HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-03 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, December 3, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: CITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Dick Shaw, Kenneth Wagner, Floyd Hornaday. Don Bunn, Clayton Powell, Wally Brt, Cynthia Stewart, Harold Lieberenz. Mike Todd, Cliff Elliot. The Plat Review Committee considered the Large Scale Development Plan for an addition to the Safeway Store located at the Southeast corner of North College Avenue and Lafayette Street. Safeway Stores, Inc. Developer. Property zoned -C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial District. Mike Todd and Cliff Elliot were present to represent. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT SAFEWAY STORE NORTH COLLEGE AND LAFAYETTE:..: 1. 2. 3. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): Recommend the developer dedicate sufficient right of way to bring his side of Lafayette and Highway 71 B up to Master Street Plan standards. B. Increase the turning radius to 50 ft. at the developer's quarter of the intersection. C. Widen the Southeast traffic lane on Lafayette. Powell stated the developers (leasee) should discuss these improvements with the owner of the property. Any improvement to 71B or Lafayette will require the State Highway Department, District Engineer's approval as well as the City Street Superintendent and City Engineer's approval on plans and profiles. All improvements must be done under the supervision of a State Registered Architect or Engineer. Don Bunn (City Engineer): Stated that if any dirt work is done on the West side of the property near the transformer pad, that the Water and Sewer Department should be contacted before it commences. Todd stated a sprinkler system will be installed. Bunn said he would like the contractor for the fire spinkler system to get in touch with him. Also, any lines run for the sprinkler system will be owned and maintained by the Developer. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): Asked if the addition would create any additional gas usage. Elliot stated they are adding on to accomodate a deli and bakery and they do anticipate increased gas usage. Wagner asked if the developer anticipates having to move the meter on the East side of the Building. Elliot stated yes. Wagner said if the �0� • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting December 3, 1981 Page 2 meter has to be relocated, it will be done at the developers expense. Wagner stated he would like a minimum of 60 days notice on having to relocate the meter. Also, if the meter load- is large enough,that it has to be placed on the ground, it will require a 3 square foot concrete pad. 4. Floyd Hornaday (SWEPCO): Stated he had discussed the relocation of the transformer with Mr. Guisnell . He stated at that time the relocation of the existing transformer to the Southwest corner of the building on the West side was discussed and a cost estimate was submitted to him. This plan shows the proposed relocation to the South side of the building further East He said this will result in a substantial increase in the cost of the relocation. He said he would prepare another cost estimate on the relocation. This proposal will put another bend in the conduit. There are already two bends, plus the extra distance with this proposal. Hornaday stated where the conduit bends, galvanized, 90 degree, long sweep elbows, a minimum of 36 inches will have to be installed. If the developer does not already have specifications on the construction of the new tranformer, SWEPCO will furnish them. Hornaday stated the relocation of the transformer will require a service outage. Elliot stated Safeway would prefer changing the location of the transformer in the early hours of the morning so that the store will be out of service as short a time as possible. Hornaday stated SWEPCO would work with Safeway as much as possible, but he felt it would probably take a day to pull wite,and relocate the transformer. Hornaday asked if there would be an increase in load, he stated presently, the load is 500. Elliot stated they anticipate doubling the usage. Hornaday said they would tentatively look at 1000. Some power poles will have to be removed, with this addition. Another pole will have to be placed on the Safeway site, but it -will be located close to the street on College. 5. Dick Shaw (MA BELL): Stated phone service is presently located in the parking lot in conduit. He said care should be taken if any work is done in that area. The proposed plan shows telephone service entering through the roof. Shaw said he would prefer service to enter the building underground. The Developer will provide schedule 40, 2" pvc conduit from the entrance location in the building over to turn up the pedestle on the Southeast corner of the property. It should be packed over the conduit to bear the weight of the traffic it will have to support. The developer may want to install two wall conduit. There will be approximately 120 ft. of conduit and where necessary sweeping, 90 degree, galvanized elbows will be installed. Service will be installed per 1981 National Electrical Code. 6. Wally Brt (City Sanitation Superintendent): Asked where the Developer plans on placing containers for trash removal. Todd stated the new location of the containers will be on the East side of the building and will be screened. Brt stated that location is fine. Wally stated they should be placed on a pad. 1 02 • L Plat Review Committee Meeting December 3, 1981 Page 3 7. Harold E. Lieberenz (Inspection Superintendent): A. Work out fire protection problems per letter dated 9-9-81 from Ms. Bobbie Jones. B. Comply with the State Energy Code for the new addition. w o C. Architect certification will be required on each page of the plans t for the addition. Mk CA D. Only the City Board of Directors can waive the requirements for o3 additional right of way to bring Lafayette and College up to Master ab Street Plan requirements. c;7 4 E. Only the City Board of Directors can waive the required_improvements to Lafayette and College al© F. Sidewalk will be at least S ft. where required by the Master Sidewalk Plan. @©©LtuM, -MOO G!©44t k G . The Bill of Assurance on record concerning this property is applicable. H . 10% landscaping must be installed between College Avenue and the new section of the store in order to implement the reduced building setbacks. I. The hearing for the reduced setback for the loading dock will be heard by the Board of Adjustment Monday, December 7, 1981. J . At this time, there is sufficient on site parking shown for the project. However, the -additional right of way dedication may make the on site parking insufficient. 103 J