HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-10 MinutesMINUTES OF PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, February 10, 1983 at the Chamber of Commerce, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Ivan Faulkner, Kenneth Wagner, Rip Lindsey CITY STAFF PRESENT: Don Bunn, Wally Brt, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy The only item on the agenda was LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT to consider a Large Scale WALKER PARK NORTH Development Plan for Walker Park CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE North, submitted by the City of Fayetteville. Johnny Quinn was present to represent McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Quinn explained that all the project will presently entail will be earthwork, grading and cleaning for the northernmost softball field and the southernmost soccer field shown on the large scale development plan and there is no requirement for water at this time. Quinn said he did not know from where they will ultimately obtain the water. Bunn and Quinn discussed the possible relocation of some manholes and decided to possibly 1) remove and relocate the manhole in the southernmost soccer field; and 2) move the fence between the south soccer field and the north softball field so that the manhole will be outside the fence in between the fields. Don Bunn cautioned that shoes with cleats could possibly cause children to slide on manhole lids and suggested the use of asphalt over the manhole lids. 2) Rip Lindsey (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Mr. Lindsey said the Cable Company has no equipment any closer than the Naval. Reserve property. 3) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Stated he thought the Naval Reserve property as shown on this plat should be at the end of Church Avenue. He said there is a parking lot extending to the east but it does not go up to Block Avenue. Bobbie Jones said there is some leased property that does go all the way to Block Avenue. Wagner said the closest gas is at the Naval Reserve property or at the corner of 7th and Block. He said if gas is needed at a later date, the easements required by the telephone and electric companies will suffice. 4) Dick Shaw easement shown on materialized. Shaw requires Block Avenue. • A 25 foot utility easement is A 20 foot utility easement is Two inch PVC is required from manhole, subject to change in the (Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.): He said the 20 foot telephone the plat was in the planning stages at one time, but had never a 20 foot general utility easement running north and south along required along the north property line. required along the west property line. the concession stand to the closest telephone future. • • Plat Review Committee February 10, 1983 Page Two Shaw stated the phone company reserves the right to remove trees, if necessary. Bobbie Jones said the standard easement form states the utility companies may restrict the placement of trees, shrubs and fences. Quinn pointed out they were directed to preserve certain trees and will be marking them more noticeably in the future. Don Bunn said the Water and Sewer Department had already removed one of the marked trees within the last two weeks. Shaw asked that caution be used during any digging work over the existing underground phone system, as the conduit is 30" below ground and the ground is so soft. Quinn stated because of the sensitivity expressed about the trees along Block Avenue, they have no plans for wholesale clearing in that area, although the contract should allow them ingress and egress to the site. 5) Ivan Faulkner (SWEPCO): Faulkner stated that SWEPCO will require the same easements as listed above for the phone company. Faulkner stated, because of the closing of llth Street, they need the easement around the perimeter as described. Faulkner stated, for lighting in the future, SWEPCO has no distribution in the area and it would be necessary to bring power in from the easiest and most efficient direction. Quinn stated they will require lighting in the future. 6) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Brt said service will be off Block Avenue. Quinn stated they have no plans for a driveway on Block Avenue at this time and that the parking lot planned just north of the concession stand has now been changed. He said they plan to park at the Naval Reserve lot or up and down Block Avenue. Brt said an entrance is required for right now so the Sanitation Department can set a container on the site as they will not drive over the curbs and side- walk. He requires at least a 30 -foot opening for the entrance with either 18 inches or two feet of SB2, as the dumpster is required to be there. He said a concrete entranceway would be preferable, as this would alleviate any future problems. He said the closest dumpster to the site is already overloaded • He suggested the location for the dumpster be diose)to the concession stand at the corner of the soccer field. The dumpster may be screened on three sides, with the opening to be on the Block Avenue side. He said it can be installed at an angle and it can be located on a concrete pad; the pad should be 12 by 15 feet and will increase the life of the container. As to trees, Brt stated he must have 21 feet of overhead clearance to dump the container; the container must be at least four cubic yards. 7) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Powell was not present, but submitted the following comments prior to the meeting: He has reviewed the plat with the engineering firm and with Community Development. He said one thing has been left off the plat: on Block Avenue, there are drainage drop inlets that drain to the west in the approximate vicinity of the llth Street right-of-way that is to be vacated. He wants to insure that there is a 25 foot drainage easement that aligns with those inlets for an unobstructed drainage to Tin Cup Creek. He does not just want this noted on the plat - he wants it improved. • • • Plat Review Committee February 10, 1983 Page Three 8) Freeman Wood (City Building Inspector): Wood was not present, but asked Bobbie Jones to comment on the flood plain. Bobbie Jones said part of the site was in the floodway as well as flood plain. She said that about 25 feet in most cases and as much as 50 feet in some cases from the center of the creek is floodway in different areas with flood plain outside that. She said if the ground level is raised in the flood plain it will force water somewhere else and this cannot be done without obtaining flood plain permit. Any work done in the floodway will require a rechannelization permit from the Corps of Engineers. Quinn stated they had planned to raise the level on the west end of the softball field to about two or three feet. Bobbie Jones said there is a floodway along both sides of the creek and there is the flood plain in addition to that. She asked Quinn to submit elevations and changes and meet with Freeman Wood about obtaining a permit. 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a) The City's master sidewalk plan requires sidewalks on the west side of Block Avenue, on the north side of Eleventh Street and on the north side of 13th Street. Quinn stated there are sidewalks along Block Avenue on the west side. Bobbie Jones asked that a notation be made on the plat that these side- walks are in existence. Jones stated as to the other sidewalk requirements, a letter must be submitted to the Board of Directors if they wish to request a waiver. Actually, the Board should amend the plan if they vacate llth Street. b) Property owners with common boundaries must be notified. Quinn stated this has been done. c) Off-street parking requirements are two spaces per acre, which makes a total of 32 spaces required. Off-site parking must be approved by the Planning Commission;:on-street' parking must go before the Board of Adjustment. d) If a driveway is added, this must be shown on the plat. e) New easements must be shown on the plat. The Planning Office can type up easement forms. f) Right-of-way vacations for streets must go before the Board of Directors. Quinn said he understood Sandra Carlisle with Community Development is working with David McWethy to have this item placed on the agenda. Bobbie Jones suggested Mr. Quinn bring the utility and drainage easements before the Board of Directors at the same time. These should be shown on the plat and be given legal descriptions. • • Plat Review Committee February 10, 1983 Page Four g) Even though building permits are probably not required, Certificates of Occupancy should be issued, with no fee, for the ballpark improve- ments. This can be done after the Planning Commission and Board of Directors actions. h) Outdoor sports areas without spectator facilities must be 100 feet away from a residential zone, and outdoor sports areas with spectator facilities must be 200 feet away from any residential zoned property. The Planning Commission may reduce those requirements but it should be explained to them which requirements they are being asked to reduce. Jones stated all the property surrounding the site will be residentially zoned with the exception of the property to the west side of Tin Cup Creek. She said the neighboring property west of the creek is zoned C-2 and to the east of the creek is zoned R-2. Jones and Quinn discussed the probable location of spectator facilities and Jones stated the facility to the north would be within fifty feet of R -zoned property and would require a waiver. She stated the playing fields themselves would need a waiver from 100 feet to 30 feet. i) Quinn asked about access to the adjoining R -zoned property to the west and Jones stated the Board of Directors would have to consider this question when they consider the request to vacate llth Street. j) The City should set aside an easement for its sewer line, even though it is City property. k) As each phase is completed, as built plot plans must be furnished and Certificates of Occupancy will be issued as the phases progress. 1) Concession stands and other structures must be thirty feet from the right-of-way of Block Avenue. This is a minimum setback from any overhang of a structure, without parking between the building and the street. A building permit is required for the structure (no permit fee). m) Clearance from the Health Department must be obtained on the food aspect of the concession stand. n) All requests for waivers must be made in letter.form. Sandra Carlisle may be the appropriate person to submit letters of this type. o) Revisions to the plat are due on February 21 to be considered by Subdivision Committee February 25 and Planning Commission February 28.