HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on Thursday, January 27, 1983 at 9:00 A.M. at the Central Fire Station, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Kenneth Wagner, L. 0. Ferguson, James Crownover, Roy Hawkins CITY STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Hopper Don Bunn, Larry Poage, Bobbie Jones, Suzanne Kennedy The only item to be reviewed at this meeting was Revisions to the Preliminary Plat of Rolling Meadows, Phase III. Tom Hopper was present representing Crafton, Tull, Spann $ Yoe, Inc., Architects and Engineers. REVISIONS P.RELIMINARY PLAT ROLLING MEADOWS PHASE III TOM HOPPER 1) James Crownover (Ozarks Electric Cooperative): Crownover said in Phases 1 and 2 underground service was not possible because the rocky ground made it impossible to dig. Tom Hopper said they have dug test holes and he feels it would be possible to dig. They have not made a final decision on underground or overhead service. Crownover stated all the easements look good, but wants to know where they will put any paved drainage ditches in the easements. He stated there would not be room for all utilities underground in the easement. Hopper said they plan to pave all the ditches that are open; there is a proposed ditch along the north side from Sheryl where Lot 198 is and on the back lot line between Briarcliff and Cortland but not between Cortland and Eton. He said between Lots 97 and 98 the easement goes west along the north line, jogs back to the north a few feet and then west towards Sheryl. Hopper stated there was no change from the 1981 drawing and they are preparing a topographic map to confirm the elevations of the previous developer and said they intend to hold to the layout submitted on June 5, 1981 as far as the location of utilities and ditches. Hopper said the ditch would be four to five feet wide or whatever width he and Clayton Powell agree on. He said it will be deeper on Lot 98 and will become shallower at Lot 103 and 104. Crownover said he did not think 25 feet would be adequate with all the utilities in one easement between Briarcliff and Cortland,,as well as the drainage ditch. Hopper said he was -willing to coordinate whatever width is needed without being underneath the pavement of the drainage ditch. Crownover stated he did not want to go past where development is taking place and would prefer to put in service in stages rather than all at one time and have portions of the service sitting unused Hopper stated the first phase of development would be Eton Street. He said the new developer will be Sam Rogers, not Wade Bishop. In answer to a question from Bobbie Jones, Hopper stated they intend to both build houses and sell vacant lots. • • • Plat Review Committee January 27, 1983 Page Two 2) Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Co.): Wagner stated the Gas Company had to relocate where the paved drainage ditch went in, because of the tapered banks. Hopper said he would have a thirty foot easement along the back lot line if that was more suitable. Bobbie Jones said the only lots a thirty foot easement would affect as far as setbacks would be corner lots at the street intersections. Wagner said the Gas Company would like some services across before the cementing is laid, especially on the north side of Briarcliff and between Briarcliff and Cortland - he said there would be eight services to be put across. He said there is gas on all four sides of the development and said the Gas Company would send a contract - customer's expense subject to reimbursement. 3) Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): Hawkins stated the Phone Company has existing services in a private easement going down each location to serve Phases 1 and 2. He said the plat shows utility easements on top of the existing private easement which was granted to the Phone Company so they could serve Phases 1 and 2. He said there is no problem as far as their changing this to a utility easement, but since they do have existing cables in this area, they don't want their cables_under the concreted ditch. He said they have pedestals lined up all the way down and agrees that a 25 foot easement could be too small. Hopper said two easements shown on the west side of Elizabeth between Lots 110 and 111 and between Lots 106 and 107 are not in the recorded easement and he said there will have to be an adjustment if that is where the line is buried. Hawkins said the cable was between 100 and 200 pair cable. He said he was willing to meet with a survey crew today and other than changing the number of lots as some of the preliminaries came through, there is no problem. 4) L. 0. Ferguson (Warner Amex Cable Co.): Ferguson said the concrete ditches could create a terrible problem, as they have lots of materials located underground in places where they have never been used and, with the current state of the economy, the Cable Company does not wish to bury more cable under concrete. He said, for underground service, the developer should furnish the trenching and they require conduit for their cable where it must cross under the concrete drainage ditch. 5) Don Bunn (City Engineer): Don Bunn said if there was to be service across a paved ditch or across a paved street, this should be stated in the contract. the are 6) Larry Poage (City Fire Department): No comments. 7) Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Not present, following comments: As long as the street pattern or the standards for cul de sac not altered, the Sanitation Department has no problem. but submitted or turnaround 2 Plat Review Committee January 27, 1983 Page Three 8) David McWethy (Assistant City Manager): Not present, but submitted the following comments: Move streetlight at the northwest corner of Lot 163 to the southwest corner of Lot 102. He asked about the distance from the streetlights on the end of Cortland and Eton to the next existing streetlight. Bobbie Jones stated these lights measure about 350 feet apart, which is fifty feet more than the required minimum; the Planning Commission has the authority to waive the distance. James Crownover stated, in the past, they have just adjusted the streetlights to hit the latccorner. Bobbie Jones said that, if the distance is very close to the required 300 feet, there is a good possibility the Planning Commission would waive the requirement. 