by the Gas Company. 5) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner -Amex Cable Co.): Ferguson said the Cable Company also does not have cable coming off Kantz Drive as shown on the plat. He said the Cable Company was in the same trench as SWEPCO. Ferguson would also prefer to have access to the back of Lot 13. There was some discussion as to whether the Cable Company has a pedestal located in the area of Lot 13. Mr. Ferguson said the service to the existing buildings on Lots 10-12 is not sufficient to extend to Lot 13. 6) Don Bunn (City Engineer): It was confirmed that there are water and sewer lines off Kantz Drive. Carnahan said they wish to have 20 double meter sets on Kantz Drive along the yard line. Carnahan said he did not know how to handle the back building. Bunn said with access to that building being off Kantz, he recommends putting in a 2" main in a 10 -foot easement run to serve the back building. Bunn said if there will be private sewer service to the south unit, it needs to be out of the 25 foot easement or at least on the edge of it. Bunn said there is an area out front where water meters can be placed without being on the parking lot. • • Plat Review Minutes March 24, 1983 Page Three 7) Don Osburn (Water Meter Foreman): Although not present, he requires each building to have a separate - address and then each apartment would be numbered. Bobbie Jones said the addresses will be assigned at the office. 8) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Although not present, he states that two trash containers are okay, but Carnahan should be looking towards having a third. Brt requires a letter of permission for trucks to travel on private streets and drives. 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a. Show existing sidewalks on the plat b. Wherever there is parking near the street, 10% landscaping is required between the parking and the street and this should be shown on the plat. c. On Lot 12, there should be 10% landscaping between East Oaks Drive and the west 16 units for the existing building and this should be shown on the plat. d. 59 parking spaces are shown on the plat for the existing buildings and 60 were required when the proposal was brought in. Jones said the parking must be at least five feet from the east property line and she suggested he could delete two east spaces and add them on the north or use some compact spaces. e. The east 12 units must be ten feet from the property line instead of 81 feet. She said he could shorten the roof overhang or shift everything. f. Required easements must be shown on the plat. g. As built plot plan is required upon completion. h. State Board of Health approval is required on plumbing prior to issuance of a permit. i. Energy certification is required. j Architect or Engineer's seal is required on the plat. k. A property line adjustment must be made through the Planning Office for the tennis court on lot 13 and Carnahan was asked to submit a letter requesting 112 feet of Lot 13 be combined with the other lots. 19 • • Plat Review Minutes March 24, 1983 Page Four 1. A waiver must be requested of the Planning Commission from the 100 foot setback from other R -zoned property on the tennis courts, a requirement in Section 7-14 of the Code. m. The conditional use request for apartments in R-0 for lots 8 and 9 is on the Planning Commission agenda for March 28. n. Large Scale Development approval will go before the Subdivision Committee on April 8 and before Planning Commission on April 11, so that revisions must be submitted by April 4. o $45.00 fee was due for review of a Large Scale Development plan. *3/30/83 Faulkner stated 2 easements will not be needed 2o