9) Bobbie Jones (City Planning Administrator): a) Copies of the revised topographic map might be helpful to those present and to Clayton Powell. b) If there will be Covenants, provide her with a copy; if there are to be norCovenants, this should be indicated on the plat. c) For streetlight spacing which exceeds 300 feet, a waiver must be granted by the Planning Commission. This should be requested in a letter. She said this would include a light on Eton 320 feet from Elizabeth, a light at the intersection of Elizabeth and Rolling Hills or south of the one shown on Elizabeth. d) Correspondence from the Street Department dated 5/12/81 states "a drainage swale across the west end of Briarcliff Street would be approved provided two drop inlets are constructed on Elizabeth Avenue at the south side of the Cortland Street intersection and stormdrained to the east along the south side of Cortland Street." e) Correspondence from the Planning Administrator dated 5/7/81 states the Planning Commission had approved the revised preliminary plat for all of Rolling Meadows on July 12, 1976, with five contingencies: 1. A waiver on the maximum length of a dead-end street (cul de sac) was granted for two streets; 2. Drainage be to the satisfaction of the City Street Department; 3. The location of a fire hydrant be moved as requested by the City Engineer; 4. A sidewalk tie be provided for school children between Elizabeth Avenue and Sheryl Avenue; 5. Elizabeth Avenue not be required to be constructed to tie through to Harold Street. 3 • • Plat Review Committee January 27, 1983 Page Four Bobbie Jones said that letter also stated that "no land or cash in lieu of land will be required to process the final plat on the balance of this subdivision since the preliminary plat has already been approved and two phases of the subdivision completed." f) Jones said a letter from the City Attorney dated May 22, 1981 states "as to whether the developer of a subdivision must install a sidewalk along a platted street which was vacated after the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat and imposed the sidewalk requirement. It is my opinion that passage by the City Board of Directors of an ordinance vacating the street negates the sidewalk requirement along that portion of the street which is vacated." g) In Planning Commission Minutes of sidewalk tie be eliminated as the and the Planning Commission voted 5-3. 6/8/81, Wade Bishop requested the property owners did not want it to eliminate that requirement, h) Bobbie Jones said it looks funny to have sidewalk part way up one side of Elizabeth and then part way up the other side. Hopper agreed to keep the sidewalk consistent along the east side i) Jones said the Planning Commission will ask if adjoining property owners have seen the plat, and she asked that he notify her when this has been done. j) Jones advised Hopper to draw up a contract which would state how long it would take to develop how many lots. Hopper stated there is to be a total of 70 lots. 10) Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Not present, but submitted the following comments: There are requirements, from the time of the previous developer, regarding drainage on the north perimeter to connect drainage from Sheryl Street. Elizabeth Street should extend to Rolling Hills Drive which is four or five lots outside the perimeter of the Subdivision. Mr. Frank McDonald has a $1500 bond posted. He built a house on a street that had not been developed and extended his driveway to the house. Powell is opposed to piecemeal development of streets in the subdivision because he feels the public improvements should be put in all at one time. Powell feels the developer should be responsible for maintenance of all concrete -lined drainage ditches in Phase III, as utilities coming in at different times could cause damage to the ditches which might never be repaired. • PAGE SUBJECT DATE 1 Tom Hopper (Prel. Plat - Rolling Meadows, Ph. III) Walker Park North, City of Fayetteville (LSD) The Salvation Army (LSD - A Corps Community Center) Smith -Lindsey Homes, Inc. (Req. to Vacate Utility Easement - Hylnd.Pk.Ph.3) Douglas Knapp & Sandra Pringle (Vacate Alley - 515 Park Ave.) Loraine L. Couch (Abandon Unimproved R -O -W on 8th St., W. of Church) Cecil & Georgia Drake (Abandon R -O -W on 8th St. between Blk 3&4, Ferguson's) Cowdrey 8 Associates, Inc. (Final Plat - Sequoyah S., Ph. I - Seq.Land Co.)' Oakshire Apts., Ph. 3 (LSD - Kantz Place-Blk 2- Lots 8-12 - E. Oaks Dr.) Robert G. Whitfield (Concurrent Plat - Oakland Townhouses - Oakland Ave.) Leon Edens (LSD - Proposed Apt. Complex - Leverett Ave.) C.T. Pearson, Jr. (Site Plan - Keyport Self -Storage) Ben Israel (Site Plan - Lot 5 - College Market Addition - Market Ave.) Gerald K. Richards (General Mills) - (Site Plan - Red Lobster Restaurant) Rogers Co. (Final Plat - N. Briar Subd.) A.W. Realty (Final Plat - Vantage Square - Front St.) Dr. James Maddox (Prel. Plat - LSD - Abundant Life Tabernacle - 1855 Porter) Randy Dodd (LSD - Chicken Country Restaurant - 1899 N. College Ave.) Andrew Corporation (Site Plan - LSD - City Lake Rd.) Lindsey, Sexton $ Reynolds (LSD - Paradise Valley Condos, Tract A, Joyce St) Fox Run, Inc. (Final Plat - S. of Hwy 45 E. - Outside City Limits) Maguire Enterprises (LSD - Prel. Plaza Offices - S. of Zion, E. of Frontage) M.A.P. Group (Prel. Plat - Point West - Sycamore St. $ Hwy 71 Bypass) First Federal Savings $ Loan Branch (LSD - N. College Ave.) Lawrence Mong (Mong Dynasty Res. - LSD - N. College Ave.) Fayetteville Municipal Airport (LSD - Drake Field) Ozark Forest Products (LSD - Beechwood Ave.) Soap & Suds (LSD - Sycamore) •9 12 13 13 13 13 17 21 24 28 33 37 41 43 46 50 53 58 63 66 69 75 78 81 87 •92 • 01-27-83 02-10-83 02-17-83 02-17-83 03-03-83 03-03-83 03-03-83 03-03-83 03-24-83 04-07-83 04-07-83 04-28-83 05-05-83 05-12-83 05-12-83 05-12-83 05-12-83 05-26-83 05-26-83 07-14-83 08-11-83 08-25-83 08-25-83 10-06-83 10-27-83 11-17-83 12-01-83 12-29-83